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Gods & Men: The Ancient Myths: Chapter 1 IC Thread

"Fantastic," Kelvamin said dryly, drawing the sword strapped across his back.

He leapt at one of the nearest trolls and slashed in a wide arc across it's chest, opening it up for the group to see. As he watched, the wound started to close up and the troll grinned, showing rotting teeth and giving off a foul stench. The swordsman backswung, taking the beast's head clean off and sending it rolling along the moor.

"Docktore, keep that wagon rolling,"
Then, on a hill only thirty or so feet to their left, one of the massive monstrosities climbed to the top, in full view of everyone.


"Trolls", Rothgar sighed as Banahogg erupted in flames.
"I hate trolls."

"Aye." Brottor agreed grimly.

"Fantastic," Kelvamin said dryly, drawing the sword strapped across his back.

He leapt at one of the nearest trolls and slashed in a wide arc across it's chest, opening it up for the group to see. As he watched, the wound started to close up and the troll grinned, showing rotting teeth and giving off a foul stench. The swordsman backswung, taking the beast's head clean off and sending it rolling along the moor.

"Docktore, keep that wagon rolling,"

The troll's head rolled towards Brottor and Vallond, first through momentum then through its furious working of its lower jaw, coming towards the paladin and his bonded mount in a hopping, rolling manner. It would've turned the stomachs of lesser men.

"Save the heads lads and lass, their brains make for a mighty tasty stew." Brottor called out as Vallond kicked out at the disembodied head, skewering it with her long sickle-like claw. "As for the rest of them, the bard's got the right idea. We'll be needing something to burn them. Docktore, what have ye on that wagon of yours?"

"Save the heads lads and lass, their brains make for a mighty tasty stew." Brottor called out as Vallond kicked out at the disembodied head, skewering it with her long sickle-like claw. "As for the rest of them, the bard's got the right idea. We'll be needing something to burn them. Docktore, what have ye on that wagon of yours?"

Leaping from the driver's seat at the front of the wagon, the Docktore starts to search through the clutter and junk in his wagon.

"I'm sure I have something here....let me....is this? No, I want to burn not freeze....aha"! He yells triumphantly as he pulls out the dark orbs with pieces of rope protruding from the orbs ends.

Lighting the fuses, he tosses the orbs outside the wagon and into the pack of trolls

"You may want to cover your ears."


Fire erupts along with hunks of Troll bodies and blood.

"Yes, lady and gentlemen, for only the low, low price of fifty drachma, this devil's powder can be yours!"
"I suppose it's always going to be interesting traveling with them," I say to Pyrist as I leap from the wagon. There's an angry roar from behind and I spin as a pair of trolls rushes us. But that slam into a wall of nothing and are knocked away.

"Nicely done," I say to my friend.

"I'll do what I can to protect the others."

"Go," I say, waving my hand dismissively as the trolls regain their footing. "Let's see...what is it trolls don't like again?" I ask sarcastically. Another roar and they run for me, one swinging a large club, the other ready to tear me apart with it's bare hands.

"Oh yes..." I hold out my hands. "Fire!" The two scream in agony as the flames leap from my fingertips and ignite their skin. "Of course, I wouldn't want you to suffer unduly." One of the beasts fights through the pain and takes a swing at me. I roll away and pull my long dagger free.

The blade suddenly bursts into flame and it's my turn to yell with a savage fury. Holding my dagger in both hands, I jump up and drive the blade deep into the nearest trolls skull. With a gurgling rattle, it's eyes rolls up, and it's body goes limp.

I duck under a swipe from the second trolls club and bring the dagger around in a swipe as I do so. It slashes into its belly, but the beast presses on. So I continue to evade easily its clumsy attacks, slashing with each parry, cutting deeply into its flesh, burning the troll. Eventually it falls to its knees, in too much pain to continue.

It breathes heavily, the life ebbing away. "I'm not through with you yet." Letting my dagger return to it's normal state, I plunge the blade deep into the troll's eye socket and remove the gelatinous orb. I inspect it for damage and, satisfied with it's condition, drop it into a pouch. "That may come in handy." I kick the troll in the chest, knocking it over to die slowly and painfully.

The fight continues behind me, and I rush in to help...
"I suppose it's always going to be interesting traveling with them," I say to Pyrist as I leap from the wagon. There's an angry roar from behind and I spin as a pair of trolls rushes us. But that slam into a wall of nothing and are knocked away.

"Nicely done," I say to my friend.

"I'll do what I can to protect the others."

"Go," I say, waving my hand dismissively as the trolls regain their footing. "Let's see...what is it trolls don't like again?" I ask sarcastically. Another roar and they run for me, one swinging a large club, the other ready to tear me apart with it's bare hands.

"Oh yes..." I hold out my hands. "Fire!" The two scream in agony as the flames leap from my fingertips and ignite their skin. "Of course, I wouldn't want you to suffer unduly." One of the beasts fights through the pain and takes a swing at me. I roll away and pull my long dagger free.

The blade suddenly bursts into flame and it's my turn to yell with a savage fury. Holding my dagger in both hands, I jump up and drive the blade deep into the nearest trolls skull. With a gurgling rattle, it's eyes rolls up, and it's body goes limp.

I duck under a swipe from the second trolls club and bring the dagger around in a swipe as I do so. It slashes into its belly, but the beast presses on. So I continue to evade easily its clumsy attacks, slashing with each parry, cutting deeply into its flesh, burning the troll. Eventually it falls to its knees, in too much pain to continue.

It breathes heavily, the life ebbing away. "I'm not through with you yet." Letting my dagger return to it's normal state, I plunge the blade deep into the troll's eye socket and remove the gelatinous orb. I inspect it for damage and, satisfied with it's condition, drop it into a pouch. "That may come in handy." I kick the troll in the chest, knocking it over to die slowly and painfully.

The fight continues behind me, and I rush in to help...
"Stay", Rothgar shouted to the wolf as he hung off the side of the wagon and slashed the head off of a approaching troll. The body didn't miss a beat as it kept on attacking. Rothgar ran it through the chest with him magical blade, causing the beast to erupt in flame.

Kicking the burning troll carcass in the chest, Rothgar sent the vanquished enemy tumbling into two more trolls which caught on fire as well.

Looking out across the Evermoor, Rothgar's heart sank in his chest. There was nothing but massive, dark shapes striding in from the swampland. Dozens of them, hundreds. A never-ending horde of the deadly brutes poured in at the wagon as it rushed along the path, a desperate attempt to escape the Evermoor and it's gruesome inhabitants.

Rothgar looked over his shoulder at the Docktore as he flung explosives out in vein. The dwarf paladin fought bravely on his monstrous steed, and the warrior, Kelvamin, massacred all of the beasts that approached him, slicing them to pieces. Even when the severed limbs kept attacking, and the lopped off heads snapped at his ankles, the Celtic swordsman fought on with a ferocity rarely seen.
The wizard battled back a score of the beasts, showing off his battle prowess. And the elementalist, Aithne, gathered the bog water, shaping it into a whirling storm of water-construct blades that diced the trolls to pieces.

But, Rothgar knew that for ever piece that his companions cut, unless it was burned, it would regenerate and in minutes another troll would form from it.

Their were hundreds of trolls now coming out of the moor towards them. An endless stream of the foul creatures seemed to come from the bog. It was as though the Evermoor was a living thing, spawning the monstrous creatures to deal with the foreign invaders passing through.

He had to help give his companions time to escape. If escape was even possible.

Gritting his teeth, Rothgar leaped off of the wagon, cleaving the head of a troll in two and catching in aflame as he did so. As the beast burned, Rothgar moved at a troll that was just moving onto the road from the bog, reaching out for the wagon. With a single swipe, the Norseman sliced the creature in half from shoulder blade to crotch.

As each half fell away in flames, Rothgar swung Banahogg wildly in the air around him to fend off the dozens upon dozens of encroaching trolls that turned their attention from the wagon to him...
I instantly perk up when I notice another member of our band.

"Well, hello there. Who do we have here?" I hop off my wagon and step up to the lovely young lady. Bowing deeply, I take her hand and give it a small kiss.

"Xxymryx, at your service. And what might you be called?"

Aithne nodded politely, but with caution.

"Aithne." she replied.

"If everyone's business here is completed, I suggest we make for the Rhineland immediately."

Aithne turned Brion at the sound of Rothgar's voice and shot him a hard look before moving ahead of the Doctore's wagon as they made their way out of the city. She was glad they'd finally be out of the noise and bustle of the metropolis. The country suited her better, she could feel around herself more there.

As they traveled she let her mind drift aimlessly, it wandered over the streams and rivers near them as she felt out the moisture in the air. The men's conversing of war and battle scars droned on in the background as the Docktore argued with Watts over the benefits of a chemical compound used to temper steal as opposed to heat. The hours marched on and the conversation died a bit as they entered the marsh. Brion's feet delicately danced over the ground as Aithne gently moved water from the road so the wagon would have an easier passage; more from boredom than anything else. She looked around at the tree's the Docktore had informed her were cypruses. Their leaves hung down in a depressed manner as if the ground called them to it. The moisture in the air did give her a bit of comfort and she gently ran her mind across the still and muddy waters.

"Docktore, we need to pick up the pace", Rothgar shouted from the back of the wagon.
"And, whatever you do, don't stop the wagon until we're out of the moor."

She drew Brion back and let the wagon pass her, coming up behind the wagon. She was about to ask why when she saw Rothgar's face change as he stood. Brion tossed his head and she felt him pull forward.

"Shhhh.." She patted his neck and pulled him back before looking back at Rothgar only to see him staring off into the marsh. Following his eyes, her hands tightened on Brion's mane. Creatures... ugly.. horrible creatures. A movement out of her peripheral caused her to turn to her left only to find more of them on that side.

"I hate trolls."

Aithne loosened her grasp on Brion and let him surge forward, coming even with the Docktore. Caed was already on the ground, spouting something in his usual overly-eloquent way as he let loose a fiery arrow at one of the trolls.

After that it became a bit of a blur as Kelvamin jumped into the battle and the Docktore got all sorts of gleeful. Fire erupted from the package that he threw, engulfing the trolls, the wizard was able to conjure fire and started cutting them down.
Only those with only weapons were at a disadvantage. Closing her eyes she took a breathe, she'd need to depend on her group to keep her safe for a moment. Brion stayed near the wagon as Watts urged the nervous animals forward.

the waters of the bog round Kelvamin and Rothgar moved and shifted retracting and forming hundreds of tentacles. Snaking around the legs, arms and bodies of the trolls she quickly opened her eyes causing the entire group on the right side to be hauled airborne. They twisted and she could feel the waters strain a bit. Biting her lip she focused, tightening their hold on the monsters.

"Dithneas" she said softly to no one in particular.
Trolls filled the landscape around the party, almost to the point where Brottor couldn't see his newfound companions. Vallond tore into one of the giants while Brottor sent Th'Rak through the skull of another. They weren't making any headway. Not like this, but to stop fighting would surely mean that the troll legion would make its way to Thebes.

There's no way in the Nine Hells I'll let that happen, Brottor thought grimly.

Shifting himself in his sattle, he gave a sad look to Vallond, who was mauling another troll (or could it be the same one, only regenerated), the magnificant beast could perish in this battle. They all could, but that was the way of war.

Yelling the name of Moradin as a battlecry at the top of his lungs, Brottor launched himself out of the saddle, colliding with three of the green beasts, his momentum knocking them to the ground. Armed with Th'Rak in his right hand, and a smaller handaxe in his left, Brottor pounded and chopped a swath through the trolls as they closed around him.

Using his dwarven instincts and training, the giants rarely laid a claw on Brottor. Still, the paladin's face (the only unarmored part of him) was criss-crossed with dozens of tiny scratches, with a few larger wounds on his arms and torso, although most of the blood that covered him was that of trollkind.
Digging through his wagon, the Docktore casts his eyes upward and sees trolls now blocking the road.


Turning to his assistant, he tosses the chubby man a few of his powder filled orbs.

"Clear the road," the Doctore muttered as he removes his fire-gauntlets from their holsters in the wagon and slides them. Slapping on new vials of gas, he leaps out of the wagon just as the lighteur's strike and bring the flames to life.

"Burn, baby, burn!' he yells as the fire engulfs trolls and sends the monsters running off in a burning mass.
The trolls still pressed in on the adventurers from all sides. The sickly green giants fought fanatically, without fear, without remorse. Even when faced with fire, one of two things that can actually slay them, none, not even those handful of trolls who were lumbering around lit aflame, ever even gave a moment's consideration to the idea that they may not be invincible.

Brottor got glimses here and there to the state of his newfound colleagues. He had to throw his handaxe at a troll roughly a minute ago, embedding it in the head of one troll who had been sneaking up on the water mystic, Aithne. It was a temporary solution, as troll stood soon after, but it's garbled cry drew the elementalist's attention. He was now armed only with Th'Rak, his shield still attached to the saddle sitting on Vallond's back, whereever she was. He hoped she still lived.

The trolls, being cunning as well as relentless, seemed to swarm thickest around the Docktore's wagon, knowing it to be the source of the party's fire attacks. That was where Brottor headed now, whispering a prayer as he brutally cut himself a path through the monsters to aid in the defense of the wagon and it's supplies.

"Moradin, I am but a mere apprentice to your master artistry at both warfare and craftsmanship, and I ask ye to look upon me now. I am fighting to keep the quest that ye have asked me to fulfill, yet not even I, your humble servant, can drive off this force alone. If ye indeed find it within your judgement that I die here, I swear that I will send as many of these foul beasts to the pit as I can, but if ye deem me worthy, as ye have already shown me in giving me this quest and restoring my beard, please, I humbly request your aid, Soulforger. May my hammer be akin to yours as I bring death to mine enemies."
Rothgar watched as the trolls surrounding him were suddenly snared by the seemingly alive water around them. The watery tendrils wrapped around the foul beasts and brought them high into the air.

Turning around, Rothgar watched as Aithne willfully maintained her magics as a troll stalking in on the maiden suddenly went down with an axe embedded in it's skull.

Rothgar rushed off towards the road and the maiden as the troll rose to it's feet, and bellowed a blood-curdling shriek that drew Aithne's attention.
Before the capable elementalist could defend herself, Banahogg came crashing down, cleaving the troll in two from it's shoulder down to it's crotch. Both halves erupted in flame as the beast gave a final scream and fell to the roadside in a burning lump of flesh and bone.

"Excellent work with trolls", Rothgar stated, mentioning her entrapment of the host of giants entangled in the tendrils of bog water.
"I did not think I would make it. If we survive this, I owe you one."

"We need to get out of her while we can", the Norseman spoke over the din of battle.
"Come, we have to get back to the wagon and help guide it out of this moor."

Despite Aithne taking many of the monsters out of the fight, there were still legion's more coming from all over the Evermoor. Even now, a horde of stinking trolls surrounded the Docktore's wagon as he and the rest of their companions bravely fought them off. Rothgar fought his way to their side, coming up behind the Docktore and lopping off the head of a nearby troll.

"We need to concentrate on the ones in front of the wagon! Clear a path and get out of this nightmare before it's too late!"
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Despite Aithne taking many of the monsters out of the fight, there were still legion's more coming from all over the Evermoor. Even now, a horde of stinking trolls surrounded the Docktore's wagon as he and the rest of their companions bravely fought them off. Rothgar fought his way to their side, coming up behind the Docktore and lopping off the head of a nearby troll.

"We need to concentrate on the ones in front of the wagon! Clear a path and get out of this nightmare before it's too late!"

"Quite right, my good Norseman."

The Docktore turns his gauntlets on the trolls facing the wagon, covering the monsters in flames. The Docktore flinches back as the flames spook the horse pulling the wagon. The horse raises up in fright.

"Watts! As soon as you see a clear path, you get this wagon out of here!"

"You certainly don't have to tell me twice!"
A trio of trolls try to attack my wagon. But Pyrist's protective field holds admirably well. And it gives me the time I need to burn out the monsters' brains from the inside.

Our whole group fights with the ferocity of a pack of well-trained demons. I should know, having fought several packs myself...And I actually feel the odds of our survival against the Lich-King rise from none to slim.

And when given the choice, I'll take slim any day.

"Quite right, my good Norseman."

The Docktore turns his gauntlets on the trolls facing the wagon, covering the monsters in flames. The Docktore flinches back as the flames spook the horse pulling the wagon. The horse raises up in fright.

"Watts! As soon as you see a clear path, you get this wagon out of here!"

"You certainly don't have to tell me twice!"

"If it is a path you need!..." I shout to the front wagon, suddenly taken with a completely idiotic idea. I run up to the man of science.

"If you would be so good to use those gauntlets on me..."
Kelvamin was on the back of one of the bigger trolls, repeatedly stabbing it in the eye with a long knife that he had plundered off one of the others. He groaned as he realised that the creature wasn't going to die easily, so instead jumped off. He leant on the back of the wagon in an attempt to move it fasted, fending off more of the trolls with his sword as he slowly worked the wagon off of the moor.
"If it is a path you need!..." I shout to the front wagon, suddenly taken with a completely idiotic idea. I run up to the man of science.

"If you would be so good to use those gauntlets on me..."

"What?! Are you mad?"

The Docktore catches the look in his eyes.

"Good lord, you are."

Pulling away from the latest batch of roasted Trolls, the Docktore turns the gauntlets on the mage.

"As you wish...."
"What?! Are you mad?"

The Docktore catches the look in his eyes.

"Good lord, you are."

Pulling away from the latest batch of roasted Trolls, the Docktore turns the gauntlets on the mage.

"As you wish...."

The doctor takes aim at me, and twin torrents of flame reach out to consume me. For a moment, I think the Docktore is right about me.

As the flames wash over me, I begin chanting, over and over.

"sirkel av brann...sirkel av brann...sirkel av brann...sirkel av brann..."

Fire erupts from my fingers as I focus like never before, putting the concern over my own sanity out of my mind. Nothing matters but the flames and heat.

"sirkel av brann...sirkel av brann...sirkel av brann"

The air itself is so hot I can barely breath. I feel like fire is pouring out of me as I lift my arms and spread my fingers. If I could see my eyes, I'd notice they were glowing.


A inferno launches forth, blazing a trail into the marsh. Dozens of trolls scream in agony as they're suddenly turned into cinder. The heat is unbearable, but I ignore the pain as the trail of fire encircles our wagons, laying waste to the marshland around us. Water boils away, marsh burns away, and ground dries out.

And as quickly as we created it, the fire is gone, leaving behind steam and smoke on the charred land.

"...Oh my..."

My eyes roll up, and I collapse face first into the water the flames didn't touch.
Rothgar quickly reached down and hoisted the wizard up and back onto the wagon. He was exhausted and still out of it, but he otherwise appeared none the worse for wear.

The wizard's gambit worked. Combining his magic with the Docktore's weapon cut a swath in the troll horde. The air was thick with the smell of burning troll flesh and steam from the evaporated water. The monsters were shaken, but they would regroup soon. They had to take advantage that Xxymryx gave them.

"Let's get the Hel out of here", Rothgar shouted, "before they're on us again!"

The wagons rumbled off down the muddy path as fast as they possibly could, the dwarf on his steed and Aithne on Brion keeping pace behind them. It took more time then they would have liked, but the Heroes of Athens finally were able to breath a sigh of relief as they soon exited the Evermoor and into a bordering wood.

The troll horde had recovered, and hundreds of the stinking brutes were nipping at their heels the entire way out. But, as they exited the Evermoor, the creatures stayed within it's swampy borders, snarling at the adventurers just out of their reach.
And, as quickly as they had came upon them, the beasts disappeared back into the misty swamp from whence they came...
The wagons rumbled off down the muddy path as fast as they possibly could, the dwarf on his steed and Aithne on Brion keeping pace behind them. It took more time then they would have liked, but the Heroes of Athens finally were able to breath a sigh of relief as they soon exited the Evermoor and into a bordering wood.

The troll horde had recovered, and hundreds of the stinking brutes were nipping at their heels the entire way out. But, as they exited the Evermoor, the creatures stayed within it's swampy borders, snarling at the adventurers just out of their reach.
And, as quickly as they had came upon them, the beasts disappeared back into the misty swamp from whence they came...

"Well, that was fun," the Docktore says as he removes the fire gauntlets.

"Show of hands, who wants to go again?"
"I think I'll pass", sighed Rothgar as the exhausted Viking slumped down against a large oak.
"What I could go for right now is a hot fire, some food in my belly, and a flagon of mead."
The clouds seemed to darken above the fields of Dusseldorf. A feeling of dread permeated the entire region, but the army of unified Greeks, led by a warband of Spartans under the City-State's King himself pressed fearlessly towards the city.
They were soon joined by a coalition of tribes from Northern Gaul, as the great Vercingetorix led his forces to the lich's doorstep.

The rolling hills outside Dusseldorf's massive stone walls felt cold to the mortal warriors. Almost as if they were walking through a grave yard. The combined Greek/Gaul forces formed their lines and began their attack.
War wizards fired spell after spell at the city and it's undead legions walled within. Ballista bolts catapults hurled their deadly payload at the undead fortress, hammering the walls of mighty Dusseldorf.

But the defenses held, and the unholy laughter of the lich echoed across the battlefield, causing the humans to pause their assault.

"Utter fools...all of you...", the lich's voice rang out, loudly, into the cold, moist air. Every person across the entire battlefield heard it clearly, as though the menace was standing right before them.

"You came here with hopes of victory, and dreams of glory. But you are nothing to me", the lich hissed.

"Nothing but fodder for the ranks of my undying legions..."

The gates of the city opened, and an endless host of undead slowly marched out.
A roar cut through the sky, and the mortal soldiers looked up as six large dragons plunged from the cloud cover, circling the hire spires of Dusseldorf Castle.

"Accept your fate", Charaun stated as his undead army advance on their living foes.
"Lay down your weapons, and join the New Order."

The Spartan King's eyes narrowed as the silent force of undeath drew closer and closer. The human warriors were frightened, but they did not let it get the better of them. They stood their ground as the undead army stalked in on them, the dragons bearing down on them from the skies.

"Or fight, if you wish. You may struggle all you like. It makes little difference."

The battle began, with the battle cries, and death cries, of men ringing out into the dreary afternoon air. But, despite their tenacity, the silent undead horde began to cut a swath into their ranks. The armies of good fought bravely, but the sheer number of the monstrous legion against them was too great to overcome.

"In the end, all will belong to me."
Some people would call me a scholar, but I just choose wisely with my words. Others would call me a man of god, a preacher. I have my beliefs, and fear the Almighty for his presence is indeed here, but I do not praise him. Many would go to call me a prophet, believing that my stories fortell possible future events, but I merely re-tell tales of the past, no trickery in this.

I am none of these. So who am I? That matters not. I am untamable, bearing ties to no one. My alliegance lies not with the elves, nor the dwarves, nor even the humans. My heritage, bears little, next to no importance in why I am here. I have been away from home, for so long, after I have told my tale, you too will have forgotten me, for I will not be here afterwards. I am a recluse. I am a hermit. I am a nomad. I am an outcast. But you may call me Caed.


"I think I'll pass", sighed Rothgar as the exhausted Viking slumped down against a large oak.
"What I could go for right now is a hot fire, some food in my belly, and a flagon of mead."

Wiping off the blood from Caed's guitar as during the fight the trolls had gotten slightly closer than he had wished while he was re-loading his crossbow with arrows, Caed grunts.

"And what I could go for now is a hot bath. I've forgotten how troll blood wreaks. Otherwise I think I wouldn't have been as barbaric in slaying the fowl creatures."

After days of travel, the wagon had finally arrived in the lush country side of Germania.

"Lovely country. Looks as if everything is well here," The Docktore says as the wagon rolls up and over a hill.

The small party in the wagon are taken aback by the scene before them.

Men of all nations beaten, bloody, and in full retreat. The Docktore stops the wagon and grabs the attention of a retreating Greek soldier.

"Sir, what happened?"

"There were too many," the dazed soldier responds.

"Monsters, undead soldiers, dragons."

The Greek looks the Docktore in the eyes. The alchemist pulls back as he sees the hopelessness in those eyes.

"Turn back. I beg you to turn back now. Düsseldorf is lost."

The faint whispers is the first thing I hear as my senses start to return. "That better not be you praying over me old man."

"As if praying over you would do any good," Pyrist says. I can hear the relief in his voice, and something else. "Besides, I've been doing that for the last few days." Of course.

"But it's not for you I pray at this moment..."

My muddled mind becomes even more confused. I push through the aches in my body and force myself to sit up, avoiding the urge to purge my stomach. Suddenly the next of my awakening senses is assaulted as the overwhelming aroma of death fills my nose.

"What the hell-?" I force my eyes open and see the blurry inside of my wagon. "What's going on?" I mumble, crawling my way to the front.

"We are here."

I join Pyrist in the front of the wagon and look around, immediately wishing I hadn't. "Gods..."

"We are too late."

"An understatement to be sure,"
I say.

"This is hardly the time for jokes," Pyrist reprimands me.

"I wasn't joking."
The remains Düsseldorf sprawls before us. "How long was I out?"


The magnitude and utter foolhardiness of what we are trying to do washes over me. "Keep praying, old friend. I believe we're going to need it."
The heroes remained silent as the pushed on past the surviving soldiers fleeing the Rhineland as fast as they possibly could. Each of them was at a loss for the scene unfolding around them. The sheer terror and hopelessness in the eyes of the defeated only reinforced to the heroes of Athens the daunting task that they faced in trying to defeat the lich.

From talking to the fleeing soldiers, they had learned that the Greek forces and an army out of Gaul had attacked the monstrous army at the Rhineland city of Dusseldorf.
It had been a massacre. The men had been cut down with ease by an unrelenting and overwhelming force of undead, demons, and even dragons. One dragons was hard enough to take down, as Rothgar thought about the trouble in the ruins of Athens. But a whole flight?

Winding down the path to Dusseldorf, the gloomy atmosphere seemed to claw at them. If it weren't for the heroes' strength of will, they would probably lose all hope. But they knew what was at stake, and courageously pressed onward.

Their hearts lifted a bit when they came within a few miles of the now fallen capital of the Rhineland. Before them, in the sprawling fields, was a massive encampment. More armies of the goodly folk of the realm had amassed for another assault on the lich. The fact that these stoic people, seemingly undeterred by the destruction heaped upon the first army of man, stood ready to fight the horror of Germania helped keep the fires of hope alive in the hearts of the heroes.

Riding into the encampment, Rothgar and his companions were surprised to see the coalition of forces that has banded together. There was an army of Norsemen, led by King Harald Hardrada himself. There was a formidable fighting force all the way from Isle of Albion.

They also saw that the armies of man were joined by the other goodly races. An army of dwarven warriors had gathered, and were busy readying their weapons as they told old war stories around the campfires.

Towards the fringe of the camp was a force of elves, readying themselves alongside a collected force of goodly creatures, such as Centaurs, Satyrs, and even a few massive Treants.
It had seemed as though all the races of across Europe had banded together, putting aside differences and old grudges to destroy the evil which threatened all existence.

Rothgar couldn't help but smile at the sight of it all. The combined fighting force easily eclipsed one-hundred thousand, and the hope that they could succeed revitalized Rothgar's mind and spirit.

Traveling deeper into the encampment, the heroes' wagons made their way to a massive tent where the leaders of the goodly forces met.

As the wagons came to a stop, the trio of men outside the massive tent's entrance turned to pay the heroes of Athens heed.
One Rothgar recognized as King Hardrada, the other two, a regal looking dwarf, and a wizard dressed in prestigious robes, were unknown to Rothgar.

The heroes dismounted from their steeds and wagons and approached the trio.

"King Hardrada", Rothgar spoke as he bowed on one knee, "My name is Rothgar, son of Aðalvaldr. My companions and I have traveled far to lend our support against the darkness that now plagues our lands. I humbly pledge to you my sword and life in the coming battle."

"Rise, son of Aðalvaldr", the King bade.
"I know your father well. And, if you are anything like him, your sword will be most welcome in this war."

"Thank you, my King", Rothgar said respectfully as he rose up to stand again.

"And who are these companions of yours", the King asked aloud to the heroes who stood before him.
Some people would call me a scholar, but I just choose wisely with my words. Others would call me a man of god, a preacher. I have my beliefs, and fear the Almighty for his presence is indeed here, but I do not praise him. Many would go to call me a prophet, believing that my stories fortell possible future events, but I merely re-tell tales of the past, no trickery in this.

I am none of these. So who am I? That matters not. I am untamable, bearing ties to no one. My alliegance lies not with the elves, nor the dwarves, nor even the humans. My heritage, bears little, next to no importance in why I am here. I have been away from home, for so long, after I have told my tale, you too will have forgotten me, for I will not be here afterwards. I am a recluse. I am a hermit. I am a nomad. I am an outcast. But you may call me Caed.


Caed walks around the encampment for a short while, jumping out of the wagon before it actually stops. An entire army full of mixed races...times surely have changed. Years...decades ago...he would not have thought it possible. But even with the great mass of warriors from around the world, he can see the fear in the midst of their eyes. They do not show it, or at least they try their best to not make it known, but Caed's lived long enough and has come across even the bravest and fiercest of warriors to know.

"Most of them are not going to make it through the next seige..."

Spotting that the wagon and warriors mounted on their various steeds have stopped, Caed steadily makes his way through the encampment where Rothgar and the others seem to be rallied with what looks like...

"King Hardrada...the years have been kind to him."

"Rise, son of Aðalvaldr", the King bade.
"I know your father well. And, if you are anything like him, your sword will be most welcome in this war."

"Thank you, my King", Rothgar said respectfully as he rose up to stand again.

"And who are these companions of yours", the King asked aloud to the heroes who stood before him.

"I am but a humble bard, at your service...but I believe you will find that I can do much more than play a melodic tune."

Caed taps his crossbow which lies strapped to his side lightly, and looks to the dwarf and wizard who have yet to reveal themselves.

"Caed is what my...colleagues call me though. These are some fine men you all have gathered...a fine set of numbers indeed. But the Lich-King's numbers are far greater. Which means that the strategy must be very well thought out. What's being done about the river to the west?"

Some of the others look to Caed strangely, not seeing this side of him before. But then again they do not know his full past.

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