Suicide Squad: General Discussion and Speculation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 33

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Maybe I'm the only one, but I really don't want a Harley Quinn movie
Maybe I'm the only one, but I really don't want a Harley Quinn movie

I don't either. Just give us a Batman movie with her and Joker a main characters. It'll be great to see a movie from Batman's perspective of her than another movie of her perspective.
A Batman movie with Harley AND a Harley solo film could cause a bit of overload. I don't see Ben skipping Harley, especially after Suicide Squad's ending.
Just do a Birds of Prey type film, featuring Harley as an antagonist or something along those lines
That's the plan, according to the rumors. I want some concrete, official info on this.
I don't either. Just give us a Batman movie with her and Joker a main characters. It'll be great to see a movie from Batman's perspective of her than another movie of her perspective.

I dont want one either.
Hell I dont even want a Joker movie (and that goes back in the day if LEdger was still alive) or even Loki, Venom, etc.

I think a villain centric movie is hard to pull off when you dont have the villain's foil.

One "villain" if you want to call her that that would work I think is Catwoman...but shes not even a villain really...and they tried that before and it sucked
Maybe I'm the only one, but I really don't want a Harley Quinn movie

I've no desire for one either. I love Harley, and I really like Margot's Harley, but I prefer her as a Batman villain in a Batman story.
WB should prioritize Batfleck solo and MOS sequel at the moment but I understand why they would want to release a Harley movie at the earliest. Harley is incredibly popular and Margot's portrayal of Harley has won near unanimous praise. Harley will sell like hot cakes and add Catwoman,Ivy,Batgirl and other female superheroines in a BOP vs GCS scenario and you have the prospects of a commercially successful movie.
I wouldnt even fast track a MoS sequel. I dont see why.

I'd just hold filming on Flash and Aquaman. Wait until JL comes out, see how it does and then start filming just in case there's anything they want to change
Is it safe to say Harley seems to have surpassed Catwoman as Dc's #1 badgirl?

I wouldnt mind seeing both of them and Poison Ivy in a Girls of Gotham movie....
Anyone else thinking they're gonna basically "rebuild" the DCEU brand with focus on the solo Batffleck, and MOS 2 films?

Basically, after Justice League, when they realize they've fallen flat on their faces, and just been dragging themselves through the mud ever since, assuming they don't panic and, yet AGAIN, repeat the exact same mistakes, I can see them attempting a soft "reboot," doing everything they can to revitalize the DCEU with the same cast.
I wouldnt even fast track a MoS sequel. I dont see why.

I'd just hold filming on Flash and Aquaman. Wait until JL comes out, see how it does and then start filming just in case there's anything they want to change

Flash is supposedly likely to start filming on Jan 2017.The worst that can happen now is JL 2 and further gets cancelled but we still get Aquaman,Batman,Flash solos.Even a SS2/HQ movie or MOS 2 are still possibilities.The train is firmly set in motion whether someone likes it or not.
Anyone else thinking they're gonna basically "rebuild" the DCEU brand with focus on the solo Batffleck, and MOS 2 films?

Basically, after Justice League, when they realize they've fallen flat on their faces, and just been dragging themselves through the mud ever since, assuming they don't panic and, yet AGAIN, repeat the exact same mistakes, I can see them attempting a soft "reboot," doing everything they can to revitalize the DCEU with the same cast.

Perhaps. If Justice League is a disaster, there's definitely going to be some retooling. The problem is that SOMETHING is always in production. By the time JL comes out, other movies will be filming. There's no space to do a reboot. All they can do is change their approach to making the movies on the slate. There's already going to be a heavy focus on Batman (he's the leader of the JL, was in SS, is rumored to be in WW, solo movie coming up, his female villains may get their own movie) which is good because he's the one constant audiences (and by extension, the studio) can fall back on.
Anyone else thinking they're gonna basically "rebuild" the DCEU brand with focus on the solo Batffleck, and MOS 2 films?

Basically, after Justice League, when they realize they've fallen flat on their faces, and just been dragging themselves through the mud ever since, assuming they don't panic and, yet AGAIN, repeat the exact same mistakes, I can see them attempting a soft "reboot," doing everything they can to revitalize the DCEU with the same cast.

I truly think WW will be DC's IM in the sense,it truly launches the DCEU with widespread and non-divisive acclaim.If JL can continue on that(I have hope) then this franchise will live on.Franchises like Fast and Furious have shown that you can turn it around critically and still be successful.
I've no desire for one either. I love Harley, and I really like Margot's Harley, but I prefer her as a Batman villain in a Batman story.

she'd have to go full anti hero for that, which would blow.
Except, who really liked Venom in SM3?
From Reddit
I'm hearing a ton about how simple the plot was and how weak the "Main Villian" was. This is my opinion on said plot and what I got from the movie.

The Suicide Squad isn't put together to stop Enchantress. They're put together to go into Midway city and save "The most important person in the city- Amanda Waller." That's why Deadshot says, "I don't know if you know this but I'm a hitman. I don't save people."

Once they have Waller she tells Flagg, "You wouldn't have gotten here without them." To justify her putting the squad together for that mission.
They were done once Waller got in the helicopter. That's why she says, "I'll send another hilo for you!" Because the mission was accomplished. Never does she say to go after Enchantress.

In fact, the Skwad doesn't even know what they're up against until Boomerang tosses his drone boomerang into the building where Enchantress is doing her belly dancing.
The intrigue of the movie is that the "bad" guys actually CHOOSE to try and save the world. It was never their mission. They were free to go once Flagg smashed his headbomb PDA.

As for the villian- Enchantress was a result of Waller's own doing. Waller kept her caged like an animal and got played when she turned on her. As for the Enchantress' plan, it was to make a machine to destroy all of the military zones and cripple the world response so her and her brother could be worshiped as Gods once more. Think of it as a less destructive Ultron or Loki in Avengers. That's why we see military sites and ships being destroyed and not the White House or other civilian targets. She was never to be some incredible villain. Only a different kind to show the dichotomy between what's really bad.

So to anyone who says it was a "weak" villian, you prove that this movie did it's job. You even think the squad are heroes. This movie showed us that not all bad guys are created equal. We have the bad "Gods" that want to take over and rule the world (Enchantress and Incubus), the government baddies that want to use anything they can including metahumans as weapons for their own agenda (Waller), Bad guys that are born with a power they can't control and end up using it for crime (Diablo and Croc), Bad guys that are vigilante killers hellbent on revenge (Katana) Bad guys that do it for the money (Deadshot and Boomerang), and Some bad guys who are just unpredictable psychopaths (Joker and Harley).

So yeah, the plot wasn't as simple as some may have thought.

The problem with this is that it suggests that the intention, regarding the Enchantress and her brother, was, well, nothing.

So the plan was to get Waller out, then . . . let witch destroy the world?

I'm not saying that it should have been part of the Skwad's mission, I'm saying it makes the entire villain an after thought to the story.

If there was, at the very least, some other plan in action to deal with the Enchantress, while the Squad rescued Waller, and said plan ultimately fails, THEN it would have gelled better.
However, either that was never done, or if it was, it was edited out of the final film, or I COMPLETELY missed it, which is VERY probable.
For all I know, there was a throw away line in Flag's "confession," right along side the other post hock exposition that was thrown in there explaining the original plan to deal with the world ending threat.

Also, as others have mentioned, regardless of whether Waller was exaggerating about the Skwad taking on the next Superman, she still sold them on the matter of dealing with the threats other meta-humans present.

The film's ENTIRE premise is sold on the fact that they will be necessary to deal with meta-human threats.
Then, the inciting incident of the film IS a meta-human threat, but the Skwad is ONLY being used to rescue a human, and just IGNORE the world ending threat. So, the Skwad has NOTHING to do with the VERY kind of meta-human threat they were created to deal with.

The ONLY reason they, ultimately, end up dealing with it is because they choose to. Not because there was a plan that failed, and they were our LAST hope; but because there was NEVER a plan, and they just HAPPEN to still be there after getting Waller, and they are our ONLY hope, because there never was anyone else, nor were they intended to do this themselves either.

It's like everyone just wants to do their stuff AROUND the Enchantress, but don't bother her, don't get in her way, she's got her thing, we've got ours, and never the twain shall meet. It's fine, don't worry, her plan will never work, and she'll eventually calm down and go back to her cave.

I'm FINE with the Skwad being, ultimately, used for a smaller, more covert, "rescue" mission, and then finding themselves the only ones who can save the world. That's a FANTASTIC concept for this kind of film. But you can NOT just have had the world ending threat just THERE. A nuisance that everyone in the film otherwise ignores, or just try to avoid. You also can not pitch the team, sell it, SOLELY on the notion that they are necessary to fight the precise kind of threat you then proceed to completely ignore.

It's one thing for Waller to lie to the government about her intentions for the Skwad, as she always has her own agenda, and motivations, etc. But you then need to address that when the lie she sold them on shows its ugly head.

Her higher ups allowed her to proceed with Task Force X on the basis that they would be needed for meta-human threats. Then, when a meta-human threat presents itself, they all agree to activate the Task Force, but NOT to deal with the aforementioned threat they were created to deal with in the first place!
They're just going on a little tangential side mission, while everyone just waits for the swirling apocalypse in the sky to sort itself out!
I don't either. Just give us a Batman movie with her and Joker a main characters. It'll be great to see a movie from Batman's perspective of her than another movie of her perspective.

Yeah at that point, given how Squad turned out, I just want Batman solo
Perhaps. If Justice League is a disaster, there's definitely going to be some retooling. The problem is that SOMETHING is always in production. By the time JL comes out, other movies will be filming. There's no space to do a reboot. All they can do is change their approach to making the movies on the slate. There's already going to be a heavy focus on Batman (he's the leader of the JL, was in SS, is rumored to be in WW, solo movie coming up, his female villains may get their own movie) which is good because he's the one constant audiences (and by extension, the studio) can fall back on.

Pretty much what I mean. Not a real reboot, with a new continuity, more like 'We're gonna just kind of ignore everything from MOS to Justice League'.
One of Nolan's producers taking a jab at DC director's cuts?

WILL McCRABB – ‏@mccrabb_will

There was a 38 minute sequence cut from TDKR detailing how Wayne got from here back into Gotham.
Embedded image
4:17 AM - 14 Aug 2016

In response to if we would ever see this sequence he replied

The release was the "Director's Cut."

We will never see this scene.

Not the best example to have used, considering how much the lack of an explanation was cited as a plot hole.

It's one thing to cut out the superfluous, it's even necessary. It's another to leave a gaping plot hole in it's place. Same thing happened with BvS, and SS.
Harley Quinn could work in a solo
Anything they do with her and Joker in a Batman solo would more than likely be a retread of the chase scene in Suicide Squad.

You take Margot Robbie out of prison and give her some objective like "save Joker from Batman" or "break out her friends from prison"
Introduce the Gotham city sirens
You have even more villains for the Batman movies to work with
I like the way Faraci describes Incubus

He looks like he belongs in the Brendan Fraser Mummy, and it’s unreal watching this poorly conceived character walk around in a modern movie. It actually gives you the kind of cognitive dissonance you might get seeing a real 6000 year old demon walking the streets.
Me when I try not to let my excitement level of the prospect of any DC film that includes Harley, Joker and Batman get the best of me.


Me when I can't control my craziness lols once there is enough of a official confirmation


Me hearing those awful rumors of how the future films of DC could end up being a mess like BvS and SS...


Me growing tired of DC's BS...


Me calming down...


Me...knowing things are going to be just fine...


...when Batfleck saves us!


The feeling when Affleck has done his justice we fans deserve!


Oh yeah!
Problem is in bad guy centered movies usually the "bad guy" is more of an antihero or rogue. Sometimes even in the end he/she decides to be a hero or redeem themselves in some way.
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