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Supergirl Supergirl Season 1 Episode 15 - "Solitude" MAJOR SPOILERS

It was a good episode and Laura played a great villain. I hope this isn't the last we see of her. She could totally be a big time villain.
That was a great scene, the confession, it got to me!
Winn getting nasty with that Vista comment...
Awesome episode. The Fortress of Solitude looks awesome and I didn't think they would use the Key. Great to see Kelex again and there is the Legion ring.

Laura V did great as Indigo as she is up there with Livewire as one of Supergirl's
Top villains.

Winn needs to leave Catco and work for the DEO.

The ending with Alex's confession was emotional and I was affected by that.

Great episode.
The final scene was great and ironic in way. Here we have a heroine named Supergirl who is every bit a emotionally mature woman who displays understanding and forgiveness.

OTOH Arrow has Felicity who teenage girls claim is a strong woman but actually acts like a spoiled little girl. After watching that scene I thought, "The writers must have figured out what Felicity would do and had Kara do the opposite, good plan."
Wow, wow and wow. This episode was a sleeper for me, and in a good way.


Shirt rip...FINALLY. And Melissa looks gorgeous as always (bonus point)

The Fortress...AWESOME...and even the key.

Never heard of Kelex, but he's cool.

Legion of Super Heroes ring. (If a season 2 comes up, bring on the Legion)

One of the trucks in the traffic chaos had a PLASTINO plate (one of the creators)

Laura V...HAWT as Indigo. She is among my fave villains along with Livewire and the late lamented Astra. Non, BRING HER BACK!

AND...in a nod to 1984...THE OMEGAHEDRON!

Cat realizing the good things in life, a hug for Carter and cooking him a chicken dinner. I still ship Cat has a heck of a mom; not Carol Brady, Claire Huxtable or June Cleaver; but certainly not Marge Simpson or Peg Bundy. She is her own. Hug little Carter for us Cat!

But, what put me over the top was when Alex told Kara the truth about what happened to Astra. I kind of expected Kara to forgive Alex. But the way it was done by Chyler Leigh and Melissa Benoist...THE FEELS!!!!!!!!!!

The final scene was great and ironic in way. Here we have a heroine named Supergirl who is every bit a emotionally mature woman who displays understanding and forgiveness.

regnak and that is what makes me love Supergirl and have for nearly 40 years. Despite her powers, she has that human feminine touch.

The bad...
James and Kara's relationship. I am not shipping James and Kara and why is James such a liar around Lucy? I don't even trust James. And also, PLEASE DO NOT LET LUCY BECOME SUPERWOMAN! Kara, you blew things up between those two with that story about James' dad. I thought Lucy was not becoming an ice queen. Looks like I am wrong.

Siobhan is still a sniveling b-word. And that kiss she laid on Winn...left me cold. Winn, watch out...she's about to become Silver Banshee!

And you know what, those were the only two bad things. I had this at a 10+, but those two things knocked it down to an 8.5. Crazy though I am, that shirt rip added a bonus point bumping it up to 9.5. But so much good out did the bad, I was rounding up, thus the 10.

OK, who gets the nods? Well I have stars of the game in a nod to Italia Ricci and Laura V's home of Canada and hockey, eh?

Number 3 star...Jenna Dewan Tatum. She had time to do some things as Lucy and was killing it. Despite the drama with James and Lucy, Lucy should join team Supergirl, but with some better writing.

Number 2...Laura Vandervoort. WELCOME BACK. Just two words. And I hope Indigo comes back.

Number 1 star(s) Melissa, Chyler and David. The emotional truth telling scene in the DEO...I wanted to reach for a box of Kleenex. The Danvers sisters are, to quote episode 2, "Stronger Together." I love Melissa and Chyler as the super sisters and i have said it before and will do so now, I wish they were my sisters. They would have my back, and I would not be ashamed in saying so.

Pity there is no new ep on next week. Repeat or nothing at all? Either way, it's a chance to recover from this emotionally charged episode.
Well tonight episode was pretty good on all fronts tonight. We got some good drama and action. Plus some good developments over a few plotlines.

First I got to say I really liked Laura guest spot. She made for a good bad guy. And loved they went colu brainiac take for indigo. Plus was neat to have her be reason kara and fort roz left the Phantom zone. That was a cool touch.

Her makeup looked better in motion then still am and kara and her fights where pretty good. I thought her ties to non was interesting angle to that they planed off.

I was also happy she did ne die in the end for us viewers. And she could return again in the future. Def be great for her to return and maybe have tom welling guest as a bad guy and they can team up lol.

The sibion and winn scenes where nice. And interesting way to make a connection to thrm and there bad family up bringing. Makes them fall for each other.

The breakup of Lucy and Jimmy was also another giod scene and way to reveal jimmy and kara feelings for each other. I thought it was well acted. The reveal from alex was another emotional scene well acted. And glad kara knows now.

It was also fun to see the fortress and neat they went the ice cave route. Loved the nod to early fortress with needing to lift and use a special heavy metal key to enter. The inside looked neat. And wish we had a few more scenes there. Or got to seen a hotel hologram. But the robot was nice. Overall was a very solid and good episode.
I'm going to wait until tomorrow to write my thoughts....
Other than the nonsense with James and Lucy, I thought it was a pretty great episode.
Loved that FoS key and the LoS ring. :awesome:
I mentioned this elsewhere, but that Legion ring of Superman's is exactly the same one we saw as an Easter Egg on The Flash during "Welcome to Earth-2".
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I mentioned this elsewhere, but that Legion ring of Superman's is exactly the same one we saw as an Eastern Egg on The Flash during "Welcome to Earth-2".

I thought of the same thing. So what they did with Flash crossing over the Multiverse was give us sneak peeks into all DCU shows.
Other than the nonsense with James and Lucy, I thought it was a pretty great episode.

Pretty much how I felt as well. As usual the romance stuff is the most cringe worthy while the main plot was pretty good.
I really wish these Berlanti shows which display military hardware so often would put some kind of effort into getting them right. Too often I find myself calling BS!

Land based nukes don't fly like airplanes. They go up into space, and drop explosives on the target.
As I watch the episode:

An alarm clock wakes up Kara. I half expected her to smash it with super strength.

Kara in her PJs. Missed opportunity for humor, there. They should have been Spider-man PJs.

A rap song is not what I would have chosen as the soundtrack for this scene, but somehow it works.

Alex's guilt continues to eat away at her. Chyler is so good.

Tweedle-dee. :funny: Cat is in top form.

James, Lucy and Kara talking about liars was nicely written. After watching this episode, I understand James's position better than I did last week. He wants Lucy to become a member of their investigation club fully; last week, I didn't get that.

Considering the fact that Toyman is a murderer, even Cat has too much class to call Winn "Toyman Jr." Considering the fact that Winn hates his father and has a tremendous amount of emotional baggage about him, he should have ripped Cat apart for saying it. The writers turned a serious, extremely touchy subject into a joke. Me no like.

Winn has a link to the city's traffic signal grid? There even is such a thing? And he has instant access to city cameras? What cameras? Red-light-catching cameras? Weather cams? No no no no no.

The footage of Supergirl flying over the city on the way to stop the car accident is re-used footage from the second episode. Yes, I've viewed the episodes so many times that I can spot that.

National City is huge (it seems to be a stand-in for Los Angeles). Turning all traffic signals green would have killed tens of thousands of people and snarled emergency services for days. The show makes an effort to be light-hearted and keep innocent people dying to a minimum (which I applaud), but the lack of a death toll in the following newscast was striking.

Winn's description of his program to find the hacker is some of the cutest and snazziest technobabble I've ever heard. Well done!

Indigo knows Supergirl on sight, glasses and all. Interesting.

"The Font of Omniscient Knowledge." Why not just call it "The Font of Omniscience?" #Editing

How many times have the neighbors heard shouts, gunshots, and sounds of fighting coming from Kara's apartment? What must they think of her?

The DEO tracks wi-fi signals to Kara's apartment. Okay. But the DEO gets there so fast. Maybe J'onn flew, carrying Alex?

"Oh, thank God we have our own personal black ops unit." :funny: I've been waiting for that line all season.

Non! Wasn't expecting that.

"Now I wander the same realm as Candy Crush." :funny:

Brainiac! Wasn't expecting that either. (I don't know much about the DC universe, I just know the name.)

Well this is interesting. Indigo wants to destroy humanity, and (apparently) that is not Non's plan. The writers have created an enemy that puts Non and the DEO on the same side! At least, that's where I thought they were going. I thought that was clever.

What's Indigo's motivation for genocide? Simple sadism?

Recruiting Winn! Finally! Make that man a DEO agent.

So Kara flies thousands of miles while carrying James. If she flies at her top speed, James's face gets air-blasted off (the human body was not made to fly unshielded through the air at Mach 2). If she flies more slowly, they take at least a day to get there. And James's face would also be freezing from flying at high speed through the cold air. Why can't writers think of these things?

A million tons? Really? It would fall straight through the arctic ice sheet. And not even a Kryptonian would be able to lift it. The largest aircraft carrier in the world is 100,000 tons, and Supergirl would strain mightily to lift that. This key is 10 of those carriers, and she picks it up like a feather? Writers -- get thee to a math class!

Melissa Benoist is one of the greatest actresses I've ever seen, but I've noticed one weakness throughout the season: she does a poor job of portraying Kara straining or lifting heavy things. When she gripped the battle axe in the pilot episode, when she held up the building which Max bombed, and here when she picks up the key, I can see so easily that she is exerting no effort. I wish she would work on that.

The fortress is nice. Great place for a party.

James has been here before, but once inside, he doesn't know how to operate anything and has never seen Kelex. Must have been an awfully brief visit.

Ask Kelex about Myriad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand it doesn't occur to them.

"I'm not alone. I'm with you." Uh oh. James and Kara are buying their tickets for a cruise on the Love Boat. We even get a zoom on each of them to reinforce it.

James forgot his date with Lucy. Lucy's upset. Kara tries to help but makes things worse. James and Kara are now boarding the Love Boat.

"I save the world better when I save it with people." "Well you are saving it...with me." James and Kara are checking into their cabin on the Love Boat.

Doctor Who reference! Woo-hoo!

The dating site hack was a decoy because the real target is an officer who has access to a nuke. That makes no sense. If Indigo knows who that officer is, she would go right to him and get on with her business, exactly as we saw her do. What the heck does releasing a dating site hack have to do with that? If anything, it would have ruined the officer's career and then he would no longer have access to the nuke, so Indigo would be shooting herself in the foot. This is a major WTF moment.

The cuts back and forth between James's office and the DEO as both teams discover information simultaneously is nicely done, and helps ratchet up the tension.

Indigo is surrounded by four soldiers with guns, and these guys are trained to protect a nuclear missile. But they stand there and don't fire while Indigo attacks one or two at a time?

The missile chase was exciting, and the fact that Kara and the DEO needed each other was very nice writing.

James wants to evacuate the city in a few minutes? That is the dumbest line of dialogue all season.

Agent Vasquez has dialogue! I don't know why I'm so fascinated with Agent Vasquez, I just am. I'm just happy as a kitten with a ball of yarn when she gets to talk.

Winn and Agent Vasquez are totally going to hook up. Calling it now.

Yay! The missile landed in the water and not on a grocery store!

A computer virus will affect Indigo? That's not how viruses work, but...in TV land, computers work differently.

Winn gets some snazzy victory lines. They're so corny, but Jeremy actually makes them work. Good for him.

An explanation for Kara's exit from the Phantom Zone. Nice.

Siobhan is a crazy psycho b-----. For a short time, I actually dated someone like that. Run, Winn! RUUUUUNNNNNN!

I love that fact that Cat knows that James knows the truth about the rocket, and she's totally cool with the fact that he knows the truth. She doesn't need to press him for details or ask how he knows. That's actually a very lovely moment between Cat and James.

"I am going to go home and hug my son." Nice.

Kara is still shaken from almost seeing the entire city nuked. That's good writing and good acting, because she totally would be shaking after that. Anyone would. One of the problems I have with so many action shows and movies is the way the hero does something huge like that, then just cracks a joke like it was nothing. No. People don't work that way.

Let Lucy in on the secret. Yay!

"Because you love her." And James can't deny it. The look on his face is devastating. His conversation with Lucy is well done. I like that fact that Lucy holds no resentment towards Kara.

"And for what it's worth, she feels the same." The Looooooove Boat (da da daa)!

And then we have that scene. That beautiful scene. Oh. My. Gosh. The guilt and fear tearing Alex up inside. The revelation. The moment when Kara could have walked out the door, and I thought she actually might. The hug. The handholding. Beautifully written, and exquisitely acted by all three. Yes! This is Supergirl! This is my show! Easily one of the best scenes all season long, and the reason I gave this episode a 9 (I couldn't give it a 10 because plot holes).

Kara now knows the truth, and the sisters' relationship is saved. I'm so relieved! It's been a long time since I cared about a show's characters like I care about these characters.

Chyler and Melissa need a couple of Emmys. Seriously.

Indigo isn't dead, she just rebooted! Yay for returning villains!

They're about to pair up Livewire with Silver Banshee, but a Livewire/Indigo partnership would be awesome (although I don't know what their motivation to become partners would be, since Livewire is one of the 7 billion people Indigo is trying to kill).

What an episode to take into an off week! It's flawed, but the good things cover up the flaws so well that it still works as an excellent episode.

Italia Ricci is still smoking hot.
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this ep had soooo much easter eggs for DC fans its like a valentines present :heart:

but i just lost my shizz when i saw the omegahedron. that 5 year old supergirl fan in me was just squeeeeing :grin:

and so it seems, that the decades of heckling the Supergirl movie endured is now vindicated :mnm:
Anyone else concerned about where Superman is in this show when a potential world ending situation happens? Why is it not an option to call him when nuclear bombs are going to be set off? I'd be fine if they gave an explanation for this, like maybe he's doing something in space or something. Personally I want something to happen where Superman is turned into a 14 year old, so we can have a consistent explanation for his absence and have him on the show without him stealing Kara's main character thunder.

God bless you all! God bless everyone!
Anyone else concerned about where Superman is in this show when a potential world ending situation happens? Why is it not an option to call him when nuclear bombs are going to be set off? I'd be fine if they gave an explanation for this, like maybe he's doing something in space or something. Personally I want something to happen where Superman is turned into a 14 year old, so we can have a consistent explanation for his absence and have him on the show without him stealing Kara's main character thunder.

God bless you all! God bless everyone!

Nope, I just think he is where ever he needs to be, it just doesn't happen to be National City.... :)
As I watch the episode:

An alarm clock wakes up Kara. I half expected her to smash it with super strength.

Kara in her PJs. Missed opportunity for humor, there. They should have been Spider-man PJs.

A rap song is not what I would have chosen as the soundtrack for this scene, but somehow it works.

Alex's guilt continues to eat away at her. Chyler is so good.

Tweedle-dee. :funny: Cat is in top form.

James, Lucy and Kara talking about liars was nicely written. After watching this episode, I understand James's position better than I did last week. He wants Lucy to become a member of their investigation club fully; last week, I didn't get that.

Considering the fact that Toyman is a murderer, even Cat has too much class to call Winn "Toyman Jr." Considering the fact that Winn hates his father and has a tremendous amount of emotional baggage about him, he should have ripped Cat apart for saying it. The writers turned a serious, extremely touchy subject into a joke. Me no like.

Winn has a link to the city's traffic signal grid? There even is such a thing? And he has instant access to city cameras? What cameras? Red-light-catching cameras? Weather cams? No no no no no.

The footage of Supergirl flying over the city on the way to stop the car accident is re-used footage from the second episode. Yes, I've viewed the episodes so many times that I can spot that.

National City is huge (it seems to be a stand-in for Los Angeles). Turning all traffic signals green would have killed tens of thousands of people and snarled emergency services for days. The show makes an effort to be light-hearted and keep innocent people dying to a minimum (which I applaud), but the lack of a death toll in the following newscast was striking.

Winn's description of his program to find the hacker is some of the cutest and snazziest technobabble I've ever heard. Well done!

Indigo knows Supergirl on sight, glasses and all. Interesting.

"The Font of Omniscient Knowledge." Why not just call it "The Font of Omniscience?" #Editing

How many times have the neighbors heard shouts, gunshots, and sounds of fighting coming from Kara's apartment? What must they think of her?

The DEO tracks wi-fi signals to Kara's apartment. Okay. But the DEO gets there so fast. Maybe J'onn flew, carrying Alex?

"Oh, thank God we have our own personal black ops unit." :funny: I've been waiting for that line all season.

Non! Wasn't expecting that.

"Now I wander the same realm as Candy Crush." :funny:

Brainiac! Wasn't expecting that either. (I don't know much about the DC universe, I just know the name.)

Well this is interesting. Indigo wants to destroy humanity, and (apparently) that is not Non's plan. The writers have created an enemy that puts Non and the DEO on the same side! At least, that's where I thought they were going. I thought that was clever.

What's Indigo's motivation for genocide? Simple sadism?

Recruiting Winn! Finally! Make that man a DEO agent.

So Kara flies thousands of miles while carrying James. If she flies at her top speed, James's face gets air-blasted off (the human body was not made to fly unshielded through the air at Mach 2). If she flies more slowly, they take at least a day to get there. And James's face would also be freezing from flying at high speed through the cold air. Why can't writers think of these things?

A million tons? Really? It would fall straight through the arctic ice sheet. And not even a Kryptonian would be able to lift it. The largest aircraft carrier in the world is 100,000 tons, and Supergirl would strain mightily to lift that. This key is 10 of those carriers, and she picks it up like a feather? Writers -- get thee to a math class!

Melissa Benoist is one of the greatest actresses I've ever seen, but I've noticed one weakness throughout the season: she does a poor job of portraying Kara straining or lifting heavy things. When she gripped the battle axe in the pilot episode, when she held up the building which Max bombed, and here when she picks up the key, I can see so easily that she is exerting no effort. I wish she would work on that.

The fortress is nice. Great place for a party.

James has been here before, but once inside, he doesn't know how to operate anything and has never seen Kelex. Must have been an awfully brief visit.

Ask Kelex about Myriad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand it doesn't occur to them.

"I'm not alone. I'm with you." Uh oh. James and Kara are buying their tickets for a cruise on the Love Boat. We even get a zoom on each of them to reinforce it.

James forgot his date with Lucy. Lucy's upset. Kara tries to help but makes things worse. James and Kara are now boarding the Love Boat.

"I save the world better when I save it with people." "Well you are saving it...with me." James and Kara are checking into their cabin on the Love Boat.

Doctor Who reference! Woo-hoo!

The dating site hack was a decoy because the real target is an officer who has access to a nuke. That makes no sense. If Indigo knows who that officer is, she would go right to him and get on with her business, exactly as we saw her do. What the heck does releasing a dating site hack have to do with that? If anything, it would have ruined the officer's career and then he would no longer have access to the nuke, so Indigo would be shooting herself in the foot. This is a major WTF moment.

The cuts back and forth between James's office and the DEO as both teams discover information simultaneously is nicely done, and helps ratchet up the tension.

Indigo is surrounded by four soldiers with guns, and these guys are trained to protect a nuclear missile. But they stand there and don't fire while Indigo attacks one or two at a time?

The missile chase was exciting, and the fact that Kara and the DEO needed each other was very nice writing.

James wants to evacuate the city in a few minutes? That is the dumbest line of dialogue all season.

Agent Vasquez has dialogue! I don't know why I'm so fascinated with Agent Vasquez, I just am. I'm just happy as a kitten with a ball of yarn when she gets to talk.

Winn and Agent Vasquez are totally going to hook up. Calling it now.

Yay! The missile landed in the water and not on a grocery store!

A computer virus will affect Indigo? That's not how viruses work, but...in TV land, computers work differently.

Winn gets some snazzy victory lines. They're so corny, but Jeremy actually makes them work. Good for him.

An explanation for Kara's exit from the Phantom Zone. Nice.

Siobhan is a crazy psycho b-----. For a short time, I actually dated someone like that. Run, Winn! RUUUUUNNNNNN!

I love that fact that Cat knows that James knows the truth about the rocket, and she's totally cool with the fact that he knows the truth. She doesn't need to press him for details or ask how he knows. That's actually a very lovely moment between Cat and James.

"I am going to go home and hug my son." Nice.

Kara is still shaken from almost seeing the entire city nuked. That's good writing and good acting, because she totally would be shaking after that. Anyone would. One of the problems I have with so many action shows and movies is the way the hero does something huge like that, then just cracks a joke like it was nothing. No. People don't work that way.

Let Lucy in on the secret. Yay!

"Because you love her." And James can't deny it. The look on his face is devastating. His conversation with Lucy is well done. I like that fact that Lucy holds no resentment towards Kara.

"And for what it's worth, she feels the same." The Looooooove Boat (da da daa)!

And then we have that scene. That beautiful scene. Oh. My. Gosh. The guilt and fear tearing Alex up inside. The revelation. The moment when Kara could have walked out the door, and I thought she actually might. The hug. The handholding. Beautifully written, and exquisitely acted by all three. Yes! This is Supergirl! This is my show! Easily one of the best scenes all season long, and the reason I gave this episode a 9 (I couldn't give it a 10 because plot holes).

Kara now knows the truth, and the sisters' relationship is saved. I'm so relieved! It's been a long time since I cared about a show's characters like I care about these characters.

Chyler and Melissa need a couple of Emmys. Seriously.

Indigo isn't dead, she just rebooted! Yay for returning villains!

They're about to pair up Livewire with Silver Banshee, but a Livewire/Indigo partnership would be awesome (although I don't know what their motivation to become partners would be, since Livewire is one of the 7 billion people Indigo is trying to kill).

What an episode to take into an off week! It's flawed, but the good things cover up the flaws so well that it still works as an excellent episode.

Italia Ricci is still smoking hot.

Your reviews crack me up....love'um.
This was one of the best episodes of the series
I enjoyed Mysti...uhmmm Brania...uhmmm ....Indigo
and the Fortress of Solitude
A lot of great emotional weight in this episode
So Kara flies thousands of miles while carrying James. If she flies at her top speed, James's face gets air-blasted off (the human body was not made to fly unshielded through the air at Mach 2). If she flies more slowly, they take at least a day to get there. And James's face would also be freezing from flying at high speed through the cold air. Why can't writers think of these things?

Excellent. A fellow nerd. :word:

In the comics, it’s sometimes mentioned that Superman protects a passenger with his cape - and warms said passenger with Kryptonian body heat or low-level heat vision. (I'm not sure if the problem of breathing was ever specifically addressed.) So it’s possible that Supergirl employed these means (off screen) for James’s protection.

At least James was outfitted for cold weather. In Superman II (as I recall) flying to the Arctic is so comfortable that Lois could do it in a dress and heels. :oldrazz:
Excellent. A fellow nerd. :word:

In the comics, it’s sometimes mentioned that Superman protects a passenger with his cape - and warms said passenger with Kryptonian body heat or low-level heat vision. (I'm not sure if the problem of breathing was ever specifically addressed.) So it’s possible that Supergirl employed these means (off screen) for James’s protection.

At least James was outfitted for cold weather. In Superman II (as I recall) flying to the Arctic is so comfortable that Lois could do it in a dress and heels. :oldrazz:

Or, there is Bryne's "aura" explanation, which Supes can extend while flying to shield those who are with him from high velocity wind currents.
Or, there is Bryne's "aura" explanation, which Supes can extend while flying to shield those who are with him from high velocity wind currents.
There's also the "kick back and enjoy the damn show" school of thought, where people aren't so uptight and have fun in life.

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