Civil War She'll put a hex on you! The official Scarlet Witch thread

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What character development did she have?

She didn't seem to learn much of anything in this film, she just got tired of being "locked in her room" after she screwed up pretty badly.

I like the character and I like the actress playing her, but I do no think that she has been a particularly interesting character in the two movies so far.
Yeah after watching the film Gaurd you were right (then again no one really got a complete arc outside of BP). Though Slade I still agree she is a very charming woman that hasn't been given anything of substance to do.

Also her in and out accent was not quite "distracting" but it was somewhat noticeable.
in a movie with like 12 characters getting shine, of course some of them are not going to get Arc's.
For instance In TDK, Dawes does not get an arc.
So characterization is all you really can ask.
I don't even like SW but she grew on me in this film.
I don't think the comic to movie portrayal has been good.
But then again I dont read alot of Wanda, most of the time I do she's a villain.
How old is she supposed to be in the movie ? Think i caught from cap that she's 16 ?

I looked for an article to back this up, but I couldn't find it. I could've sworn at some point during the AOU press tour that Lizzie or Aaron said the twins were supposed to be 25. I didn't take Cap calling her a kid to literally mean she's a minor since he's nearly 100, but that I can see how that high school line from Hawkeye threw everything off. They would have to be somewhere in their 20's, IMO.
Character screen time in Civil War:
Character Screentimes Rounded to the Nearest 1/4 Minute (From IMDB)

Captain America - 36:00
Iron Man - 33:45
Winter Soldier - 21:00
Black Widow - 11:45
Falcon - 10:30
Black Panther - 10:15
Scarlet Witch - 10:00
Baron Zemo - 9:15
Spider-Man - 8:30
Vision - 7:15
War Machine - 6:00
Ant-Man - 4:45
Hawkeye - 4:45
Sharon Carter - 3:45
Thunderbolt Ross - 3:15
Crossbones - 1:45
Everett Ross - 1:15
Aunt May - 1:00

Wanda almost matched Black Widow in screen time in this film. In IW I think she will get more screen time.
I thought the film did a pretty decent job with such a huge cast of characters.Their arcs will progress over multiple films.

Everyone was given a moment or two to shine. The focus was on Cap, Stark and Bucky... everyone else was there to push their story forward.

This film did a MUCH better job than say the X-Men films which also were loaded with characters.
Yes I too would have thought that Civil War would focus on Wanda somehow blaming herself for her brother Pietro's death or even Wanda mentioning him at all but it was like it was swept under the rug in a sense...imagine how different things would be if Pietro/Quicksilver was in Civil War we all know whose side he would be on
It's been over a year since QS's death and she has found a new family. it would make no sense for her to still mourn his death. I really don't understand how people don't see that.

As for her guilt over Ultron you can clearly see it hasn't gone away. The lagos incident was just the icing on top of her overall guilt.
Yes I get that but even if it was a year after her brother's death surely she would still be grieving him on some level
Yes I get that but even if it was a year after her brother's death surely she would still be grieving him on some level

And how do you know she doesn't internally? There is a reference to him by Hawkeye to the "debt" that he owns him. wanda is trying to adapt. There is no reason for the movie yo show you that after one years she still think of her brother. People move on. If she grieves on some level they don't need to show you that. She is a vulnerable emotional state for many reasons one of them being Pietro. You can understand that without the movie telling you.
I find her and Vision's relationship interesting. I wonder where they will go with that. Also Olsen is lovely.
I can see Vision and Scarlet Witch becoming an item I mean it is inevitable at this point
Thought she was great in this, jaw dropped at what she did to Vision when he was threatening Clint, she had othe really good moments as well.

And yeah, Olsen is gorgeous.
But I am sure her and Vision will get past all of this when all is said and done
I can see Vision and Scarlet Witch becoming an item I mean it is inevitable at this point

its obvious but I hope not. It was even creepier onscreen than in the books
I am a bit surprised they made no reference to Quicksilver. That's a pretty important part of her character, a major change in her life, and they didn't do anything with that change in her circumstances.
I am a bit surprised they made no reference to Quicksilver. That's a pretty important part of her character, a major change in her life, and they didn't do anything with that change in her circumstances.

I'll have to rewatch but Im pretty sure they did. Even if he wasnt referenced by name, her loss in the last film was, at least I seem to recall so
Hawkeye also said he was there because he owed her a debt. Which was of course Quicksilver.
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