The Good Citizens of Metropolis: The Casting Thread

I still think the role is basically Cavill's at this point , yet, I don't think WB is in any rush to get a solo Superman film in theaters, let alone a reboot.

While I do like the multiverse approach in Cavill doing Snyderverse related films and an actor like Elordi doing his own set of Superman films, I don't think WB has a desire to do that with the Superman character the way they do with Batman.

That being said, I like the recent names like being tossed around in this thread for a rebooted Clark Kent.
By the time WB actually gets around to another attempt at a Superman solo, all these names will be irrelevant, lol.

WB doesn't seem to have any motivation to do a Superman film, and after the subpar performance of their last two attempts, I don't blame them. Lining up investors , especially in our current pandemic, must be a nightmare.
Sadly we are probably stuck with the inadequate Cavill, we shall just have to live with it. A new Superman movie may be a long way off, with this pandemic, considering the latest Batman movie has been put on hold twice this year.
Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, and now The Joker, are WB's priorities more than Superman is at this point.

I think it would basically have to take someone like Abrams or another big shot director to come in with a great pitch for them to want to move forward with another Superman solo film.

At best, I think that any new Superman's adventures will be limited to television at the moment , which has tended to be more successful for WB than the recent film iterations have.
Even though Elordi has a resume, he really is a question mark on if he could do the role( and if he wants the role). He could surprise. But what do I know, I didn't see how good Hoechlin could be, and thought Cavill would be an inspired choice, but he was clearly not.

The actor chosen could be a surprise, like Pattinson, and he may surprise, but outside of Corenswet and Elordi, I don't know of any younger actors who could surprise, but that is what casting directors are for. Reeve and Routh came from soap operas which are dying in the US, so maybe streaming services are the way to find the next Superman, since they seem to be everywhere.

I know I only speak for myself, but I would not mind a mixed raced, or POC as Superman, I would find it interesting. Dean Cain was half Japanese, and few seem to care, and Henry Golding has been mentioned in the past. I just prefer an actor with talent, charm, presence, and the correct height.

The thing I liked about Dean Cain, is he looked like a normal, every day American you wouldn't think twice about.... but he just had enough 'exotic' in him to maybe think his mum married a GI.

Office quote for ya there...

But on a serious note, I liked the ambiguous look Cain had... it wasn't at all obvious... which I liked, simple because the subconscious picks up on the difference which kinda is the point... he is an alien, trying to fit in... he won't blend in 100% and I found the interesting.
Now, if Henry Golding and Cate Blanchet had a love child, there's ya kryptonian dan
To me, Brandon Routh was the only one who was able to make the Clark Kent/Superman identity believable.



Playing them differently enough, and he has the right look that can be played down as CK, and played up as Supes.
that's a fair comment.... they also down played Clark too, in the office the focus wasn't on him, which added to the disguise - I want the focus to be on clark investigating out in the field... it's an ensemble inside the DP.
Too young a cast... look wise... I always wanted lex to be older... she'd make a great Lana.... Lois is Emily Rossum
Emmy Rossum is older than David Corenswet than I prefer and I prefer Lex to be older than Lois. I prefer Lex not be that much older than Clark.


I'm optimistic (though unfamiliar) about Corenswet. And Emma Stone can do no wrong in my eyes. Not sure about MJB though. I like him as an actor but I don't really see him as Lex.
My thoughts about a mixed race Clark came before the creation of Lois and Superman. I knew that some people(Dean and Terri)were trying to get a new L and C show off the ground, and I thought a remake with a whole new cast would be a far better way to go, and that if so, a mixed race Clark would be a nice nod to the old show. I still don't have a problem with a Clark who is a different race, it could fit with the times. Part of me still would like a new L and C show on Warner's new programming sites, but I do realize that will not happen, though I do have recommendations for who to cast.

Still of big fan of Corenswet, as he really is the epitome of Clark/Superman, in the looks department for any future movie.
I'm totally fine with a mixed race Clark or a Clark of a different race all together.

Ditto with the rest of the Superman cast.

I'm not hung up at all at having a multi racial cast for the next Superman reboot.

The films and tv shows have already had an African American Jimmy Olsen , Perry White, and now Lex Luthor for Superman and Lois , and the sky hasn't fallen.

I know it's a touchy subject in fandom, but I would have zero problem if the next reboot when that route.
Very out of the box casting but the more I think about Matthew Vaughn's casting of Charlie Cox the more I find it fascinating. I think he could really capture Clark's humble nature.

Art by @_artkin_ on Instagram.

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WB allowing multiple versions of Batman is huge and should open the door for the rest. They've always been super protective of him

The only problem is their contempt for Superman
I know he's been sour on CBMs previously (sans his involvement in JL: Mortal), but Armie Hammer could still be a good Clark Kent.

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