Forum Decision: Should The Character Threads Stay Active?

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Nell2ThaIzzay said:
Because everytime someone asks, they are told that it was talked about in the character thread, and to do a search next time...


All the other forums function just fine without those kinds of threads. The X-boards functioned just fine with out them.

And this poll stinks of cheating. IMO
Oh yes. Just cause your option isn't winning. :rolleyes:

This is my first time ever actually discussing with you, but I can already tell...boy do I not like you.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.
zer00 said:

All the other forums function just fine without those kinds of threads. The X-boards functioned just fine with out them.

And this poll stinks of cheating. IMO

I agree, we never had it before, and it was fine.

I mean, it's understandable when, say for example, with Gambit, there were multiple threads about who would be the best person to play Gambit...

But that is just one of many topics that could be touched on regarding the character of Gambit, and numerous topics of discussion should not be crammed into one place.
Nell2ThaIzzay said:
I agree, we never had it before, and it was fine.

I mean, it's understandable when, say for example, with Gambit, there were multiple threads about who would be the best person to play Gambit...

But that is just one of many topics that could be touched on regarding the character of Gambit, and numerous topics of discussion should not be crammed into one place.

Yup. I mean IMO a gambit thread in the X-3 board is...a little strange but who am I to judge. But like the UK posters thread I just saw. Everyone is saying they were posted a while ago. I had only seen one of them. I go into the photo album everyday and didn;t see them. Of course you have to weed through spam. It's one thing to have a thread dedicated to an actor. But chunking any and all movie info into a thread is...futile. Only a small number of people will see them. And between all of them they take up almost all of the front page. They're just not needed and discussion(like the point of a message board) is generated. It's suckage:(

JustABill said:
Oh yes. Just cause your option isn't winning. :rolleyes:

This is my first time ever actually discussing with you, but I can already tell...boy do I not like you.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Go to the running time thread. I apologize for that. I shouldn't have typed that. :(

Momentary lapse of bad judgement.
No problem. I find my "k" kind of comical. Though I should have typed "kay"
green said:
Who was whining?
Being a MOD you should be capable of making a decision for the forum without having to ask the posters opinions. What outcome did you honestly think this poll was going to have? :o

Let's be clear: I am more than capable than making a decision on any matter that pertains to this forum. However, my duties do not blind me to the fact that this forum is composed of many individuals who each have opinions. Therefore, I think it's totally fair to entertain their views before making a final decision--especially since the "Character Threads" were created by the fans here. So excuse me for asking for other's feedback. :o

To be honest, considering the amount of complaints I've received, I really didn't know what the outcome would be. That's why you poll it up. Now, if I didn't do that and just arbitrarily locked everything down, then suddenly I'd be labeled as a "control-freak" "Nazi-Mod" who "doesn't care about the users' feelings", blah, blah, blah. :rolleyes:

green said:
For months now you have allowed people do go unchecked and spam the boards away, myself and other fellow hype members I know wont even come over to this forum and read it anymore because of the constant spam and then when someone does mention in a thread to kindly stop the spamming we get flamed by the immature rabid spammers. Thankfully the movie is close now and at this point I could care less. I will take your suggestion and roll...right out of this forum and not be back.

As a global moderator I can tell you that EVERY forum on this site has spammage going on at some level--especially the boards dedicated to films coming out this summer. People get off-topic especially when news is slow in coming and the X-Boards are no different than any other. Whenever you get hundreds of users together on one board you're bound to have some off-topic conversation--it's the nature of the beast.

I think your expectations of others are a bit naive.
zer00 said:

All the other forums function just fine without those kinds of threads. The X-boards functioned just fine with out them.

And this poll stinks of cheating. IMO

That's not accurate, and you know it. Boards dedicated to other multi-character franchises i.e. the Fantastic Four have them. And the solo character boards i.e. Superman, Spider-Man, etc., have various "Official" threads as well.

As far as your "poll-cheating", let's not get sore because you're being--how did you put it to me the other day?--"out-voted"? Heh. Yeah. :cool:
Per the majority's vote, the Character Threads will be staying active for now--but some things will be tweaked a bit. Some of you have brought some great suggestions on how to improve things around here and we'll be implementing those this week to see how things go.

If any of you come up with additional ideas feel free to PM me.

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