7.19 - Quest - Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I also didnt get the "BDA" criticisms of Clark in the ep, I thought he was fine and right in his concerns about he can do a world of harm if someone got control over him. Then again, I dont get a lot of what people say about the show, hence the reason I stopped talking on line about it for the most part.

When someone asks Clark: "do you want lex to control you?" like five times in a single episode, and his reply is anything but the right answer.

This whole episode was based on Mr. Teague excorcising BDA from Clark. The whole reason Clark was tortured was because he was being a little weiner.

hopefully, Mr. Teague will have killed BDA, with whatever trumped up and totally unexplained Kryptonian traditional torture.
how was this anyting like Da Vinci Code? Except for the church, they are nothing alike.
The whole traveler we must protect him thing is just like TDVC and Mr. Teague did not help matters what so ever.
If I want to complain about this show that is my business this episode was IMO sub-par mainly because of that reason I stated. People felt Superman Returns had a to big Religious over tone and I have to say I felt this episode was to big on it to. I am not that big of a fan of when they try to make Superman or Clark in this case out to be Jesus or God. Which is what turned me off to this episode. But I am not going to get into a heated debate with you I am just going to let it go and let the mods deal with it.
I still don't see the DaVinci Code thing, besides being in a church. Anyway, it was a really great episode.
Knight, on behalf of others, I want to ask, wtf are you?

just because the show has ripped off other movies before, still doesn't mean it's good. People have the right to complain without being molested by you. Criticism is the vital lubricant that keeps all society moving forward

the episode was good. But it wasn't that good. And this series is good, but not that good. This episode had stylistic ripoff of a movie. Just because the series has used this before, does not mean it is a good thing.

If you can't deal with discussion that doesn't meet with your perspective, why not try and convince those that don't agree with you of the apparent correctness of your position instead of just being a *****e right off the bat? And if no one replies and listens, then no one cares.

why don't you go back to your 'better' forum?
It was a good episode in a rather mediocre season. The whole Veritas storyline though is pretty crappy. They're just shoehorning in the idea that Lionel and others foretold Clark's arrival years and years ago. Up until this season, there's never been any indication that Lionel was anything more than a ruthless business man... now we're to believe that he has always been part of a group out looking for a Kryptonian to arrive on Earth? And that the reason he was in Smallville that fateful day was because he was looking for Clark?

This new twist on events turns Lex from Lionels beloved son (who was always treated ultra-harsh because Lionel wanted to mold Lex into a ruthless man like himself) into the child who was constantly neglected because Lionel always had his sights on the "Traveller".

I think this whole mess has evolved this season because the writers simply ran out of ideas within regular Smallville continuity. And truthfully, I can't blame them. There are only so many seasons of Clark Kent you can do before people want to see Superman. There are only so many times that Lex can just miss seeing Clark in action or get brain-wiped before people get tired of seeing the same Lex-Clark interactions season after season.

And really, what can we all expect for the season finale? Lex finds out Clark's secret... and then either hits his head or gets brain-wiped so that he forgets.


This season has been pretty slow, and the storyline has been pretty odd for the sake of giving the show something new to do. The better idea woukd've been to make this the show's last season and have everything build-up to Clark moving to Metropolis and becoming Superman. Instead, we have Veritas weirdness, and next season we'll have likely more weird, confused plots as they try to stretch Smallville out yet ANOTHER season.

It's unfortunate that this show (which was great for many seasons) has fallen into such a slump at the end. This stuff is almost as bad as the last season of Roseanne.

But it all may be worth it if next season... after all the Doomsday crap... we'll get to see Clark actually become a reporter at the Planet.

What's odd is that the show really wasted Clark's college years. We hardly ever saw anything about college outside of his first year. It would've been the perfect time to really establish his desire to become a journalist.
I still don't see the DaVinci Code thing, besides being in a church. Anyway, it was a really great episode.
To me I felt it was like that not just because of the church but because of all the clues that have been left around and how they were solved. To me it had that feeling. As well as the whole talk with Teague with Clark and Teague with Lex and Lex on the plane it just didn't care to much for this episode I liked the ending but thats about all I cared for in this one I felt it was a poor build up to the Season finale.
man you must love this show. "can't enjoy something for what it's worth". What is smallville worth, to you? Obviously more than me.

Complaining an moaning is the only way to let the grade school writers and producers at the SV production know that they are ******ed, and a little more effort in writing would allow for better plots, that aren't trumped up cliches.
It was a good episode in a rather mediocre season. The whole Veritas storyline though is pretty crappy. They're just shoehorning in the idea that Lionel and others foretold Clark's arrival years and years ago. Up until this season, there's never been any indication that Lionel was anything more than a ruthless business man... now we're to believe that he has always been part of a group out looking for a Kryptonian to arrive on Earth? And that the reason he was in Smallville that fateful day was because he was looking for Clark?


agreed in a way. I think the Veritas stuff is probably the best stuff that they 've introduced to the property. The only problem is, this concept of Veritas should have been a longterm subplot, starting way back in season 1 and 2.

it's nice that everything seems to be tying together, but at the same time, it feels like a Band-aid, trying to bring all the loose plot strings together, instead of a well crafted subplot that has existed since the beginning of the series.

one thing about the veritas stuff: it is probably the only really novel new thing that has been added to the mythos over the course of the series.
yeah co's we all know that if you ***** about it the smallville writers are gonna slap themselves in shame & change thier ways all for you


well, if we all say we love it all the time, they'd have no motivation to deliver anything worthwhile, EVER. Here's a question though: why do you feel the need to focus a broad statement, and make it look like I'm trying to make my opinion more important? I'm talking about aggregate criticism.
Knight, people are allowed to have differing opinions. Using excessive language, telling people to shut the **** up, as well as bypassing the censor is not a good idea.
You know, i'm understanding Hulk's position more and more
what's hulk's position?

He doesn't like coming around here because too many people seem to complain just to complain about something.

Hell, I'm a critic and I don't find as much wrong with stuff as some of these people.

It's also why Serene and Pat have left.

For avidreader I think it was a factor for why she's not around as much, but she's moving back home next month and is busy....
He doesn't like coming around here because too many people seem to complain just to complain about something.

Hell, I'm a critic and I don't find as much wrong with stuff as some of these people.

It's also why Serene and Pat have left.

For avidreader I think it was a factor for why she's not around as much, but she's moving back home next month and is busy....

Pat, Serene and Trip: I have always looked at you guys as the 'pro-smallville' activists. I consider myself your opposition(that's not to say I don't like the show). Complaining and criticism are the same thing, just looked at from two different perspectives.

The reason I come here, is because I can't get any of my friends to watch smallville. And I admit, I complain more than I support the show... but that's because the things that they mess up, have always been greater than the things the get right/improve. The really good parts, have not been groundbreakingly awesome, but the really bad parts, have been earth shatteringly bad.

I honestly think the show brings it upon it's self:

good parts are good, but the bad parts are really bad

instead of balance-

good parts are GREAT, but the bad parts are really bad.

IMO of course. Besides, where's the point in discussing the show with people who love it? It just becomes an ooh, that was cool, or ooh, that was cool. Instead of: this could have been done in a far better way... you know?
When someone asks Clark: "do you want lex to control you?" like five times in a single episode, and his reply is anything but the right answer.

This whole episode was based on Mr. Teague excorcising BDA from Clark. The whole reason Clark was tortured was because he was being a little weiner.

hopefully, Mr. Teague will have killed BDA, with whatever trumped up and totally unexplained Kryptonian traditional torture.

I was purposely looking for that and I didn't see him shrug. He does care. He just doesn't want to kill anyone. It's easy for chloe to say "go kill lex" because she's not the one who will do it. Clark is the one. And it clearly makes him uncomfortable. And I think it should. He will be Superman one day and Superman never kills anyone. I'm sure Clark will try to find an alternative of stopping the mind control without killing lex.
Did any one notice about 14 minutes into the episode, there was a wide shot of a city, it looked like footage from Batman Begins of gotham city
I was purposely looking for that and I didn't see him shrug. He does care. He just doesn't want to kill anyone. It's easy for chloe to say "go kill lex" because she's not the one who will do it. Clark is the one. And it clearly makes him uncomfortable. And I think it should. He will be Superman one day and Superman never kills anyone. I'm sure Clark will try to find an alternative of stopping the mind control without killing lex.

Clark is the only one that has assumed that he must Kill Lex. It's a B)Big D)Dumb A)Assumption. No one has said that he has to kill Lex, not even the cave wall legend. Clark is the only one that actually says it.

The Big Dumb Assumption, is something that Clark has had a problem with the whole series in hindsight. He had the same assumption problem when he got the Swann message from Jor'el.

Did Teague not ask: 'do you want lex to control you?' and Clark just stood there and sulked a little?
Clark is the only one that has assumed that he must Kill Lex. It's a B)Big D)Dumb A)Assumption. No one has said that he has to kill Lex, not even the cave wall legend. Clark is the only one that actually says it.

The Big Dumb Assumption, is something that Clark has had a problem with the whole series in hindsight. He had the same assumption problem when he got the Swann message from Jor'el.

Did Teague not ask: 'do you want lex to control you?' and Clark just stood there and sulked a little?

I'll have to see the episode again. I thought everyone pretty much said to Clark that he has to kill Lex. :huh:

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