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Agent Carter Agent Carter - S01E08 - "Valediction"

To be fair, it's comics accurate. Faustus used his voice alone, not technology, for his mind control.

Thanks for the info, I don't read comics.
Well, as I said, it was just a nitpick because it was clear to me that he needed the ring as a medium/catalysis then in the last episode he doesn't need it anymore, hence my comment.
any word on this getting a second season?

so what was the significance of that final scene?

I just finished and it now has me pumped to go watch Captain America
We probably won't find out about renews until May ABC/Disney will not only be looking at the U.S. ratings but how it's faring in other markets including those now receiving it on Netflix and maybe even how a DVD release sells (if they can get it out by May which seems a bit unlikely)

The scene shows us that Zola is working even then to rebuild HYDRA and it shows the seeds of the Winter Soldier Program as Zola asks to learn about Faustus' mind control methods.
For anyone who should feel so inclined, I just wanted to point out that you can read THE TRAGICAL HISTORY OF DOCTOR FAUSTUS for free on Project Gutenberg, since it is long out of copyright. I'm only vaguely aware of the story from watching an episode of Wishbone.
The finale was lackluster but i enjoyed ths season as a whole, LOVE Atwell..and hope we get a season 2.
We don't know. The writers are saving that reveal for a future season, if we ever get one.
she's supposed to end up with someone on this show? Was that a mystery they were playing with?
She's supposed to end up with someone she wouldn't have met except for Captain America. They wanted to suggest some possibilities, but ultimately keep it ambiguous for now.
She wouldn't have met any of these guys were it not for Cap, especially as her role in the SSR appears to have initially been born from her involvement with Cap's squadron
Peggy was with Col. Phillips and the SSR before Cap was even recruited for the serum.
She wouldn't have met any of these guys were it not for Cap, especially as her role in the SSR appears to have initially been born from her involvement with Cap's squadron

True. I wish I remembered the exact quote. I got the impression it was someone rescued by Cap, but I can't remember any language that backs that up.
True. I wish I remembered the exact quote. I got the impression it was someone rescued by Cap, but I can't remember any language that backs that up.

In Peggy's Smithsonian clip (from the mid 1950s) that Steve watches in TWS.

"That was a difficult winter. A blizzard had trapped half our battalion behind the German line. Steve...Captain Rogers, he fought his way through a HYDRA blockade that had pinned our allies down for months. He saved over a thousand men, including the man who would...who would become my husband as it turned out. Even after he died, Steve was still changing my life." ―Peggy Carter​
That always seemed odd to me. Peggy loved Steve, but ended up marrying a guy she knew from when they were working together... Odd choice from the writers
She didn't know her husband from when she working with Steve. There's no indication they even met until after Steve's "death". He was one person in a battalion that was rescued.
That always seemed odd to me. Peggy loved Steve, but ended up marrying a guy she knew from when they were working together... Odd choice from the writers
That's actually pretty common in real life. Um, minus the whole deceased being a superhero part, of course. :)
She didn't know her husband from when she working with Steve. There's no indication they even met until after Steve's "death". He was one person in a battalion that was rescued.
That's my take on it as well. In fact, knowing that a lot of men that served in that war tended to not talk about things that happened to them, it wouldn't surprise me if she didn't know that he'd been one of the ones Steve saved until after she already started falling in love with him (and he felt comfortable enough to talk about the war)
First post, so "hi" and stuff!

For the most part, I loved this season - and I rather enjoyed the way they closed it out with this episode.

That said, I'm a *tad* bit concerned with some of the nonsensical story-writing and dependence on tropes. This is one area where I feel like the creative teams over at Arrow, Flash, and even AoS really sort of excel.

There have been a few good examples shared already in this thread - like Peggy inexplicably not shooting Dottie on sight - but the one I just can't get my mind around:

What was the point in the stupid baby carriage? The canister could have easily fit into a bag, drawing ZERO attention in the theatre. For that matter, Dottie could have opened the canister and rolled it through the theatre, safely from the back of the room.

It was basically high drama for no purpose - style over substance.

When AC comes back next, I'm really hoping the creative team can stay a little more focused on fleshing out the story with believable details, rather than relying on tired old cliches.

Apart from that relatively minor gripe, I'm a fan and can't wait for the next season!
Every episode of The Flash is filled with nonsensical moments and tropes. Just look at the most recent episode:

- Cisco has invented a device that will neutralize the newest metahuman yet he only makes one.

- Joe doesn't carry this device on him at all times.

- After the Weather Wizard has attacked Captain Singh, Barry doesn't immediately chase after him and nab him but stares at the Captain instead. In fact, Barry refusing to utilize his speed to its utmost is a common trend in virtually every episode.

- Everyone's still keeping Iris in the dark about the Flash because it's supposedly unsafe for her to know even though she's already been menaced by Girder.
Every episode of The Flash is filled with nonsensical moments and tropes. Just look at the most recent episode:

- Cisco has invented a device that will neutralize the newest metahuman yet he only makes one.

- Joe doesn't carry this device on him at all times.

- After the Weather Wizard has attacked Captain Singh, Barry doesn't immediately chase after him and nab him but stares at the Captain instead. In fact, Barry refusing to utilize his speed to its utmost is a common trend in virtually every episode.

- Everyone's still keeping Iris in the dark about the Flash because it's supposedly unsafe for her to know even though she's already been menaced by Girder.

I can't disagree with that at all, so I won't. To be honest, I'm a little on the fence with Flash, but I'll give them a bit of credit for at least not dragging some of the "mystery" out forever.
While I completely agree with NoTolerance that Agent Carter, in some instances, sacrifices logic/common sense in order to serve a particular narrative beat, I'd say both Flash and Arrow (both of which I enjoy, but accept that, more often than not, I have to turn my brain off to enjoy) are far more guilty of that. It isn't even close.

BestGirl listed some good examples for Flash. I feel like I could add many many more. And Arrow? It's worse with that stuff. And AOS was very similar so often in season 1... though that show has gotten much better with this kinda stuff off late.
Agent Carter I found a breath of fresh air compared to the other superhero shows on. With Flash, Agents of SHIELD and Gotham, I like them to varying degrees but each of them have a big but. I love Flash, but Iris drags it down and the relationship between her and Barry is abysmal plus other issues it often has. I like Agents of SHIELD, but it feels like it's missing something. Gotham's....I don't know what to say about Gotham, that show is messy. Arrow meanwhile I find flat out awful. Agent Carter was the only one I loved that didn't have a but to it for me. Hopefully Daredevil will follow suit.
Agent Peggy Carter has come and gone and at this stage we do not know if the show will be renewed. However although I liked the show and watched all episodes it was not as good as it could have been. It was basically a spy story that at the end of the day achieved little. Compare that with Agents of SHIELD , which in the first season had the collapse of SHIELD and now in its second season , the coming of the Inhumans. Agent Carter is a comic book character in a super hero universe. It needs to be more than just a spy story.

Here are seven things we need to see in a second season Peggy Carter:

TWS had the collapse of SHIELD. SHIELD the show was dragged along in it's wake after dragging it heels and really doing nothing of moment for half a season as the audience tuned out and fell off to a much higher % than they tuned out to Carter.

Agent Carter on the other hand hit the ground running with it's far more tightly conceived story and with much better characters and with far better acting.

What it achieved was to be beautifully constructed on almost every level - acting, story, sets, costumes, music, drama and humor. I found it vastly entertaining as a comic spy show that also fleshed out the Marvel world of the 1940s with SSR, the Black Widow program, Dr Faustus and even some Zola at the end.

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