Daredevil Cancelled!

I cant take the "cost" excuse seriously. Netflix throws money around like theyve got the US Treasury printing them money at their beck and call. I get sick of uber successful companies acting like they cant afford ****. Looking at you, AAA video game companies. So before Netflix says anything about the cost being to blame maybe they should stop buying distribution rights for every POS indie film and paying dump-truck loads of cash to produce every POS idea that's pitched to them by every hack in the industry.

Don't forget Adam Sandler deal because of that international audience and all that.
He's no Jerry Lewis.
I m in the minority , but Id love to see a full theatrical DD movie in a few years with this cast and crew.

Is there any legal reason why that wouldnt work?

The series exists because a Daredevil movie pitch was rejected by Marvel and bumped to TV instead. They only have the rights because Fox couldn't commit to a film themselves. I don't like Matt's chances.
At most we could see daredevil and Cage on the big screen as supporting cast in Avengers flicks. Don't know about any more solos.
At most we could see daredevil and Cage on the big screen as supporting cast in Avengers flicks. Don't know about any more solos.
Tbh I don't see a lot solo movies being made in general after BP, Captain Marvel, and Spider-Man run their course. I think X-Men will.just be a big budget series.
Tbh I don't see a lot solo movies being made in general after BP, Captain Marvel, and Spider-Man run their course. I think X-Men will.just be a big budget series.
I spoke too soon they apparently pulled a Shang Shi movie out their asses :whatever:
The series exists because a Daredevil movie pitch was rejected by Marvel and bumped to TV instead. They only have the rights because Fox couldn't commit to a film themselves. I don't like Matt's chances.
Exactly. Marvel Studios always had first dibs on any character. The fact that there were shows at all demonstrated that Marvel Studios have no plans whatsoever. Just because their shows were canceled doesn't mean they'll suddenly have plans or change course on anything.

At most we could see daredevil and Cage on the big screen as supporting cast in Avengers flicks. Don't know about any more solos.
I agree. I doubt any tv character will get their own movie, reboot or otherwise. Marvel Studios is great when it comes to wanting to tell original stories and not retreading old ground. If these characters appear on the big screen I bet it's be in an ensemble film. Their solo adventures and characters have been sufficiently explored on tv and there's nothing a film could really add other than budget (with perhaps Iron Fist as an exception).

I always wished when the Defender's series ended (end, not canceled) they'd they get rolled into the Avengers, since their solo stories would have been told the only place left to explore them is in the greater context of the MCU.
The whole tweet thread is worth a read and makes sense from a profitability perspective for both Disney and Netflix. Netflix just doesn't need the buzz of Marvel like it used to in order to grow its subscriber base. And Disney is not going to take someone else's sloppy seconds. Looks like we won't see these characters again for a long time (and will probably be recast if they do).

I don’t think that there was any pitch for a DD movie. I’m pretty sure that the right were reversed too late and Marvel Studio wanted to move full cosmic at the time, knowing that they have 3 slots per year. So it was pretty clear that Marvel didn’t want any street level superhero movies of any kind.

But they admitted that there was some kind of interest for them so we had the Netflix series.

I’m really surprised that they want to do a Shang Chi movie. After reflexion, with the 2019 reorganisation (the X Men will be rebooted, which is normal, but what will happen of the popular Deadpool movies ? Will Marvel open a new slot per year for a gritty street level movie ? Will there be some new series, maybe under the rule of Kevin Feige ? It’s pretty clear that, unlike Netflix Iron Fist, Daredevil is popular.) I’m just unhappy that we will have to wait after JJ and the Punisher cancellation next year to have some answer
It's just so weird that Marvel (and Feige in particular) seem to see so little value in Daredevil. I mean, this is a character that was once popular enough that they made a big screen film for him (a bad one, obviously, but still). And the numbers for the TV series were strong at one point... maybe they dropped off after DD season 2 or The Defenders, I don't know. But I think interest in the character is still there. If DD season 3 had bad viewership, well, maybe that's because stupid Netflix didn't release a full trailer for it until, what? Two weeks before it was released? And I'm sure they also released 258 other TV shows on the same day, so that couldn't have helped either. I mean, Amazon Prime doesn't have half as much original content as Netflix but they actually PROMOTE their shows. I've seen trailers for the new Julia Roberts show in movie theaters and on TV fairly regularly. Same with Man in the High Castle and some of their other programming. But aside from House of Cards and Stranger Things, Netflix doesn't promote their stuff at all.
Like that Matthew Ball said on twitter, its a variety of things. But, I think Defenders landing with a thud was the nail in the coffin. Defenders was supposed to be BIG for Netflix and it came and went. I think after that, Netflix started seriously reevaluating this whole Marvel Netflix deal and felt they werent seeing a payoff to it. When this whole thing started, Daredevil generated SERIOUS buzz, and I'm talking outside the comic community and so did Jessica Jones. But starting with Luke Cage and certainly Iron Fist, the buzz for these shows became almost non existant. In that respect, you cant really blame Netflix. Its just kind of a "it is what it is" situation.
I do think The Defenders hurt the brand really badly. There were elements to it that were good but my God, the Hand and their evil plot were just absolutely awful. Not even the great Sigourney Weaver could make them compelling antagonists. Which is so bloody ironic because outside of the Hand (and all their related characters) the Netflix shows had probably the best villains of ANY Marvel live action property (Kingpin, Cottonmouth, KILGRAVE, Jigsaw). So of course, they had to fumble the ball all to hell and use the absolute WORST ones for their big crossover event. And to make matters worse, it turns out the whole thing was to mine for ****ing dinosaur bones under New York City. Like, seriously? Who thought that one up?
It's just so weird that Marvel (and Feige in particular) seem to see so little value in Daredevil. I mean, this is a character that was once popular enough that they made a big screen film for him (a bad one, obviously, but still). And the numbers for the TV series were strong at one point... maybe they dropped off after DD season 2 or The Defenders, I don't know. But I think interest in the character is still there.

I don't think the issue is whether the movie people at Marvel see little value in Netflix characters, I think they likely don't even care about those characters. If Marvel TV was allowed to use those characters in the first place 4 years ago then that was a result of Marvel Studio didn't plan to use any of them back then (Daredevil was even initially pitched as a movie but then Marvel Studio gave it a pass). And once it became a TV series then I think it's very hard for those same actors to ever appear in movies, because the movie people likely won't want the burden of having to allude to the TV series in any capacity. Like, yeah I know that Daredevil was super popular, but it wasn't earth-shattering, game-changing or anything, and it surely didn't have as many viewers and make as much profit as, say, Ant-Man. Being on a TV series means being trivial for the movie people, and being cancelled essentially means damaged goods (I mean, not to the level of Inhumans, but still). Daredevil and Jessica Jones' first season got very positive reception, but I don't that reception was noticed by the movie people.
It's just so weird that Marvel (and Feige in particular) seem to see so little value in Daredevil. I mean, this is a character that was once popular enough that they made a big screen film for him (a bad one, obviously, but still). And the numbers for the TV series were strong at one point... maybe they dropped off after DD season 2 or The Defenders, I don't know. But I think interest in the character is still there. If DD season 3 had bad viewership, well, maybe that's because stupid Netflix didn't release a full trailer for it until, what? Two weeks before it was released? And I'm sure they also released 258 other TV shows on the same day, so that couldn't have helped either. I mean, Amazon Prime doesn't have half as much original content as Netflix but they actually PROMOTE their shows. I've seen trailers for the new Julia Roberts show in movie theaters and on TV fairly regularly. Same with Man in the High Castle and some of their other programming. But aside from House of Cards and Stranger Things, Netflix doesn't promote their stuff at all.

Even the original Daredevil, despite its badness, managed to make over $100 million and had a $40 million opening weekend in February back in 2003 when there were only a like 2-3 comic book type movies a year.

That just tells me the potential for the character was definitely there. The original movie clearly wanted to try and be like a darker more of a crime drama superhero comic book film and didn't quite get there. We actually got that with the Netflix series.

But yeah, it is weird and unfortunate.

But let's also be honest Deck. Feige feels comfortable making the movies a certain way. He doesn't really want to do those Frank Miller-era Daredevil stories and risk alienating the audience like Zack Snyder did.
Netflix wanted shorter seasons, Marvel did not???
That just tells me the potential for the character was definitely there. The original movie clearly wanted to try and be like a darker more of a crime drama superhero comic book film and didn't quite get there. We actually got that with the Netflix series.
Have you seen the director's cut of Daredevil? It's actually one of my favourite CBMs, a massive improvement over the theatrical cut.
People were expecting a fun team-up movie like Avengers. It could have been serious but the interactions between the heroes just wasn’t good.
Have you seen the director's cut of Daredevil? It's actually one of my favourite CBMs, a massive improvement over the theatrical cut.

Yeah. I think it's better but still not great. I'm just not a fan of the characterizations or performances.
Yeah, I take pretty much any of these rumors with a grain of salt. No one really knows what going on and the only clear indication we'll probably ever get will be when Marvel Television's reveal their next move with these characters.

Something is up - the ratings show it was a certified hit.

Netflix Cancelled Marvel's Daredevil Despite Its High Viewership - IGN
I can buy this because there's no way Daredevil is not towards the top of their list. Still we don't know what the cost/benefit was for Netflix.

I'm really starting to hope this was Marvel's call because it could mean they already have their next plans lined up.

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