Who Should Be The Big Bad In Thor 3?


God of Thunder
Dec 14, 2010
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There's already a thread about villains in That's sequel but that's pretty much for the 2nd film. I want to know who everyone wants to be the big bad a.k.a "Main Threat" specifically in Thor 3.

Since Marvel is more that likely going with some form of Ragnarock I only included villains that are large scale enough to fit the bill.

1. Surtur


2. The Midgard Serpent


3. Gorr The God Butcher


4. Desak The God Slayer


5. The Dark Gods


6. Glory


7. Celestials


8. Enchantress and Executioner

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I didn't put Enchantress because I think Marvel is going to go with a form Ragnarock which would surely yield a bigger villain thand her. Sure I still want to see her and Skurge in the film as a secondary villain to the main threat, but not as the main threat herself.
Oh dear mods can one of you please add "Celestials" as option # 7 on the poll, thanks ahead of time.
I voted Surtur because it was a question about Thor 3, and it seems like it would be the logical step.

In a perfect world and as a movie in general, perhaps a stand-alone one, I might be the most interested in seeing Gorr and his arc done well though. If we could get that with all the darkness and horror that goes into it we'd get something unique in the MCU.
1. Gor
2. Surtur
3. Enchantress and Executioner
Mjölnir;27099015 said:
I voted Surtur because it was a question about Thor 3, and it seems like it would be the logical step.

In a perfect world and as a movie in general, perhaps a stand-alone one, I might be the most interested in seeing Gorr and his arc done well though. If we could get that with all the darkness and horror that goes into it we'd get something unique in the MCU.

Yeah lately I've been thinking that I might actually prefer Gorr as the main villain of Thor 3 over Surtur. Which is a big deal because Surtur is like the end all be all of bad guys in That's rogues gallery, but man Gorr was just so AMAZING in The God of Thunder.

They way he slaughters gods and tortures them for abusing their power (in his eyes) would bring a new level of intrigue to CMB films.
Enchantress could give new life to the franchise with Thor facing a new kind of challenge.
aaaaaand she's not on the poll.

I explained why characters like her are not in the poll, it's pretty obvious that Marvel are going with a Ragnarock of some sorts in Thor 3. So while I want to see her as a secondary villain she doesn't bring the same threat level as the villains on the poll.
I think it's a disservice to Enchantress to say she's not as threatening as a fiery monsters because in some ways he can be even MORE threatening.

She can practically brainwash any Earth-dweller to do her will including the president, army generals, powerful meta-humans, super-villains, etc.

and it's very hard to say what Marvel Studio might do next. If, last year, I told you IM3 would have a super-powered Pepper Potts saving the day I would've been laughed off the internet.
I think it's a disservice to Enchantress to say she's not as threatening as a fiery monsters because in some ways he can be even MORE threatening.

She can practically brainwash any Earth-dweller to do her will including the president, army generals, powerful meta-humans, super-villains, etc.

and it's very hard to say what Marvel Studio might do next. If, last year, I told you IM3 would have a super-powered Pepper Potts saving the day I would've been laughed off the internet.

Yes she can do all these things to HUMANS but in The Guardian realms she's nowhere near as threatening and she can't possibly bring about Ragnarock. If she were to be a villain in any film it should've been Thor:TDW, because I just have a feeling Thor 3 is going to have bonafide world ender as the main villian.
Ragnarok isn't exactly a done deal for Thor 3, not at all. Marvel could just as easily go with a non "end of everything" themed movie. Besides this is a who "should" be the big bad, not who "will" be. So Enchantress all the way.
Okay let me ask the mods to add her as an option since she's so popular. Honestly I didn't know her fanbase was this big, good grief.
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Hela would be cool to see. Amora would also be a great choice.
Hela would be cool to see. Amora would also be a great choice.

Be sure to vote and I didn't include Hela because she's more of a neutral force than a "villain".
I kind of wish that we could have had one or two of these villains appear in the first Thor film had the budget and running time not been a issue back then. No offense to Loki, but two solo Thor films where he's a prominent character, along with him having been in Avengers, does feel like it took away the chance for some of these other characters to appear in films that Chris would star in as Thor since I don't see him going past the third Thor and avengers films.
I kind of wish that we could have had one or two of these villains appear in the first Thor film had the budget and running time not been a issue back then. No offense to Loki, but two solo Thor films where he's a prominent character, along with him having been in Avengers, does feel like it took away the chance for some of these other characters to appear in films that Chris would star in as Thor since I don't see him going past the third Thor and avengers films.

I gotta agree with you on this.
I gotta agree with you on this.

If the first Thor film had the budget and running time needed for such a story, I wouldn't have had Loki be presented as the "Main villain" for that film. I would have had his whole story involving him turning into a complete villain take place through the entire course of the film like Harvey's did in TDK, with another character being portrayed as the primary villain like how Joker was for TDK so that Loki's full villainy could have been saved for The Avengers while a different villain could have been used for the first film that wasn't Laufey, and where this new villain would have had an another minor villain working for that person.
Well I may be alone with pick but I'd love to see The Wrecking Crew as villains in next Thor movie.

They could be dispersed to wreck havoc across all four corners of Earth as a way of beefing up a decent story & obviously come together a few times for a battle with Thor.

Any ideas on a Wrecking Crew plot or any good actor picks?

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I'm surprised Gorr and The Midgard Serpent don't have more votes, they're pretty popular Thor villains.
Well...it's a good chance Surtur will be the 'big bad' in Thor 3

My picks are: Hercules and Mangog!!
I would love Surtur. And maybe a 4th climatic act against Jurmungandr

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