All Things DCEU News, Discussion, and Speculation

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I guess I don't care too much about an announced movie slate. I like seeing the trailers for Wonder Woman and justice league. That's a while before those two movies will be out . I loved the first two movies and was blah on SS even though I liked some characters.
As long as they don't go campy and jokey in good. Fun is great, but I do hope they keep a different tone than Marvel. Something for everyone.
I'm excited for Aquaman. An underwater superhero done right would be thrilling.

And yeah, I want them to ease up on the dark tone a bit but they shouldn't go too far. I haven't loved many of the Marvel movies because they've been too light for me.
I guess I don't care too much about an announced movie slate. I like seeing the trailers for Wonder Woman and justice league. That's a while before those two movies will be out . I loved the first two movies and was blah on SS even though I liked some characters.
As long as they don't go campy and jokey in good. Fun is great, but I do hope they keep a different tone than Marvel. Something for everyone.

The Rock assuring a Fan

Kal-El ‏
Tying to take the optimistic route on @TheRock's DCEU comments/PR so far but this idea of being the DCEU's "savior" doesn't sit well with me

Stemot ‏@
@SherazFarooqi6 @TheRock "Not quite what I'm saying" This irritates me no end.
Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Johnson ‏@TheRock
@Stemot1978 @SherazFarooqi6 it was a joke bud. Not serious. DC (and Marvel) actors are all my friends. We **** w each other all the time.

@TheRock @Stemot1978 Of course we're all excited that you're part of the DCEU. Many fans love DCEU, just don't want to see unnatural changes

Dwayne Johnson ‏
@SherazFarooqi6 @Stemot1978 totally hear you man. Nothing unnatural and real effort to expand and elevate the universe. Very cool stuff

Kal-El ‏@
@TheRock @Stemot1978 Thank You man! Those words mean a lot to me and a lot of fans! We know you're going to continue elevating the DCEU!

@SherazFarooqi6 @Stemot1978 man! We're hard core fans too & developing BA for years now. It's a cool time to expand, elevate & have fun.
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Schmoes Know discusses rumors that Wonder Woman is a mess of a film:

Keep in mind, Finstock from SK also heard that Suicide Squad was a mess and he was correct.

I usually don't pry into rumors concerning if someone heard a movie is good/bad or this one saying that Wonder Woman is a mess.

The next couple of months we are going to see a bunch more people saying that Wonder Woman is good or bad. We already got 3 people on reddit saying that they've seen an early cut of Wonder Woman. Or even people with connections to the industry or scoopers.

For example for BVS we had people like El Mayimbe, and Latino Review on one corner saying BVS was good, and Faraci/Mcweeny saying that BVS wasn't good.
I wonder if Wonder Woman is terrible , if that will have any effect on Justice League, bc that is FOUR failed DC movies in a row, as epic as Justice League would seem, that is 0/4 films for DC, there has to be some people who will sit home.
I'm 4/4 with the DCEU.
Regardless of how WW and JL are received. The DCEU will continue with Snyder because thats what WB hired him for.
Lots of critics and haters of the DCEU have already shot down WW and JL before their release.
Its simple for those that hate this DCEU. Just don't watch these films when Snyder is involved. If you hate him then why the hell continue to watch when he is involved then complain when you don't like the outcome!!!
It's your own fault.
Snyder isn't making films to your tastes. Its as simple as that.
Just because your a fan of Batman or Superman or Wonder Woman doesn't mean your entitled to like everything released. Through the prism of Snyder these versions of the characters are not for you.
Watch a cartoon or older movie or comic book to enjoy the characters.
Just don't say you hate Snyder and then complain that he didn't give you the Justice League that you wanted when you didn't enjoy his previous efforts.
Seriously, can the entertainment world, for one minute, just STOP saying WB/DC film X 'is shaping up to be a mess'. Seriously F**K off with this wish to burn something to the floor before anything has been released.
Nothings been verified.

But given WB's track record with the DCEU and previous negative rumors from similar sources being true, there is certainly a precedent here.

Blaming the messenger is pointless.
Nothings been verified.

But given WB's track record with the DCEU and previous negative rumors from similar sources being true, there is certainly a precedent here.

Blaming the messenger is pointless.

So your use of the word "truth" was a mistake. Good. I'm glad we cleared that up.
I'm 4/4 with the DCEU.

They've only released three movies.

Regardless of how WW and JL are received. The DCEU will continue with Snyder because thats what WB hired him for.

You say that as if they can't fire him at any time.

Lots of critics and haters of the DCEU have already shot down WW and JL before their release.

What critics?

And although it's unfair to judge a movie before you see it...if you haven't liked most of what WB has produced so far, it's understandable that you wouldn't have high hopes for their newest films.

Its simple for those that hate this DCEU. Just don't watch these films when Snyder is involved. If you hate him then why the hell continue to watch when he is involved then complain when you don't like the outcome!!!
It's your own fault.

We watch the films because we care about the characters. We continue to spend money on tickets because we want these movies to be good.

But trust me: if the films continue to disappoint, people will stop paying to go see them, and you'll see the universe crumble before your very eyes.

And last thing: don't blame the audience for the mistakes of the creative team.

Snyder isn't making films to your tastes. Its as simple as that.

Not quite. He's making films that are dividing the core fan base and - at least in the case of his latest - disappointing at the box office. That's a problem. The studio itself has acknowledged that what they've been doing hasn't been working and are making readjustments as we speak.

Just because your a fan of Batman or Superman or Wonder Woman doesn't mean your entitled to like everything released. Through the prism of Snyder these versions of the characters are not for you.

Okay. So if these movies see a shift in tone in the future and start alienating the people who liked MOS, DOJ, and SS, I hope you won't spend your time complaining about how you don't like what's happened to the DCEU. Because that'd be awfully hypocritical of you. :yay:
I agree with Boy Scout....

Its an interesting time to be a comic book fan. Back in 2008 w/ Nolan Batman, DC was the king of the mountain. Those Nolan films showed how great DC could be if there was a great direction and story of the characters. So I remember lurking here back in the day and seeing so much massive arguments of DC vs. Marvel, and the mods were cracking down on the debates, banning people left and right....

Well, then Zack Snyder happened. Suddenly, it was almost a peaceful rejoice of the two fan boy bases. The Marvel guys said 'see, I told you', and the DC guys said 'well, DC let us down..'.

I was one of those DC guys I always felt DC had the two biggest names in the comic book world - Batman & Superman. I felt Nolan's Batman got it right and gave us three epic films. But then as soon as Nolan left, it became apparent, Nolan was the single reason for the success. We now have other directors attempt DC movies and wow, as a hardcore DC guy, I'm more frustrated at DC than anyone.

As I was growing up, I would never thought I would see the day where a Marvel 'Ant-Man' movie would be more entertaining, more well made than a Batman vs. Superman film. That single statistic alone baffles me. I don't understand how WB could fail so hard. Even as a DC fan, I will openly admit that any film Marvel puts out there will be better than any DC film now or being made. DC had its three Batman films since 2005, and its done. I mean, its over. DC might even be responsible for the superhero bubble to burst because they are completely obsessed with quantity over quality and its painfully obvious.

When you watch a Marvel movie, you think "wow, they really made a great entertaining movie". When you watch a DC film, you think "oh, the studio put this in there for this reason....oh, the studio is setting up a sequel with this thing.....oh, this is a reshoot because the studio was worried about the movie". Crap like that. Its frustrating. I can not leave my brain at the door when watching a DC movie because I'm so invested into the characters I grew up on. To casually say "oh well, the MARTHA scene wasnt good, but OH WELL!!!" , I cant do that. Instead, I think "these are grown adults, multi millionares, professionals who have been involved with film for a long time - how on Earth could they POSSIBLY think that Martha scene would be a good idea???"

I only write this post because I know Wonder Woman will most likely be a complete mess just like Man of Steel, just like Batman vs. Superman, and just like Suicide Squad. There is no hope left anymore. I now turn to Marvel films to get my comic book movie fix, because I know they will take their time, understand and respect the source material, and give the casual fans and the hardcore fans a very entertaining film.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but if Wonder Woman sucks, I'm done with DC. I'm not seeing Justice League at the theater, I'll wait to rent it. If we want DC to change their ways, we have to start by not giving them our money. I'm glad their attempting to turn these icons into full length feature films, but the careless way they are doing it is not respecting the fans or the source material. Its insulting....

You have Guardians 2 which will prolly be good, Spider-Man Homecoming will prolly be interesting, and Thor 3 which could be the best out of the bunch.....Three Marvel films, I can count on at least one that will be entertaining and great. DC is batting 0/3 for me. I have NO guarantee that an upcoming DC movie will be good.

There are rumors that Affleck was considering leaving The Batman, another DC film had a director bail bc of WB non-sense, rumors of Justice League being a mess bc Studio is fighting with Zack Snyder, and now rumor of Wonder Woman being a complete mess..... This is what happens when you are trying to catch up with Marvel. This is what happens when you have no direction, but you just look at the money Marvel made and say 'I want that' rather than coming up with a plan of your own.

I wish I could 'leave my brain at the door' and enjoy DC movies, but I can't. Marvel set a very, very high bar, and I really did expect DC to exceed that bar, but they didn't even attempt. Just a quick cash grab. I am glad there are some ppl out there that enjoy Batman vs. Superman, my only response is that I will believe you are of the younger generation, someone who hasn't seen many films in their life time, someone who doesn't understand character motivations, character arcs, plot points, tone of a film, pacing and editing of a film. But hey, good for you ! I wish I was in your shoes. Instead, I can't help but hate certain scenes such as "Martha, thats my mother's name too, lets be best friends, wait wait, I'll go save your mother right now to prove our friendship is REAL". I was embarrassed for that film. I was embarrassed that there are professional filmmakers who think that was a good idea, it just exposes they are so out of touch with their craft and their source material, that they should all be fired.

I'm done ranting, read Boy Scout's post and thought I'd chime in.
So your use of the word "truth" was a mistake. Good. I'm glad we cleared that up.

I was referring to the truth that this rumor exists. It's not some conspiracy by the 'entertainment industry.'

Whether this person's opinion aligns with the majority is yet to be seen.

Either way, it's going to be a fun ride.
I was referring to the truth that this rumor exists. It's not some conspiracy by the 'entertainment industry.'


What truth? These reports have been verified? It is a fact that unreleased films are a mess?

Nothings been verified.

But given WB's track record with the DCEU and previous negative rumors from similar sources being true, there is certainly a precedent here.

Blaming the messenger is pointless.

Because before, when I asked you about it, you didn't say anything that defined the truth as the rumor existing. In fact, when I asked "What truth?" you didn't say the rumor. All you did was discuss the veracity of the rumor's contents, defending it by saying that precedent lends the rumor its credibility, its truth.

Whether this person's opinion aligns with the majority is yet to be seen.

Either way, it's going to be a fun ride.

There is no way of knowing whether some reports are true just yet and, if they aren't, if there isn't some agenda by those spreading those rumors. You can believe that such suspicions are unfair, and that's fine, but it also make sense if others are more skeptical. That you would continue to make posts here and elsewhere that not only describe Geoff Johns potentially failing the DCEU and thus succeeding in living up to your expectations of his incompetence as "good," but also describe rumors and controversy about the DCEU as "fun" paints a very unflattering picture of you as someone who wants things to fail and for people to suffer for your own selfish enjoyment.
Schmoes Know discusses rumors that Wonder Woman is a mess of a film:

Keep in mind, Finstock from SK also heard that Suicide Squad was a mess and he was correct.

That's disheartening. I still have hopes that WW will save the rest of the DCEU but I was really hoping this one could come out without any negativity surrounding it.
Couple of things.

STAR Wars I feel your pain and I completely see where you are coming from. I'm a heartbroken DC fan as well. I don't agree with everything you said but I can definitely see what has pushed you to this point.

As for the WW news. I think the Schmoes Knows panel tackled this exceptionally well. I'm not ready to believe that WW is a mess. Not enough information. However I do agree that Marvel has earned their track record of good will going into a movie and unfortunately DC HAS EARNED the skepticism that exists going into a movie based on their track record. It's just the situation that has been created.

That being said I hope WW is good but the doubt does now exist. But DC has earned that.
There are rumors that Affleck was considering leaving The Batman,

And when Ben Affleck was on Jimmy Kimmel Live he said "I'm going to direct the next Batman movie. We are working on it ... But with Batman I keep on getting where's the F*****G Batman. Whoa, I'm working, give me a second."

So much for all the chicken little rumors. It's obvious that even Ben Affleck it getting annoyed by all the idiocy of the so called fans.
And when Ben Affleck was on Jimmy Kimmel Live he said "I'm going to direct the next Batman movie. We are working on it ... But with Batman I keep on getting where's the F*****G Batman. Whoa, I'm working, give me a second."

So much for all the chicken little rumors. It's obvious that even Ben Affleck it getting annoyed by all the idiocy of the so called fans.

..and rightly so frankly....
I really feel MOS is awesome and BVS I also really loved. I heard a criticism that was a little toungud and cheek saying these movies were for depressed people.
I do think people who have had s traumatic childhood WOULD appreciate these movies more.
I can appreciate the Dinnef type Superman and the lighter tone but it's just not for me. I totally appreciate people's opinions on Superman being gloomy. But I think it fits the story and I think there was always a planned arc where the payoff is hopeful. I think those two D.C. Movies are more dramas with sci fi/ superheroes in them.
Not being a comic reader is I'm sure a reason why I wouldn't be upset with certain characterizations, but I couldn't relate to a total Boy Scout ,more happy go lucky Superman.
I think his acceptance and having fellow heroes, feeling not alone, was always gonna be earned And always the plan.
I really feel MOS is awesome and BVS I also really loved. I heard a criticism that was a little toungud and cheek saying these movies were for depressed people.
I do think people who have had s traumatic childhood WOULD appreciate these movies more.
I can appreciate the Dinnef type Superman and the lighter tone but it's just not for me. I totally appreciate people's opinions on Superman being gloomy. But I think it fits the story and I think there was always a planned arc where the payoff is hopeful. I think those two D.C. Movies are more dramas with sci fi/ superheroes in them.
Not being a comic reader is I'm sure a reason why I wouldn't be upset with certain characterizations, but I couldn't relate to a total Boy Scout ,more happy go lucky Superman.
I think his acceptance and having fellow heroes, feeling not alone, was always gonna be earned And always the plan.

I had a traumatic & depressive childhood and loved them so there maybe something in that :woot:

Because before, when I asked you about it, you didn't say anything that defined the truth as the rumor existing. In fact, when I asked "What truth?" you didn't say the rumor. All you did was discuss the veracity of the rumor's contents, defending it by saying that precedent lends the rumor its credibility, its truth.


There is no way of knowing whether some reports are true just yet and, if they aren't, if there isn't some agenda by those spreading those rumors. You can believe that such suspicions are unfair, and that's fine, but it also make sense if others are more skeptical. That you would continue to make posts here and elsewhere that not only describe Geoff Johns potentially failing the DCEU and thus succeeding in living up to your expectations of his incompetence as "good," but also describe rumors and controversy about the DCEU as "fun" paints a very unflattering picture of you as someone who wants things to fail and for people to suffer for your own selfish enjoyment.

Your weak attempts to attack the messenger (me) on this for simply bringing this rumor to light, discussing the potential validity of it and my opinion on it, paints you in a very insecure light.

Again, I didn't start this rumor. It came from Schmoes Know who previously reported that Suicide Squad was a mess. They are also ex-WB employees.
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