Marvel Studios making original films?


Oct 7, 2011
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So while visiting my local comic store this afternoon, i saw the Django unchained comic series and it got me thinking. What would you think about Marvel taking original scripts and making movies not necessarily based on superheroes, and not necessarily part of the MCU and then possibly adapt them into comics down the line, kind of like the reverse of what they are doing right now?

I see a few benefits of this. It could keep them from becoming played out or stale, they could branch out deeper into other genres and just have a more diversified portfolio as a movie studio. Also they could make movies with much smaller budgets, with more adult-themes,possibly work with great directors who are not interested in doing superhero movies. Of course CBM's will still be their bread and butter though.

They've introduced an original character (Coulson) in the movies who is now found his way into the comics and animated shows as well. Think they can take the next step and do entirely original films?
Didn't Feige say somewhere that they're toying with that idea?

I dunno. I'd prefer that they not do that unless they're willing to increase their output to more than two movies a year. We're having to beg and plead to get our favorite characters on the big screen right now as it is; I'd hate to see their odds decrease even further over the inclusion of some original characters --- worse yet, non-MCU and/or non-genre.
Marvel are making Cinderella.

It basically shows that Marvel know the superhero genre will fade eventually, and they'll need to diversify.
Have superhero films every really faded? Since Superman in the 70s the A listers have always brought out huge audiences. And now some of the lesser known's are up there as well. As long as the films are good I think people will keep showing.

I mean, why would kids and families stop going to these things? They appeal to pretty much everyone unlike alot of other films.
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CBMs have definitely had their ups and downs. Donner's Superman films faded in quality real quick, and no one tried to emulate them until Burton's Batman. Then Schumacher got hold of that, and the resulting crapfest almost killed the film genre completely. Singer's X-Men and Raimi's Spider-Man mark the modern era of superhero films which still enjoy huge success to this day. But who knows when the next Schumacher will rise to drive a stake through the industry's heart again.
I dunno. I'd prefer that they not do that unless they're willing to increase their output to more than two movies a year. We're having to beg and plead to get our favorite characters on the big screen right now as it is; I'd hate to see their odds decrease even further over the inclusion of some original characters --- worse yet, non-MCU and/or non-genre.

Oh i'm not saying they should do this at the cost of their CBM's. Not at all. Superhero blockbusters will still be their main thing. What i mean is they could add to their repertoire. By the time Avengers 2 comes around, the MCU will officially be the highest grossing franchise in film history, and they'd have done this in under 7 years.

They've been insanely successful and will continue to be. They can still pump out 2-3 MCU tentpoles a year and add 2 much smaller-budgeted original action movies. They could do a film like Chronicle, a martial arts epic, an r-rated spy thriller etc.
CBMs have definitely had their ups and downs. Donner's Superman films faded in quality real quick, and no one tried to emulate them until Burton's Batman. Then Schumacher got hold of that, and the resulting crapfest almost killed the film genre completely. Singer's X-Men and Raimi's Spider-Man mark the modern era of superhero films which still enjoy huge success to this day. But who knows when the next Schumacher will rise to drive a stake through the industry's heart again.

Yeah, but that was because of the quality of films. People wanted those films to be good. Batman Forever was still a huge hit and got solid reviews (Top critics).It took a really bad Batman movie (that somehow made 230m WW) for audiences to start to become uninterested. Now we have so many comic franchises it would have to take multiple flat out horrible Superman, Batman, Ironman and Spider-Man films to lose interest in all comic films.

I don't know, unless all DC and Marvel films start sucking, I really don't see Superhero films going anywhere.
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this needs to happen. I can get my original pitch accepted then. Ah..

Beyond that, Marvel should acquire concepts of various public domain properties, and adapt them to movies.

Also, Marvel can mine Disney's obscure or inactive properties for projects. In particular, why not another Indiana Jones?
I can see Marvel Studios eventually diversify beyond superhero movies, but I don't see it happening in the foreseenable future due to the number of projects on their hands, and the fact that they restrict themselves to two movies per year. Marvel superhero movies are at the prime of their popularity, so there is no reason to diversify right now.
I hope not. They have hundreds of characters that they have yet to be adapted in the big screen.
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It's not a movie, but "Agents of Shield" looks like a fairly original concept.
Marvel are making Cinderella.

It basically shows that Marvel know the superhero genre will fade eventually, and they'll need to diversify.
Marvel's making Cinderella?? Where did you hear this?

And I don't think they should make original films honestly because they have so many characters that they could turn into films that could span so many different genres it's crazy. All of these characters could be superhero films but they could make them into different films all together. Make a Swamp Thing horror film, a Spider-Woman spy film, a Iron Fist martial arts film, etc.
Hopefully Marvel will remain a superhero/CBM-focused studio and leave other genres to Disney's other studios. Walt Disney Pictures, Disney Animation, Touchstone, Pixar and Lucasfilm are more than capable of covering every other genre out there, with revenue from Marvel's blockbusters covering the red ink from bombs like Lone Ranger.

Marvel is in the unique position of being the only Hollywood studio dedicated to producing comic book/superhero films. It has a deep catalog of its own unique, original characters and concepts that can provide material for decades of live action films. There is no need for Marvel to follow in WB's footsteps and shove its own creations to the side in favor or material from outside its own library.
Marvel's making Cinderella?? Where did you hear this?

And I don't think they should make original films honestly because they have so many characters that they could turn into films that could span so many different genres it's crazy. All of these characters could be superhero films but they could make them into different films all together. Make a Swamp Thing horror film, a Spider-Woman spy film, a Iron Fist martial arts film, etc.

I wouldn't mind Marvel Studios making films of their non-superhero imprint comics. Not that I can think of any they have off the top of my head but I'm sure they must have some. Maybe if they are good stories then they can be made into good movies. Just as long as it doesn't derail us getting at least 2 MCU films a year then I have no problem with it.
Marvel are making Cinderella.

It basically shows that Marvel know the superhero genre will fade eventually, and they'll need to diversify.

It's not Marvel. It's Disney hiring Branagh to do a Snow White & the Huntsman style redo of Cinderella. It'll probably not be quite as LOTR/GOT as SW&tH was.
Stay with what you know. I believe much of their success is because they take their time.
Quality over quantity. Make a few really good movies a year instead of 10 mediocre ones.
Stay with what you know. I believe much of their success is because they take their time.
Quality over quantity. Make a few really good movies a year instead of 10 mediocre ones.

This is a valid point and also the fact that they solely specialize in a particular sub-genre so that they know how the genre works like nobody else does.
This is a valid point and also the fact that they solely specialize in a particular sub-genre so that they know how the genre works like nobody else does.
I also believe this is why video game adaptations have failed so miserably. The studio takes over the property not really knowing anything more than name recognition.
I also believe this is why video game adaptations have failed so miserably. The studio takes over the property not really knowing anything more than name recognition.
It irks my soul that superheroes in general can hardly ever get a decent game. As much as I enjoyed X-Men Destiny it was seriously flawed, ugh. I just don't understand why they can't turn a CBM into a video game. With the kind of powers these characters have like seriously we could see some great RPGs if studios ever got it right. And where is Marvel's fighting game at??!! I love MvC but give me an all Marvel fighting game like Injustice.
^You should try playing X-Men Legends.

X-Men Destiny is the worst X-Men videogame simply because you can't any of the X-Men.
What would be the benefit to marvel producing non-super-hero films and why would disney even support that? They have a few other studios that do that for them, that's not what they paid $4 billion for Marvel to do.

This would only vaguely make sense if Marvel truly did remain an independent studio.
^You should try playing X-Men Legends.

X-Men Destiny is the worst X-Men videogame simply because you can't any of the X-Men.
Oh I have. The best superhero games imo are X-Men Legends series, their spiritual successors Ultimate Alliance series, Spider-Man 2 and Batman Arkham series and DCUO. X-Men Destiny is fun but has flaws other than not being able to play as X-Men. Good superhero games are few and far in between. Marvel stopped the UA series for that crapfest Avengers game on the Wii U and Kinect :doh:. I just think with the characters and stories able to be told why can we not get a decent studio to make a decent superhero game that isn't a pure fighting game.
I really hope I dont live to see the day that the Marvel logo is on a romantic comedy.
You will eventually see a Rom-Com featuring one or more of Marvel's superheroines. The Marvel Divas mini-series is ripe for an adaptation.

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