Justice League Zack Snyder Directing Justice League (The Snyder Cut Edition)

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A black and white version would be a nice option for a home video release for the hardcore niche fans. . but not a platform for potential subscribers. You can lose them quick with no color pallet. This thing needs to be released in all glorious color.
I have a question, so let me explain...

So director's cuts are well known and show their history just by their existence: if they exist, you know BTS issues existed for them to exist in the first place. Alien3, BvS, Halloween 6, Blade Runner, Superman II, Frighteners, Abyss, T2, the list goes on. But along with BvS, we rarely got an alternative version of something coming out the same time that series/franchise is still going on, that it leads to questions regarding that alternate version's place in continuity. In this case for JL, the ending.

Now, I have two examples of this, three if you include Alien3 with the altered ending that still leads to Resurrection no problem. But in this case, it would be Donner's Superman II, and the Producer's Cut of Halloween 6. In the Donner Cut, Superman reverses time again, making the events of said movie non existent; however it led to fan speculations regarding SR and if Donner's version was canon to that film, or none at all given its difficult backstory. Halloween 6 Producers was a bootleg right after its theatrical version was released, and had an ending that set up H7. But with H20 at that time soft rebooting it, it didn't interfere the original story with the then-newer one.

Snyder's JL is different because the DCEU is still going on, and with many projects happening or still in development (Flash, New Gods), you kinda wonder if there is gonna be a difference here and there regarding this film and its place in canon and existence at this time in 2020/2021. Especially since it took a while to get this cut to finally come out, you wonder if there was a deal WB wanted to make with Zack regarding this film and future films. What I mean by that is: I felt WB didn't want to release the Snyder Cut because if that was successful, many would want the follow ups from it that WB has moved away from with their recent actions (The Batman, Flash). Thats why they wanted to hold onto Whedon's cut because that's the reason for those changes and course corrections, and Snyder's Cut would've been a threat to that.

So what's the question here: is the ending gonna be changed?

Is Snyder (via WB or not) gonna have to change the ending to make it more conclusive? That way, his story is over because, let's face it: JL2/JL3 ain't happening, or at least not yet but not his version. And it doesn't interfere with WB's current DC plans with the upcoming films.

If so, there's one thing I want changed, because the idea of it not in this film at all and only in later films made no sense: have Darkseid in the final battle, not just the backstory. Have him fight Superman, Superman defeats him, it is over. And given the MOS watch party reveal, Kara would've been the person to fight and defeat Darkseid in the past, that it comes full circle with Superman in JL. Darkseid is defeated, JL wins. Story is over, and it does not interfere with New Gods, The Batman, Flash, etc etc etc

And to anyone to asks: replace Steppenwolf in the battle scenes to make it work if you have to.

So speculation with the added request by me. What are your guys theories and feelings toward this?
A black and white version would be a nice option for a home video release for the hardcore niche fans. . but not a platform for potential subscribers. You can lose them quick with no color pallet. This thing needs to be released in all glorious color.
It's odd how everything related to it is B&W though. Down to the private screening he held for execs as a pitch for the streaming venture.

Surely that's curious? Someone needs to ask Zack about that.


My pipe dream came true (who's that WB insider lol), and Ben Fritz hasn't changed, still a d***.

Anyways, we get to know who has the better sources and journalism professionalism/attitude with this event unfolding =)
I don’t see any way they release it only in black and white

It won't, but that's how Zack screened it for the suits. I just thought it was a cool thing to bring up from all the info that we got today. Kinda full circle, Miller let Zack watch FR rough cut before release.
God, I can't wait to see this scene in its full glory.
It's odd how everything related to it is B&W though. Down to the private screening he held for execs as a pitch for the streaming venture.

Surely that's curious? Someone needs to ask Zack about that.

That's true and a great point. Givin post was abandoned by Snyder and even Whedon and the studio changing everything to red for instance, maybe he wanted to show a black and white version givin he didn't even finish that and could change a lot, like rendering Henry's black suit. He may have new decisions and ideas?
no point for Henry to don the black suit if it's all black and white lol
A black and white version would be a nice option for a home video release for the hardcore niche fans. . but not a platform for potential subscribers. You can lose them quick with no color pallet. This thing needs to be released in all glorious color.

Agreed. I mean it would almost be counterproductive to release exclusively in just black and white. I am pretty certain that the footage shown in the first trailer (using the song "Come Together") is what Snyder was planning on going for with the visuals originally when dealing with its color palette.

As much as everyone wants to see the cut now, I don't think a lot of people will care as much if it was just black and white. You'd have fans creating an "#releaseitincolorcut" right away.

I am trusting that Snyder and the executives know this but one thing I've learned, especially from this experience, is never take anything for granted.

"The Snyders put together a presentation and, in early February, invited a select group of executives from Warner Bros., HBO Max and DC to their house in Pasadena to screen Zack's little-seen version that was shown in black and white. The number of executives in the room — there were more than a dozen in attendance, ranging from Warners' Emmerich, Carolyn Blackwood, and Walter Hamada to HBO Max's Kevin Reilly, Sarah Aubrey and Sandra Dewey to DC's Jim Lee — showed the importance of the potentially extensive undertaking. Heads of physical production and business affairs were there to assess what needed to be done and how much it would cost. At his presentation after the screening, Snyder outlined ideas for not just releasing the cut but the concept of episodes and cliffhangers"

"And while the cut will contain the many elements Zack has teased over time (yes, expect Darkseid), the duo also relish adding a fair amount of character development. "What’s so lovely about this is that we get to explore these characters in ways that you’re not able to in a shorter theatrical version."

"It Will Be an Entirely New Thing": Zack Snyder's $20M-Plus 'Justice League' Cut Plans Revealed

Wouldn't the suit be black anyhow in a black and white version? I would totally BUY a black and white version if released on Blu-Ray. But nah to the official release.

Maybe it'll look white with the lighting, IDK, lol, that'd cause an uproar =P

I need that blu ray release, just take my money and don't worry about the streaming lol
Currently thinking of Superman's first flight part two and the extended throwdown with the JL as well as "I'll take that as a yes.." with Amy. I can already feeling myself not being able to wait lol.
Also, I'm seeing a few of them bloggers talk about how Snyder showed some footage to George Miller and it was he who told him to screen it in black and white.

George Miller fought a legal battle with WB for getting more payment dues for Fury Road and he still gets to release not only his special B&W movie cut but also a sequel.

Not a bad person to get advice from. Hope he gets some DC movie in future.
I do think WB will release the Snyder cut several months after it hits streaming on DVD and Blu-ray. I can’t see it being just in B&W.
It's the smaller, character scenes that I'm curious about. Like Snyder's version of Clark and Lois in the cornfield that we saw opening one of the trailers. That stuff almost always interests me more than the larger than life mythological scenes.
My God imagine if they got Ben to come back for a Batfleck mini series. It may be a “pipe dream” but I’d pay serious money for it.
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