Solo Solo: A User Review Thread

Finally saw it. Liked it a lot.

Probably helps that it follows TLJ so that's a low bar.

I would put it up there with Rogue One at the moment. Might even like it more.
Got in a second viewing today. The problems in the movie were significantly less noticeable (or, the the very least, bothered me less) and the strengths hit me harder, emotionally.

I’m rooting for a sequel, titled Han and Chewie. Just give me two hours of those two in the cockpit of the Falcon.
Really enjoyed the movie. Probably my favorite film from the Star Wars / Disney era.

TLJ and TFA feel like long drawn out films that you need to see in a row back to back with a lot of filler and down time. Solo was a quick, fun, action movie that was a stand alone and can be rewatched on a whim while the other films are not re-watchable (at least for me). Rogue One felt the same (minus the third act). Too much filler and time for to look at my watch and wonder when it would be over.

It's not a perfect movie by any means but totally enjoyable and a typical summer popcorn flick.
Finally got around to seeing Solo.

I thought it was a really fun movie. Are there issues? Yes. Not a fan of how he got his last name. Wasn't a fan that Chewie was made out to be a cannibal. (Technically he isn't since he's not human, but you get my point) But overall I thought it was fun, had some great light hearted moments (Han/Chewie shower) and I want to see where it goes next. Hopefully we get that chance. Especially since I'd like to see where Maul fits in. I've watched all the Clone Wars and Rebels cartoons and knew the twist was coming, so that didn't throw me off.

The last name thing's just a Godfather reference. Pretty clever way to go with it, actually.

And I've only seen it once, but did they imply Chewie was eating the guys they threw down there? I might have missed a line of dialogue there. Seemed more like he was just fighting/attacking the guys thrown in the pit because they're Empire, and part of the group who put him there in the first place.
Finally saw it. WTF is happening? It's easily the best Disney SW film. I actually really loved it. Yet it flopped so hard, while that utter crap TLJ made so much money and got way better reviews from critics... L3 was annoying but otherwise, what a great surprise! ...and I didn't even want this film to exist.
Finally saw it. WTF is happening? It's easily the best Disney SW film. I actually really loved it. Yet it flopped so hard, while that utter crap TLJ made so much money and got way better reviews from critics... L3 was annoying but otherwise, what a great surprise! ...and I didn't even want this film to exist.

It is odd. I did not like TLJ in the least bit, but Solo got me excited for Star Wars again... mainly, because it felt like Star Wars. I hope it does well on Blu Ray. Maybe everyone who missed the theatrical run will check it out on Blu Ray.
It is odd. I did not like TLJ in the least bit, but Solo got me excited for Star Wars again... mainly, because it felt like Star Wars. I hope it does well on Blu Ray. Maybe everyone who missed the theatrical run will check it out on Blu Ray.

I’m really looking forward to the Blu-ray release.. and will be buying day one.

I only just got TLJ on Blu-ray months after it’s release, because I had no real urge to watch it again (I’m just a completionist)
The last name thing's just a Godfather reference. Pretty clever way to go with it, actually.

And I've only seen it once, but did they imply Chewie was eating the guys they threw down there? I might have missed a line of dialogue there. Seemed more like he was just fighting/attacking the guys thrown in the pit because they're Empire, and part of the group who put him there in the first place.

One of the troopers talks about how "the creature" hasn't eaten in weeks. So that was my take-a-way.
Finally got around to seeing this last
The bad - The movie lacked a lot of good transition scenes, star wars in every movie so far has had scenes that transition from place to place and often showed us the landscape, creatures, before switching to a new area. It was definitely shot differently than other star wars films, and in that sense, didn't feel very star wars like.

L3 was obviously a huge miss, not sure whose rights they were going for, and the scene with Emilia and her talking about Lando was incredibly forced and just bad.

The forced inclusion of Maul - although this could have been a new narrative, I'd much have preferred to see Jabba, and saved maul for a different story (Yes I know much of his story is told within TCW and Rebels, but I love seeing maul on the big screen..just didnt make sense for Han to deal with him.)

Qira shouldn't have been so posh, I just couldnt buy into emilia's character mainly because the look wasn't right (not on emilia.)

I get that the trilogy was supposed to lead Han to the point we see him in episode 4, but this movie just stands to hurt his character, i also dont like they try and make him seem heroic.

Now, the good -

It was a genuinely good movie. Fun ride, and despite my dislike for Han in comparison, it was no where near as atrocious as they did with Luke in TLJ, it was an acceptable level.

The action scenes were fun - and overall I could get into the characters, I would have liked a sequel, and thing they can only stand to improve on this one.

Its probably in the same vein as rogue one, right now, its slightly better, given that I havent been able to get through rogue one, I think I could watch this one again in a year, but probably wont just because well nobody else will say "Lets watch that again!". But at least its not in the TLJ category of "we aren't watching that."
Surprise surprise. The ol' overreact-a-rama.
Yea. I don't like prequel origin films in general. They take away some of the character's appeal and mystery that's better left undiscovered and in your imagination only. But Solo showed me it can work when done well.
Just finished watching it.

I'd give it a 7/10. I enjoyed it, liked the cast and the characters but felt the writers were too tied to the idea that they had to check off the expected boxes instead of finding the best story to tell. Han meets Chewie, check. Han meets Lando, check. Han gets his blaster, check. Han gets the Falcon, check. Kessel Run, check. etc. As a fan I would have much rather seen more stuff we didn't already know about. Why not a movie centered around Han's life on Corellia and how he got mixed up in the criminal life? They could have saved the other stuff for later movies. I would have been fine with a movie about his life on Corellia and then in the Imperial Academy, maybe ending with him meeting and freeing Chewie and ending it there.
Finally got around to see this and I must admit, it's better than I thought. However, its shortcomings are more glaring than Rogue One, but it's still more interesting than TLJ. So far, my skepticism of Disney's Star Wars era continues.

The Force Awakens > Rogue One > Solo > The Last Jedi
I enjoyed it but I think they could have done a lot more with it. They got lazy, I think. "Oh, Han Solo's so popular, we don't need to worry about the plot, just show all the stuff they're expecting and it'll clear $500 million easy."

I wish it had shown us Han's training in the Imperial Academy. That's something we haven't seen yet.
Finally watched this last night. It was the first Star Wars film since Episode I that I did not see in the cinema, primarily because the idea just didn't excite me.

...However, it was pretty damn good. I went in with a low bar and yet I ended up liking it more than TLJ. I agree with some previous posters, it actually FELT like Star Wars, which some of the new films have not.

I appreciated a lot of the little nods and easter eggs, name drops of Aurra Sing and the like. I also had the Maul scene spoiled ahead of time, but having seen all the Clone Wars/Rebels episodes a few times it wasn't really surprising, more intriguing.

Lando was quite excellent and Han was much better than I expected him to be. Overall a good cast.

How he got his name was a bit weird at first, but I can get behind it upon reflection.

One thing that was a little odd to me was the TIE fighters from the Star Destroyer near Kessel. They looked kind of funky to me, along with one being some weird amalgam of TIE fighter/bomber. Do we know how far before the OT this was supposed to be set?
I watched this some weeks ago, going in with low expectations due to the trailers not being very exciting and what the previous films have done to my Star Wars interest.

It starts off pretty bad and starts to worry me with really clumsy references to the past. I groaned out loud at the name bit.

However, it does turn around and while far from perfect it makes me care about characters, it has a pretty good Star Wars feel to it, and while the film doesn't really feel important I think it mostly achieves what it wants to be. It has a good amount of things I didn't really like but the film just manages to go above that, unlike some others in the new Star Wars.

Alden actually balances pretty well with making the character his own and having moments that are carbon copies of Harrison's version. Lando is just as good as the trailers made him out to be, Chewie is Chewie and we finally have one that physically can live up to what we've been told about Wookies in the past. The droid is a bit annoying but this time it feels like that's intentional so there's not really any problems there.

It's a good movie overall which, to my surprise, places it at the top of the new Star Wars. It's not completely redundant like TFA, it doesn't fail to make me care about all characters and there are no really messy acts like in RO, and it's not crap like TLJ.

At the end of Solo I was actually interested in seeing the story continue. Not necessarily with Han Solo but just going on with the Maul reveal, which somehow felt more interesting in live action than it's been in animation, despite that I know the canonical end of that character.
Watched this on 4K at home and still really liked it. It starts off a little shaky but us one of those rare movies that gets better as it goes along. I still think Alden did great and grows into the role more and more throughout the movie. One of the most under rated Star Wars movies for me and I have to say for me The Kessel Run delivers.

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