Movie Or TV Show? What Should The MCU FF Be?

Detective Conan

Dec 28, 2017
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Do you think the MCU iteration of the Fantastic Four would work better as a movie in theaters or a Disney Plus show? I was leaning more towards a movie but television has undoubtedly caught up to movies when it comes to VFX if you look at shows like Star Trek: Discovery, Game Of Thrones; or even Lost In Space those have pretty much cinematic level production values on par with some of the most fancy looking movies today, imo. I think it’s possible to pull off FF properly on television now. I could kind of see a Doctor Who-ish type of FF show with a big budget.

While I ultimately prefer FF to be done as a movie I do think there’s a case to be made that perhaps it’d better if they didn’t get a movie and just got a Disney Plus show instead since television allows you to dive deeper into the characters since you spend more time with them than a two hour movie.

After the failure of the Green Lantern movie, DC is doing a HBO Max Green Lantern show and there’s no question they will invest in a lot of money into making look and feel like a feature film. Unlike Green Lantern, Fantastic Four has had three live-action movies that were released in theaters to overall poor reception so maybe Marvel might be tempted to do something different with the FF. However, just because Marvel may realize the MCU version of the FF as a television show doesn’t preclude them from being in a MCU movie eventually. After all, Ms Marvel, and She-Hulk are going to make their MCU debuts in the television format but Feige has made it no secret they will appear in the movies as well.

So The FF can still appear on the big screen even if Marvel ends up doing them as a Disney Plus show since the Disney Plus shows(unlike the Netflix shows) heavily tie into the MCU. So Marvel can have its cake and eat it too. You can have FF on television at the comfort at your home while also seeing them on the silver screen together with their Marvel brethren like the X-Men and the Avengers. So what say you guys? Movies or a television show for the FF?
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I've gone back and forth on this because I can see the F4 being almost like a sitcom in the Lost in Space range and with so many characters to explore, a tv show would give you time to meet a lot of them. But with the special effects, movies seem to be the way. I can almost say tv show but keep Doom for the movies. I really don't know how these Marvel shows will work for Disney +.
A thread asking this question surprises me as the FF and X-Men are all most of the people talk about or are interested in that frequent this section so yeah I'm wondering what the point of an either/or type question on this topic is at this point in time. To hear people start citing how bad they want Marvel to focus on the X-Men and FF?

Anyway, as far as the Disney+ shows go, I'm surprised no interviewers have asked (maybe not allowed to as precondition to talk?) what the legnth of these miniseries are. The Mandalorian was ranging from 20-30 min. from what I hear so really we're looking at a 2.5-3 hr cheaper Marvel movie that's paced a bit differently but really not akin to a TV show and more so a movie that can be trickled out over the course of a month to drum up subscriptions.
Film. They deserve to finally have a great big screen outing. Plus while things have improved in TV they have not gotten to the point where they could do a good Fantastic Four adaptation.
They haven't got Reed's powers right on film yet, let alone television. Plus Johnny and Ben's powers would be very expensive to do on a tv budget.

This isn't even mentioning the adventures they have in space, other dimensions etc. All of these things make television the worst place for the team. Plus it positions them as "not worthy" of a film. That would be the impression by not giving them the film treatment. Which is why you see this argument more when it comes to the FF than the more popular X-Men. Even though it would make just as much sense for the X-Men to be on tv, maybe more so considering the many characters they have.
The trade off is that you get more focus on the characters, but the cost is too high imo. Too many things suffer as a result.
A thread asking this question surprises me as the FF and X-Men are all most of the people talk about or are interested in that frequent this section so yeah I'm wondering what the point of an either/or type question on this topic is at this point in time. To hear people start citing how bad they want Marvel to focus on the X-Men and FF?
I’m not sure why it’s so surprising for you that this thread was made. It’s no different if I were to make a thread asking you, ”Should the FF be from the 60’s or should they come from present day?” We know little about Marvel’s plans for the FF and there’s no guarantee that it will be a movie. Maybe it will be or maybe it won’t be. We don’t know for sure. I’m only trying to gauge what the consensus here for which between the two mediums — television or film is best for Marvel to realize their version of the Fantastic Four. It’s a valid discussion topic and most here(including me) already understand it’ll be awhile before Marvel does something with the FF. That doesn’t preclude us for having a discussion or speculate about what they may or may not do until then.
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Its a fair question since the last movie bombed and certain properties are still banished to TV.
I’m not sure why it’s so surprising for you that this thread was made. It’s no different if I were to make a thread asking you, ”Should the FF be from the 60’s or should they come from present day?” We know little about Marvel’s plans for the FF and there’s no guarantee that it will be a movie. Maybe it will be or maybe it won’t be. We don’t know for sure. I’m only trying to gauge what the consensus here for which between the two mediums — television or film is best for Marvel to realize their version of the Fantastic Four. It’s a valid discussion topic and most here(including me) already understand it’ll be awhile before Marvel does something with the FF. That doesn’t preclude us for having a discussion or speculate about what they may or may not do until then.

Yeah, by all means ask the question but it just seems like something people will either give the obvious resounding yes or at the very least get defensive about as if there's a real possibility of the chance it'll be on Disney+.

A spin-off is a possibility but the core franchise there's no way fans would stop hounding Marvel Studio's at fan conventions asking the question of when the FF or X-Men are going to have a film in that scenario.
The F4 deserve a movie. Disney+ would be a massive downgrade
Films first. Later on they could also do a show.
I just remembered that Ms. Marvel has the powers of elongation, and unless Marvel opts to omit that power of hers in the MCU. Ms. Marvel might technically be the very first human MCU character with stretchy powers. Beating Mr. Fantastic to the punch. I’m very curious to see how Marvel does stretching for the first time in their universe.

Groot sort of has that ability but that’s limited to mostly his limbs and he isn’t human.
Another reason why I don't like Kamala Khan. Ability wise, she's like a knock off of Mr. Fantastic that happens to be an Inhuman that takes one of Carol's longtime codenames.
Of course it should be movie..

In fact, now with F4 and also X-Men in the MCU, I just hope they also become more focus in larger grand scheme of story (considering some villains like Doctor Doom, Annihilus, Galactus, Apocalypse, Shia'r are very much tied to either F4 and X-Men, just dont turn them turn into Avengers villain).

The Avengers has had their glory days in whole Infinity Saga, now its time for F4 and X-Men's turn.
Btw, a little off topic here...
I dont often hanging out around here, so I was surprised that there is a fellow poster with username based on Edogawa-kun

Hi @Detective Conan .. I am a fan of Conan, too... hehe...
I knew that there few other posters here who also fan of manga/anime like me, but most I am surprised that is Conan. If you dont mind I ask, where are you from? (Because as far as I know, Conan is only popular in Japan here and most of Asia, ..with its tone, characteristic, and story is very much Japanese centric, I think Conan is very hard to appease audience outside Japan and Asia). So, I am curious.

Nice to meet you, nonetheless :)
Of course it should be movie..

In fact, now with F4 and also X-Men in the MCU, I just hope they also become more focus in larger grand scheme of story (considering some villains like Doctor Doom, Annihilus, Galactus, Apocalypse, Shia'r are very much tied to either F4 and X-Men, just dont turn them turn into Avengers villain).

The Avengers has had their glory days in whole Infinity Saga, now its time for F4 and X-Men's turn.
All three teams can get the spotlight or their "glory days". Marvel Studios isn't abandoning the Avengers brand.
All three teams can get the spotlight or their "glory days". Marvel Studios isn't abandoning the Avengers brand.

I am not saying that Marvel Studios should abandon Avengers but more of give more story wise to both F4 and X-Men.

In Infinity Saga, the grand story revolve around Avengers (and it is makes sense since Inifinity Gauntlet and Thanos is more of Avengers story and villain). But if Galactus or Doom or Annihilus is the big enemy in the next phase, I would hope that it is F4 who will get the most attention.

Think of it like recent Secret Wars is a event involving Avengers, F4, X-Men in a big way e but the main story always come back to Reed Richards and Doom.

So, I am not saying Avengers should take a seat back to F4 and X-Men but I want more of these new team getting their importance to the grand MCU.
I am not saying that Marvel Studios should abandon Avengers but more of give more story wise to both F4 and X-Men.

In Infinity Saga, the grand story revolve around Avengers (and it is makes sense since Inifinity Gauntlet and Thanos is more of Avengers story and villain). But if Galactus or Doom or Annihilus is the big enemy in the next phase, I would hope that it is F4 who will get the most attention.

Think of it like recent Secret Wars is a event involving Avengers, F4, X-Men in a big way e but the main story always come back to Reed Richards and Doom.

So, I am not saying Avengers should take a seat back to F4 and X-Men but I want more of these new team getting their importance to the grand MCU.
Well, they aren't going to be given new movies just to be ignored. This is the mcu after all.
Both are best at their own place doing a comparison is not justified, As in the Movie the average duration is around 2 to 02:30 Hr, so this time duration needs to include all those necessary which make a smooth flow, and some connections so that the audience can't be bored while watching.

On the other hand, TV Shows consist of an average of around 8 to 10 episodes One episode is almost 45 to 55 Minutes, which means having enough time to show things more deeply, can able to showcase characters in each aspect, when they want to introduce some new characters so they come with web series, where they explain their characters, their life and whom they want to take revenge, After that they inc;ude in movies so if someone earlier has seen web series they understand the role of characters in Movie, just like Kamala Khan in The Marvels movie which releasesd in year 2023.

Generally, they always released the web series on streaming platforms so that anyone can binge-watch according to their own time.

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