The Daily Planet - Superman News and Speculation Thread

I still like it. The artwork has been great. I think It'll look great and unique in action.

Of course things are going to look disjointed when hunched over or sitting down, but I dig every facet of the suit. And rumors are, he will have multiple. But the thing nobody is talking about is how huge of a human being David is, and judging by his recent workout picture, the dude is beyond massive. Being that big on a 6'4 frame, I think he'll fill out the materials quite well when we see him upright.
Of course things are going to look disjointed when hunched over or sitting down, but I dig every facet of the suit. And rumors are, he will have multiple. But the thing nobody is talking about is how huge of a human being David is, and judging by his recent workout picture, the dude is beyond massive. Being that big on a 6'4 frame, I think he'll fill out the materials quite well when we see him upright.
The suit also is damaged. That is why the color scheme is off with the blue near the symbol compared to the brightness of the pants near the boots. Supes has a long cape and shorts. What do the fans want? David has the concerned look of Superman down and Supes is huge. I thought Gunn was going to do a comic book panel image with Superman smiling with the suit bright looking because of sunlight. Glad I was wrong. Love the reveal.
Personally, I feel like the costume design is the first big misstep of the film. The costume just doesn't look flattering and comes off clumsy in its execution. Feels more a cosplay piece.

Gunn is a smart guy. He continually reads and engages with fan comments.

I don't know how he thought this costume and reveal would go over well. It's not even a case of half the people love it and half the people hate it. The majority of the responses are I don't like it with another large section that is stating that it's just okay. Those that love it are few and far between.

And for heaven's sake of all the things he could have added to the costume, he put a collar on it which is one of the most disliked aspects of Superman's costumes in all the years they've made changes to it.

I think the most we can hope for at this point is that Superman is financially successful and a sequel includes an updated and improved costume.
My wife and I are about to head out for a little getaway for our 10 year anniversary, in a dang haunted B&B.

If you don't hear back from me, call the damn Ghostbusters.
I stayed at a haunted inn once. The only experiences I had were noticing lights flickering in the restaurant and not being able to regulate the room temperature at all.
Isn’t this just a little bit of an extreme reaction to one photograph?

Hoping we get a better suit in the next film? No.

I concede that the suit likely looks better in motion and with him standing up, but there is still elements of it that I, and the majority of fans, do not care for that another picture will not change.

It's anecdotal evidence, but people I know who are not hardcore fans and i consider casual movie goers gave me there opinion of this and it wasn't flattering. Again, fell into the lines of "meh".

I don't think this suit is going to make or break the movie, but it did nothing to instill excitement with fans and movie goers from what I've observed.

This doesn't change the fact I think Gunn is still likely going to give us a great film. But for this moment in time with the suit, he made his first misstep.
Hoping we get a better suit in the next film? No.

I concede that the suit likely looks better in motion and with him standing up, but there is still elements of it that I, and the majority of fans, do not care for that another picture will not change.

It's anecdotal evidence, but people I know who are not hardcore fans and i consider casual movie goers gave me there opinion of this and it wasn't flattering. Again, fell into the lines of "meh".

I don't think this suit is going to make or break the movie, but it did nothing to instill excitement with fans and movie goers from what I've observed.

This doesn't change the fact I think Gunn is still likely going to give us a great film. But for this moment in time with the suit, he made his first misstep.
I obviously misread your comment. At first glance it seemed a little like crying “the sky is falling,” but this clarification helps.

You see, the anecdotal evidence I have is that friends who saw the suit had a reaction of “cool. I’m glad to get a new Superman movie. Hope it’s better than the last ones.”

Most people aren’t breaking down the suit to the degree that online fans or people paid to write articles are doing. Whether a suit is too baggy or has a higher neckline probably won’t be a deciding factor in whether the film succeeds or not. In fact, a good movie can change opinions. I know a lot of people, myself included, who hated the TDK batsuit when the reveal photo with him standing on the squad car was released. But TDK was so good and the suit made sense in the context of the film. Now it’s one of the better cinematic suits to me as a result.

In the end, I’m just glad to have a Superman wearing clothes and not foam rubber muscles.
Hoping we get a better suit in the next film? No.

I concede that the suit likely looks better in motion and with him standing up, but there is still elements of it that I, and the majority of fans, do not care for that another picture will not change.

It's anecdotal evidence, but people I know who are not hardcore fans and i consider casual movie goers gave me there opinion of this and it wasn't flattering. Again, fell into the lines of "meh".

I don't think this suit is going to make or break the movie, but it did nothing to instill excitement with fans and movie goers from what I've observed.

This doesn't change the fact I think Gunn is still likely going to give us a great film. But for this moment in time with the suit, he made his first misstep.
So wait….you asked casual movie-goers….if they had a specific opinion on a Superman costume? Of course the answer was “meh” lmao.

Continuing the train of anecdotal evidence, 99% of the time I show this stuff to my wife and she says “oh cool” with zero enthusiasm. And then she goes to see the movie and loves it.

Casual movie-goers don’t care about these details. So your portrayal of an angry indifferent mob falls a little flat for me. I saw plenty of enthusiasm and positive sentiments online.
Gunn is a smart guy. He continually reads and engages with fan comments.

I don't know how he thought this costume and reveal would go over well. It's not even a case of half the people love it and half the people hate it. The majority of the responses are I don't like it with another large section that is stating that it's just okay. Those that love it are few and far between.
To be fair, comments always ***** about everything. The image has over a million likes in Instagram, most of Facebook reacts are likes and "I love it" and it has 100K+ likes in Twitter on several posts. So I'm not sure if it really went over that badly.
So wait….you asked casual movie-goers….if they had a specific opinion on a Superman costume? Of course the answer was “meh” lmao.

Continuing the train of anecdotal evidence, 99% of the time I show this stuff to my wife and she says “oh cool” with zero enthusiasm. And then she goes to see the movie and loves it.

Casual movie-goers don’t care about these details. So your portrayal of an angry indifferent mob falls a little flat for me. I saw plenty of enthusiasm and positive sentiments online.
Yehp my partner had the exact same reaction. She was excited for me to show her (she is amazingly supportive of me being a dork) and when I sent her the pic she was excited and said cooool.

If Marvel has shown us anything is that character portrayal trumps costume. Captain America is certainly not wearing his comic book outfit after the first film but it's close enough and the character is on point so it works.
It's the only official image we have to react to so there's always a risk of being a prisoner of the moment. You have genuine criticism mixing with hyperbole. That's the internet.
I agree but as someone that has been in this game for nearly 20 yrs it becomes tiresome. But I expect it.
Great picture many lines
Gunn is a smart guy. He continually reads and engages with fan comments.

I don't know how he thought this costume and reveal would go over well. It's not even a case of half the people love it and half the people hate it. The majority of the responses are I don't like it with another large section that is stating that it's just okay. Those that love it are few and far between.

And for heaven's sake of all the things he could have added to the costume, he put a collar on it which is one of the most disliked aspects of Superman's costumes in all the years they've made changes to it.

I think the most we can hope for at this point is that Superman is financially successful and a sequel includes an updated and improved costume.
How can you make a statement like that by just looking at a picture of Superman sitting in a chair and putting his boots on? Most polls I have seen say the suit is ok and more seem to love it than hate it. Let’s see the full suit and a trailer before we make judgement.
I've seen so many wild comments on this suit lol. I do prefer MoS suit, but I'm just going off this one picture. And honestly, if he nails the characterization of Clark/Superman, that's really the most important thing to me this go around. People crapped on The Batman suit, now I think the general consensus is it's pretty awesome.
Most people have been concentrating on the suit in that picture, I have been concentrating on David. He looks natural in the suit, as if wearing the suit fits him, that he was born to wear the suit. To me, Cavill never looked comfortable or natural in the suit, the suit seemed to overwhelm him as a person, and it hurt the performance.

David looks like he was always meant to wear the suit. He looks comfortable and real, as Superman. I think it will show in his performance. A good start, waiting to see more.
It's true that the general public doesn't care that much about suits, unless it's a real dud. But I'm not sure this is really what people are mostly complaining about...

The parameter I keep taking into account here is that we're in a context where CBMs don't have the same standing as they did a few years ago. I know we're used to saying that if a film is good, it can transcend fashions and everything, but I think the difference with the decade before is that there's now a real and conscient desire on the part of the public to see “something new” within the genre.
And, in my eyes, it's precisely here that this little piece of promotion has probably missed the mark (a bit).

Because even if we don't know much about the film, this kind of image are specifically used to communicate directions. And as it stands, whether you liked it or not, that one objectively promises nothing really new, artistically wise.
Negative or lukewarm opinions shouldn't always be caricatured as naiveté or little battles between various factions of fans. The overall visual style of the costume (and from the digital puke behind :o ) is so evocative of what we've seen over the last 15 years that it's quite legitimate not to feel super-excited. Even more, in the context of a certain type of superhero movies fatigue...
Again, this doesn't mean the whole film is doomed, but at this moment in time, anybody is perfectly entitled to feel disappointed or not.

Anyway, just my two cents...

The lines are so minimal. I truly think we will see past them once he is moving about.

Yep, this is why I don't want to make too definitive judgment.
Although I also imagined something else for the suit, my only real grip with what we were shown is those specific backpack-style lines. Like I said above: this very MCUlike visual style (that I never really care for) just feels so stale now that, for the moment, this first image fails to give me real excitement and, more precisely, immersion. It really gave the impression that Superman has the same costume designer as all the other superheroes seen in recent films, series, etc.

Ultimately, like you said, when we see more of the movie direction, with movement, cinematography, sound, etc., those impressions will perhaps be changed a bit.
But right now, it just feels to me more like a "generic Hollywood Superman costume" than "this director's live-action Superman", if that make sense...

Simply put (and to reinforce my point), it lacks freshness.

Most people have been concentrating on the suit in that picture, I have been concentrating on David. He looks natural in the suit, as if wearing the suit fits him, that he was born to wear the suit. To me, Cavill never looked comfortable or natural in the suit, the suit seemed to overwhelm him as a person, and it hurt the performance.

David looks like he was always meant to wear the suit. He looks comfortable and real, as Superman. I think it will show in his performance. A good start, waiting to see more.

Even if we only have one slightly-controversial image of Corenswet in the role for now, I 100% agree on everything here.
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I obviously misread your comment. At first glance it seemed a little like crying “the sky is falling,” but this clarification helps.

You see, the anecdotal evidence I have is that friends who saw the suit had a reaction of “cool. I’m glad to get a new Superman movie. Hope it’s better than the last ones.”

Most people aren’t breaking down the suit to the degree that online fans or people paid to write articles are doing. Whether a suit is too baggy or has a higher neckline probably won’t be a deciding factor in whether the film succeeds or not. In fact, a good movie can change opinions. I know a lot of people, myself included, who hated the TDK batsuit when the reveal photo with him standing on the squad car was released. But TDK was so good and the suit made sense in the context of the film. Now it’s one of the better cinematic suits to me as a result.

In the end, I’m just glad to have a Superman wearing clothes and not foam rubber muscles.
Honestly, I didn't mind the TDK suit in the original reveal, but I came to really dislike it in the movie itself. A bad hero costume is an annoyance for me, but it obviously doesn't ruin the movie. Skyfall is one of the best Bond films despite the fact that Craig has an unflattering haircut and his suits fit horribly (the super skinny cut also make no sense for a character who represents the old way of doing things in the story).

I'll admit my reaction to this one is probably affected by the fact that I was so spoiled by The Batman, where not only are the characterizations spot-on but we have the best costume design in the history of the character (if not the genre). Jacqueline Durran is a genius and I really hope EON grabs her for the next Bond.
Honestly, I didn't mind the TDK suit in the original reveal, but I came to really dislike it in the movie itself. A bad hero costume is an annoyance for me, but it obviously doesn't ruin the movie. Skyfall is one of the best Bond films despite the fact that Craig has an unflattering haircut and his suits fit horribly (the super skinny cut also make no sense for a character who represents the old way of doing things in the story).

I'll admit my reaction to this one is probably affected by the fact that I was so spoiled by The Batman, where not only are the characterizations spot-on but we have the best costume design in the history of the character (if not the genre). Jacqueline Durran is a genius and I really hope EON grabs her for the next Bond.

I remember this reveal very well. I was taking summer courses in college and saw it when I got back to my dorm after class. I recall liking it from the belt up, but hated the legs from day one. Since then, I've cooled on the suit altogether. Just an altogether busy mess of a design.

@Boom On that same note, I really hope Gunn sticks to a New 52 style for Batman’s costume. Gray fabric, continuous cape and cowl, thinner cowl like Battinson’s. I’m tired of all the rubber and “armor.” It’s a fantasy. We don’t need “realism” with these costumes, especially not in an elevated universe involving superpowers and all sorts of crazy technology. It hasn’t been needed in the comics or the cartoons; why is film any different?

Also, if you give Batman a thinner costume, it makes acrobatics more realistic, something we probably haven’t seen portrayed because Film Batman is often lumbering around under 50-100 lbs of foam rubber. As for realism, I can accept that Wayne has enough resources that he can fabricate a lightweight but generally protective material.

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