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Supergirl Supergirl Season 1 Episode 15 - "Solitude" MAJOR SPOILERS

We need our science explained, dammit. I just go with the shielding theory, the same one that explains how Kryptonians can catch a normal human in mid air and not shatter every bone in their body. It's like one of us trying to catch a baby, we'd kind of try and hold back some.
There's also the "kick back and enjoy the damn show" school of thought, where people aren't so uptight and have fun in life.

This made me snicker.......
'Accept everything / question nothing'.
Better than last week. One of the best of the season. Last half was strong. Liked the level of intensity in the third act. Liked the finish except for the James---Lucy stuff.
I'm also glad they didn't drag out Alex's secret. Happy for a quick resolution.
I thought that was written and acted perfectly.
Winn should not have been able to affect a Brainiac with malware but I'll take it, she'll be back
this ep had soooo much easter eggs for DC fans its like a valentines present :heart:

but i just lost my shizz when i saw the omegahedron. that 5 year old supergirl fan in me was just squeeeeing :grin:

and so it seems, that the decades of heckling the Supergirl movie endured is now vindicated :mnm:

Sterling Gates brought that back for his comic run, its one of a pair in his run, The Alphahedron and the Omegahedron
I feel like I'm the only poster who roots for the bad girls Astra, Siobhan, and Indigo LOL. :cwink:
So there was a new episode last night on the East coast? I wonder why my dvr did not record? Ive got it set to record all first run episodes.
Oh Fffffuuuu...

anyone else caught Indigo's threat when Non asked her what she did?
I don't think she was talking about wanting to nuke the city. The wording was just so... specific

"Hell is coming to earth ... see you after the Apokolips!"
If anything held down this episode it was the office drama. I hope the rest of the season will match up to the quality of For The Girl Who Has Everything.
That was one of the best episodes of the season, it was a damn near perfect episode of Supergirl. I'd put it right alongside Human For A Day for sure,

Firstly the Easter Eggs; Kelex, Legion ring (a hint at a future appearance hopefully), the omegahedron and the Fortess itself (including the Fortress key).

Speaking of the fortress it was very much a mix of the Animated Seies, JLU and Smallville/Superman the movie versions. It wa fantastic. I hope they return in future.

For me though the best thing about this episode was how well they used Laura Vandervoort, they gave her lots to do and she played it superbly. Also after some ''Mystique' type promo pics I thought in action she didn't much resemble Mystique at all.

There's loads more to get into but I don't want to go on to long.

A well deserved 9/10.
Oh Fffffuuuu...

anyone else caught Indigo's threat when Non asked her what she did?
I don't think she was talking about wanting to nuke the city. The wording was just so... specific

"Hell is coming to earth ... see you after the Apokolips!"

The Furies, perhaps?

For me...

This was the best episode of the season.

I know some have a problem with the Catco love stuff, but I saw no problem with it, in that I didn't see that it took time from other story lines. I have had that complaint with 1 or 2 other episodes, but not this one.

Scene by Scene...

**I have loved any and all scenes where it is "Alex and Kara" being "Alex and Kara" sisters...love those scenes, and I happen to love Cruellers myself, so I totally understand why Kara was upset that she had to settle for Powder donuts. Alex should have gone to another Donut shop. That is only a slight problem for me... ;)
I also love that the writers are not writing Kara as this "perfect, I love everyone all the time kind of character"...she's real, and though she knows that she should forgive Hank, she can't. And YAY, Supergirl sleeps through her alarm too...

**Loving how "Cinnabon" is showing that she isn't "all that", and Kara is showing her up in some respects...because as we know she IS the better assistant. I think it will be very interesting to see the transition into the Silver Banshee. "I could throw her into space, I dream about doing that..." I would have loved to have seen that dream.

**Loved the sparing between Jonn and Alex, great scene. It was very poignant when Alex asked about him losing his relationship with Kara. I was wondering the same thing.

Moving on to the Apartment scene with Indigo...

**Laura is doing a fantastic job as Indigo....my only question from that scene was....what happens when she scans someone? not that I wanted her to do that just so I could see.

**The only thing I could have done without was the "proposal scene"...kinda weird. But, loved the Non/Indigo dialogue. "Candy Crush...." haha

**Poor Winn, he has no idea what he has gotten himself into, but I am loving how they are using his computer expertise. I hope they can find something more for James to do, other than being a "puppy dog" following Kara. I think this episode DEFINITELY headed him in the right direction. My hope is that Kara will not fall right into his arms, I think keeping him at arms length until next season is the best way to go.

**LOVED the banter in the FOS. I have no idea what any of the "easter eggs" are all about, but it was fun reading all of the fanboys and girls geeking out over them. AND, I loved that they answered the question of why had she not gone to the FOS before now.

**The Lucy/Kara scene was beautifully written, short, sweet, to the point and really made me like their friendship, I hope that they build on that before it comes crashing down with Super Woman...

**The fight scene between SG and Indigo was well done in a very small space. The only problem I had was that I would have liked to have seen more of how Supergirl gets out of Indigo's grip...it seemed far to easy.

**The flying sequence with the bomb was excellent, I loved looking down and seeing the landscape below SG and the bomb. AND COME ON KARA, HEAT VISION? SERIOUSLY? ;) This was actually the first time I have felt an actual HUGE THREAT that put me on the edge of my couch watching it on TV on ANY CB TV series EVER. Loved it...

**I think that the scene showing how Kara's pod came to earth was all that was needed, the scene at the beginning episode IMO was not needed, I would have much rather had Kara throwing "Cinnabon" into space as her dream. Loved the line "You are just a glorified Windows Vista"....hahahahahahahahaha WAS THAT RED KRYPTONITE?

**Ooooooh Winn....

**I really liked how Kara was still jittery from stopping a Nuclear Bomb, usually the superhero does something HUGE and walks away. Nice touch...and Lucy (Jenna) did a great job in the scene with James. I really like her character...

**I'm not sure I can put into words how I felt about the scene with Jonn/Alex/Kara... Chyler showed some acting chops that are Emmy worthy....and I don't know if anyone else has noticed. But the hugs on this show are REAL. They actually HUG, tight, with emotion....Melissa's ability to show emotion without saying anything is great to watch. I often wonder how often writer's actually see a scene played out EXACTLY the way they saw it their head when they wrote it...I think in this case, they did.

**Nice easter egg in the last scene....

Overall 10+ for me. It's a shame that more people didn't watch this excellent episode, I hope they catch it on VOD or CBS All Access, because it was excellent.
Good episode. Laura was great as Indigo. I was glad to also see her as her normal self in addition to Mystique.

The ending was quite emotional and I thought Kara would walk out and would take her anger out on Chlyer in "Falling" under the influence of red kryptonite. Maybe she still will. Maybe she just made a decision of the will to forgive her sister but her heart isn't quite there yet.

Was that the Omegahedron at the end? Was it supposed to be a homage? It would be nice to see Kara holding that.

Also, would be nice to have Melissa, Laura and Helen Slater all in one episode one day in the same scene. They could've done that this time if they had her visiting when Indigo first showed her true self.
There was so many fun easter eggs in the episodr. I always love those nods, winks, and shutouts for fans to spot.
one petpeeve thing that drives me nuts about these shows is that they take a regular computer nerd (IT girl felicity, IT or whatever he is guy Winn) and then suddenly they are better hackers and tech guys than the FBI/DEO/W.E
Well we know with both they had some hacking background. And not judt a normal geeks quad tech.
Great episode, Indigo was one of the best villains the show has done so far, I wasn't expecting as much personality out of Laura Vandervoort. The effects when she morphed out of screens were cool and she provided Kara with a physical challenge as well as a big set piece with the missile chase.

The Fortress of Solitude scenes were magnificent nerdery that made me smile, "Nobody likes a backseat flyer!" :D

I don't have the aversion to romance that most of my fellow nerd bretheren seem to have, it's always been part of comics, but I just don't feel any sense of spark between Kara and Jimmy, and his wishy washy way of treating Lucy wasn't cool, he's big on motivational speeches but weak sauce when it comes to handling his own business.

Non is such a prick, ideal for the villain as you want to see him get whooped, hopefully he rebuilds Indigo.

"I'm going home to cook my son a Chicken!" Don't change Cat. :funny:

The development between Winn and Siobhan was surprising given we know where things are heading, poor Winn but at least he got some sugar from a beauty!

The end scene with Kara and Alex was pitch perfect, you could hear the pent up emotion and worry in Alex's voice and Kara's facial expression was one of anger that melted into compassion, the lack of verbal response with a hug instead just worked beautifully as Alex sobbed into her Super sister.
I thought Hank was gonna get in on the huggage too and he had to be a little miffed that Kara couldn't forgive him, but the little hand hold sealed the deal.
Wow, that was one of the best episodes. Superb. I was wondering if they were going to show the Fortress' Key and lo and behold they did.

This show has really hit it's stride.
Really liked this episode.
Best line of the episode: "You're not a god, you're just a glorified Windows Vista!"

Also, "You threaten to kill me a lot." Winn is the best.

That said...

I normally don't mind the Arrowverse relationship drama that much (it's part of the territory, I get it), but lately it's just been getting ridiculous. These breakups and false starts are all so arbitrary and convoluted that I'm not even sure which couples I'm supposed to be rooting for.

Although the scenes with Winn and Siobhan were hilarious. Again, Winn is the best.
Would have been hilarious if Superman showed up and saved the city. It still is weird how this city was almost wiped out and still have evil kryptonians to deal with, and superman has not showed up to help out besides that 1 incident in which he saved supergirl.

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