Xbox Game Pass


Daffy Duck Vs The Joker
Staff member
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Game Pass has got to be one of the best recent developments in the Xbox ecosystem. Post updates and discuss here.

Latest new games coming:

I can't believe how good gamepass is, and that's before all those 23 studios start pumping out new games for day and date release for the rest of time along with any other new studios they bring in.
I’m playing both Back 4 Blood and Avengers right now, so taking full advantage of Gamepass. :cool:
Gamepass really kicking into gear with B4B, AoE4, FH5, HI next month and TW:W3 in Feb. All games I would have bought (B4B only because of coop with friends, would have waited otherwise).
Coming Soon to Xbox Game Pass: Evil Genius 2, Exo One, Undungeon, and More - Xbox Wire

Looks like Aliens: Fireteam Elite is coming to Game Pass on Dec 14.
Looks like Aliens: Fireteam Elite is coming to Game Pass on Dec 14.

I remember thinking when this came out, it would've made the perfect Game Pass launch lol. Glad I can suss it out!
I remember thinking when this came out, it would've made the perfect Game Pass launch lol. Glad I can suss it out!
I held off getting it for a while after some friends bought it so this has saved me the full price of the game. Yeah, these kinds of coop games are perfect for the social element of Game Pass where all your friend automatically have the game at the same time.
Wow, that's great for GP!

My three-month subscription is ending at the end of this month.
  • Forza 5 (played as much as possible until Halo)
  • Halo Infinite (completed)
  • The Evil Within + DLCs (completed)
  • The Evil Within 2 (hopefully I'll finish it before the sub expires :funny:)
  • 12 Minutes (dropped after an hour or two)
  • Firewatch (completed)
  • Gears of Wars Ultimate Edition (completed)
I ate very well for $1.
Man I love Game Pass haha They keep delivering things I know I'll enjoy but was probably never gonna buy.

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