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What is DC Entertainment doing? What is their plan?

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And we don't really know what's in the film beyond an origin story. Maybe MOS2 will be to MOS what TDKR is to TDK. Maybe the origin story aspect is all that BB and MOS have in common, and MOS will, in all other aspects, be like TDK.
I too would love to see all the alien and robotic villains in action, but they don't serve an origin story. You'd have to take time away from explaining what Krypton is and means and the powers it gives in order to address some separate robot creation or alien planet with its own powers and politics. This muddies the story, and makes it less about Superman, and lower quality overall. Plus, a villain represented by a human actor is more sympathetic and just makes for more concrete and believable storytelling. It's one thing to react to greenscreen and pretend it's mongul, it's another thing when Michael Shannon is in your face.

Zod is the ideal Superman origin story villain. He can be used as a dark mirror, as a connection to his father, a connection to his homeworld's destruction. He just *works* narratively. Would it have been nice to see someone else? Give MOS the freshness of BB? Yes, but Superman doesn't have another rogue that serves that origin mastermind role.
MoS is going to tell the origin story again? :doh:

There wasn't even the need to make superman's origin again, his origin is already known by most
Agreed. Superman's origin is a part of pop culture. Heck...Spider-Man's origin is now a part of pop culture. I don't see why they are retelling that one either.

The symbol and the names Lois Lane and Lex Luthor are well known pieces of pop culture. But if you walk up to someone and ask "What's Superman's origin?" you're more likely to get a shrug than a "His planet blew up and his parents sent him to a farm."
Doesn't that mean they know his origin?

Most people know that he comes from a dying planet and that he's the last survivor, things like him being raised by the Kents could be told during the course of the movie but it doesn't have to be an origin, in fact, he's probably the easier hero to start a movie without an origin.
Agreed. You might risk boring the audience when everyone in the theater already knows what will happen in the first half of the movie. Batman had one origin film....and that was the 5th movie. Plus no one really knew Batman's origin.
Its a bit disappointing to me that DC/WB AREN'T following in Marvel's footsteps in terms of a JL movie. Not because it would seem cheap or unoriginal, but because Marvel's approach is working like gangbusters so far (even for the very mediocre Iron Man 2). DC keeping the universes of their respective film franchises separate kind of robs fans of that one thing to look forward to (besides the inevitable sequels of the financially successful franchises) that they all really want to see.

By doing individual movies to introduce these characters to general audiences (like Marvel is doing), then bringing them together in a cross-over film, builds an undeniable momentum.

There's really not much "momentum" for DC's movies (in terms of that cross-over appeal). Granted, next years The Dark Knight Rises and Man of Steel will be hits, guaranteed, but they won't have that awesome little thread which continues on past the film like the MCU movies do.

And while such a thing is definitely not necessary in the larger scheme of things, Marvel Studios definitely has the edge with their shared universe over DC's separate ones. This isn't saying Marvel's movies are better (well, they're better than Green Lantern, but certainly not The Dark Knight), just that there seems to be more of a pay-off in the end.

Though, I'm certainly looking forward to next years TDKR. Can't wait for that.
I think that DC could make their crossover movie a bit different.
For example, first they make the Justice League film after having the characters introduced, then instead of making Justice League 2 they can make Infinite Crisis, Blackest Night, etc.
Taking other crossover stories
MoS is going to tell the origin story again?

That's a very good point. We don't know how much of Superman's origin will be here. Obviously there's extended Jor-El ness and Smallville flashbacks, but how much, and what the pacing is? Unknown. I wouldn't be surprised if it were very much like Batman Begins in the origin-as-flashbacks department.
At this point why even tell a Superman origin if they're not planning to push any other characters to put out a JL film. Superman's origin has been playing for over 10 years, either you downloaded or buy the Smallville tv show to catch up.
At this point why even tell a Superman origin if they're not planning to push any other characters to put out a JL film. Superman's origin has been playing for over 10 years, either you downloaded or buy the Smallville tv show to catch up.

That's ridiculously dumb. Seeing as

A) Do you really think people will give a movie a chance if they have to watch 10 years worth of TV episodes to know what's going on?
B) Smallville and Man of Steel aren't remotely related, seeing as Clark's defeated every villain in his Rogue's Gallery before even getting his suit.
C) Smallville isn't a good show.

And why is an origin only necessary if there's going to be a Justice League movie?
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That's ridiculously dumb. Seeing as

A) Do you really think people will give a movie a chance if they have to watch 10 years worth of TV episodes to know what's going on?
B) Smallville and Man of Steel aren't remotely related, seeing as Clark's defeated every villain in his Rogue's Gallery before even getting his suit.
C) Smallville isn't a good show.

And why is an origin only necessary if there's going to be a Justice League movie?

No, it ridonculous!
A) Yes, since the people watch Batman every time it gets either an animated tv show or a movie. Which (again) a really good Batman film comes out close to 15-20 years depending on the director. The Batman tv show from the 1960's was a pop culture hit, when the first Burton's Batman came out it was a hit (that was 1989) followed by the Batman Returns, then the Nolan's Batman came out and did much better making Burton's a classic.

B) The one thing the TV show and MOS have is SUPERMAN. An American iconic character that most people know of thru pop culture.

C) I agree with you that the show wasn't that great, but the show lasted 10 years. WB saw a financial opportunity and they exploited, compared to the George Reeve and Dean Cain's show, Smallville has been the longest Superman tv run.

Where do you get there's going to be JL movie? They don't even have a plan on how to get the JL on track. Moreover, Batman Begins came out in 2005 followed by TDK in 2008. Marvel pushed out IM1 and the Incredible Hulk in 2008 with hints promoting the Avengers. Marvel is on roll regardless if is not making the billions like TDK. The bottom line is that they are pushing for their characters from a page to the big screen.

WB is not pushing for any other DC properties, they could've done a WW, Flash and Aquaman film. They did a GL film, but the power to be were responsible for the GL bombing.
No, it ridonculous!
A) Yes, since the people watch Batman every time it gets either an animated tv show or a movie. Which (again) a really good Batman film comes out close to 15-20 years depending on the director. The Batman tv show from the 1960's was a pop culture hit, when the first Burton's Batman came out it was a hit (that was 1989) followed by the Batman Returns, then the Nolan's Batman came out and did much better making Burton's a classic.

B) The one thing the TV show and MOS have is SUPERMAN. An American iconic character that most people know of thru pop culture.

C) I agree with you that the show wasn't that great, but the show lasted 10 years. WB saw a financial opportunity and they exploited, compared to the George Reeve and Dean Cain's show, Smallville has been the longest Superman tv run.

Where do you get there's going to be JL movie? They don't even have a plan on how to get the JL on track. Moreover, Batman Begins came out in 2005 followed by TDK in 2008. Marvel pushed out IM1 and the Incredible Hulk in 2008 with hints promoting the Avengers. Marvel is on roll regardless if is not making the billions like TDK. The bottom line is that they are pushing for their characters from a page to the big screen.

WB is not pushing for any other DC properties, they could've done a WW, Flash and Aquaman film. They did a GL film, but the power to be were responsible for the GL bombing.

I don't get the idea there's going to be a JL movie... Which is why I never said anything related to that. I don't even want one. You said the origin was pointless unless there was going to be a Justice League movie... Which makes no sense.

And I don't see what the Batman thing had to do with what I said, seeing as the new movie series featured the origin.
MoS is going to tell the origin story again? :doh:
But without a new origin the audience will be lost, dazed, and confused! There will be riots in the theater! Weeping and gnashing of teeth! Nerds like us know about Superman but what about the audience? Think about The General Audience!!!
I still think WB should make some more Vertigo adaptations. Some high quality, mature, modest budget, non blockbuster films. Like Sandman or 100 Bullets.
Everybody KNOWS HIS ORIGIN, even when i didn't see or read anything about him i knew his origin, his origin is evven parodied in a lot of places.
I don't get the idea there's going to be a JL movie... Which is why I never said anything related to that.

I don't think WB knows right now what their path forward will be with superhero films. Other than they are not going to compete quantity-wise with Marvel which is putting 3 plus such films out each year for the next several years.

I see WB doing one superhero film per year and not being afraid of a year in which they don't put out a superhro film. Unless the reboot of Batman happens fast 2014 could be one of those years.

I think the question is will the rebooted Batman be their "new" tentpole superhero franchise or will it be JL.

If Avengers does significantly better than TDKR next year I could see WB going forward with JL as their tentpole.

To me it makes more sense for WB to pursue a JL tentrpole strategy than to try to use rebooted Batman as a vehicle to launch other solo characters. Do a JL film then spin one character off from it to a solo film, introduce a new character for JL2 and then spin another solo from JL2.

JL 2014, rebooted Batman 2015, solo spinoff from JL 2016, JL2 in 2017. Something like that anyway.
Everybody KNOWS HIS ORIGIN, even when i didn't see or read anything about him i knew his origin, his origin is evven parodied in a lot of places.

Yes, it is difficult to understand. Because it's not true. Like I said, if 60% of people seeing the movie know the origin, there's still the 40 that don't. I know plenty of people that don't know the origins, Hell, I can recall 3 people who thought he got his powers from his cape for some reason. Again, I'm not saying the origin is necessary for a Superman movie. But people's reasons for why it shouldn't be aren't solid. Not everybody knows it, and the fact Smallville and the Reeve movies exists doesn't mean everyone has or is willing to watch it.
I still hope to see Sandman, Animal Man and a remake of swamp Thing one day
Animal Man would make a better tv show than Deadman IMHO. Sandman should be a tv show on HBO as well. Somethings should not be a movie but are better off being told in a tv series, just like Superman should have been in 5 seasons on Smallville but they got off track, and this coming from a huge Smallville fan.
I don't get the idea there's going to be a JL movie... Which is why I never said anything related to that. I don't even want one. You said the origin was pointless unless there was going to be a Justice League movie... Which makes no sense.

And I don't see what the Batman thing had to do with what I said, seeing as the new movie series featured the origin.

Dude, you did say it. I came up with Batman cause other than Superman, that's the one DC character film that everyone is waiting to see. Cause lets face it, is the only "financial success" that WB can really put money on other than Superman.

Sorry, but in this time period, a origin movie leads to group formations. If DC was just concerned with doing one Batman film then why do Superman Returns (which kinda flopped) a TDK and a GL film (which I'm waiting for the Director's Cut)? C'mon now, Marvel made films back to back hinting for the Avengers. You're telling me you wouldn't pay to see a JL film if done properly right?

Nolan did show the Batman origin and creation in great detail but technically, Burton's Batman showed Batman's origin not the how Bruce Wayne became Batman.
Yes, it is difficult to understand. Because it's not true. Like I said, if 60% of people seeing the movie know the origin, there's still the 40 that don't. I know plenty of people that don't know the origins, Hell, I can recall 3 people who thought he got his powers from his cape for some reason. Again, I'm not saying the origin is necessary for a Superman movie. But people's reasons for why it shouldn't be aren't solid. Not everybody knows it, and the fact Smallville and the Reeve movies exists doesn't mean everyone has or is willing to watch it.

From his cape??? WTH!!!
Animal Man would make a better tv show than Deadman IMHO. Sandman should be a tv show on HBO as well. Somethings should not be a movie but are better off being told in a tv series, just like Superman should have been in 5 seasons on Smallville but they got off track, and this coming from a huge Smallville fan.

I agree some of these make better TV shows than films. Animal Man for sure and maybe even Superman as you say. It would have been great if the last 5 years of Smallville had been about Clark going to Metropolis and becoming/being Superman. I'd have preferred that to an SR or MOS.

If WB uses JL to launch solo films I don't expect Animal Man to be one of those films. WB has not had any real success with solo superhero franchises other than Batman. They will probably be careful with what they launch from JL - if they use JL this way. Which is my hope.

Flash, Aquaman and and Wonder Woman are probably the next up but I think only after they appear in a hugely successful JL.
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