The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Does this movie really deserve the hate it gets?

I have to argue the opposite side of the spectrum, it's definitely not one of the most beloved CBMs or even on the same level as SM1 or SM2 either.

Meh, I have no interest in those films anymore, so goofy, cheesy, silly and flat characters. I'll take the Webb over Raimi spider-man anyday.
Well, it's less enjoyable than B&R, GL and Wolverine at least.

However, Catwoman is the WORST.

I find it less enjoyable than Catwoman. Catwoman was no doubt horrendous, but at least it was disconnected from Batman's movie universe, and in it's own crappy spin off universe where Catwoman was not even Selina Kyle. It was like looking at a bad what if story.

TASM 2 butchered so much of Spider-Man lore that it's far more painful to watch. The ones that do the most damage always are for me.
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I find it less enjoyable than Catwoman. Catwoman was no doubt horrendous, but at least it was disconnected from Batman's movie universe, and in it's own crappy spin off universe where Catwoman was not even Selina Kyle. It was like looking at a bad what if story.

That's a very good point. Catwoman was awful, but it was basically a standalone film far removed from Batman. TASM2 wasn't just awful by its own merits, but it poisoned the franchise to the point they basically have to reboot to clean up the mess. And I don't normally like reboots, but they are almost at the point they have no choice.
Wow, when you put it like that I totally understand your point. :csad:

Lol he was worse than all of the Joel Schumacher Batman villains except Bane. He is one of the most worst movie villains ever in a comic film. I am glad we will never see him again.

I rank Electro as the #3 Spider-man villain in the live-action films, behind Doc Ock and Gobby 1. I'd rank him above all of the '89-'97 Batman quadrilogy villains except for the Joker, of course. And I'm sure you won't be shocked to hear that I think Foxx could have hand-painted his face blue, made up his dialogue on the spot, and that still would have been far superior to Raimi's Blowphervenom.

It's certainly not amony the worst super hero movies like some would like to shout about hoping it will happen

It's mostly the people who are shackled by Silver Age conservatism that label it as among the worst ever. Neither the BO numbers or the critical consensus back up that assertion.

That's a very good point. Catwoman was awful, but it was basically a standalone film far removed from Batman. TASM2 wasn't just awful by its own merits, but it poisoned the franchise to the point they basically have to reboot to clean up the mess. And I don't normally like reboots, but they are almost at the point they have no choice.

Wow, when you put it like that I totally understand your point. :csad:

I can see his point, but my POV is completely different, possibly due to my age. 20 years ago, I wondered if I would ever see a big budget Spider-man film. After Batman and Robin, I feared that super hero films might be gone completely from Hollywood for awhile. Now there is a message board dedicated to comic book films, and we're debating the future of Spider-man after 5 live-action films. Spider-man is now in elite company as a comic book movie headliner, so I simply can't be upset that not everyone is happy. I'm just glad that the public thirst for the character remains.
That's a very good point. Catwoman was awful, but it was basically a standalone film far removed from Batman. TASM2 wasn't just awful by its own merits, but it poisoned the franchise to the point they basically have to reboot to clean up the mess. And I don't normally like reboots, but they are almost at the point they have no choice.

Exactly. Not only was TASM 2 a bastardization of Spider-Man lore, but it was a bad movie to boot, and it's put the franchise in the poo. It's the first Spider-Man movie to get a rotten critical rating. It's losing it's audience, which is why Sony came up with all those brain fart spin off ideas, and is now backed into a corner and having to negotiate with Marvel. Hilariously the likes of Transformers 4 out sold it by a long way in DVD and blu-ray sales this year. It's not even in the top 10 domestic box office for 2014 any more. How sad is it when a Spider-Man movie can't even sustain top 10 domestic for the year.

The writing is on the wall when a cultural icon like Spider-Man, who was once king in the movies box office and critic wise back in the Raimi days, has been reduced to this. Didn't I read that Sony only made sixty something million actual profit on it?

Wow, when you put it like that I totally understand your point. :csad:

Thanks. It's sad as a Spider-Man fan to feel this way, but that's how low TASM 2 is.
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The Joker said:
Didn't I read that Sony only made sixty something million actual profit on it?

Yeah, that was from the leaks.
Only 60 million?!
Thanks. It's sad as a Spider-Man fan to feel this way, but that's how low TASM 2 is.
I just can't wait for them to announce the results of the Marvel deal at the end of the month. This series needs to end. Now.
That's a very good point. Catwoman was awful, but it was basically a standalone film far removed from Batman. TASM2 wasn't just awful by its own merits, but it poisoned the franchise to the point they basically have to reboot to clean up the mess. And I don't normally like reboots, but they are almost at the point they have no choice.

I dont think a reboot is necessary. I dont see why they cant create a third film
I dont think a reboot is necessary. I dont see why they cant create a third film

Same here but as you see ASM2 is apparently so bad it makes Batman & Robin look like Citizen Kane to these jaded fan boys.
I do find TASM2 to be an entertaining popcorn movie, but I expect more from my favorite comic book character. Spider-Man should be topping movies about Captain America, X-Men, and especially GOTG, not being squashed by them.
It is a good thing that last year had lots of other good comic book movies. It helped ease the disappointment a little of how bad ASM2 was.
I could only imagine if there wasn't TWS, DOFP or GOTG last year, with TASM2, Sin City and TMNT, it'd be like the year we got X:TLS and SR.
It is a good thing that last year had lots of other good comic book movies. It helped ease the disappointment a little of how bad ASM2 was.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier made my 2014 comic book movie experience something to appreciate. TASM2 was a disappointment and then GOTG was a lot of fun.

I hate to admit this, but I never saw DOFP.
Yeah, I'm somewhat ashamed of the fact that I haven't seen it yet. I was never a big fan of the X-Men franchise to begin with so I wasn't in a hurry to see it. Before I knew it, the film was out of theaters and already on blu-ray. I'll probably pick it up soon.
I can't believe I fell for it when I saw the trailers. I genuinely thought that Sony could have nailed it this time and that we were in for a fantastic Spider-Man movie.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier made my 2014 comic book movie experience something to appreciate. TASM2 was a disappointment and then GOTG was a lot of fun.

I hate to admit this, but I never saw DOFP.

I thought all four of those were outstanding, and I liked TMNT despite a few flaws. I can't remember a year with this many great comic book adaptations.
I thought all four of those were outstanding, and I liked TMNT despite a few flaws. I can't remember a year with this many great comic book adaptations.

Agreed there.

First year in a while I've come out of the cinema absolutely amazed for each CBM released that year. Awesome year for CBM's for me.

GotG was a surprise for me
I think it's too early to tell if this film deserves all the hatred it has received, after all I despised Spider-Man 3 for a long time before coming to really like it. Time will decide if the hate is justified I think. Right now to me it is just a big disappointment after so much excitement. It's a mess, it's like Man of Steel all over again to me in some ways.
The problem here is that TASM2 is a sequel to a reboot that many consider to be unnecessary. TASM1 didn't stand too well on its own and was depending on the success of the sequel to really make it feel justified. TASM2 is generally considered to be a failure and may be responsible for killing the current film series created by Marc Webb. I don't know how people will view it years from now, but I don't think the TASM films have much of a future.

Spider-Man 3 on the other hand is the sequel to two of the most successful comic book movies ever made. I think it was much easier to let that film grow on me because it is part of a franchise that had a solid ground with SM1 and SM2. It continued some storylines and plots that people cared about, even if it wasn't as good as people wanted.
I liked the film,but it had a lot of flaws to me. In fact,I liked both Amazing movies,but they still fall short of the Raimi trilogy. I loved Raimi's 3 films. What annoyed me most in Amazing 2 was the whole backstory with Peter's parents. I really didn't care and found it uninteresting. I kinda feel the same with Peter's search for his uncle's killer,although that was left on the back burner for the sequel. I really liked Dane Dehaan as Harry/Goblin. His look as the goblin was really stupid(I don't know why Goblin is so hard to get right,as far as his look goes),but I loved his story and how he became the Goblin. I would've rather he be the main villain than Electro.
I think the Goblin look is so hard to nail because, well... Sony.
There was a lot cut out of the movie,
Think a better edit can help make ASM2 better?

I liked this film better than all of the Rami films.

Because I liked the two leads a lot more than Rami's two leads in his film.

And the goodguys were more interesting in the Amazing Spider-Man than in Spider-Man to me.

The badguys are usually more interesting and It was great to me that the good guys were more interesting.

I wonder with all the stuff cut and a directors intended cut could make TASM2 better.
I enjoyed it.

Stuff that I didnt like was The opening plane sequence, the ripoff Dark Knight two plans sequence instead of two boats.
The casting of Electro was bad and his character.

I liked Harry as a villain.
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