Solo Solo: A User Review Thread


Your Most Aggro Pal (he/him)
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
For those that have seen it, tell us what you think.
Loved it well enough. Good action scenes, likable characters, plot is easy to follow. I liked how it referenced the original films. I wouldn't mind one more movie with young Han and Chewy.

The big surprise reveal of a character made me want more.

I actually think Rogue One and Solo are better movies than Force Awakens and Last Jedi.
Really enjoyed this.

Alden and Donald are no Harrison or Billy Dee, but that's okay-- they were good in their own right. I'd be more than happy to see them continue in the roles. The movie's very... clunky, I guess. And some of the fights go on too long. But overall, it was basically what I wanted it to be-- a breezy, energetic adventure exploring the underbelly of the SW universe. While a little too dark at times visually, I think its also a pretty great movie to look at.
Unsurprisingly, the Kasdan's nail the characters and the world. And thankfully, the director change and reshoots are completely seamless. If you hadn't been following this news, you'd never be able to tell by looking at the movie itself.

Certainly my second favourite movie of the new era.

Oh, and that cameo was weird... But I'm interested to see where it goes.
Just got back!

What a fun ride! This was much better than reviews make it out to be and everything was spot on. Alden was as good as he can get - obviously can't step into Ford's shoes, but he did his best.

Lando and Qi-Ra were also very good and Glover impersonated Billy Dee's charisma amazingly.

My two favourite sequences were the Train sequence and Kessel's run. The latter was a breathtaking action sequence.

THAT Maul cameo is going to make Clone Wars mandatory for the average Joe.

I think I like Solo best among the new Star Wars movies. It's a great ride with a hopeful ending (sort of like the end of Rebels). I barely thought of Ford's Solo during the whole movie, and at the moments when I went "Um, isn't this guy playing a young version of Han Solo here?" I noticed Alden's performance and thought that he did Ford's Solo's mannerism really well. I applaud the casting department on this alone: I know a (theater) casting director who said "When they pick between perfect physical likeness and perfect acting, they always pick perfect acting". I think LucasFilm did the right thing here by casting an actor that can act like the old Solo rather than the actor that just looks like Harrison Ford.

I don't know what's this thing with the recent MCU and Star Wars movies (TLJ and this) that there seems to be forced humour, it's like someone set a quota that there must be a comedic moment every 10 minutes or something.

There's a slight political thing in the movie (barely more than the OT movies), which is fine by me as I'm sort of "progressive left" (even though I'm not American), but in this current condition I think MRAs and alt-rights will have lots of things to hate about this movie.

The only thing that even I am not fine with is
Lando's relationship with L3; I don't think this is a smart move, some people will go "You want same sex marriage? What's next? People marrying their robot?"

As someone who isnt going to see it til DVD, can you tell me how it does that? Thanx!

In a thread that currently only have posts from people who see the movie on first day, I don't think (unnecessarily) saying you'll only see it on DVD is very sensitive. About your question perhaps you can post it in the Discussion or Spoiler thread as I guess this thread will only have reviews and not Q&A.
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I haven’t seen it yet but a friend who has said it was enjoyable and infuriating in equal measure. I have to admit, that’s piqued my curiosity more than any bit of Disney marketing has.
In a thread that currently only have posts from people who see the movie on first day, I don't think (unnecessarily) saying you'll only see it on DVD is very sensitive.

Sorry, I dont have the money for another theater outing atm, so I am waiting til DVD release...
Really good Han Solo backstory for me. Han and Lando are both great. The other characters are mostly fine but that droid is an annoyance (but not in it enough to grate for too long). Alden gave off a good Han vibe to me, convinced me that we were seeing the character as a younger man.
Sorry, I dont have the money for another theater outing atm, so I am waiting til DVD release...

Oh I'm sorry I thought you were one of those "This movie looks bad/ I hate TLJ, etc. so I won't waste money on this" people. I'd prefer people don't say that at all but at least it should be kept away from the movie review thread (especially in the first few days).

Again my apologies.
My spoiler-free thoughts....

- If you're familiar with Star Wars, it's exactly how you'd expect a Han Solo 'origin' movie to be.

- A bit like Revenge of the Sith, it crams a lot of obligatory moments into too short a time frame. But that is the nature of prequels I suppose.

- The most interesting thing is that you can see how it's been reshot. There are a lot of moments which were clearly written to be comedic, yet bizarrely played straight. One scene with Lando, Lando's droid, and Chewbacca should be comic gold, and yet it's done as if it's high drama. You'll know it when you see it. Also Paul Bettany's character was obviously written to be comedic, yet he plays it all with menace.

- HUGE action. And a lot of it. The monorail sequence is Indiana Jones-worthy.

- The actors struggle to make any impact under the noise, spectacle and constant action. Lando didn't really need to be here, amusing as Donald Glover is.

- The movie knows you know what to expect from it, and tries to outwit you, but in the end it it's a very generic Hollywood story and you'll see all the twists a mile away.

- There is one amazing treat for Star Wars fans...avoid spoilers, that's all I'll say.
Some quick thoughts on Solo
It's good! Overall I'd give it 4 stars. Probably my second favourite of the Disney era after Rogue One

The Good
Excellent action sequences, and really beautifuly shot and scored. The characters are all largely good within the core cast, and I though Alden knocked it out of the park as Han. Glover is great as Lando but he's somewhat superfluous to the story
The second half of the movie has an unstoppable momentum about it that makes it such a fun experience

The Bad
Honestly, the first half hour I really didn't enjoy (like REALLY didn't enjoy). It's nonsensical and downright frustrating in places. Likewise some of the pacing and editing - you can tell this has been hacked to bits.
Didn't like L3 at all, I get what they were going for and it didn't work for me. Likewise Bettanys character. He gave it his all but he just sort of exists

The Exceptional
There's a moment. Go in without spoilers and you will not be disappointed
Liked it. Didn't agree with all of the story decisions. Good score. Good performances. Good action scenes.
I enjoyed it. I’m not sure where I’d put it in a ranking of all the Star Wars films or even the Disney era ones, but it did a good job of building the Star Wars universe and creating back story of who Han is.
Enjoyable, breezy, felt very OT, likable characters (even the villains), fun reveal at the end.
Put simply....I didn't like it. From the looks of this thread so far....I am in the minority on this....but it did not engage me at all.
I loved it. I felt it dragged a little bit at certain points but overall I thought it was awesome.

Alden did a great job and I wouldn't be against a sequel at all.

I liked it more than Rogue One and The Last Jedi but not as much as The Force Awakens, I don't think.
So, did you get a feel that this was a huge reworking, or was the production chaos handled seamlessly?

And: anything I should be worried about with kids over 8? (IW was too intense for them for comparison)
And: anything I should be worried about with kids over 8? (IW was too intense for them for comparison)
Nah....I took my 11 year old daughter....she liked it.
8/10. I’d give it a 7/10 but it gave me a couple things I’ve complained about since the Disney films began: it gave me returning aliens. I saw several Twi’leks, I saw a Rodian, I saw more Wookiees besides Chewie. Give me all the new aliens you want Disney, but I still need this galaxy to feel familiar.
Nah....I took my 11 year old daughter....she liked it.

Thanks, sounds like a winner weekend outing for the kiddos, then. And no matter what, new action from the Falcon always makes my day.
Saw it tonight, really enjoyed it. I thought Alden did a nice job, Donald Glover was perfect - I wish he and Alden had more scenes together. Chewie was awesome, and the action sequences felt like a Disney theme park ride, and I'm all for that.

I thought Alden perfectly captured Han's ability to plan things that just don't pan out, and react accordingly. :funny:

Tonally it was a bit all over the place, you could definitely tell there was another movie in there somewhere that got replaced by this version, but it still worked.

But it's a lot of fun. It's nothing like the saga movies, and that part worked too.
Thanks, sounds like a winner weekend outing for the kiddos, then. And no matter what, new action from the Falcon always makes my day.

You will not be disappointed in the Falcon. She takes quite the ride in this movie. :up:
Pleasantly surprised. Really came in with low expectations after the last jedi since I fell on the not a fan of the last jedi, and the directions they took.

Didn't come out with any of the gripes I had with TLJ. I thought all the actors did a great job. It was a fun adventure, and it felt true to all the characters. It took a little bit to get use to new actors playing Han, and Lando, but once I got comfortable it felt more like Star Wars to me just like TFA, and Rogue One did.

The humor felt right, and more Star Wars. None of the complaints of stuff being too close to what we have going on in real life on earth. Loved the new creatures. Story was easy to follow, and I was able to lose myself into the film.

Feels like the redemption they needed after TLJ for guys like me who came out feeling angry, and upset at that film. Hopefully JJ can keep this up, and fix a lot of the things like some rumors say he may do with recons, and stuff.

Solo is definitely the movie they needed to get back on track. Thank goodness for Ron Howard fixing what sounded like a mess behind the scenes, and making a fun Star Wars adventure that fits into the universe/timeline nicely.

That surprise character appearance had my theater clapping, and me giddy but..
I can see anyone who hasn't seen the Clone Wars animated series or Rebels being surprised, and having many questions. Waiting to see what my friends say when they see it about his appearance.

7.5 or 8 / 10 for me. I need to watch it a few more times to see where it finally lands.

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