DC Television Sandman: The Series

Sounds Jenna cool man! I’m excited to see what she brings to the role. It’s exciting to find out just how much they changed
Jenna Coleman is an awesome actress. I’m not ashamed to say that I loved her in Victoria.
I think Sandman, because Gaiman is part of it, will be much like American God's where those who know love it and it will have a strong following. If it was on HBO though it would be huge because it would be all over the Turner network broadcasts and Shark Week.

Netflix paid untold millions to advertise The Grey Man all over Vegas including on the Resorts World building itself. (Saw it there last week) They also cut like 300 jobs and their sub numbers are dropping if I read right.

They are a bad model that is being replaced by better apps with big name studios attached and less expenses.
I know which episode(s) I’m most excited for (24-Hour Diner). Ohhhhh boy.

Does anyone know if they are going to include references to the larger DC universe? I doubt Martian Manhunter makes an appearance but I wonder if we’ll see Arkham during John Dee’s storyline.
Excellent. Now let’s just hope this Zaslov crap at WB doesn’t hurt Sandman.
So far only one review is out? WTF?

I don’t think they have to worry about spoilers getting out since this is an adaptation to a 20+ year old comic. What’s the holdup? I hope reviews aren’t embargoed because it’s bad.
Jeff Sneider says this show is awful, fwiw.
If this turns out to be a mess like Cowboy Bebop, then I'm not going to watch it. I don't feel like wasting my time on another show that Netflix is probably going to cancel. I'll wait for some reviews before I try it, or maybe even until Netflix confirms a season 2.
Yep, it’s kind of amazing to witness how awful Jeff Sneider’s taste is.
Three episodes in and loving it. It’s a very faithful adaptation and most of the changes they made serve the story well.
Introducing the Corinthian earlier in the story and having him interact with Dream’s other antagonists works well to make him the “big bad” for this season. My only complaint is changing Dream’s punishment of Alex Burgess from eternal waking to eternal sleep. Eternal waking was a much more terrifying curse. Not sure why they did that, but oh well. Minor gripe.

Also, Jenna Coleman might be my favorite Constantine ever. LOVED her in this.
It's been so long since I read Sandman I've forgotten most of it (well, except the premise for the story). I will never be able to compare to the source material; Many characters, lots of the story etc because of that.

But after two episodes in this is really good.
I'm up to vol 7 in the graphic novels. I took a long break, but I guess I need to finish it now. I really like the actor that plays Dream. Is that his voice, or did they dub over? Either way, it works and sounds great.
I know nothing about the source material, but I absolutely adored this from start to finish. It's so Tim Burton esque in terms of the eyepopping/gothic visuals and the score and if he ever got to direct a Harry Potter film, I imagine this is pretty much what it would like, especially with the darker tone.

This is easily the most expensive looking and cinematic show Netflix has ever put out there and man what a stacked cast many of whom I had no idea where in this which was a nice surprise.

I really liked the lead guy and Boyd Holbrook who really got to chew the scenery in this, and you could tell he was having a lot of fun doing it, but I could have used more Charles Dance and David Thewlis.

I'd definitely love to see a Season 2 and see more of this amazing world.
My favorite episode so far (I'm on Episode 8 currently) is Episode 6 "The Sound of Her Wings" that was one of my favorite comics from The Sandman story. So much dialogue was ripped from the comics. Always thought it was such an interrsting idea for Dream to visit Hob every 100 years.

The actress who plays Death did a pretty good job. Maybe not quite as perky as I pictured Death, but still close enough.
Loved it!
HOWEVER...They should have pulled a Stranger Things and had Season 1A end with The Sound of Her Wings and then dropped the rest in a few months as Season 1B.. The intensity of the story dropped after that while they started a new storyarc (finding the escapees rather than finding the tools)

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