Part VI (Spoiler Thread)

It's beyond what the narrow minded Sequel Trilogy was willing to explore. There's so much there to unpack. The truth about the Jedi. The truth about the Sith. So much ground they can cover by having Qui-Gon instruct Obi-Wan.
sounds interesting.
So, my key for enjoying this show ever since it became "Obi-Wan and Leia go on an adventure" was to block out established canon as I watched. Just don't let it enter my brain. Because as soon as it does, it all falls apart. And using that method...I quite enjoyed this finale, tbh.

That "You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker...I did" really got me.

I am grateful this show exists for a rather unusual reason, however - one of my biggest problems with the prequels (*cough*dialogue and video game aesthetics aside*cough*) is that there was always a disconnect for me with Anakin and Vader in those. Obviously, I knew they were same person, but I never felt it. They didn't sell the transformation for me, so I never really bought that Hayden's Anakin was the same guy in that suit. This show melded the two together for me in a way that the main saga failed to, so I am glad to have it for that reason if nothing else. But also for the gift that was Little Leia, lol.

Overall consensus for me was that it was very sloppily written, but solidly directed, and...not the worst Star Wars show to date (sorry, that's still you, Boba!). It had enough going for it that I'm glad it got made. Wasn't nearly as good as it could've been. But there are still movies in the main saga that were worse.
What a wild ride. As someone who didn't care much for the first 3 episodes, I started coming around on the show with Part IV, then finally liking Reva in Part V and overall liking the episode a lot and now this finale, which had a number of moments that almost moved me to tears. Darth/Anakin's scarred face was frightening and shocking. Obi-Wan's apology destroyed me. Owen and Beru protecting their boy was surprisingly moving. Obi-Wan's last conversation with Leia, talking about how she embodies the best traits from her parents...That was all great stuff. And Qui-Gon's cameo put a smile on my face.

The writing for the show was a bit all over the place, ranging from "oh that's dumb" to "that works!", and I agree that this show does work best if you try to isolate it from canon so that the events of the show can make sense, but a lot of the stuff that works in this show naturally comes from that same canon so...It kinda exists in a fan fiction / canon gray area for me. Star Wars, man.
Err…don’t know what to think.
Wtf was Reva doing? Why does she want to kill Luke? Vader doesn’t even know about his children.
Why doesn’t she have injuries?
Why was she so fast on Tatooine (Kenobi too)
Why doesn’t Kenobi kill Anakin (again). He knew he should’ve killed him the first time. Not killing him on Mustafar caused all the suffering and despair. And sparing him a second time causes more suffering and despair for the whole universe.
That "You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker...I did" really got me.

I am grateful this show exists for a rather unusual reason, however - one of my biggest problems with the prequels (*cough*dialogue and video game aesthetics aside*cough*) is that there was always a disconnect for me with Anakin and Vader in those. Obviously, I knew they were same person, but I never felt it. They didn't sell the transformation for me, so I never really bought that Hayden's Anakin was the same guy in that suit. This show melded the two together for me in a way that the main saga failed to, so I am glad to have it for that reason if nothing else.

Definitely agree there.
It really is a horrible fandom. Good thing McGregor, Chow, Favreau, Filoni & Christensen don't give a **** about what's said on here or in any message boards.

Season 2 can't come soon enough.
I agree, the fandom is absolutely toxic, and very rarely a pleasant place to be in.
But I'd argue that gatekeeping who are the actual fans of something, and describing something as "the narrow minded sequels" adds just as much, if not more toxicity, than a lof the criticism of Obi-Wan that's going on in this thread.
Id love to know which fool thought it was a good idea to have the camera operator shake like an epileptic during the duel. Its like the DOP walked on set and thought "I'll try shaking. Thats a good trick!"

A good duel with strong emotions undone by the worst camera work in the franchise.
Id love to know which fool thought it was a good idea to have the camera operator shake like an epileptic during the duel. Its like the DOP walked on set and thought "I'll try shaking. Thats a good trick!"

A good duel with strong emotions undone by the worst camera work in the franchise.
I disagree. Chung-hoon Chung did great work here. Specially with the lighting throughout both fights. They felt alive. Real.

He's an excellent DP. Oldboy & Stoker are gorgeous films to watch.
Id love to know which fool thought it was a good idea to have the camera operator shake like an epileptic during the duel. Its like the DOP walked on set and thought "I'll try shaking. Thats a good trick!"

A good duel with strong emotions undone by the worst camera work in the franchise.

Yeah that was annoying as hell, even worse when they had the dramatic scene at the end of the duel and the camera kept was infuriating.
The Lightning did a good job, the choreography too...steady camera work would have done a better job imo.
I disagree. Chung-hoon Chung did great work here. Specially with the lighting throughout both fights. They felt alive. Real.

He's an excellent DP. Oldboy & Stoker are gorgeous films to watch.

Lighting was fine. The shaky cam work was garbage. Chung does well when he has a talented director like Park Chan Wook. This show's cinematography isn't even in the same ballpark as Stoker.
Thought the finale was the best episode yet. This really picked up from Episode 3 and just got better for me. Vader in his prime was a sight to behold and Hayden did great.

I do love that no matter how powerful Vader becomes though he seems to have a mental block when it comes to trying to defeat his old master.
I agree, the fandom is absolutely toxic, and very rarely a pleasant place to be in.
But I'd argue that gatekeeping who are the actual fans of something, and describing something as "the narrow minded sequels" adds just as much, if not more toxicity, than a lof the criticism of Obi-Wan that's going on in this thread.

Agreed. Having criticisms isn't toxic. Discussing Star Wars is obnoxious thanks to extremes on both ends of the spectrum. Being told everything is terrible and you shouldn't praise it is just as annoying as being told everything is perfect and you shouldn't mention flaws. This thread seems pretty positive overall, and far more positive than other corners of the internet. The need to invalidate negative opinions seems kinda desperate to me.
So I really enjoyed the lightsaber duel between Obi-Wan and Vader. That split mask at the end was genuinely creepy and Vader’s line about being the one who really killed Anakin was great. No complaints with any of that, really. I also liked Obi-Wan really taking charge and stepping up to potentially sacrifice himself to save the crew. All of that was great.

Now, onto the bad… first off, I think light speed has gotten to the point where it’s basically become teleportation because Reva got to Tatooine apparently a minute or two after episode 5 ended. And having her hunt down Luke made no sense at all. What was the point of that? So she could kill him and then tell Vader that she murdered his son just to rub it in his face? Or does she not even know that Luke is his kid? She said something about how she has to do it so that her friends’ deaths would mean something…WTF? How does killing an innocent child avenge what happened to them? I’ve defended Reva throughout this series and I don’t fault Moses Ingram at all, but this is just straight up bad writing. They didn’t seem to know what to do with her. I would much rather have seen her go after Obi-Wan and Vader and had her help out Obi-Wan in the duel. Vader obviously wouldn’t have died but at least that would be a redemption arc that made sense, rather than “I was going to kill a kid but then I had a change of heart so I guess I’m good now.” Ugh.

Overall though, at least this series kept me interested and Obi-Wan and Leia made for a great team. I also liked his line, “You’re 10 years old Leia; I’m not giving you a gun.” I’m sure that sent all the “2nd Amendment” nut jobs who pose for family photos with AR-15s into a rage. :hehe:
So I really enjoyed the lightsaber duel between Obi-Wan and Vader. That split mask at the end was genuinely creepy and Vader’s line about being the one who really killed Anakin was great. No complaints with any of that, really. I also liked Obi-Wan really taking charge and stepping up to potentially sacrifice himself to save the crew. All of that was great.

Now, onto the bad… first off, I think light speed has gotten to the point where it’s basically become teleportation because Reva got to Tatooine apparently a minute or two after episode 5 ended. And having her hunt down Luke made no sense at all. What was the point of that? So she could kill him and then tell Vader that she murdered his son just to rub it in his face? Or does she not even know that Luke is his kid? She said something about how she has to do it so that her friends’ deaths would mean something…WTF? How does killing an innocent child avenge what happened to them? I’ve defended Reva throughout this series and I don’t fault Moses Ingram at all, but this is just straight up bad writing. They didn’t seem to know what to do with her. I would much rather have seen her go after Obi-Wan and Vader and had her help out Obi-Wan in the duel. Vader obviously wouldn’t have died but at least that would be a redemption arc that made sense, rather than “I was going to kill a kid but then I had a change of heart so I guess I’m good now.” Ugh.

Overall though, at least this series kept me interested and Obi-Wan and Leia made for a great team. I also liked his line, “You’re 10 years old Leia; I’m not giving you a gun.” I’m sure that sent all the “2nd Amendment” nut jobs who pose for family photos with AR-15s into a rage. :hehe:

About Reva: she also managed to heal her lightsaber wound easily when Qui Gon (or Obi Wan) could not and it was the same type.
Agreed. Having criticisms isn't toxic. Discussing Star Wars is obnoxious thanks to extremes on both ends of the spectrum. Being told everything is terrible and you shouldn't praise it is just as annoying as being told everything is perfect and you shouldn't mention flaws. This thread seems pretty positive overall, and far more positive than other corners of the internet. The need to invalidate negative opinions seems kinda desperate to me.
I'm glad that so many people are enjoying this show. I truly am. I also feel that there should be room for people who didn't enjoy the show to discuss why they didn't.

I don't have an agenda. I don't hate Disney. I actually enjoyed 2/3rds of the sequels. A lot. I enjoyed Mando, mostly, even though I have some criticism for that show as well, but who cares?

There are Star Wars fans out there who attack anything related to Disney, anything related to the sequels/prequels, whatever. Their opinions are based on hatred, bigotry and ignorance. Being called toxic for expressing an opinion anything other than "this is amazing" is harmful to the discourse.
Having criticism isn't toxic, and it's the norm for most fanbases. But, and i mean this in the most sincere way, Star Wars fans hate A LOT of what they claim to love. They hate lore that contradicts other lore, so long as it's from Disney, but if it's Lucas doing it, then it's okay. I don't get how a fanbase that loves Star Wars so much can also hate so much of it, but hey that's just me and everybody is entitled to love or hate what they like. I'm just speaking as an observer that's been a part of multiple fandoms over the years. Also, nothing can ever make you feel like you're 6 years old again. Yes, you can feel nostalgia, but the magic that you felt when you were a child is very hard to replicate.
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I’ve been a bit iffy with this series after greatly anticipating it originally, but just wanted to say that I loved this finale. Everything with Darth Vader and Obi-Wan was fantastic.

I also love the little “Darth” line from Obi-Wan to tie it back to why Obi-Wan kept calling him that in A New Hope almost mockingly.

Reva and Luke could’ve been cut. A more tragic ending for her would’ve been in Episode 5 to die and to realize what hate has done to her.

This also should end here as something special. I get why this story needed to be told for Obi-Wan and Anakin. We don’t need a Season 2.
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About Reva: she also managed to heal her lightsaber wound easily when Qui Gon (or Obi Wan) could not and it was the same type.

It didn't look like she was fully healed, when she was fighting Owen. She was visibly wincing when hit on the area.
About Reva: she also managed to heal her lightsaber wound easily when Qui Gon (or Obi Wan) could not and it was the same type.

Yeah I forgot to mention that. Like, I get that Jedis can heal themselves (although they probably should have actually shown someone doing this in this show because if you haven’t seen TROS or Mando you wouldn’t know that) but I have to assume that there’s a bit of a recovery period. Hell, Obi-Wan just got burned up a bit and he had to get rushed to a bacta tank. Yet here’s Reva, running around and fighting, acting like she has nothing more than a bit of indigestion after having a literal HOLE cut right through her stomach.

I mean she was still very slow and weak, which is how some farmers were kinda able to hold her back. We know at full power she can do the silly Inquisitor parkour :oldrazz: Also I suppose they were going with the "revenge does wonders for the will to live" thing that Inquisitor Corgan mentioned in Part V :shrug:
It didn't look like she was fully healed, when she was fighting Owen. She was visibly wincing when hit on the area.

No she wasn't, that's right but she was impaled by a lightsaber like Qui Gon was and he died.
Anyway, it didn't bother me, I don't mind this kind of inconsistancies or I would not enjoy many series :)

All the scenes with Vader and Obi Wan were great even the dialogues. That is enought for me.

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