Green Lantern Crew (Costume Design & More)

GL's prosthetic makeup department head Joel Harlow is one of the nominees at tomorrow morning's (tonight in the USA) Academy Awards because for his work on Star Trek. The other nominees are The Young Victoria and Il Divo.


Wait.... the guy that did the prosthetics for Star Trek is doing GL? We're definitely in for something great! :up:
yea he has been known for a couple months now if i recall sawyer.
Hmmm... I havent been paying much attention to the fine details of this movie's production. But considering how amazing the aliens in ST looked, I cant wait to see Sinestro, Abin Sur, Kilowog, the Guardians, etc.
oh totally that is why i hope with this guy on board any alien gls we are getting will be done with actors in makeup or posthestic work and all that. Over full blown cgi creations. Though i would figure if we are seeing any full on cgi lanterns it would be the more odd shaped guys like mogo, that fly looking one, and the other odd creature ones.
I picked other when I voted on the poll. My choice would be Rob Bottin. His most note worthy work has been the lord of darkness from Legend, Robocop, and the makeup for Fight Club. The guy is creative and believable in most of the work he does. I have no doubt that he could come up with a really solid yet faithful costume for this film.
oh totally that is why i hope with this guy on board any alien gls we are getting will be done with actors in makeup or posthestic work and all that. Over full blown cgi creations. Though i would figure if we are seeing any full on cgi lanterns it would be the more odd shaped guys like mogo, that fly looking one, and the other odd creature ones.

I co-sign. I prefer prosthetic work over CG unless they are prepared to go James Cameron on this and use the same technology that was used in Avatar. Since most of the alien Lanterns are humanoid, prosthetic work wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Here is a clip from "Guyver 2: Dark Hero." It is sixteen years old, and while some creatures look like rejects from a Toei film, some of the characters (Guyver and Crane) look simply amazing. Prosthetic work has surely come a long way since then.
totally i would think it would be a waste of time and money to do full on cgi to the lanterns that are more humaniod looking. I would only go for full on cgi versions for the ones that are not regular shaped beings like i pointed out above. i dont really know alot of gl names so i dont know names of the more odd ball ones that would work better as cgi.
The guy from ST doing the prosthetics is ****ing perfect.
yup jones i so cant wait to see what he comes up with for gls and any other aliens we could be seeing.
Via TWITTER [GeoffJohns0] =

Saw the finalized power ring from the Green Lantern film. Yeah. It rocks. Also saw freaking SALAAK. This is AMAZING.
Woah, what?! I think that's the first time Salaak's been confirmed for the movie! How friggin cool!
Woah, what?! I think that's the first time Salaak's been confirmed for the movie! How friggin cool!
I'm glad that Salaak is in the movie. It shows how much has changed since the first draft. Also, I don't recall a 'bar scene' (post-Ring) in the draft either.

But you can't have Salaak without C'hp.
cool news about that alien gl salaak being in the film. Really cant wait to see what the makeup/sfx guys do with the alien green lanterns.
Salaak will be a tough one to pull off given the non humanoid shape of his skull and the multitude of extremities that he has. I imagine it will have to be an actor in a really well crafted suit, with an animatronic head. More or less, Salaak will have to be done in the same way that the xenomorphs were done in the aliens movies.
I am sure he will be CGI.

We will have to wait and see I suppose. I am hoping for live actors, but if the CGI quality is superb and does not look out of place with live actors (e.g. Avatar) then I am all for it.
well i could see actor with fake arms that move and maybe a mask with motors and all that. Or they have blue/green screen on arms/head to fill in later with cgi.
Yeah...additional mechanical arms reminds me of Goro from Mortal Kombat. I loved that movie, but even then, it never looked natural.
I haven't seen any more modern examples, so that was the best one I could give.
yea makeup/motor suits and all that stuff is alot better today's age then say in the 80s and early 90s and all that. it would be more pratical and probably cheaper to have phsyical actors and makeup/mask then full on cgi. or like i pointed out maybe have a phsyical actor in costume but have a blue/green screen mask on and add the funky head design with cgi. i am sure we will probably get more details on the alien gl's soon enoug.
Comic Con is only three months away. So we will find out sooner than we think.
Can't wait for CC. The only good thing about last year was IM2. This year it's Thor and GL's turn. Be cool if we had some interview panel of the cast for Cap, because they would just begin filming.

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