Forum Decision: Should The Character Threads Stay Active?

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Nell2ThaIzzay said:
You know what they say, it's what's on the inside that counts. Those "official" threads might be a real sexy girl on the outside, that you wanna talk to, and get her phone #, and maybe even get to date her, but when you do date her, and start to see what she's really like, she's got too much baggage, and just isn't someone that you want to deal with.

I am married to that sexy girl........:ghost: :o
Perhaps we should reinstate the "Off-Topic Thread" in this forum? Most people can't be bothered to go to the X-World since they spend so much time in here... I think it wouldn't hurt :up:
Lightning Strikez! said:
Put it to a vote Dr. Venture--that's going to be my deciding factor...whatever the majority's vote is by the weekend's end will determine the outcome. You guys spend too much time here not to have a say in how the forum is formatted.

Just keep in mind that these standards will be in place through the release of the movie. And we will be going into a newb war at that point. :cool:

For real. When I first came to these boards I wouldn't have stayed if I had to go through pages of uses posts in a character thread just to find some news. I must admit I still don't wander into the character threads so I have no clue what's going on in there. My thoughts...keep all news with a new topic while keeping the threads open for discussion about the character.
I don't think I made sense with what I said earlier, but after you click on X-Men from the screen where it has all the super hero's names and it sayd X-Men The Last Stand (Spoilers), X-Men The Last Stand (Non-Spoilers), X-Men Sequels, etc. after Games at the botton just have a whole section for Character Discussion, does that make sense. I just think that that would be easiest
Halcohol said:
Perhaps we should reinstate the "Off-Topic Thread" in this forum? Most people can't be bothered to go to the X-World since they spend so much time in here... I think it wouldn't hurt :up:
But I like it better in the X-World forum. Peace and quiet.
Kira said:
Dammit. 24 people have already voted for option 1. This makes me scared. :(

LS, if the Option 1 wins... Does that mean you will delete character threads and people who have posted there will lose they're posts? If that happens, I have like three post left. :D

They will not be deleted, but they would be locked permanently.

green said:
Yeah that's smart, put the outcome in the hands of the people who caused the problems with spamming in the first place

Stop whining. If you've got a better suggestion on how to handle things here, now's the time to speak up. If not, vote and roll out.
I accidentally voted for the wrong choice because I neglected to read the first post... I thought Option 1 and Option 2 were referring to the poll title :p
Halcohol said:
I accidentally voted for the wrong choice because I neglected to read the first post... I thought Option 1 and Option 2 were referring to the poll title :p
Excuses! :mad:

I like the character threads. Even with the potential for spamming and fast growing options, it is the best way to keep it organized. Just with any board you filter the Bull and find what you need. It may take a bit but hey its still in there somwhere.
Lightning Strikez! said:
Stop whining. If you've got a better suggestion on how to handle things here, now's the time to speak up. If not, vote and roll out.

Who was whining?
Being a MOD you should be capable of making a decision for the forum without having to ask the posters opinions. What outcome did you honestly think this poll was going to have? :o
For months now you have allowed people do go unchecked and spam the boards away, myself and other fellow hype members I know wont even come over to this forum and read it anymore because of the constant spam and then when someone does mention in a thread to kindly stop the spamming we get flamed by the immature rabid spammers. Thankfully the movie is close now and at this point I could care less. I will take your suggestion and roll...right out of this forum and not be back.
green said:
Who was whining?
Being a MOD you should be capable of making a decision for the forum without having to ask the posters opinions. What outcome did you honestly think this poll was going to have? :o
For months now you have allowed people do go unchecked and spam the boards away, myself and other fellow hype members I know wont even come over to this forum and read it anymore because of the constant spam and then when someone does mention in a thread to kindly stop the spamming we get flamed by the immature rabid spammers. Thankfully the movie is close now and at this point I could care less. I will take your suggestion and roll...right out of this forum and not be back.

That would be you whining. And newsflash, people don't flame you because of that. They flame you because everytime you post on here, it's to say something negative or try to start some fight about how Superman will be better than X3 or some similar crap.
Specter313 said:
That would be you whining. And newsflash, people don't flame you because of that. They flame you because everytime you post on here, it's to say something negative or try to start some fight about how Superman will be better than X3 or some similar crap.

Umm excuse me?
Where and when have I started some fight about SR being better?
Personally I feel there's plenty of room in the summer line-up for more than one superhero movie and Im just glad to be getting them, I could care less what makes more money or is better.
Have I posted my thoughts on the way X3 has been going during production? Yes, I have.
I have also remained cautiosly optimistic despite my misgivings...maybe you should look into it before you post your nonsense about what I do.:rolleyes:
And I have been flamed for asking people to stop spamming, with pictures of Spam(the product no less), which was pretty much the end of my caring what the hell goes on in this forum.
Lightning Strikez! said:
They will not be deleted, but they would be locked permanently.

Of course. Silly me. :O Thanks!
I can't believe option 2 is winning. That is just sad.
Theres spammers voting on both sides as far as i can see in the lists...Maybe not spammers in this particular forum, but certainly many of those have spammed in other forums.
I can't really believe why this is being discussed. If people are having trouble finding new info, why don't they just ask? Breaking up the character threads would cause even more chaos, we'd have multiple threads of the exact same thing, and everybody would spam in each of those anyways. Option 2:up:

Edit: And while I'm on the podium, I'd like to say that I would much appreciate having the character threads to have custom names again. It gave more character to the environment instead of the boring: JEAN GREY/PHOENIX: THE OFFICIAL CHARACTER DISCUSSION THREAD. I'd like to see something like this: Jean Grey/Phoenix: Fanning the Flames. Something simple, yet to the point.
Kazaire said:
I can't really believe why this is being discussed. If people are having trouble finding new info, why don't they just ask? Breaking up the character threads would cause even more chaos, we'd have multiple threads of the exact same thing, and everybody would spam in each of those anyways. Option 2:up:

Edit: And while I'm on the podium, I'd like to say that I would much appreciate having the character threads to have custom names again. It gave more character to the environment instead of the boring: JEAN GREY/PHOENIX: THE OFFICIAL CHARACTER DISCUSSION THREAD. I'd like to see something like this: Jean Grey/Phoenix: Fanning the Flames. Something simple, yet to the point.

or Famke Fanning the Flames? :p

I agree with u Kazaire. i also voted for option 2:up:
Kazaire said:
I can't really believe why this is being discussed. If people are having trouble finding new info, why don't they just ask?

Because everytime someone asks, they are told that it was talked about in the character thread, and to do a search next time...
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