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Superman Returns What Aspects of Superman Returns do you feel should influence the comics?

Monstera said:
Secret Identity is fantastic. It's written by Kurt Busiek. And "Superman" (read it to find out why that's in quotes) has twin daughters, not a son and daughter.

Oh damn, you're Right Monstera...I forgot, as it's been a while since i read it...I knew he had two kids though
Before I return to my exile from this sh^t heap of a board, Id like to say it's nice of some people to long for the dumbing down, err return of silverage, to the Superman mythos.

Superman is more powerful. WHOOPEY SH^T. Character development has increased so much post silverage it's not even funny, but if you want Superman, Lois, Lex and co to become one dimensional again, well ya might just get your wish. Mad props to ya. Lets just flush all that development down the proverbial toilet, jump in the time machine, and bring the 50's back, ya know, a time when one dimensional characters rocked.

Just another reason for people to show more love for Spider-man.

Now, Im going away again. I know, so sad. But I have a Jimmy Olson debate to join on the Smallville boards!!!!!!
Superman79 said:
MMMM....Powergirl....(drool) :eek: Oh sorry!!!:O

Forgiven:) LOL...we were talking about sexy undies in the comics, so of course PG's big knockers need to come into play if we are going to talk about undies...because the next subject would be sexy bras:)

Superman79 said:
SO why don't we compromise between the two Clarks and go with Birthright Clark who was both a bit clumsy when it suited him, and still very much a fly on the wall. Hell we even get Singers feelings of isolation with that Clark...a perfect blend :D

You know why...I have a serious dislike for BR. I just will never get over soul-vision. It killed it for me...just killed it. I want everything from BR gone, and explained away as the result of Prime-boy's punch to the wall. It was a good story though, and I did like Clark a lot...but soul vision....NO.

Superman79 said:
True, BUT with a cloned Superboy there is no chance of him usurping the Superman title. With a son they could "retire" Clark and that woudl piss me off...If they're gonna have a kid in the comics, please let it be a girl [crosses fingers]

Ahhh...c'mon. Just because Supes has a son doesn't mean he will retire. He's never going to retire, and they can't really replace Superman with anyone. I just think a son...or daughter is a good addition to the mythos period because it's a legit Kryptonian technically speaking. Like I said earlier, I dislike cloned Superboys and Kara's origins are so messed up I'm not sure who she is. Isn't PG also Supergirl sort of?
Steelsheen said:
hmmm... come to think of it, has anybody kept tabs on the gender of Superman's child on all those stories that they have tackled it?

The Kingdom (with WW) = Son
DKR2(?) (with WW) = Daughter
JLU cartoons (with Lana)= Son
the story that Mr. Mxyzptlk showed of the future (with Lois)= Daughter

am i missing a story?

Okay wait a minute...In FTMWHE, Supes had a baby with Lois. The woman was named Loana. She had Lois' voice, a variation of her job and her eyes were the same color. She looked like Lana because they were in some variation of Smallville, which is more Lana's domain. But uhhh....nahh...that was Lois:)

As for missing stories, that sounds sort of right. Though isn't there a story with Maxima and him. And, if we want to get technical would dream sequences be covered because in the Lois Lane comics they had children, both male and female children. They had a son in Whatever Happened to...didn't they? I haven't read that story yet.

That's all I can think of. Strangely, there is this split amongst people who are cool with Superman having a child over the sex. I actually prefer twins. One boy and one girl. That way both sexes are covered in one shot. We don't really need a full basketball compliment for the House of El, so two, one of each gender, seems right to me.
charl_huntress said:
Forgiven LOL...we were talking about sexy undies in the comics, so of course PG's big knockers need to come into play if we are going to talk about undies...because the next subject would be sexy bras

PG's knockers...mmm...DAMMIT!! :mad: :( Sorry again :( YOu really need to
quit bringing those up! :D

charl_huntress said:
You know why...I have a serious dislike for BR. I just will never get over soul-vision. It killed it for me...just killed it. I want everything from BR gone, and explained away as the result of Prime-boy's punch to the wall. It was a good story though, and I did like Clark a lot...but soul vision....NO.

Actually I agree with you. I HATED the soul vision, (and the veganism taht came with it...I have trouble trusting a hero who can't eat a steak. :D)
I guess I ignored the bad for the good (Pa Kent being alive, the creation of the costume, the origin of the symbol [which i loved], teh approach to Luthor and Reporter Clark, the final battle) THOSE were all great things IMHO. I hope if they redo the origin (since BR is supposed to be retconned) they do it in a similar manner, just without the lameness like the soul vision.

charl_huntress said:
Ahhh...c'mon. Just because Supes has a son doesn't mean he will retire. He's never going to retire, and they can't really replace Superman with anyone. I just think a son...or daughter is a good addition to the mythos period because it's a legit Kryptonian technically speaking. Like I said earlier, I dislike cloned Superboys and Kara's origins are so messed up I'm not sure who she is. Isn't PG also Supergirl sort of?

I know...I think was talked about this before...It's jsut my fear of what could happen if the wrong creative team gets ahold of it.:( And technically, the kid would be a half-breed...a new type of being.

As for clones, well...I was never a Superboy fan to begin with (too hokey for me) but the black t-shirt Superboy grew on me a little (but that's neither here nor there). As for Kara...she's Superman's cousin from Krypton sent to Earth to care for Kal. PG is Supergirl from Earth 2 who managed to survive Crisis on Infinate Earths.
Superman79 said:
PG's knockers...mmm...DAMMIT!! :mad: :( Sorry again :( YOu really need to
quit bringing those up! :D

LOL...okay no more:)

Superman79 said:
Actually I agree with you. I HATED the soul vision, (and the veganism taht came with it...I have trouble trusting a hero who can't eat a steak. :D)
I guess I ignored the bad for the good (Pa Kent being alive, the creation of the costume, the origin of the symbol [which i loved], teh approach to Luthor and Reporter Clark, the final battle) THOSE were all great things IMHO. I hope if they redo the origin (since BR is supposed to be retconned) they do it in a similar manner, just without the lameness like the soul vision.

Speak on it, dude! Speak on it!!!!

I like BR for all the reasons you mentioned and seriously dislike it for the soul vision and the vegetarianism...that was too much and out of control. It seemed like Waid was trying to interject too much of his own beliefs or beliefs he feel should be appropriate to Superman...and that's when that story stepped over the line for me. It was too much...just too much.

Superman79 said:
I know...I think was talked about this before...It's jsut my fear of what could happen if the wrong creative team gets ahold of it.:( And technically, the kid would be a half-breed...a new type of being.

As for clones, well...I was never a Superboy fan to begin with (too hokey for me) but the black t-shirt Superboy grew on me a little (but that's neither here nor there). As for Kara...she's Superman's cousin from Krypton sent to Earth to care for Kal. PG is Supergirl from Earth 2 who managed to survive Crisis on Infinate Earths.

Yeah, we have. At this point Supes79, I don't think we have much to worry about. People seemed convinced DC is going to pull the kid out soon, and I just don't see that happening right now. I'm a huge supporter of A Kid, so I don't care about the gender. And, you know my thoughts on Superman retiring. However, I just can't see Levitz adding something like that from SR. He would divide fans down the board and that wouldn't be smart.

The titles are good enough now that we can stay away from this element for the time being, but hopefully they will start laying the ground work so it can be done in the future...at some point.
charl_huntress said:
Speak on it, dude! Speak on it!!!!

I like BR for all the reasons you mentioned and seriously dislike it for the soul vision and the vegetarianism...that was too much and out of control. It seemed like Waid was trying to interject too much of his own beliefs or beliefs he feel should be appropriate to Superman...and that's when that story stepped over the line for me. It was too much...just too much.

So really what you need to do is rip out the first 15-20 pages of the Birthright TPB and you have a great book :D :up: That's essentially what I did to one of my copies

charl_huntress said:
Yeah, we have. At this point Supes79, I don't think we have much to worry about. People seemed convinced DC is going to pull the kid out soon, and I just don't see that happening right now. I'm a huge supporter of A Kid,

That couldn't be your own biological clock sympathizing with Lois' could it?? :p Sorry...I couldn't resist the joke :O

charl_huntress said:
so I don't care about the gender. And, you know my thoughts on Superman retiring. However, I just can't see Levitz adding something like that from SR. He would divide fans down the board and that wouldn't be smart.

The titles are good enough now that we can stay away from this element for the time being, but hopefully they will start laying the ground work so it can be done in the future...at some point.

It's true, they could get themselves in a lot of trouble, especially with how well "Up Up and Away" is going. As for a kid, I just can't help but love how they pulled it off in the Myxlplik issue, so I am leaning toward preferring a daughter. At least in the books there will be none of this "baby mama drama" like will likely be part of SR and SR2...
Gimme Donner's Krypton and Fortess of Solitude and a few elements of the Retuns suit (shield etc) and I'm a happy camper... and as far as it looks I'm gonna get my wishes ^^
Steelsheen said:
they dont need to bring everything from Pre-Crisis back, just the classic elements.

this is where personal preference comes in. lots of younguns i know are Post-Crisis freaks, because thats what they're mostly exposed to, its the most readily available. its hard to get a hold of original/ archival editons of Golden and Silver age comic books, and when they're available they dont come cheap. when kids do manage to read the Pre-Crisis comics they laugh at them because they're "corny". they may be corny by todays' storytelling standards but at least its original, imaginative writing. you may have continuity problems left and right, but hey that's how you develop a superhero, that's how you make a franchise grow. and best of all, its fun reading. escapism at its finest :D.

I'm neither a 'youngun' nor a neophyte when it comes to Superman and I don't want the Silver Age back.

My first exposure to Superman was the George Reeve's series and the comics of the early 60's. I managed to get my hands on reprints of earlier (1950's and 40's). I pretty much know the characters changes over the years.

My hands down favourite is the period of the 80's that Man Of Steel kicked off. Superman got exciting then. Gone was the silliness of the 1950's and 40's. We now had a Superman that made sense. No more giant golden key to open his fortress door. No more giant Ant heads. Krypton was now more than a rerun of the Buster Crabbe 'Flash Gordon' serials. It was a very interesting, multi-tiered place that felt like an alien planet and culture. Not just Americans in funny costumes and head bands. When Jor-el sent his son off in the make-shift star ship, he did more than rescue him from a planet about to be destroyed - he rescued him from a culture that had become stagnant and repressive.

I have nothing good to say about pre-crisis Krypton.

I have even less good to say about a return to nerdy Clark Kent.

I don't believe for a second that being a nerd will somehow keep those close to him from suspecting that he's Superman. In fact, I think it will do the opposite. It will make people notice him more. When people look at him long enough, they'll realize that he's just Superman with glasses on. The better way to handle the character is to make him quieter, more reserved. He should be able to fade into a crowd.

No, all nerdy Clark does is make me, the reader, uncomfortable. I remember all those moments in pre-crisis stories where Clark runs away from a small, barking dog. If people around him thought that Clark were really a coward, why would Perry have hired him? Who would take him seriously as a reporter? No one. It's not realistic. It's not even interesting.

Well, that's my rant on the Silver Age. I need to get back to what I was working on.
Superman79 said:
So really what you need to do is rip out the first 15-20 pages of the Birthright TPB and you have a great book :D :up: That's essentially what I did to one of my copies

LOL...see I'm such a stickler for keeping my comics in mint condition that if I did that I'd have to buy another one...and that is way too much support for BR IMO.

Superman79 said:
That couldn't be your own biological clock sympathizing with Lois' could it?? :p Sorry...I couldn't resist the joke :O

It's true, they could get themselves in a lot of trouble, especially with how well "Up Up and Away" is going. As for a kid, I just can't help but love how they pulled it off in the Myxlplik issue, so I am leaning toward preferring a daughter. At least in the books there will be none of this "baby mama drama" like will likely be part of SR and SR2...

Hahah...it could be. I would like to see the writers stretch Lois. I don't like the idea that she can't be an all around woman along with being a ace journalist.

However, after finally seeing the movie I hope a child is eventually added to the mythos. IMO the kid was the best part of the movie, and I'm going to state that everywhere from now on:up: I also liked the crystal tech because that opens the door to some really cool and different villians.
How about Clark's hair? I think that'd be nice to put in the books. It makes for a nicer disguise, having the longer hair covering the face like that. Although, with so many artists.....it might be more of an artistic choice.
I want Kitty in the comic NOW!!!
Get rid of that Mercy B**** and bring in a truly good character.

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