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Marvel Studios has us covered.

I thought Fox had Cables rights as the screenwriters for X-Men First Class were talking about how they would like to include him in a First Class sequel.

Captain Britain I think Marvel owns. His character isn't a mutant although his brother and sister are. Plus I don't know if you can say Excalibur was a 100% an X-Men book. It had mutants on the team and was affiliated with the X-Men but they were mostly dealing with magic and alternate universes.
And some time ago Marvel Studios was hiring screen writers to make films based on Cable, Namor, Iron Fist and others.
Sure, the X-Men couldn't be involved, but I'm sure Marvel could figure something out to make a good movie with Cable.
I think Marvel should just work with 20th Century Fox. They can share character rights to each other.
Now that's odd. What in the world are they going to do with Cable without mutants, Apocalypse, Stryfe, the X-Men, the New Mutants, Cyclops, Jean Grey, etc? :doh:

Marvel should trade Cable for Daredevil, then both parties would be happy. Marvel can't do anything with Cable and Fox can't really do much with DD.
I'd rather they trade it for the rights of the Fantastic Four, Marvel already has the rights for Namor, a character that fought FF some times and then Marvel Studios would have Doctor Doom to use in any Avengers movie if they wanted.
Nice list. I took your list and made comments on about half of them - I'd like too see if any of these come true.

Also, you forgot the "500 pound gorilla in the room" - Molocule Man
Even more powerful than Jean Grey on her worst "Pheonix" Day, he's so afraid of his own powers, that he was last seen married, and living a modest life, Have him reluctantly be called into action against an outworldly super-powerful villian

Where it say's N/A, I had no comment

Iron Man - Mandarin as the next Villian?
Incredible Hulk - Introduce She-Hulk
Thor - Introduce Hercules as the braggart pain in Thor's ass
Captain America - Will he's upcoming movie be strong enough to warrent a "Captain America 2, or will he start and end with the Avengers?

Hawkeye - could easily have his own movie, but have him developed within a Thor or Avengers movie first.

Black Widow - definetly, in a Spiderman movie
Nick Fury - maybe, with Black Panther?
War Machine - With Dave Chital again? naaa
Deathlok - N/A
Ant-man - never was a fan (spoofed in 70's Saturday Night Live skit)
Moon Knight - N/A
Black Panther - Definetly, maybe in with a Dardevil Movie, or on his own
Iron Fist - Again, with Dardevil or BP
Doctor Strange - Yes, his own movie
Vision - N/A
Sleepwalker N/A
Morbius N/a
Luke Cage - with Dardevil or Black Panther
Gunhawks N/A
Namor - Yes, with a "Green Peace" or Oil Company storyline
Cloak and Dagger - N/A
Hellcat - N/A
Devil Dinosaur N/A
Punisher - Not a fan
Captain Marvel - Interesting - Kinda Marvel's "Superman" He died of cancer in the comic book, right?

Shang-Chi - N/A
Warlock N/A
Man-Thing - Yes
Captain Britain - As a side charactor in an Avengers movie or with Cap America
Miracle Man - N/A
Hercules - (see above)
Blue Marvel - N/A
Machine Man - N/A
Sentry _ As a character in any Marvel movie
She-Hulk - (See above)
Nova - N/A
Ka-Zar - N/A
Ms.Marvel - N/A
Darkhawk - N/A
Night Thrasher N/A
Hit-Monkey N/A
Howard the Duck - Please no more, no more!
Foolkiller - N/A

for teams you have

Avengers - Yes
Young Avengers OK
Great Lake Avengers - N/a
Defenders Yes, after one or two Avengers
Invaders - N/A
Power Pack - N/A
Skrull Kill Krew N/A
Alpha Flight - Cool
Agents of Atlas - N/A
Legion of Monsters - N/A
Runaways - N/A
Guardians of the Galaxy - OK
Loners - N/A

Also, the Watcher - Maybe in FF
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Forget about Daredevil as he is indefinitely locked down with Fox, they were able to keep him for 7 years without making a film, now the Slade movie is in pre-production and I won't hold my breath for him becoming part of the Marvel Universe stable.

Molecule Man might be part of the Fantastic Four deal being that he was originally a villain and introduced early within the pages of FF.

Black Widow won't be making any crossovers into Spider-Man land since studios don't share.

Howard the Duck could be hilariously awesome if done right, let us not judge by his misfire of a movie. That being said I would rather have any other listed hero have a movie first.

Captain Marvel did die of cancer in the 70s, but death never stops Marvel characters. He is a Kree warrior, not sure if he is anywhere near Superman strength.
Trading Cable for the fantastic four is a better deal than trading him for daredevil, the ones that should have Daredevil's rights should be sony, then we would have 3 universes worth the time, marvel cinematic universe with them being able to use such characters as doctor doom and galactus, the sony universe with spidey and daredevil ocasionally working together to defeat the kingpin, and the x-men universe, where with so many characters you could make their oun stories and present the storylines in an easier way by this, thee x-men franshise is one of the few from marvel that can have an entire universe of its oun without the need of iron man or spider-man.
I say just keep him. If Marvel has him, at least Fox can't screw him up.
Honestly, who would do that trade?
Fox has more than enough X characters that are just as interesting or moreso than Cable, he isn't all that special.

The FF on the other hand is a potential billion dollar franchise if they ever figure out what to do with it. It has mass appeal and epic cosmic storylines, epic rogues, it has everything going for it, whereas Cable is just another damned X character.

Look, we've got a huge list, and it could probably be stretched out to include another 20 names... But people keep focusing on what we don't have, what we won't have.
We need to try to steer clear from these negative exercises in futility, speculate instead on whether or not a Guardian of the Galaxy movie could be achieved,how Man-Thing could be redeemed from his disgustingly bad movie, how the Punisher can be integrated into the established Marvel Movie Universe and if Sentry could be made into an epic movie before WB ever gets around to making a good Superman movie.

These are all things that are possible, these are all things that might even be considered by the top dogs at Marvel Studios, and I'm sure they check message boards and see how popular certain ideas are.
Honestly I dont see how Marvel has Cable
What a dumb article.

I love the leap of logic that the general audience has grown sick of superhero movies, and his main observation is how Green Lantern dropped 65% in its second week.
How about it sucked?

I don't think superhero movies will die down in popularity so long as a certain level of quality is respected.

Honestly though, what the hell else has Hollywood been good for in the last 20 years? Seems like all we get are remakes, remakes of remakes, awful comedies, heist movies, generic actioners, and a whole lot of the same thing year in and year out.

Comic adaptations might all be similar yet even when going down the list I put together there is a myriad of styles that can be achieved.

Thor didn't do as good as Iron Man because hell, it wasn't as good as Iron Man.
X-Men First Class didn't do as good as it warranted because the last two X-Men movies were horrible and maybe people expected more of the same.

Numbnuts goes on to explain how Chris Hemsworth isn't RDJ. Astute observation Sherlock. First he complains about how all these movies are too similar, yet seems to want all leading actors in comic book films to emulate RDJ. Oh goodness, maybe Thor isn't meant to be as quirky, quick witted and charming as Tony Stark? Maybe they're actually two completely different characters?!

Stupid useless article that will be defecated upon next summer when Avengers, Spiderman, and TDKR all make over 500 million dollars.
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The writer also says "these projects are comic book adaptations, remember," when mentioning that Martin Campbell and Kenneth Branagh are not known for their comedic touches.

Um. Has the writer ever actually read the comics upon which these movies are based? These aren't the funny pages in your average newspaper, bub.
Does FOX have the movie rights for new X-Men characters like Hope Summers?
If Fox has the rights to characters like Angel Salvadore and Azazel, both featured in X-Men: First Class and both created well after the cinematic debut of the X-Men, why wouldn't the studio possess the rights to a character like Hope Summers?
And what would be the point of having a lone mutant character anyways?
thats why i dont think Marvel has Cable
I don't really care either way; Cable is one of those crappy 90s characters I'd rather forget.
thats why i dont think Marvel has Cable

I would be willing to bet good money that Marvel does NOT have Cable. He IS an X-Men character. It has been stated many times that the list of characters in the X-verse that went to Fox is enormous. No way in hell they would leave a character as popular as Cable out.

He was even mentioned as possible for a sequel.
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Too bad most people won't :csad:

And his being mentioned for a sequel means nothing considering the writers who mentioned him have nothing to do with the sequel.
Here's why I think its important: Characters arent sold and bought by themselves. Sony didnt buy just Spider-man...they got Spider-man and all associated characters. If Marvel held on to Cable then it was Cable and all associated characters...that would/might include Apocalypse (since Cable and him are archnemesis..ssss).

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