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The Defenders Sigourney Weaver is the Big Bad Villain of The Defenders

I don't think that she's Ruby Thursday. I can't see Marvel casting an A-lister just to have her hide behind a helmet for eight episodes. Read my post above for why I think that she's probably Riccadonna.
uh... folks were seriously speculating Ruby Thursday?

Heck-- given that we saw Jeryn Hogarth "gender swap", I don't think we should be limited to considering female villains only. Who knows...

My speculation is that she'll have some kind of powers, but not "Avengers-threat" level. I feel that Jessica Jones will be able to get into a brawl with her.
I'm not putting a gender swap beyond the realm of possibility, but I still don't have any strong idea who it might be. The first question is whether she's going to be tied to the Hand. If she is, it seems to me she would need to be a character who is white in the comics (I don't think Marvel wants another whitewashing controversy so soon after Tilda Swinton). I can't think of any good choice here. Certainly, there's nobody in Shadowland.

The second possibility is there are two villains - The Hand and Sigourney Weaver. If that's the case, she could be ayone, but I suspect somebody grounded that fits in this universe. I'm skeptical she'll have powers herself, but who knows. There's almost no point in guessing without more information.
Maybe Sigourney Weaver is playing the Mandrill with a gender swap (and species swap).


Maybe like in the comics, she (he) will enslave all females via mind control to do her bidding. Jessica Jones will have a feeling of deja vu.
Also white washing since part of Mandrill's screwed up backstory is he is a white person born with a black man's skin (and ape's head) due to radiation.
I thought he was just a mutant who looked like a mandrill. Nothing about him being black as far as I recall. Both his parents were white.
^ You're talking about the creator of Howard the Duck. Of course he's going to be weird.

But let me get this straight. Neither the white man nor the black woman had sex, but that nuclear pile exploded and fused their genes for when respective each couple had a baby? :huh:

I didn't know Nekra is supposed to be ethnically black either. I just thought she had chalk white skin and was a kind of vampire.

They can completely omit all of that if they ever did Mandrill and just make him a mutant who is born looking like a Mandrill (but of course, they won't be able to use the word "mutant").
Yeah. I'm still going with Ricadonna. She has an army of ninjas at her command which neatly ties into The Hand and she also has a cool-looking helmet so Weaver won't have to do her own stunts and can dub the lines of her double in post without it looking weird. Also a master fencer, billionairre and one of Misty Knight's greatest enemies.

Mandrill is obviously not happening any more than Big Wheel will be the villain in the Spider-Man sequel.
I don't know who is Ricadonna, but if they use her then they'd probably ditch any helmet. Marvel frequently modify the villains' costumes anyway.
Ricadonna comes off a lot like Silver Sable.
If it's Ricadonna, I doubt there will be any outright shapeshifting. I'd predict strength, durability and enhanced speed at best.
If it's Ricadonna, I doubt there will be any outright shapeshifting. I'd predict strength, durability and enhanced speed at best.

I agree. The whole, "creating weapons out of thin air" part of her powers is a bit much. I think that she'll just be really, really good at fighting but won't do so until the final fight when she dons the helmet.
Maybe Sigourney Weaver is playing the Mandrill with a gender swap (and species swap).


Maybe like in the comics, she (he) will enslave all females via mind control to do her bidding. Jessica Jones will have a feeling of deja vu.

What does Mandrill bring to the table that Kilgrave doesn't, Kilgrave is a like a more powerful version of Mandrill and Jessica defeated him on his own, Luke Cage could just slap Mandrill and he would be down for the count.

Also changing Mandrill into a normal looking woman, changes the character so much, you may as well not have Mandrill in the show, I doubt Weaver's character would be interested in a female harem or anything like that.

Mandrill is a pretty bad choice for a Big Bad or a character that Weaver should be playing.

I think people are suggesting far out villains who fought the Defenders in the comics, rather then picking villains who fit the actor and the Netflix Defenders series.
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Making Weaver into Mandrill would be ridiculous.
I feel like she's going to play a genderbent "Ken Wind" like character.
I'd rather she not be a genderbent character. Is there really a good female villain already around she can't play?

All the theory lists just do the same people over and over. Silvermane. The Beast of the Hand, Head of IGH, and Mephisto. Not saying Mephisto can't absolutely not have a female Earth form that maybe Weaver is just one female form. But IMHO going right to Mephisto for Defenders just seems like an odd choice.
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I feel like Mephisto is a bit of a stretch. I mean, it could be done but you'd think Feige would have that one signed off for film use only. I think Ken Wind inspired would work and make her head of a company with political ties or something. I personally have no issue with genderbending a character though as there's still more than enough male characters showing up.
It's not about enough male characters, but are there no other female characters she'd be better suited for?

Madame Masque, a great villain in the comics, who turned into a gigantic letdown for Agent Carter.
It's not about enough male characters, but are there no other female characters she'd be better suited for?

Madame Masque, a great villain in the comics, who turned into a gigantic letdown for Agent Carter.

Yeah, there are but people are mentioning Ricadonna and people think Sigourney is going to be her and be happy with it? I don't have any issue with it but let's look at the character. People will be angry "No costume" or "She's too old for her" or something along those lines.


I suggested Ken Wind because I figure the chance of us getting an Elektra series or miniseries are so slim that I'd be happy to at least tie in that lore of hers. I could see Sigourney doing a stellar performance with that character too.
Honestly, if she were let's say an older Madame Hydra, I'd be totally fine with that, but I have no idea on the legalities there.

I wonder what the situation would be on using Elisabeth von Strucker as well, considering she made her debut in a Wolverine comic.
Yeah... I think Marvel can use Madame Hydra but they can't call her Viper as Fox owns that. Though I could be wrong on that.

Though I do think she could be playing one of those characters or one similar to the two you mentioned.
Well Madame Masque could've worked if they hadn't already used Whitney Frost in Agent Carter. If they make her Whitney Frost now who is Madame Masque, then that's explictly saying that the character in Agent Carter doesn't count and that it's actually not all connected.

I don't know why they had to use Whitney Frost in Agent Carter anyway, since she was nothing like the actual comic character and had different powers. They could've just made her an original character.

Although Madame Masque (the comic character) wouldn't be able to take on DD, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist. Maybe in regular hand-to-hand combat, but when it comes to someone like Luke Cage she'd be outclassed and wouldn't even be able to put a dent in him.
I'd rather she not be a genderbent character. Is there really a good female villain already around she can't play?

All the theory lists just do the same people over and over. Silvermane. The Beast of the Hand, Head of IGH, and Mephisto. Not saying Mephisto can't absolutely not have a female Earth form that maybe Weaver is just one female form. But IMHO going right to Mephisto for Defenders just seems like an odd choice.

I think the Beast is a good choice because it would build on plot threads from Daredevil and gives the group an epic threat they have never faced before, someone like Sunset Bain would seem like old hat at this point and really the Beast doesn't have a gender, so Weaver could play it.

Some of the choices on this thread, like Ruby Thursday, Mandrill or Foggy's mom, are really out of left field choices that just don't work, there is no build up with those guys, most of them would not work as the Big Bad of this series, they would not fit, they would not be threaten enough or you have to change them so much their comic book counterparts you change them into different characters.

I like the Beast, someone like Sunset Bain would be an okay choice, but you have to work hard to make her something other then yet corporate scum bag, who we have seen before in the MCU and choices like Ruby Thursday, Rosalie Sharpe and Mandrill, are just really bad, IMO.

Well Madame Masque could've worked if they hadn't already used Whitney Frost in Agent Carter. If they make her Whitney Frost now who is Madame Masque, then that's explictly saying that the character in Agent Carter doesn't count and that it's actually not all connected.

I don't know why they had to use Whitney Frost in Agent Carter anyway, since she was nothing like the actual comic character and had different powers. They could've just made her an original character.

Although Madame Masque (the comic character) wouldn't be able to take on DD, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist. Maybe in regular hand-to-hand combat, but when it comes to someone like Luke Cage she'd be outclassed and wouldn't even be able to put a dent in him.

But Masque is a crime boss, couldn't she just pay people to fight the Defenders? Weaver is in her 60s, she is not going to be a credible physical threat to a group of characters who are all half her age, not taking into account the Defenders powers and abilities.

Either she can be a corporate tycoon like Sunset Bain and have her fight the Defenders with technology, influence and mercs or you make her into the Beast and she is a super natural threat, who fights with psychic powers and the ability to posses people.

Either Sunset Bain or the Beast could build on threads we saw in the other shows, that wouldn't be out of left field choice like Mandrill.
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I think the Beast is a good choice because it would build on plot threads from Daredevil and gives the group an epic threat they have never faced before, someone like Sunset Bain would seem like old hat at this point and really the Beast doesn't have a gender, so Weaver could play it.

Some of the choices on this thread, like Ruby Thursday, Mandrill or Foggy's mom, are really out of left field choices that just don't work, there is no build up with those guys, most of them would not work as the Big Bad of this series, they would not fit, they would not be threaten enough or you have to change them so much their comic book counterparts you change them into different characters.

I like the Beast, someone like Sunset Bain would be an okay choice, but you have to work hard to make her something other then yet corporate scum bag, who we have seen before in the MCU and choices like Ruby Thursday, Rosalie Sharpe and Mandrill, are just really bad, IMO.

OK but Weaver's character comes off like some ranking and established woman of power. And not a genderless ancient demon.

If The Hand also wants a container for the beast, wouldn't Elektra be their most suitable candidate after season 2 of Daredevil?

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