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Sony Spin-Off Kraven & Mysterio Spin-Off

Sony is going to make sure that there will never be a new villain to introduce in a Spider-Man movie again.
I could see a Kraven spin-off kinda working in the right hands (that don't start with an S and end with a Y), but not really seeing the point in giving Mysterio one.
So are first look at Kraven and Mysterio are going to be in spin-offs? Just when I thought Sony couldn't stoop any lower, they go with this. Just absolutely disappointing.
Some strange **** going on.
Mysterio is one of my all-time favorites, and I want him in a Spider-Man film. Not to see him in his own spinoff. That is stupid.
Another movie I don't see getting off the ground. Sony does realize that these are villains right? Characters that only work to fight Spider-Man? Not the xmen or fantastic four. Just villains. Characters made to be an antagonist to the hero.
You know this is a very bad idea by Sony, when even harryoscop doesn't support it.
Just to add to some thoughts. There are a couple reasons I like this idea less than the other two:

First, there's little history of these characters as protagonists. At least with Venom, he has his lethal protector era and all that. I guess there's Kraven's Last Hunt, but that's minor by comparison and far more surreal and less genuine. Mysterio has no history of anything other than a villain and a Kraven vs. Mysterio movie is weird given Kraven's hunter nature. I'd much rather Kraven and Chameleon.

With Silver Sable and Black Cat, again, they have a history on the hero side. More importantly, they are very minor characters who would likely fit into only very specific side stories. There was a good chance neither would ever appear. While I think the combination is an odd one, both are characters who could appear in a movie without the audience going "where's Spider-Man" since the audience probably is only vaguely aware of one of them at best.

The other big concern is just a dilution of available villains. Both Kraven and Mysterio are the top candidates for upcoming Spider-Man movies. I've previously suggested Mysterio for movie two and Kraven for movie three. I'm certainly worried about their movie limiting their ability to be used in a Spider-Man movie since it would confuse audiences - particularly since this movie has to be scheduled for release approximately the same time.

The worst thing is, I like clever movie ideas - particularly involving characters that don't see much screentime. If Sony wanted to make a Prowler movie, I'd probably support it. But this movie, which I feel could actively hurt the quality of a Spider-Man film, just doesn't make much sense. It makes me root for the other Sony movies to fail (Homecoming excepted, of course) just so they're afraid to do this one.
Maybe Mysterio is the villain of the kraven movie

Sony are not that stupid they will find a way to market these spin offs around Spider-man... even if spider-man appears for 5 seconds.
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Look, I have no basis, what so ever...but my gut tells me, Marvel will assist Sony with their lofty ambitions, in some capacity, be it small or major....from laying the foundation of a story, for Sony's writers to proceed from there, to actually help produce these films. Just a gut feeling...let me explain why, so hear me out:

Marvel cares dearly about Spiderman. Disney cares dearly about Spiderman's marketability...especially to 12yr old & younger; but, to everyone...young or old, adults or teens....all.

They, Marvel and Disney(MaD) know that Sony is going to do whatever the hell they want, in trying to build their universe & cash in on their prize possession, during this huge profitable era, we call comics2films.

MaD do not want Sony to go down the path, of ruining one of the three biggest comic book characters today, that they have re-established....2nd only to Batman(not for long thanks to Afflack) & ahead of Superman; when, their name & the MCU hinges(shared agreement) on Sony's proven track record...with what has been already hugely successful, without, the biggest known commodity in the Marvel Comics....Spidey.

Again....after MaD just re-established a path for that commodity(Spidey) to take its rightful place at the top...at a time when MaD have "NO" sole control of over this prize property.

So I think Feige is swallowing his pride(& we saw that in that interview) and will do, maybe, the bare minimum, so as to not tie MaD & the MCU hands, to Sony if the ship sink, but just enough to keep the Spiderman Universe as a whole, viable for yrs to come & reap the rewards.

Business is business...and there is a lot of money at stake. Not just films; but, distribution, syndication, marketing, toys, naming rights & tie-ins, clothing & apparel, etc. Marvel, ESPECIALLY DISNEY, is not going to leave that money on the table to wither.

I'm just saying....MaD can't get the rights back w/o paying a hefty price; so, they have to play ball or else watch what they have re-establish be ruin....and now that they(MaD) have gotten a taste of how big Spidey can be, under their supervision, with minimum creative control...are not going to let that go for not.

Now, a transition is about to occur in a few yrs, after IW's2 is done & replacement of beloved actors occur...Holland/Spidey is going to be at the forefront, leading the way, for lack of a better term, Phase Four. I'm sure Sony is aware of that.

Who will lead the way when that come...the very character, they don't have full control of...whom already is beloved & is appointed the Peter Parker we all have finally been waiting for.

You think with so much as previously stated, at stake, MaD are going sit idly by & let Sony slowly & methodically ruin that...with all of these spinoffs, that is stated, will tie Holland's Spidey to...the possible new face of Marvel's Phase 4 going forward?*

The shared agreement is just as much a curse for Marvel as it is a welcoming homecoming. Simply because they don't have sole control over a character that's prime to be the face of the MCU, after replacements. For Sony, It's about right now & beyond. Sony is formulating an extention right now for Holland pass his three film contract.

Disney is shrewd; but, they have to look towards 2020 with a shared character that will affect everything, in some fashion...big or small, after the process of replacing beloved actors.

I think Sony is just using these propose spinoffs...building toward the Six; which we have know for a while now, something, very much like Venom, they been wanting to do for a long time.

Think about it...doing spinoffs of these villains, by the time the group is form to go after Spidey, the villains background, history, persona...all of that, would be readily established & the GA(general audience) will already be familiar with these characters & what they bring to the table. Not bogging down solo, stand alone, Spidey films, with tons of character development, motives, & plots.

This is what I see going on in Sony's mind & think MaD will get on board at some form or fashion. Whether we agree or not...it's not a bad idea imo...I just pray to God, MaD has some hand in this....because Sony needs help. That's part of the reason the shared agreement is in place, in the 1st place.
ugh, Sony is ruining everything, it looks like they didn't read the contract that they signed with Disney for Spider-Man's movie rights. Do they not know that the movie rights for Spider-Man's villains are attached to the movie rights for Spider-Man
Marvel will probably help abit... although probably not as much as they did spider-man since they both benefit out of spidey but marvel won't exactly benefit out of Sonys multiple movie villainverse.
It's like there's an internal competition between people at Sony to see who can come up with the worst possible ideas.
I got a raw idea for Sony's spinoff "Mysterio"
Think of it as a cross between, "Now You See Me", "The Usual Suspects", & "The Transporter"
Sony wants to make their own "Suicide Squadron", it's as clear as water.

This is why i'm hoping for a comic book movie crash for some years, because the stupidity is getting out of hand.
The only way I see a Mysterio and Kraven movie working is either we see them making a plan to go after Spider-Man only the film is a villain's perspective, or make it a buddy cop type thing where they are being recruited to the Sinister Six but have to accomplish a task to prove their worth. In this concept, they would have to believe their lives are on jeopardy or something. Only ways I could see this working at all. This project has a high suckage potential.
They're focusing on the wrong characters/concepts for standalone spin offs.

A Miles Morales animated film or an (R Rated) Venom/Carnage film both make sense but these villain team up films are dead ends. These are villains (or supporting characters) that should be saved for the main series, interacting with Spidey.

At least with Venom's case, he's already been used, so Marvel probably has no intention of going back to that well and the character has also been an anti-hero who has held his own comic as a lead character. It could be their Deadpool (big "IF" with Sony but in theory it's possible).

They should make spin offs with characters that are protagonists with their own group of villains and supporting characters and most importantly DON'T need to rely on Peter Parker's world.

Spider-Gwen would be perfect. So would Spider-Man 2099.

Those would be my choice for spin-offs.
Okay guys, which Spinoffs would be better than these? I'd say

-Prowler (or even The Outlaws, since Prowler, Puma, Rocket Racer and Sandman have all become good guys at points)
-Superior Foes of Spider-Man
-Firestar (if they can use her)
-Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Girl, Spider-Man Noir, Lady Spider (the dreaded Aunt May spinoff), SP//dr or basically any of the alternate spiders.

Anything I missed?
They're focusing on the wrong characters/concepts for standalone spin offs.

These are villains (or supporting characters) that should be saved for the main series, interacting with Spidey.
Who knows for sure what their plan is, until we get more detail info as time goes on. However, given what "I think" I understand, they are simply just getting all the character development(background, maybe origin), personalities, motivations, and skill & abilities, as well as, setup & plot, moving forward to a possible ensemble film(S6). This way, Sony avoid past mistakes, in having to develop so much & boggling it up, in a single film. SM3, TASM2 anyone.

I certainly have no problem with that...I'm just gravely concern of Sony's ability to execute it. They tend to get in the way, not only comic book films, but all of their projects. Their producers dictate to their writers(with limited freedoms) & micro-manage their directors, imo.

Although Marvel is not involve with these projects, I have to think, Sony's producers, down, are learning the process in how to make good, sound, solid films...the process in all of its detail.

The only way I see a Mysterio and Kraven movie working is either we see them making a plan to go after Spider-Man only the film is a villain's perspective, or make it a buddy cop type thing where they are being recruited to the Sinister Six but have to accomplish a task to prove their worth. In this concept, they would have to believe their lives are on jeopardy or something. Only ways I could see this working at all. This project has a high suckage potential.
Is it a team up or separate films...the number of article i've read does not make that apparently clear? At the moment, I'm taking it as separate films.

The highlighted is exactly the idea I see playing out. Sony however, may not see it this way. They may come up with something surprisingly better, or undoubtedly stupid...not much gray area. Neitherless, my idea for Mysterious only is a cross between a number of past films, such as: Now You See Me(as far as the illusions, because that who he is, an illusionist & the mystery/intrigue), The Unusual Suspects(because there are a number of misleading things going on wit in the group Mysterio has to deal with...the story is not fluid; but more twisted, so one has to pay attention), & The Transporter(just for the fast pace, high octain, action...pacing won't be an issue with my idea).

Here a sorta "tagline" that may help you understand the approach:

Whose setting up who, as a crafty criminal discovers he's being setup, by the very people he himself is setting up, only to learn the whole ordeal is a setup. Dangerous people, with dangerous minds, setup dangerous games.

Okay guys, which Spinoffs would be better than these? I'd say

-Prowler (or even The Outlaws, since Prowler, Puma, Rocket Racer and Sandman have all become good guys at points)
-Superior Foes of Spider-Man
-Firestar (if they can use her)
-Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Girl, Spider-Man Noir, Lady Spider (the dreaded Aunt May spinoff), SP//dr or basically any of the alternate spiders.

Anything I missed?

Morbius would be fine, but I would totally dig a Superior Foes of Spider-Man movie :hyper:

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