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Detective Conan

Dec 28, 2017
Reaction score
The day that many thought would never come is near - the day the Snyder Cut gets released. On the eve of the release of Zack’s intended vision of the movie I’d figured I’d make a review thread for it - this time you’ll be the one posting and discussing your own thoughts on the movie instead of the professional critics.

Rate and review the movie & discuss your thoughts on Snyder’s version of Justice League once you’ve seen it here. I decided to make this thread a spoiler review thread so you can review the film without using spoiler tags.
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I've just finished the movie. And man, what a ride! All the praises and love it received the last few days are well deserved.

8.5/10. The best movie of the Snyderverse.

Edit: I might rank it higher after a second watch soon.
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Okay, so this is speaking as a person who’s ambivalent about Man Of Steel and actively dislikes Batman V Superman for both its poor portrayal of Batman, and its ham fisted adaptation of some of DC’s greatest stories:

Zack Snyder’s Justice League is the best movie of the DCEU, and probably Snyder’s best film.

It is still the same movie. Don’t kid yourself that the plot has changed at all. But it is done better in every conceivable way. They were absolute b*st**ds for not putting this film out.

Of course it’s still flawed. It contains a fair measure of Snyder’s inherent silliness and excess, but it works very well for the most part. He still can’t do natural dialogue at all though.

All of the league are so much better served in this cut, with the exception of Batman. Affleck remains stilted, awkward, cumbersome and out of place alongside the others. Snyder remains someone who really doesn’t understand who and what Batman is (beyond the superficial elements). Superman is STILL massively underused, but Snyder absolutely nails what Superman there is in the film. Everyone else gets really great attention. So much better. Flash and Cyborg are particularly improved, with a couple of very good character moments for both.

Darkseid is marvellous, and Steppenwolf is now a genuinely good villain. The story now makes sense, and flows much better.

All in all, a massive improvement. I wouldn’t say I think it calls for a continuation of this particular universe, but it is the swan song Zack Snyder deserved. The Snyder Cut fans can feel absolutely vindicated by this release.


...all the Luthor / Knightmare stuff is pointless though. Leto remains poor as the Joker. The exchange between him and Affleck struggles to land, and Affleck looks poor in the mask. The movie would have been better served without the additional empty fan service.
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I gave it a 6.5-7/10

It definitely has some good stuff that didn’t make the 4 hour runtime feel too unbearable, like the Cyborg and Silas story. Still a lot of boring/awkward dialogue and I still just can’t get into dragged out Snyder action scenes (except for when they killed Steppenwolf, that was great)

I’ve said it multiple times now but I simply will never be able to get over how much I hated Flash. Although his arc was wrapped up really well, As well as everyone else’s was, there was no need to make every. ****ing. Line. a joke or some kind of cringe quirky moment. Night and day with how I feel about him compared to Cyborg

As for the villains, I actually enjoyed how sensitive and desperate Steppenwolf was to get darkseids recognition. He actually felt like a character and not some generic big bad. (I’ve never seen the whedon cut so not really sure if he was like this). Darkseid had a terrifying presence despite barely being in the movie and finally, I somehow really enjoyed Batman and Jokers interaction. You could feel the tension and history there.
First and last comment: it is slow. Snyder loves all those slow shots and it is really painful to watch. Snyder is great at visuals but terribly weak in telling the story. Sorry, but the story always goes first.
First and last comment: it is slow. Snyder loves all those slow shots and it is really painful to watch. Snyder is great at visuals but terribly weak in telling the story. Sorry, but the story always goes first.
Exactly. I just felt like something missing the entire viewing.
I loved it. I mean, it’s the same story underneath, but the overall difference in characterisations, depth, plot, score and so on between this and the Whedon version are night and day. It’s a long movie, and it’s not without its flaws, but overall it’s a really enjoyable watch. Snyder brings an almost mythical quality to these superheroes and Gods that was sorely lacking from the first film.

My biggest gripe now with the 2017 film is how criminally under-utilised Cyborg was. He’s a standout in this and why so much of his footage never saw the screen is beyond me.
Plot is the least interesting thing in a film. Same plot does not mean it’s the same movie.

Film is a visual medium...I’ll never understand the “story comes first!” quotes. This isn’t a novel, it’s a movie. 2001: A Space Odyssey is a perfect example of telling a story through visuals. Criticizing his use of slow-mo is fair. Same with his use of dialogue or pacing. But the “less visual flair and more storytelling” crowd just doesn’t make sense. They are one in the same. You’re confusing plot with story maybe? If that’s your preference aka more character work then I totally get what you’re saying but you may be articulating your thoughts in a way that doesn’t add up. This is why a filmmaker can make a 2 hour silent film and still be considered good storytelling. It’s like the “Clark doesn’t say enough!” critique...ehhh that’s not the problem, because you can speak 1000 words through a glance. Your problem has to do with the actor’s delivery of that glance not having the proper effect and/or the director not helping Henry get there. Not because he doesn’t have more dialogue. Some characters should be mouthpieces and I get that but I never felt that way about Superman. He just needs charm.

I’ve seen one hour of this film via naughtiness lol. Don’t worry, I’m in Canada and signed up to Crave so I’ll be watching it tomorrow or Friday the latest in full. I’ll start it over, but I really enjoyed that first hour. It’s a slow pacing (exactly my cup of tea but it won’t be for everyone though). My only issues thus far? The use of music is weird in a couple of scenes but maybe I’ll get used to it. Just caught me off guard.

I thought Ben’s acting was on point. Well edited. Cool thunderous action so far. Takes its time developing each characters place, it seems. Most of what I saw wasn’t in the TC. It is NOT the same movie at all, no similar plot can change that fact.

I’m genuinely excited to watch this! That first hour was like a great taste test and I honestly thought I was 35 minutes into it. Good sign, even with the steady pacing.
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I’ll keep it short and simple. I didn’t expect to like this as much as I did. I give it an 8 due to how completely realized a lot of the characters are, plus that last hour was some of the best stuff I’ve seen in a CBM climax. I think the only thing that could’ve made it better for me was if Zimmer scored the movie himself, and we got a little more Superman to go along with it.
6/10 and the best Snyder movie for me. Completely ruined WW1984 in retrospect lol this is what Diana should be and should be doing. Batman was great, WW was great, Aquaman was so fun.The rest...eh. But at 4h the film somehow manages to fly and it could have easily be a bit shortened and release in cinemas. I have no idea why WB panicked when he was filming this - the characters are likable, the interactions are fun the action is really great. I liked the visuals in Atlantis even more than in Wan's movie

Loved the score the most but I see WW's new theme is controversial, I am really nostalgic for Xena so it worked for me lol
4:3 aspect ratio was UNNECESSARY.

Felt like Snyder was trying too hard to be artsy and “different”, I mean he already has the dull colors and slow motion effects going, he didn’t need to make JL in 4:3.
4:3 aspect ratio was UNNECESSARY.

Felt like Snyder was trying too hard to be artsy and “different”, I mean he already has the dull colors and slow motion effects going, he didn’t need to make JL in 4:3.

This was for IMAX purposes.

Though with that said, I would imagine more of the audience will watch it in standard TV format than IMAX so I'm not sure why he settled on that as the default ratio. I used the horizontal zoom function on TV to widen mine a little (without making the picture look too stretched), this helped a bit.
I'll have to watch it again before giving a rating. I did think it got better which each chapter, but on the whole, I'm not sure how I feel about the musical score. It was good in places, but it felt inconsistent. Maybe I'll feel differently on second viewing. I do wish I had seen this without having already seen the TC. I think a lot of moments would have landed differently.
The script takes advantage of the time to explore the interactions between the characters, details for Vic Stone's parents, Vulko quotes, Alfred dialogues and, of course, Martian Manhunter himself, as well as DeSaad and Darkseid evil plans. The Batman and Joker dialogues beg for a movie or miniseries just for them.:woo:

The visual effects and also the soundtrack are really great, especially the powers of the Cyborg, the Flash and the Steppenwolf's own armor.

Sometimes the soundtrack runs over the current scene and seems to have been released without any warning or at a very high volume, out of proportion.

No visible clear sign of textual visual identification of which movie we are watching except small letters of initial and final credits.

The loose ends not only depend on their eventual, or it would be probable, sequence, but they can also have some benefit from a still improbable AyerCut of the 1st Suicide Squad, whose director has already stated that it would be the real beginning of the invasion of the Steppenwolf's army.:wow:






I'll have to watch it again before giving a rating. I did think it got better which each chapter, but on the whole, I'm not sure how I feel about the musical score. It was good in places, but it felt inconsistent. Maybe I'll feel differently on second viewing. I do wish I had seen this without having already seen the TC. I think a lot of moments would have landed differently.

The score was one of the few bad things about this film imo, it felt repetitive at times. I usually like Junkie XL but he could have done better. It does have some very good moments as you said.
Score was lacking zimmers heart. Junkie did his versions of Superman's theme but they sounded crappy and fan made in comparison.
All in all I'm keen to get the 5.1 channels audio version of this and do my own edits.

Some of the editing choices felt weird in this for a four hour movie too.
Seeing the bvs batsuit in the knightmare scene really made me realise how bad the jl batsuit is. The texture, the cowl, everything is weird.
The Pros:
- great character development, really felt invested in each of the heroes this time around
- Action scenes were really well done, great to watch, especially The Flash’s introduction, visually very appeasing and it does feel like Zack would do well with a Flash movie.
- MOS themes playing in Supes moments, it is a wonderful score.
- Steppenwolf, actually imposing this time around, a physical threat with real motivation.
- Darkside, every scene he’s in you can feel the power he presents, the threat he would have become.
- Black suit Superman visually looked amazing, suited Cavill well.
- the movie kept me invested throughout, to the point the 4 hours went by at such a pace, it didn’t drag at all.

The Cons
- My hero Superman getting very minimum screen time, he just didn’t do much.
- There was quite a bit of dodgy CGI, that was jarring at times.
- Martian Manhunter, it did just feel tacked on and honestly I wasn’t a fan of his design.
- Zack seemed to over do it on the music numbers
- The nightmare scene, I just didn’t get the point of it. I know the sequels may have gotten into it further but Zack knew he was going into this without sequels so it feels like the money could have been spent better elsewhere.
- Mera’s accent, truly awful, I have no idea what they were thinking with that.
- As a huge Superman fan, the shirt rip should have been the classic colours, this is very likely the last time we’ll see Cavill as Supes, which Synder knew, such an iconic moment to waste with the black suit.
I have watched the movie and, I have to admit, I'm slightly disappointed with the final result. Is it better than the TC? Undoubtedly, but it shares many flaws with it (more than I thought it'd share) and even does some things that, dare I say, the theatrical version did better.

The Good:

- Cyborg. Full Stop. Normally, when actors and directors say that something is "the heart of the movie" or complain because the unreleased version of their work is much better, you expect a little bit of hyperbole. Not this time. Cyborg goes from a forgettable secondary player to what's arguably the main character of the entire movie, and probably the most important given his arc is directly connected to the villains machinations. He's relationship with Silas is now emotional, his journey to become a hero feels natural and earned and his story is what gives the movie a human element thorughout all the narrative.

- Steppenwolf. Same with Cyborg. His motivation feels much more human now and, depending on the scene, he could badass, scary and even a little pitiable at times. He and Cyborg are the two things the TC desperately needed.

- On a purely techincal level, this movie is superior in almost every way. Visually is very pleasing (and helps Zack Snyder has a much, much better eye for composition) and the direction is stronger. The 4:3 felt unnecessary, but not displeassng (to me). It also has some of the best scenes in the entire DCEU, like Flash traveling in time.

- The Moments. Like the aforementioned "Flash-time traveling" scene, there are many moments that, taken individually, I felt were great, like Superman's talk with his fathers or the complete history lesson. My personal favorite in terms of direction (it helps it's also very important to the plot), is when the team realizes they can resurrect Superman, and Zimmer's score steals the show for a second before we cut to black.

The Same:

- Flash is, great visual climax aside, pretty much the same character here. The jokes don't really flow any better or worse than in the theatrical and he's still weirdly pervy towars Wonder Woman. I thought some of this was exacerbated or outright invented by the reshoots, but apparently it's simply the version they wanted to go with from the get go. Not a fan there, not a fan here.

The Bad (or, at least, disappointing):

- Aquaman is a non entity. He was dull in the TC, he's as dull here. Momoa isn't the best at acting, but he isn't even allowed some human moments. He feels like he's there because he has to be there.

- Wonder Woman has nothing to do in this film. She's, dare I say it, worse utilized than in the theatrical, objectification notwistanding. Her scene beating the terrorists serves no purpouse, she no longer has an arc of trying to adjust to this new world of super-people or even a personality and mostly serves as an exposition machine for the plot to work.

- Superman is wasted. All the stuff he lacked in the TC, he lacks here. He barely interacts with anybody in the team, in his fight scene against the league he feels like a drone (and loses the one genuinely good line the TC gave him) and in his fight against Steppenwolf he's little more than a blunt instrument. I was sorely disappointed with how he was used here.

- Martian Manhunter is shoehorned and ruins two scenes that would have worked much better without him. Bruce meeting him at the end feels techincally disjointed, and I'm not sure if it was originally supposed to be a Green Lantern or something because it feels like they cut any line that came from Affleck's mouth that could be specific to any character to try and put MM there (come on people, this could have been solved with ADR, just give him a real interaction, I'm sure Affleck would be willing to dub some more lines). His scene with Lois feels unnecessary, it turned a wholesome scene between two grieving women into fanservice, they should have left Martha alone.

- The Pacing.This didn't need to be 4 hours. You could cut this to 3-hours or, dare I say it, 2 hours and 45 minutes and it'd be a much better movie for it. Many scenes are superflous, gratuitous or downright boring and don't contribute to the plot or the characters.
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I actually thought Aquaman had some tremendous "human" moments - showing concern for Cyborg after his dad's death and him being the one who wasn't sure about bringing Superman back

I thought those were a bit of a prerequisite, thought I admit I'm not Momoa's beiggest fan (so maybe I just didn't feel them), but I thought overall he lacked the warm and charisma of his solo outing (which I enjoy a lot, despite my aforementioned issues with his acting abilities).
About half way through it right now, so I will post ab update later, but there have been improvements over the original. Steppenwolf is a definite improvement in terms of seeming like a threat. That said, there are still far too many of the annoying Snyder signatures like overuse of slow motion and questionable music choices.

I also am absolutely hating Ezra Miller's Flash Barry Allen interpretation. Far too odd and quirky, and not in a charming way.
6/10 and the best Snyder movie for me. Completely ruined WW1984 in retrospect lol this is what Diana should be and should be doing. Batman was great, WW was great, Aquaman was so fun.The rest...eh. But at 4h the film somehow manages to fly and it could have easily be a bit shortened and release in cinemas. I have no idea why WB panicked when he was filming this - the characters are likable, the interactions are fun the action is really great. I liked the visuals in Atlantis even more than in Wan's movie

Loved the score the most but I see WW's new theme is controversial, I am really nostalgic for Xena so it worked for me lol

Wonder Woman should be cracking skulls in front of children? I beg to differ
There's not much to Snyder's Warrior Woman beyond mindless violence and trite girl-power clichés to show what a "strong woman" she is...even Gal's acting is cringe-worthy under Snyder
The only good thing about the Snyder Cut is the action scenes, it was a mistake to part with Snyder's stunt team for WW84.
Wonder Woman should be cracking skulls in front of children? I beg to differ
There's not much to Snyder's Warrior Woman beyond mindless violence and trite girl-power clichés to show what a "strong woman" she is...even Gal's acting is cringe-worthy under Snyder
The only good thing about the Snyder Cut is the action scenes, it was a mistake to part with Snyder's stunt team for WW84.

God forbid we crack terrorists' skulls huh? :funny: What an oversimplification, given how she did have connection to her heritage here and showed tremendous kindness and consideration to others, where was that in the sequel? The shoe-horned legend to explain golden armor? Or the plot device now being used to call her a rapist?
There's not much to Snyder's Warrior Woman beyond mindless violence and trite girl-power clichés to show what a "strong woman" she is...even Gal's acting is cringe-worthy under Snyder

That actually came from Johns' New-52 JL run. The "burdened warrior" characterization was taken from there, besides Johns was the one who gave her the sword and shield to begin with. Then Brian Azzarello did the rest in the solo WW book some of which was adapted in DCEU, such as making her Zeus' daughter instead of being made of clay, though thank god they didn't use the New-52 Amazons' origin...

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