Shazam Black Adam spin off with The Rock

WW84/Black Adam suffer opposite problems imo. WW84 had heart but lacked action. BA had action but lacked heart. Hawkmans entire theme in the movie is "don't kill" and Diana spent her entire movie taking that one step further with being on the defensive the entire time.

I kind of respect the dedication it took to making this happen. For whatever reason, The Rock badly wanted this role for 15 years, and he did it.
He should’ve been the antagonist in Shazam 2. Instead we have a mess that is the result of egomania and hubris.
Who is continuing the parading of the corpse known as the DCEU...
i will wait until this is on hbo max.

it looks fun though, that's all i really care about.
i will keep expectations low, and brains at the door when i watch this.

and i will drink some whiskey along with it.

jeremy jahns did give this a overall good review. lol.
I just got out of my screening and overall I thought this was big dumb popcorn flick fun just like I thought of the Venom films and you know for me sometimes that’s ok. I’m looking forward to where this franchise goes but of course that depends on the box office so we’ll see.
John Campea says the sequel script has already been written. He said the sequel is ready to go to the point that they could start filming in four months.
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This will be another movie I watch in about three months to see how bad it actually is.

Worked for Morbius/Thor 4/ Jurassic World Dominion, so should work for this too.
Same. Only The Batman and Wakanda Forever have gotten me back to the theater-- well one has and the other will..
Something about the ending that I liked is that instead of
Black Adam taking the throne and ruling Khandaq he says “it feels wrong” and destroys the throne and says that the people can rule their own country and that he’ll serve as a protector.
I thought that it really smart and thoughtful move. I also like that his origin of how he got his powers changed for the better in that instead of a selfish evil move for power it was more tragic.
Also I know some of you might call me crazy but I actually prefer this film over Shazam. Now don’t get it twisted Shazam is the better film and I definitely connected to it but right now I feel more connected to Black Adam and the story it told however basic and generic it was so I am admitting that so it might change once I rewatch Shazam but as of now I am more camp Black Adam.
I thought it was whatever, Dr.Fate was the best part he should of had his own movie or something before this. The humor was okay, none of the fight scenes were really good. They can't be with an OP guy like him though. Hawkman was good but thrown in since no backstory at all for him.

Didn't care for the newbies in JSA they were just there. Wonder how Waller has everyone on speed dial since Hawkman followed her orders. The credit scene Superman arrives right away. Didn't like Fate being killed and helmet vanishing, maybe Brosnan only wanted to do 1. He was really good though.
This was definitely middle of the road for me. I didn’t walk out irritated like I did with Thor 4, so that was nice. Should’ve just been a JS film with BA as a side character rather than the other way around. Still, glad I caught it and hope they find a better writer and director for the sequel.
Just came back from seeing the film. Overall, I'd give it a 7.5 out of 10.

While the movie isn't a game changer for the genre, it's nowhere near as bad as some critics make it out be. I would rate this film above other comic book movies that have received better scores on Rotten Tomatoes. At the risk of inciting the Snyder Cult, I thought that the visuals and cinematography in this film were better than ZSJL and SS.

However, I do think that the film's place within the established DCEU continuity would have fared better had it been released after "The Flash".
WW84/Black Adam suffer opposite problems imo. WW84 had heart but lacked action. BA had action but lacked heart. Hawkmans entire theme in the movie is "don't kill" and Diana spent her entire movie taking that one step further with being on the defensive the entire time.

I realize you're not necessarily praising it but I think you hit on why I really appreciate WW84. It does have a lot of heart. It also felt like the actors had fun. There was just a genuine earnestness that permeated WW84 which in large part, despite her limited range, came from Gal's infectious performance of the character.
It seems like it's getting VERY mixed reviews ( similar to mos )

I originally thought this would do 700 million, but now unfortunately, I think it will be lucky to make 550 million.

I don't care if they do have a sequel ready to go, if this film underperforms that bad, they will hesitate.
It's really frustrating too because they had so long to polish this script and story up.
When you're having a big time superhero team in a movie...its best to explain to the audience who they are. Especially when no movies are planned to fill in those gaps
JL had the same complaints. You would think they would have learned.
At the veey least Give some back story on the heroes.
It's suppose to be new leadership at WB but it sure seems the same as the old doesn't it.
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I dunno what was worse or tackier, Black Adam playing Power by Kanye or Watchmen playing Hallelujah
Watchman was excellent some of the best tv of the year when it came out it was powerful and gripping at least to me anyway-- and I learned so much. Ever knew about the Oklahoma bombing so it was very educational and emotional. So for me it was heartfelt that story had a direction and soul. Haven't seen Black Adam yet so can't speak to that but hopefully it'll be a similar experience when I see it Sunday

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