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Hypothetical Crossovers: Film Continuities that would be cool in a shared universe.

Wow, way to rub my illiteracy in my face here, Krypton! :argh:

Wow, way to rub my illiteracy in my face here, Krypton! :argh:


Forgive me S man.

Here's a gif of a bearded Cavill on the streets of Winnipeg to make it up to you.

Aquaman is invited to the surface to attend a Peace Summit between the League of Nations & Atlantis.
Meanwhile Ocean Master, uses this opportunity while Aquaman is away, to literally awaken a weapon he found buried near Atlantis.
Oceans Master's plan is to use this discovery to cause panic,fear and distrust towards the Kingdom of Atlantis which would finally destroy the Atlantis Empire for good.
Ocean Master dispatches Black Manta to detonate a low-level nuclear blast underwater to unleash....Godzilla and make it look like Godzilla is under Atlantis' control.
Unbeknown to Ocean Master, Godzilla can not be controlled.

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Call My By Your Name and James And The Giant Peach.
Here's one me and my brother just thought of:
Take David from Prometheus after he got access to that weird alien spore, throw him in the Death Star to raise havoc.
I want to see a shared universe with The Phantom and The Shadow!!!






Since Disney owns both now, the Golden Age: Captain America + Rocketeer crossover.
Might as well throw in Indiana Jones for the ultimate Disney + Lucas + Marvel crossover.
Of course vs Nazis analogues: Alex Toht, Neville Sinclair and Red Skull
And how great would have (Karen Allen)Marion Ravenwood, (Jennifer Connelly) Jenny Blake and (Hayley Atwell) Peggy Carter teaming-up have been.
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And how about instead of the Golden age "Masks" version, going to a Future age version of characters for a crossover:
Phantom 2040 - Batman Beyond - Spider-Man Unlimited 2099 - Zorro Gen Z

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Still surprised The Phantom hasn't been given another shot in either live action or animation recently. A movie or streaming show would be great now.
Still surprised The Phantom hasn't been given another shot in either live action or animation recently. A movie or streaming show would be great now.
Agree, wish you'd post the same in the Phantom thread, I tried championing the same, and some guy spent the next three pages trolling me till I was completely spent and the thread killed. - Mark Gordon To Produce 'The Phantom'


Would switch to the King's Watch branding.

What I would really like to see ^ a King Feature Syndicate shared universe, and eventual crossover with Phantom, Mandrake & Lothar, and Flash Gordon.
Maybe helmed by Matthew Vaughn or James Gunn
The other fantasy shared universe is Several of the King Feature Syndicate comic strip characters which first crossed over into a shared universe in the 1972 cartoon "movie" Popeye Meets the Man Who Hated Laughter



In that cartoon, Pictured the King Feature Action-Heroes: Flash Gordon, Lothar, Mandrake, The Phantom, Steve Canyon for the first time came together to rescue the rest of the comic strip characters.

As most know them, it was revisited again when The Phantom, Mandrake, Lothar & Flash Gordon teamed up again in the 1985 Defenders of the Earth animated series.

And most recently yet again in Dynamite comics, who in 2013
secured the right to the three franchises under one roof, now naming them together as Kings Watch


Sadly, as far as the movies rights, I believe The Phantom, Mandrake + Lothar & Flash Gordon are being developed at different studious, so a shared movie-verse is unlikely at the time.

Matthew Vaughn of King's Men fame was recently hired to direct Flash Gordon, I think he'd actually be perfect to develop the Phantom too, as well as Mandrake & Lothar, and lead them into a shared universe.

Hopefully at some point, one studio can eventually get them under one roof.

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The Ghostbusters are down in a NYC sewer, they see eyes appear from behind a shadow, a quick yell and splash and the green slimy creature was gone... Stantz chases on foot and eventually comes to a door... after a while they open it to find a typical teenagers lounge, pizza every where with 4 ninja turtles poised for action.... what ensues next is a great, unlikely friendship.
The Ghostbusters are down in a NYC sewer, they see eyes appear from behind a shadow, a quick yell and splash and the green slimy creature was gone... Stantz chases on foot and eventually comes to a door... after a while they open it to find a typical teenagers lounge, pizza every where with 4 ninja turtles poised for action.... what ensues next is a great, unlikely friendship.

I think you might want to check this comic book series out..

TMNT/Ghostbusters – IDW Publishing




Since Disney owns both now, the Golden Age: Captain America + Rocketeer crossover.
Might as well throw in Indiana Jones for the ultimate Disney + Lucas + Marvel crossover.
Of course vs Nazis analogues: Alex Toht, Neville Sinclair and Red Skull
And how great would have (Karen Allen)Marion Ravenwood, (Jennifer Connelly) Jenny Blake and (Hayley Atwell) Peggy Carter teaming-up have been.

Okay, that would be cool I would watch that. Indy + Cap or Cap + Rocketeer would be epic.
John Wick, graying and retired, is working as a dog breeder somewhere in the hinterlands of Kentucky. He's known around town as a quiet soul that keeps to himself, despite many local women throwing themselves at him. One night he is awakened in his large ranch style house that also serves as his place of business. He immediately goes to his hidden "war room" which has camera feeds from all over his property and home on display. A young girl, perhaps no more than 16, dirty blond hair, bloody and bruised has broken into his home. Much as he did in the past, she seems to have taken the chance that a place that takes care of animals would have some kind of medical supplies she could use. Wick tries to get the drop on the young woman but he's surprised at how agile and skilled she is, dodging his attacks. She produces a samurai sword and actually rushes Wick putting him off balance. The two end up face to face eventually with Wick holding a pistol under her chin as the girl is poised to run Wick through. The girl then collapses from her injuries and Wick has the feeling that she not only isn't after him specifically but that she is in need of help and he turns out right. As Wick attempts to tend to her wounds another woman appears, this one older, mid 30's, brunette wearing a skin tight green body suit with an illustration of an aglaonema plant on the back, tactical armor, wrap around shades sporting a pageboy hair cut. She's fast, ingenious in her combat tactics and not averse to both gun-fu or using grenades and explosives at close range. Wick fights her to a standstill using the hidden cache of weapons he has throughout the house. The fight makes it to the kennels where John's dogs are bedded down for the night. The woman looks around, takes good look at Wick and says, "Baba Yaga? It's you... Isn't it?" She looks around at the dogs in their pens and makes a decision. "Well... In for a penny, in for a pound... See you later Wick." Then she throws explosive devices into the pens and does a backflip through a bay window. Wick quickly realizes that he has to get out of there and barely makes it as that section of the house gets obliterated. Wick has the wind knocked out of him by the blast and slowly gets up. He looks at the devastation as the dogs have been blown to pieces, their blood on what's left of the walls. He grimaces and turns to check on the girl that started this all.

The young blond girl wakes up, confused, disoriented but ready to fight. Lucky for anyone around her she is well restrained. Her wounds have been tended to and she has an IV drip in her arm. Wick enters the room with another man in tow (this character is played by Samuel L. Jackson). "Looks like she's up... Which is a miracle given the likely concussion, loss of blood and blunt force trauma she's got all over her body. And you say... This wasn't your work John?" Wick shakes his head "No... Frankly I'm not sure at my age I could have taken her if she was uninjured. Hey... kiddo... Who are you?" The young woman pauses for a moment, then lets out a laugh through her pain. The girl (played by Millie Bobbie Brown) attempts to straighten herself up in the bed despite her battered body. "Kiddo... That's just... You don't even know how ironic that statement is..." Wick's eyebrow goes up. A look of realization. He leaves the room for a moment and then returns with the sword the young girl was carrying. He unsheathes the blade to look at the symbol carved into the sword near the tsuba, and understands immediately that he is holding a Hanzo sword. "Jim... I think it's best you leave the room now." The other man gets the hint but forcefully tells Wick "John, you didn't bring her here, have me patch her up, waited two days for her to wake up, just so you could kill her? I won't allow..." Wick turns to Jim "It's not like that at all... It's just... You'll be safer the less names you hear. Understand. She'll be alright. I give you my word." Jim leaves and Wick gets closer to the girl's bedside. "This is a serious death dealer here" holding the sword up to the young girl. "And you obviously are no stranger to using it. So... I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that this was given to you. An heirloom. The question is... Was it your mother's or your father's?" The girl looks him dead in the eye, taking in Wick as though looking at him for the first time. "You're a professional, aren't you? You know Hanzo steel when you see it. And since neither of us are dead I have to also assume you killed Mathilda?" Wick places the sword next to the bed and takes a seat facing the juvenile femme fatale. "Sorry, but... She got away. Managed to blow up part of my house and kill every dog I was raising in the process." The young woman actually looks hurt that the innocent animals were casualties of the battle. "I'm... Sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. She'd been on my ass from Argentina, to France to right outside of Louisville. She got the drop on me and I thought I was done for, until I grabbed a Ferrari and hit the accelerator until it almost went through the floor..." Wick puts his hand up in an authoritative manner in a sign to stop talking. "Again... The sword... Your mother's or your father's?" The girl grits her teeth and then understands that Wick probably already knows what she's going to say. He just wants absolute confirmation. "It's my mother's. My mother... Beatrix Kiddo." Wick gives no noticeable reaction. "So... You're B.B.? The daughter of the Snake Charmer and the Black Mamba?" To which the young lady replies, "And you're John Wick... The Baba Yaga." "More than guilty on that charge B.B., uh, may I call you B.B.?" B.B. seems to actually start to relax in response to Wick's own softened monotone. "You may."

Wick gets up and walks over to small refrigerator in the makeshift recovery room. He pours a cup of water from a pitcher, walks back to B.B. and offers it to her. She nods and he puts the cup to her lips so she can sip. "You know... I'd probably be able to do that myself if you let me out of these" referring to the restraints. "Sorry but I'll decide how safe I want to be around the daughter of the deadliest woman alive... Especially since your mother single handedly put all the other rivals to that title into an early grave. So... Who is Mathilda?" B.B. takes a breath and stares off into nothing. "She's the catspaw of someone that wants me and my mother to suffer. She... She was an orphan. Her family was slaughtered by corrupt cops a long time ago, when she was even younger than I am. (Here we see a montage flashback to Mathilda's youth, as played by a young Natalie Portman). Somehow she gained the protection of a professional, like you. Through him she got her revenge, but not without losing her savior in the process. She was taken in by the assassin's handler for a time but then one day... She met the Mountain Snake... Elle Driver. Elle had seen what my father Bill was able to do with lost and broken young women he could seduce into a life of power and violence. So, Elle offered her something she couldn't refuse. Membership in the elite class of killer's for hire just as her one time protector was. Elle was the mentor, the... The mother that Mathilda wanted and needed. Elle was on the verge of presenting her prized pupil to Bill for further training when... My mother happened." Wick grimaces. "What your mother did to Driver..." B.B. shoots a look that could kill to Wick, and he understands he's on delicate ground here with the girl so he finishes with, "What she did wasn't a tenth of what was done to her. I know the story. And I know where my sympathies laid then and where they lie now... Continue."

B.B., her fury tamped down for the moment, indeed continues the story. "Elle became the Blind Mountain Snake. Mathilda found her near death, having walked off into the desert not knowing where she was or how to get help even if she did. (A flashback shows Elle walking out of a trailer into the desert, screaming profanities and vowing revenge on Beatrix. We see Elle, her empty sockets unfazed by the bright sun, crawling on her belly to she knows not where.) Elle almost succumbed to the loss of blood and lack of food or water for five days. Baking in the sun during the day and nearly freezing to death at night. But Elle, half mad, half beyond sober, had vowed to all that was unholy to live so as to get the satisfaction that would be her's once I and my mother were dead. I remember Elle growing up. She always was jealous of me, of what I represented to Bill. Of what I represented about Bill... A weakness, a chink in the armor that could never be repaired, and something he would never replace. She put any thought of harming me out of her head for fear of what Bill would do to her. But Bill's dead. And she bided her time. She honed her loyal adopted daughter into the perfect weapon to use against my mother. (Flashback showing Elle sitting on a throne as a now grown Mathilda, again played by Portman skillfully kills a group of karate gi wearing men with her bare hands in front of her adopted mother.) Mathilda was utterly ruthless and younger and more inpractice than mom. (Flashback showing Beatrix on the ground holding her abdomen, covered in cuts and bruises, a large kukri knife in one hand and an empty 44. Magnum in the other.) She would have killed her but they needed her alive as bait. Bait for me. Now they have her somewhere and I was so close to finding her, and..." B.B.'s eyes tear up... "GOD! I wish you had killed her Baba Yaga..."

Wick is obviously moved by the girl's story. "So... If I take those restraints off and hand you back that sword... What are you gonna do, B.B.? Go off on a suicide run to get your mom back and kill the SOBs that ruined you and your mother's happily ever after?" B.B. look off to the side, unable to meet Wick's gaze because she knows he speaks the truth. "What else can I do?" Wick quickly goes for the sword and in a few dramatic, skillful and quick slashes cuts the restraints holding B.B. down. He sheathes the sword and then presents it to the girl in a formal manner with a bow. "I'll tell you what you can do... You can hire me to watch your back and help you slaughter the *******s that took your mom, the *******s that helped them and the *******s that helped the *******s." B.B. is stunned. She takes the sword into her hands, holding it close to her as if it were a beloved childhood doll. "Why...?" she asks. "The most dangerous woman in the world and her daughter need help. Who better than the most dangerous man in the world to do so? Consider it a... professional courtesy." B.B. seems overwhelmed for a moment, but suddenly her demeanor changes. She lays the sword down onto her lap quickly and then says, "This is about your dogs, isn't it?" "You're goddamned right young lady."
Hellboy and TMNT
Hellraiser and Constantine
Ghostbusters and Betelgeuse.
Rambo and John Matrix Commando vs Scott Pilgrim.
Tarzan and Sherlock Holmes.

The Shadow and Green Hornet.
  • Bambi and the Deer Hunter
  • Snow White and some biblical story revolving around Adam, Eve, and that Apple
  • Guardians of the Galaxy and Star Wars
  • Blade and Twilight
  • Blade vs Predator
  • Bambi and the Deer Hunter
  • Snow White and some biblical story revolving around Adam, Eve, and that Apple
  • Guardians of the Galaxy and Star Wars
  • Blade and Twilight
  • Blade vs Predator

That'd be easy. Just have them arrested by the Empire instead of Zandar (sp?) and have The Kiln be an Imperial prison. Then they have to deliver the orb to the Rebel Alliance because they're the safest hands. Swap out Glenn Close for Mon Mothma. Even swap out Thanos for the Emperor, who is Ronan's behind the scenes "client" he's made a deal with to get the orb for.

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