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Wonder Woman 3 not moving forward

I think her popularity as WW is exaggerated by far too many people. I would agree with your sentiment if your statement was made months after the first movie. A lot has changed since then.

I think fandom greatly underestimates how popular she is as Wonder Woman
I've yet to see evidence that her iteration of Wonder Woman is unpopular with General Audiences.

I get that in fandom she may not be as popular , but's that fandom.

GA don't have an issue with her.

Doesn't mean audiences can't accept someone else in the role, but no, I haven't seen any proof of a lack of popularity of her as Wonder Woman with the GA.
The fact that WB/DC can't get their **** together is not unexpected but still disappointing.
They'll definitely keep Gadot. They'd be crazy to get rid of her as despite the reception to WW84, I feel the GA still very much love her in the part.

Wonder Woman 3 will be re-jigged and re-framed to fit Gunn's narrative. The only question now will be: Is Jenkins willing to play ball with the new bosses?
As long as Gal comes back as WW, then losing Patty Jenkins isn't too bad. She over indulged on WW84 and made a superhero film that felt like it was made in 1984. It was like the equivalent of Superman III. Maybe Gunn didn't like Jenkins's script for WW3.

I want a WW movie that doesn't take her over an hour or more for Diana to suit up and actually get some action. Max Lord as the villain wasn't great and Cheetah felt shoehorned in there at the last minute instead of organically fitting into the story or developing Cheetah-like abilities.

I do hope WW3 isn't completely dead though.
It is fascinating to see people who read that article and come out on the execs side.
I think her popularity as WW is exaggerated by far too many people.
Long post incoming:
I think the problem with these kinda statements on here is that us as internet dwellers have our opinion skewed because most of the chatter we see regarding movies is online which makes up a small portion of the GA. For instance if you went online and spoke about The Suicide Squad you would think it's one of the most beloved superhero movies in recent memory and would assume it got all the money (well relative to COVID time grosses) in the world. But when you look at the other more widespread metrics like Cinescore, online chatter measuring sites...it's reception is pretty lukewarm amongst the GA.

That being said and that bias in mind...I do think I agree that her popularity as WW is exaggerated. But again, that's 99% of what we do online

To be clear: She is popular and liked as Wondy. I think it would be silly to say otherwise and I don't even like her as Wonder Woman. I'm not saying "no one likes her" or she has a mixed reception. I think if you ask 1000 people on the street if they like Gadot as Wonder Woman, a vast majority would be overall positive.
However, and this is not an insult, she's not like RDJ as Stark, Boseman as T'Challa, or Reynolds as Deadpool. Hell I don't even think she's up there as say Evans as Cap or Hemsworth as Thor in terms of being beloved by the audience.

The fact is, there are a lot of heroes who are well liked but they aren't beloved to the point where if they're recast, not due to death, that it would be a big freaking deal to the GA. People online, maybe. But people scream bloody murder over something like a Mario movie. We aren't to be taken that seriously.
For another example, people like Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Strange. His movies do well, no real major complaints about the portrayal. However if for whatever reason he were replaced in the role, I really don't see it moving the needle for most people pre-release. Post-release if the next portrayal is worse then yeah you'd get a lot of "Bring Cumberbatch back"

I just don't see much chatter about this iteration of Wonder Woman (or non Batman related DC characters in general) amongst my friends, family, and coworkers who are all GA members who only consume superhero content through movies and some shows. Honestly even amongst women I hear Black Widow, Scarlet Witch (women loooooove her) and Harley Quinn a lot more than I hear about Gadot as Wonder Woman if they're name dropping a woman superhero. And I get that's anecdotal but that's just what I've seen.
Even on here, I get this place is mostly male based, I have not heard much hype over the next Wonder Woman film adventure. Like if it wasn't for this news, most people wouldn't even being talking about this film iteration of Wonder Woman on here and you can search as see how little she was discussed on here or even the non DC subreddits. And again I get that these spaces are male dominated but still.
Hell I didn't even see Wonder Woman, Patty Jenkins, or Gadot trending this week even with this news. But you could bet that if Ryan Reynolds wasn't gonna be Deadpool or Taika was dropped from Thor 4 after Ragnarok that that would've been a major trending topic

I think the scenarios that would make it a big deal to the masses are this:
a) They scrap Gadot but keep things like Peacemaker and maybe even Momoa as Aquaman? That wouldn't look good. Especially keeping Peacemaker. With Momoa at least you can hide behind that he's more of a money maker
b) if they scrap Gadot's Wonder Woman and they don't announce a new Wonder Woman movie or at least iteration for like 3-5 years. I think people would be really mad about that especially considering the small about a women led SH movies
c) They bring back Henry Cavill and scrap Gadot even though none of his portrayals made the money Gadot did as the lead in 2017

I say all this to say, I think the smartest move for WB/DC would to be start from scratch. Sometimes the recipe or the house is too far gone to try and continue on a bad base. And that would mean getting rid of Gadot (and Momoa, and Peacemaker, etc.)

TL; DR: Gal Gadot is liked and popular as Wonder Woman. But she's not "irreplaceable" on the levels of a small handful of modern superhero portrayals. And I'd say that about most superhero portrayals. The best thing from DC would to be to start from scratch and that would mean getting rid of Gadot. And I don't see any evidence for why that would be a bad idea just on principle.
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Also to this day when the GA think of WW in a board sense they don't just think of Gadot, they also think of Lynda Carter.
It is fascinating to see people who read that article and come out on the execs side.
It is fascinating to see people who read that article and come out with any strong opinion toward either side.

Side A wanted Side B to do something. Side B didn't want to and left. :shrug:

Really the only juicy thing here is that Jenkins allegedly sent the definition of character arc to the execs. Which is hilarious. Hilarious in a "screw you I quit", Jerry McGuire or Half Baked quitting scene kinda way.

Remove that bit and the article could've been summed up in a tweet. "Jenkins left the project due to creative differences." Kinda a nothing burger. It's not like those Deadline/THR reports of Suicide Sqaud's 2016 collapse or even Frank Daranbont's Walking Dead emails. This is nothing.

Without knowing what Jenkins' treatment was or what the exec's notes were, I don't see how anyone can really feel any type of strong way about who was right or wrong unless they're too heavily invested or emotional.
Also didn't Jenkins get A LOT more creative freedom with WW84, rightfully so, after the success of Wonder Woman 2017. And then that kinda didn't work out reception wise...so if it's true I can see why execs were a bit more judgemental of her treatment.

I don't know. Again without knowing the details of Jenkins' ideas, hearing what the execs really didn't like about it, or hearing if anyone cross the line with their behavior; I can't really pick a side.

At least WB finally did it before the movie was filming rather than in post production/reshoots
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Also to this day when the GA think of WW in a board sense they don't just think of Gadot, they also think of Lynda Carter.

True, but that's the case with Spiderman, Superman, Batman, James Bond, Sherlock Holmes, etc. and several other characters who've had multiple iterations.

That's not unique to Gadot and Carter.

We also have to keep in mind, that to a generation of children , she is Wonder Woman , and they aren't old enough to know about Lynda Carter.

For a generation of kids, for good or ill, Gadot's Wonder Woman will shape their perception of what Wonder Woman is .

As older fans, we tend to get caught up in how we see these iterations, and whether or not we have attachments to them, but we tend to forget that to children, the first version they see of a character often shapes how they perceive that character in the future.

And they can become attached to those versions regardless of where those versions or the characters stand in relation to other iterations and regardless of the views of online fandom.

As a child Chris Reeve and Michael Keaton were Superman and Batman.
I didn't know about George Reeves, Kirk Alyn, Adam West and Lewis Wilson.
I didn't care.
Reeve and Keaton were my generations Superman and Batman .

I've been on these boards long enough to see posters bashing Maguire's Spiderman in the mid 00s and claiming that his version wasn't popular with the public.

Now ,these boards are filled with fans who were kids when the Raimi films came out, and think fondly of Maguire's Spiderman and those films.

Gadot's gonna be thought of the same way by children today who will one day be adults, and they're gonna think fondly of her and be attached to her.

That's a reality that alot of older fans may not like or accept, but that's the reality nevertheless.

Gadot's not irreplaceable of course, but no actor is IMO.

Another actress, sooner or later will take the mantle , and that's how it should be, because it's a role that should be passed down .

I'm not a believer in the " You should never recast or reboot! " notion to some fans today have.
WW84 was a disappointment and I while I do enjoy the first movie, there was room for improvement. Without Jenkins, I still wouldn’t mind seeing Gal Gadot in a soft reboot / third film, but I’ll just as gladly take a hard reboot.
I'm no Patty defender, but it is shocking to me that so many in the DC fandom that I follow on social media have completely turned on her because she made one movie they didn't like. They are saying some crazy things.
I'm no Patty defender, but it is shocking to me that so many in the DC fandom that I follow on social media have completely turned on her because she made one movie they didn't like. They are saying some crazy things.

Is it “turning on” a director if you don’t like a movie they’ve made and want to take the character in a different direction? Why should Jenkins have a lock on WW?

That being said, don’t know what social media comments you’ve been seeing—don’t support/condone any hate or trolling.
If a WW3 or a new WW film is made, I would like:

-modern day setting.
-no Steve Trevor in any capacity. (WW 2017 made us feel for him, but 84's return was a misfire)
-more action
Let Steve Trevor die

I honestly believe this because this sounds along the lines of that WW84 goofball nonsense that Patty pulled the last time. She needs to just stay in the director's chair and let someone else she trusts come up with the story. Then she can apply her vision to it.
I honestly believe this because this sounds along the lines of that WW84 goofball nonsense that Patty pulled the last time. She needs to just stay in the director's chair and let someone else she trusts come up with the story. Then she can apply her vision to it.
The guy literally admits to cooking this story in his own damn Twitter thread. It’s completely fake. But by all means, go on believing what suits your narrative.
Patty's first WW movie already had healing waters that Steve bathed in, if I remember right and it wasn't called the Lazarus Pit. That and the League of Assassins are not Wonder Woman's story, at least Max Lord was sort of associated with Wonder Woman stories.

I could see, however, Steve Trevor in Tartarus which is guarded by Themyscira. But I don't think Patty would use that.
As someone who’s not a fan of Gadot and her portrayal of Diana, losing Jenkins but still possibly having her continue in the role sounds… not good. And WW84 had some flaws but it sometimes shocks me how much vitriol gets thrown at Jenkins. I still think it was a good story, just that some aspects of the movie needed more work. I truly, sincerely hope she gets to continue making the films she likes and this doesn’t totally derail her career.

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