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Supergirl Supergirl Season 2 Episode 2 - "Last Children Of Krypton" MAJOR SPOILERS

I didn't see it that way at all. I'm in that same boat myself, and I can assure you....looking on to the next chapter is definitely realistic at her age and juncture in life. My calling wasn't journalism, it is education, but I'm exactly where she is right now, and it felt totally plausible to me.
Completely agree with this. People as successful as Cat Grant have an internal drive to always do something more. she has completely conquered the media world in this, and quite frankly she no longer feels challenged in that arena. I know many people won't understand that because not many people have ever gotten to the top of their field. But she has conquered it all, and now she feels the need for a new challenge. I really liked her Shark swimming in a small tank analogy. Its exactly people of her ilk are made up. Its the same reason Michael Jordan wanted to play baseball. Part of what made these people so successful is that internal drive to be the best. if she no longer feels challenged that drive diminishes.
Another fun episode.

The Metallos are strong, no? I feel like I saw Corbin punch Alex in the face.

And I'm a little salty we didn't see more of the brawling style Superman was showing in the paparazzi footage of him fighting the second Metallo.
The Meh:

Metallo. He was ok. I thought he certainly seemed intimidating. But I don't care for how they had two. It definitely reduced the specialness of metallo himself. I also wish they'd built Corban up over a series of episodes being a bad guy before turning him into a super powered one. Would have added a bit more weight to it. Besides that he just had little character. The beauty of the Metallo from the Animated Series was his loss of humanity. He blamed Superman for losing his ability to feel or touch, and that was a driving force. This guy was just like "oh, cool, i'm metal now. What did you want me to do?"

Agreed 100% even Smallville showed a bit of that with BAG (Brian Austin Green) as Corben! This wasn't Metallo and having two definitely diminishes the tragedy aspect that is tied with the character. Not to mention he's more Machine than Man so he's Terminator like.

Ok.....finally got some time to sit down and type.

Absolutely loved this episode. As I said before out of the 22 episodes we now have seen it is #1 for me at this point.


1. Melissa's comedic timing is unbelievable, and I think I'm really going to enjoy her and Snapper together, cannot wait to see more.
2. FINALLY, the sister confrontation I was waiting for, it was shorter and more chilled than I thought it would be, but very well written and acted.
3. Enjoyed Tyler much more this time around, and the chemistry is so strong between him and Melissa, hope to see some more of this in the future.
4. LOVING "The Doctor", Strong is doing a fantastic job, she is ruthless and unchallenged, but loved Kara's message to her at the end.
5. What can I say about Cat....I cried, yes I did....not ashamed either. ;)


1. This isn't really a con, I just am REALLY hoping that this Guardian thing goes well for James because I honestly didn't actually miss him in this episode. Unlike some others however, I think it is totally plausible that Cat chose him to take over while she is gone, he is the only one that has actually done her job that we know of, so kind of a duh it would be him.

My 2 cents.... :woot:
the one thing I didn't like about the ep was when Snapper was giving Kara a hard time and she was trying to put on her "mad face."

don't know if it was intentional or not, but something about it felt forced or poorly acted.

also, I didn't like the 2 Metallos. the 2nd Metallo came out of nowhere and it cheapens the character a bit as mentioned above.
Am I the only one that thinks that Smallville did a better job with creating Metallo's look than this show?


the one thing I didn't like about the ep was when Snapper was giving Kara a hard time and she was trying to put on her "mad face."

don't know if it was intentional or not, but something about it felt forced or poorly acted.

also, I didn't like the 2 Metallos. the 2nd Metallo came out of nowhere and it cheapens the character a bit as mentioned above.

I loved that part, it was Kara....all over the place.

As far as Metallo, I know absolutely "zero" about the character, so wasn't a big deal to me.
Well that and how fake looking the exposed skin/belly area came off from the two Metallos

I hope if Metallo appears again they opt for just having the Kryptonite heart exposed, the fake belly/chest fully exposed look is a but much.
I dont know why they are making Cadmus into some underground organization. The best thing about them is that they are right under your nose and are fairly public.

Because there's only so far you can go with making Cadmus the Big Bad while also having them be an official government agency. And since they are making Cadmus *super mega awesome evil*, that pretty much settles which way things have to break.
I hate the clear shield cover. Like that is supposed to magically protect them from Kryptonite...

Its silly, but honestly, the prior Kryptonian protective suits had exposed faces and yet provided their protection as long as the electronic unit on the chest wasn't damaged. I think its a budget-sparing measure to maintain the iconic costume look without having to build an entire new outfit for one episode.
That was the suit that Non made to have Alex fight Supergirl. Apparently the DEO had confiscated it.
And on short notice that was all they had for Alex to use.

Well, we don't actually know that. It could have actually been DEO tech, which is what I think. They did control HQ, after all, and it generally has the aesthetic look of Earth tech moreso than Kryptonian gear.

I am nonetheless quite pleased it made a reappearance. Hopefully it gets hauled out again in the future, whenever Alex needs to provide asskicker assistance and there's some decent degree of forewarning ( I get the impression its not something you can just haul out of a box and slap on ).
As for Metallo not being special, I think that was the point: in this setting, "Metallo" isn't a singular villain made by an unreproduceable act of mad science. He's just one of many weapons created by Cadmus, and their weapons are not "one and done", they are something they can continue to make. The heroes have to figure out a way to take down Cadmus and soon, because even without a supply of Kryptonite? Cadmus will eventually drown them in an army of cyborgs and other mad science weapons.
Man, I'm really liking Tyler Hoechlin's Superman/ Clark Kent! Really hope he does end up getting some sort of series, even if it's only like a 6 episode thing.
Well, we don't actually know that. It could have actually been DEO tech, which is what I think. They did control HQ, after all, and it generally has the aesthetic look of Earth tech moreso than Kryptonian gear.

I am nonetheless quite pleased it made a reappearance. Hopefully it gets hauled out again in the future, whenever Alex needs to provide asskicker assistance and there's some decent degree of forewarning ( I get the impression its not something you can just haul out of a box and slap on ).

I might take a few minutes and go back through the episodes where they are in the tactical room and see if one of those is hanging around. :)
A good show with some obvious problems. This season has set up some good ideas, but it remains to be seen how effectively they'll be finished.

The Good:

Kara's complicated feelings regarding her dual families gives her character some depth. She loves Kal and Alex deeply, but she's trying to set boundaries with each of them. She is still trying to process her role as a woman from two different worlds and bristles when either her cousin or her sister make some sort of "I know what's best for you" statement. This was a New 52 theme for Supergirl and it worked well.

Martian Manhunter is the sensei of the main characters. With so many friends and family now working with her in the field, they sometimes need to be refocused. He's not afraid to pull on the leash when necessary.

Kara and Cat's moment was quite emotional. I like that the show is showing affection between those two characters instead of just keeping the frustrated employee vs the surly boss storyline going for them.

I laughed heartily over Cat getting the steamy panties over Clark Kent. Calista can change gears with her character very efficiently.

The bad:

The kryptonite storyline was the worst part of the first two episodes. It makes perfect sense that Superman would want green kryptonite in the hands of someone trustworthy (ala the ring he gave to Batman in the comics) in the event that someone took control of him and/or Kara. Having Supes act like a petulant child really didn't help the character's development. Superman's character really needs some work on this show.

The two Metallos didn't have great looks to their character development was somewhat bland. At least the final fight scene paid off.
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I liked the episode because I think CW are really nailing down the tone of the series, (which again IMO was a bit inconsistent in the first season) but there were some narrative choices and scenes that took me out of it at times.

Firstly the two Metallos may not have been the best way to go creatively. Also, some of the scenes involving them were narratively weird with the Super cousins leaving one Metallo to fight the other Metallo for some reason.

Then there was the sequence of the treachery going down and that entire warehouse sequence which seemed very easy.

Thirdly, that Cadmus going superevil organisation again seemed out of place with the portrayal in the first season which I loved. I would have preferred them having a different wing for their propaganda vehicle- Maybe just call them "Checkmate" or something. That way, you could have a "Cadmus is Checkmate" moment down the line.

On a more nitpicky note, Superman just comes across as more Spiderman-ish to me that I'd be totally fine with. But Spiderman is more of a dick, so I don't know.

But it was interspersed with a fair bit of great sequences, both emotional ones and action set pieces so overall it was still pretty good.
Great episode. It was good to see Superman and Supergirl work together. It was also good to see a team-up with Martian Manhunter and Superman at the end.

It was also sad to see Cat leaving. I wish she would've just said she knows Kara is Supergirl. Or that Kara actually told her the secret. How can Cat not know the two are the same after spending all this time together?

I didn't even notice Jimmy was missing from the episode until the end. That's how "essential" to the series he is. He wasn't missed at all. I completely forgot about the character, and the episode worked better without him.

I would be interested to see a Superman spin-off with Hoechlin. Hopefully he returns if Jeremiah Danvers shows up, perhaps as Cyborg Superman. It would be great to see the two of them facing off against each other, or at least sharing the screen together.
On a more nitpicky note, Superman just comes across as more Spiderman-ish to me that I'd be totally fine with.

I noticed that too, and it doesn't sit well with me. This version of Superman comes off as a bit immature.
A good show with some obvious problems. This season has set up some good ideas, but it remains to be seen how effectively they'll be finished.

The bad:

The kryptonite storyline was the worst part of the first two episodes. It makes perfect sense that Superman would want green kryptonite in the hands of someone trustworthy (ala the ring he gave to Batman in the comics) in the event that someone took control of him and/or Kara. Having Supes act like a petulant child really didn't help the character's development. Superman's character really needs some work on this show.

Absolutely. But that's not what was happening. A government agency had control of Kryptonite. That was Superman's problem. I believe he even had a line that said a long the lines of "I trust you, but.." and something about getting a higher order or losing control of the DEO, or someone stealing it.

Then his fears were IMMEDIATELY realized.

If it was like "Here's a small chunk of Kryptonite for emergencies, John. Keep it safe, but don't give it to the DEO" I think it would make more sense.
Probably the reason he gives it to Batman in the comics is because he knows that Batman doesn't work with too many other people (other than Alfred, and Robin and Batgirl sometimes) who could become a mole like we got in the DEO. If Martian Manhunter had somewhere safe and secret to store it like Batman, then perhaps Superman would trust him more to hold onto some Kryptonite.

I don't know where Superman has stored it though. Perhaps the Fortress of Solitude?

BTW, the scene at the Fortress of Solitude where it was just Cal and J'onn made it feel like it was part of a Superman series, especially since Kara was nowhere to be scene. It could easily have been a scene from a Superman episode.
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Having finally watched it...

First off, yes to next to no more Cat Grant. I love you, Calista Flockhart, and Cat grew on me by "Falling," but you are the one element of this show that I can do without. You will not be missed in my eyes.

Second, anyone else think that Metallo's message to the city was reminiscent of Zod's proclamation to the world in Man of Steel?

Third...the hashtag line? Yeah, Supergirl, you couldn't pull off those lines and make them work if you tried. iZombie, yeah, that can make cheesy lines and even sappy romance drama work, but not on any of these CW superhero shows.

And lastly, Alex...don't be such a prat. There are other four and even five letter words I'd use to describe her, but wow I didn't care for her this week. Kara wants to bond with her sibling. Let her enjoy that, especially when Clark won't be in National City forever.

Don't use the protection card, like Winn said, as a reason to keep score or suddenly become petty, especially when just one season ago, she acted as if caring for and protecting Kara was a burden. You can't have it both ways. Would've been much easier and direct to just say that she's jealous, which was true.

Also, maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me, but the fighting this season feels more...up close and personal this time around. Whether that's the network change, I don't know, since I'm guessing the same crew with Season 1 is involved here, so maybe the CW just gave these folks more money for the effects. Either way, only two episodes in and preferring the fights here than last season so far.
I will miss Cat tremendously, but I loved how they gracefully, and respectfully gave her an exit for a time.

I disagree about the line from Supergirl, from having been a fan of the first season, it was exactly who Supergirl is with her powers she loves it and now being able to shine along with her cousin, has made it that much more enjoyable, and it fit right in IMO.

As far as Alex, I won't go into that, I have given my opinion in other threads. But, to use the word Prat, IMO is very distasteful, and far different than how she actually acted in this episode. She stayed diplomatic until the end almost....I think it is some that have a problem with her that are big fans of Superman (and I understand that)...but do not like him being written in any kind of negative light, (and again, totally understandable) but may see far more negative in the person bringing their truth to a situation than is actually there.

Just my two cents.... ;)

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