F'dup Chapters in American History(The Trump Years) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 27

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Trump already signed an executive order stopping the separation of children from their parents. The Time magazine cover of the crying child was confirmed to be a hoax. (The child is with her parents right now, but the news media doesn't want you to know that)

Last I heard, ICE had successfully returned FIVE of about THREE THOUSAND children back to their parents. His executive order was an ineffective half measure. And when they asked him about it, he shot his mouth off and said "Don't come to this country illegally."

As for the girl on the cover of Time magazine, it wasn't a hoax; it's just that in that particular case, the child wasn't separated from her mother. But they were both sent to a processing center for possible separation. Sometimes reporters use images to evoke a reaction, but that somewhat misleading image doesn't change the fact that literally THOUSANDS of kids have been separated from their parents and detained.
You guys talk a big talk about RAYCISZM!!11 did you know Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist woman who thinks black people are weeds that need to be uprooted?

Every time i see some pro life person quote Margaret Sanger it seems to be taken completely out of context. If conservatives actually had something bad that she said why do they go out of their way to tell half truths or go out of their way to misrepresent what she says purposefully?
Because I think it's wrong that a baby is murdered, chopped up and its parts sold, THAT means I hate women?

You want to add a source for that absurd, ultra-right wing hyperbole?
Last I heard, ICE had successfully returned FIVE of about THREE THOUSAND children back to their parents. His executive order was an ineffective half measure. And when they asked him about it, he shot his mouth off and said "Don't come to this country illegally."

As for the girl on the cover of Time magazine, it wasn't a hoax; it's just that in that particular case, the child wasn't separated from her mother. But they were both sent to a processing center for possible separation. Sometimes reporters use images to evoke a reaction, but that somewhat misleading image doesn't change the fact that literally THOUSANDS of kids have been separated from their parents and detained.
He admitted it wouldn't do what he was saying it would.
Would you like to provide some evidence of this happening, especially on the regular?
You honestly haven't heard about it? It was on a lot of news networks last year. Lots of debate over it on twitter and such.

Google it.
Every time i see some pro life person quote Margaret Sanger it seems to be taken completely out of context. If conservatives actually had something bad that she said why do they go out of their way to tell half truths or go out of their way to misrepresent what she says purposefully?

We need to stop referring to these people as "pro life." They're "anti-women's health" or "pro-women's death."
You honestly haven't heard about it? It was on a lot of news networks last year. Lots of debate over it on twitter and such.

Google it.
Oh, I saw the made up BS that was proven to be false. But considering you said you know it is happening, you should be able to provide proof. So come on, or are you relying known lies and trolling this board?
Because I think it's wrong that a baby is murdered, chopped up and its parts sold, THAT means I hate women?

Oooookay then.

You guys talk a big talk about RAYCISZM!!11 did you know Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist woman who thinks black people are weeds that need to be uprooted?

Oh that's right. Racism only exists if the person committing it is Trump or one of his supporters. :rolleyes:

Again........where exactly can a fella pick up a jar of murdered baby body parts?

And there's a lots of racist folks out there - black, white, liberal, conservative. I'm certain folks taking a look at my posting history could make a compelling argument that I am racist as well. But it is awfully hard to argue you are not racist when you walk into the voting booth and pull the lever for the white supremacist. Economic anxiety notwithstanding.
CJ, if you're so broken up about the fetuses being aborted, send them some "thoughts and prayers" and pretend it never happened. Isn't that what Republicans do?
We need to stop referring to these people as "pro life." They're "anti-women's health" or "pro-women's death."
They are pro-unwanted pregnancy, they want to force women to go through and then abandoned whatever comes as a result of it. Whether that be death, illness, a baby with no home or a family incapable of taking care of a child who is lost to the system.
You honestly haven't heard about it? It was on a lot of news networks last year. Lots of debate over it on twitter and such.

Google it.

Translation: "I don't have a source, but you have to believe me anyway."
Translation: "I don't have a source, but you have to believe me anyway."

I'm not gonna pollute my mind with graphic images. I love animals too, but I avoid PETA websites because I don't want to see what goes on in slaughterhouses or the Yulin dog festival.

You guys want proof, go do some research. I'm not your butler. Go out there and enlighten yourselves.
I'm not gonna pollute my mind with graphic images. I love animals too, but I avoid PETA websites because I don't want to see what goes on in slaughterhouses or the Yulin dog festival.

You guys want proof, go do some research. I'm not your butler. Go out there and enlighten yourselves.
You lied in this thread, when asked for proof, can't provide any, and now we have to prove your lie is true? What logic is that?
Oh, I saw the made up BS that was proven to be false. But considering you said you know it is happening, you should be able to provide proof. So come on, or are you relying known lies and trolling this board?

If it was false, why did NBC Nightly News cover it?
There was a scandal last year (IIRC) about a specific group who were selling aborted fetus'.... but that got stopped quickly and a number of people got sacked (Got a feeling someone got arrested over it, but can't be certain).

it was one organisation... not the whole system... and the outcry was intense from all corners.
If it was false, why did NBC Nightly News cover it?
Show us. Show us all how real it is. If you saw that, you can obviously provide that link proving it happened.
I'm not gonna pollute my mind with graphic images. I love animals too, but I avoid PETA websites because I don't want to see what goes on in slaughterhouses or the Yulin dog festival.

You guys want proof, go do some research. I'm not your butler. Go out there and enlighten yourselves.

Classic Trumper. Outrageous, baseless claim followed by "Hey man, do some research yourself."

If you're gonna pipe off with something that insane and inflammatory source it. That's how you make an argument.
There was a scandal last year (IIRC) about a specific group who were selling aborted fetus'.... but that got stopped quickly and a number of people got sacked (Got a feeling someone got arrested over it, but can't be certain).

it was one organisation... not the whole system... and the outcry was intense from all corners.
So a lone gunman, you'd say.

It's a weak grasp at straws. Let's say he, and Ann Coulter are right. This one, single photo is a child actor, or it's taken out of context. Does it, in anyway, invalidate everything else happening? Does it invalidate all of the video, photos, and audio that have leaked out?

It's a desperate attempt by Trump supporters to try and make this scandal a "nothing burger". By saying, "See that story was fake, so ALL the stories are fake!". In the same way Trump supporters go, "See one lady was murdered by immigrants, so ALL immigrants are bad!".

It's desperate, and pathetic. To pretend people aren't suffering, because if they are, it hurts your politics. As if they themselves are the victims instead. Even if in order to shift the blame, you have to make the victims into villains. See Sandyhook, and Parkland, and the conspiracy theories, and attacks made on the victims there to shift the focus.
9 minute video on this page.

It was broadcast on NBC Nightly News around 2016 if memory serves me right. I didn't hear about the story via their website, just the broadcast show.

Pro Life Action Ministries. Seems like a very fair source. lol

The fundamental problem with those video and the right wing media, is they basically choose words to make something(ie PP selling off fetus' at cost of delivery) something that it wasn't(ie PP chops up baby parts for profit). When you make a point it's best not to embellish the truth since it basically hurts any legit point you are trying to make(although my guess was let's make the republican base angry was the main purpose of these)
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