The Daily Planet - Superman News and Speculation Thread

I imagine similar things were said by when computers, photography, and industry started becoming mainstream. Change is scary.
The act of change is not inherently good in and of itself. You say you don't use it for profit, that you use it for personal use, using your own images, but I have to think you're aware that is not the mainstream usage. That the mainstream usage is cobbling together the works of artists to say "who needs those guys anymore?"

We're seeing the effects of that mentality play out right now in the wording of the DGA deal, which, if approved during the membership voting phase, indicates that directors of films like this new DCU can be made to use AI-generated material in place of the usual production crew so long as the studio "consults" them. This is the problem presented by AI-generated materials. It promises a future not of human beings expressing themselves but of a boardroom using key words to generate media, lest pushed back against. People are right now fighting for the future of their craft because, ultimately, this is the inevitable objective.

Oh, and Corsenswet and Brosnahan. No question in my eyes. To be a little more on topic. :o
AI obliterates the creative process involved in making art. Digital art does not. You still have to make a lot of CONSCIOUS creative decisions when you're making digital art. AI eliminates a significant portion of that process. You're no longer an author; you're feeding prompts into a black box you don't fully understand and hoping for the best.
When you walk, you have to make a lot of conscious navigational decisions on your journey. Trains and public transportation eliminate a significant portion of that process. You're no longer the driver. You're just sitting in a seat. You don't full understand where you're going and hoping for the best.

This stuff only works for people who see art exclusively as "content". To quote Hideo Miyazaki: "I strongly feel that this is an insult to life itself."
I love Miyazaki and have nothing but respect for him, but Studio Ghibli (amongst a PLETHORA of other studios) have used computer generated imagery, which eliminates a significant portion of process that traditional/digital painters have to be conscious about for when they hand animate thousands of frames to make one sequence.

You're comparing apples to oranges here. I've heard this kind of statement from a lot of tech bros; it usually comes from people who don't have any real artistic atom in their bodies.
If you're gonna call people out, at least be direct and not passive. Besides....I made this...


...but please, continue preaching to me about how my view is invalid.
AI is digital...:smilingeyes:
So yeah, not the same.

Then who creates AI "art"? :upsidedown:
Do you know what AI is?

If a human takes one element of someone else's art and uses it for their own, is that considered "stealing"? Because that's essentially what Midjourney does...and that's if you use prompts. You can tell it to use 2 images that you created and if you don't use any prompts, it will generate an image based ONLY on those 2 images entirely isolated from the rest of the internet....meaning it's not "stealing" from any other artists.
You notice the bit where art has to be created to be fed to the machine?

I imagine similar things were said by when computers, photography, and industry started becoming mainstream. Change is scary.
Are you unaware of what automation is?

Personally, I use it just for fun and for inspiration. I never use it for financial gain, but it has given me plenty of ideas that I would've spent hours scouring the internet for. So there's definitely artistic value in it.
Oh, if you don't do it, I guess artist around the globe have nothing to worry about...

Why Hollywood Really Fears Generative AI

Hollywood’s Screenwriters Are Right to Fear AI

Ubisoft Has Created An AI Tool That Will Generate NPC Dialogue
When you walk, you have to make a lot of conscious navigational decisions on your journey. Trains and public transportation eliminate a significant portion of that process. You're no longer the driver. You're just sitting in a seat. You don't full understand where you're going and hoping for the best.
What is the world? Do you understand how public transit works? What it is? Or that even in your erroneous example, there are humans involved at every step?
I can see a lot of you are emotional about AI "art", which is understandable. In the interests of keeping the discussion on topic, if you wish to continue the discussion on the morals and ethics of AI, please DM me. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy any AI generated art I post in the future. :beaming:
I can see a lot of you are emotional about AI "art", which is understandable. In the interests of keeping the discussion on topic, if you wish to continue the discussion on the morals and ethics of AI, please DM me. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy any AI generated art I post in the future. :beaming:
Your attempt to end the conversation is to call multiple posters, including a woman, "emotional".
I honestly dont understand why people want Holt for Lex...Superman is a terrible idea but Lex is not that much better. Who the heck would believe he is an evil genius?

You have to believe Lex is diabolical to a point that he would kill everyone to stop Superman and has the brains and money to do it! Hoult looks like a guy who just finished grad school and is taking a year off to figure things out. Hell I would believe him more as Jimmy Olsen than friggin Lex Luthor.
I honestly dont understand why people want Holt for Lex...Superman is a terrible idea but Lex is not that much better. Who the heck would believe he is an evil genius?

You have to believe Lex is diabolical to a point that he would kill everyone to stop Superman and has the brains and money to do it! Hoult looks like a guy who just finished grad school and is taking a year off to figure things out. Hell I would believe him more as Jimmy Olsen than friggin Lex Luthor.

Mostly because of THR article. I wouldn't be opposed to it but we can do much better.

Someone high up on the food chain loves Hoult and keeps pushing him hard. They did it with Reeves on Batman and now on Superman.

I still hope Gunn will try to get a big name for Lex. We know he wanted Bradley Cooper.
Heat Vision newsletter didn't add much. Just said Lex and members of The Authority will be cast later.
Heat Vision (

Still, James Gunn is chugging along with Superman: Legacy, with the screen tests for Clark Kent and Lois Lane to happen over Father’s Day weekend. (Roles such as Lex Luthor and members of supergroup The Authority, which are to be introduced in the movie, will be cast after.)

Well this was pretty useless but at least now we have confirmation on The Authority.
Lex will prolly be in as many, if not more, films than Superman will be.
It's important to get the right sort of actor, and one who will be willing to commit to several films as Lex.

I still think we shoulda had a Lex origin film pre superman.

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