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Shazam Box Office Thread $

Bro am I reading right that this only made 367 mill so far and it's already going to Digital? And being released on blu ray in a little over a month?

Not to be a doomer, but that's really bad for a movie that cost 200 mill to produce. It might not even make 200 mill domestic at this rate. I didn't think the movie would be good based on the crew, but I predicted 600 mill worldwide for this years ago. I figured the Rock usually makes around 300 mill WW and the movie would get a superhero movie boost would push it to 600m. But wow

I really doubt we'll see Black Adam 2. The budget would have to be bigger to pay for The Rocks' salary alone.

I don't even think Black Adam vs Shazam (which they seem to be shying away from in favor of Superman vs Black Adam) would gross that much either now. And I know Shazam 2 will even suffer next year

The Rock clearly isn't the megastar attraction he clearly thought he was.

This movie is a straight up and down flop. No question about it now. He couldn't pull the crowds in, and nor could the DCEU.

Good job WBD haven't continued to invest millions of dollars in a cinematic universe nobody wants to watch -


Oh dear.
Bro am I reading right that this only made 367 mill so far and it's already going to Digital? And being released on blu ray in a little over a month?

Not to be a doomer, but that's really bad for a movie that cost 200 mill to produce. It might not even make 200 mill domestic at this rate. I didn't think the movie would be good based on the crew, but I predicted 600 mill worldwide for this years ago. I figured the Rock usually makes around 300 mill WW and the movie would get a superhero movie boost would push it to 600m. But wow

I really doubt we'll see Black Adam 2. The budget would have to be bigger to pay for The Rocks' salary alone.

I don't even think Black Adam vs Shazam (which they seem to be shying away from in favor of Superman vs Black Adam) would gross that much either now. And I know Shazam 2 will even suffer next year

I thought 400 is at least in it, 600 it certainly deserved...but people shouldnt underestimate Home Media sells.
Yeah sure, the "experts" etc dont care, for them its just Box Office...but Home Media is what could make this movie break even and more.

What would interest me is the why.
I know that the Critics Agenda(Yeah im dying on that hill, there is no way this movie is worse than Thor Love and Thunder)can play a role convincing the General Audience something is "bad" but still, there has to be more to this.

If the General Audience doesnt show up for a Superhero Movie with The Rock as lead, things are really weird.
Is it because its NOT a Marvel Movie? Like, what is the reason this didnt manage to get stronger legs?
Here's the thing: the marketing sucked. The trailers and ads did no favors to this film. The trailers were so "meh" and didnt sell this as any kind of unique superhero movie. So overall general public interest in the movie was low and it got low turn out.

The movie still has Japan coming in a couple weeks and best case scenario is that pushes the film just past $400M. It really needed China, this type of high octane Rock action movie would have done gangbusters there and gotten it to $600M and would have saved this movie. But alas no such luck.

And the other thing is i think a lot of fans turned on Dwayne because of his boastful bragging about "the hierarchy is about to change" moniker that he kept pushing and his blatant distancing from the Shazam! brand. And i think that was off putting to a lot of people and people were pushing for this to fail to take him down a few pegs. He basically jinxed himself. If he had been a bit more humble people would have looked kinder on the movie and supported it. Because honestly, yes, its a bit of a dumb 90s action movie but its fun and very entertaining and knows what it is. I'm going to buy this on home video and can see myself rewatching it when i need something light and entertaining to watch.
I thought 400 is at least in it, 600 it certainly deserved...but people shouldnt underestimate Home Media sells.
Yeah sure, the "experts" etc dont care, for them its just Box Office...but Home Media is what could make this movie break even and more.

What would interest me is the why.
I know that the Critics Agenda(Yeah im dying on that hill, there is no way this movie is worse than Thor Love and Thunder)can play a role convincing the General Audience something is "bad" but still, there has to be more to this.

If the General Audience doesnt show up for a Superhero Movie with The Rock as lead, things are really weird.
Is it because its NOT a Marvel Movie? Like, what is the reason this didnt manage to get stronger legs?
Im only gonna reply once because I'm just over doing that with people who are convinced there is some sort agenda for why movies don't do well. I'll just say these
1) Home media hasn't "saved" a movie ala Batman Begins in years. Home media sales are not that lucrative like that anymore. People can hope all they want. But that's not gonna save a movie that needed 500-600 mill to break even. For reference, according to The Numbers the highest grossing video sales of 2021 and 2020 (peak COVID) were 38m and 80m respectively. See here: Top-Selling Video Titles in the United States 2020 - The Numbers. And that 80m one was Frozen II. They don't love Black Adam like that. I'm not saying it can't make some money back in video sales/rentals. But not nearly enough to write home about. And that's not being a doomer, that's just being logical. Unless you're a really really beloved movie/franchise, you're not gonna gross near 100 mill in home media anymore. At least not at a quick enough rate to call the a success. And even by some miracle BA does gross 100 mill, that's still only like 500 mill which is still not great for a 200m movie

2) You bring up that it's weird that people didn't show up to a superhero movie starring The Rock. But it's not really. Looking at his box office history for his live action films, other than F&F movies and Jumanji...he's not a high grosser for individual movies. His highest grossing movie other than those 2 franchises I listed was San Andreas back in 2015 and that made a little over 450 mill. Which is really good for an original IP and more than a lot of original IPs do, but still. He's not the type of guy you throw 200m budget at because, looking at the evidence, you won't make it back unless he's paired with huge IPs or other big stars. Black Adam isn't a huge IP, the DC film universe is well known but not necessarily a huge money maker like the MCU where any character can be a success, and none of the other stars in BA are huge money makers. There's probably a reason why all those movies they claim were the start of franchises stalled (Rampage, San Andreas, and Hobbs & Shaw were all supposed to be franchise starters). And I like The Rock, but he's not as big as a lot of people think he is. People have been talking about it for years. Film theorists, Anthony Mackie, Tarantino just brought it up and people got mad about it: the "movie star" as we knew it, is dead. It's all about the character/IP. Just look at Chris Hemsworth's career. Monster success in the MCU, outside of it? His performances are good but In the Heart of the Sea, MIB: International, Bad Times at El Royale, and more all underperformed or flopped. Zoe Saldana has been in more of the top grossing movies of all time than anyone else. Yes, she was blue and green in them, but still. People don't know her like that. Or at least more people would know her as "the woman who played Gamora". Bringing this back to The Rock. People know him, people like him. But is it enough to make him box office gold like how Will Smith, Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts, etc. were back in the 90s-00s? Nah.

3) Going to your conspiracy theories, I know there's no rationalizing with people like this. I'm just gonna say: there are way too many examples of movies that are loved by critics that do poorly and movies that aren't well liked by critics that do great to say "critics influenced the audience" with a straight face. And no critics didn't have it "out" for a movie. They have a different opinion than you and others. It's not a conspiracy. I think a big part may be marketing. DC has been marketing their movies really poorly. Shazam and BoP should've had waaaay better marketing campaign with how fun the main characters are. Black Adam looked dull from the marketing imo and looking at the box office maybe the audience too. If anything, my conspiracy thinking is that the way DC fans act is causing a lot of negative attention to the brand because some of the behavior has even been reported on places like CNN. And I think that behavior tainting the brand is doing more harm than anything critics say. And even that is not as important as DC just not making interesting movies (imo) or at the very least marketing them well.
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The Rock clearly isn't the megastar attraction he clearly thought he was.

This movie is a straight up and down flop. No question about it now. He couldn't pull the crowds in, and nor could the DCEU.

Good job WBD haven't continued to invest millions of dollars in a cinematic universe nobody wants to watch -


Oh dear.
I really don't think anyone does anymore. Not like back in the day. There are popular actors for sure, but not that type where you can sell a movie just off the strength of "This is a Daniel Kaluuya (just as an example) movie" and 200m worth of people would show up just for him.
With the old management I could see this getting a sequel.

But with Discovery canceling Batgirl.... yeah less than $400 million worldwide for a film that cost more or less $195 million. Thats a hard sell for a sequel happening.

I just can tell the reconstruction at Warner Bros. Discovery ain't done yet.
With the old management I could see this getting a sequel.

But with Discovery canceling Batgirl.... yeah less than $400 million worldwide for a film that cost more or less $195 million. Thats a hard sell for a sequel happening.

I just can tell the reconstruction at Warner Bros. Discovery ain't done yet.

Yup. WB will end up losing around 200M on this film.
I wonder if a Shazam movie with Black Adam as the villain would've done better than this. Instead of Rock playing a grumpy anti-hero protagonist who gets out-shined by old man Pierce Brosnan, he could've been a bad ass bad guy in a superhero movie and been cool as hell. Villains are most of the time much more fun and a meatier role than being the hero. Rock should've remembered how be became a star in the first place (being Stone Cold Steve Austin's WrestleMania opponent) and let his charisma shine in a supporting role instead of trying to be a big shot.
"The Rock Shocked the World today by announcing that he will not only return For Fast & Furious VI, But it will lead to a new trilogy of Hobbs & Shaw films".
This will very, very likely lose $100-130m.
I really blame this on the marketing.

Even if the movie was the same quality, I think it could've done better with better marketing.

The marketing just showed an ultimately generic big budget superhero movie. A big budget superhero movie where the Rock stars as a guy who always scowls. Nothing about this stood out other than that it stars The Rock. And as has been discussed star power isn't what it used to be across the board.

Since I don't know if it's the marketing department's fault or the marketing department is giving good ideas that are shot down...but WB really needs to up their marketing. I really blame the under-performance of Birds of Prey, Shazam, The Suicide Squad, and now Black Adam on mediocre marketing.
Harley Quinn and Shazam really could've had Deadpool-esque marketing campaigns with really funny posters, billboards, viral marketing, etc. Those characters lend themselves to that.
Birds of Prey and The Suicide Squad had terrible and confusing titles.

Just a bunch of weird or bland posters and trailers.
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If it needed 600 million to break even and is not even making it to 400M then isn't it losing 200 million?
No. Because they get about half of that.

Black Adam cost 195m to make, something in the region of 130m-150m to market. Let's go with the low end. Combined, that's 325m. Counting the the different rates in which studios get their money (bigger takes from opening weekends, an average of 55% domestic and 45% overseas), the movie would've had to clear around 600m to break even.

Now when it comes to marketing, studios cover a lot of that with marketing deals for their most popular tentpoles. The thing is, no one knows Black Adam. So instead, they companies bet on Black Panther and Avatar.
Objectively speaking I think it's the fact that "DC fans" are more fans of individual characters (primarily Batman), than the whole DCU. There's some elements of this with Marvel too (like X-Men fans solely just liking X-Men related stuff). But it seems to be more prevalent with DC IMO.

DC films Have undoubtedly, not all been the most entertaining. And yet Marvel can often put out some pretty terrible to mediocre movies (imo) and still get $700 million-$1 billion box office. Marvel I think just has a more stable base of uncritical fans.

They also shouldn't have moved BA release date to just a few weeks before WF. Whoever did that should be ****ing fired!
No. Because they get about half of that.

Black Adam cost 195m to make, something in the region of 130m-150m to market. Let's go with the low end. Combined, that's 325m. Counting the the different rates in which studios get their money (bigger takes from opening weekends, an average of 55% domestic and 45% overseas), the movie would've had to clear around 600m to break even.

Now when it comes to marketing, studios cover a lot of that with marketing deals for their most popular tentpoles. The thing is, no one knows Black Adam. So instead, they companies bet on Black Panther and Avatar.

Had a complete brainfart there. So they'll lose around 100M (cost 300M+ and have gotten back around 190M so far).
Everyone likes The Rock, but he's not the big box office draw that some people think he is. In his biggest movies he's part of an ensemble cast, or he has a popular co-star. When it's just The Rock, the movie often doesn't do great.
Superhero movie #728 with little originality or any other differentiation is not going to cut it in 2022. The Rock doesn’t realise that the anti-hero concept has already been done. Also that the entertainment appeal of his persona is lost when he plays the character dumb and straight like this.
Objectively speaking I think it's the fact that "DC fans" are more fans of individual characters (primarily Batman), than the whole DCU. There's some elements of this with Marvel too (like X-Men fans solely just liking X-Men related stuff). But it seems to be more prevalent with DC IMO.

DC films Have undoubtedly, not all been the most entertaining. And yet Marvel can often put out some pretty terrible to mediocre movies (imo) and still get $700 million-$1 billion box office. Marvel I think just has a more stable base of uncritical fans.

They also shouldn't have moved BA release date to just a few weeks before WF. Whoever did that should be ****ing fired!
Yeah Batman has been a bit of a gift and self inflicted curse for WB/DC. Gift because he's arguably the most popular superhero of all time. Just him by himself can rival whole teams of superheroes at the box office. Self inflicted curse because WB seems to have the mentality of "We have Batman. Who cares about the others" and they lost their humongous headstart that they had on the MCU. They could've been the ones shaping modern SH movies for better or worse.
I do hear/read a lot of "I'm a fan of Batman. But I don't really like DC" which is still a WB/DC fault because they've spent the better part of 2-3 decades building Batman up by making other heroes Batman-esque, primarily making Batman media, etc. at the expense of other heroes. They had all the power in the world to make Supes, Wonder Woman, GL, etc. as well liked as the MCU heroes are and they didn't even try hard until the MCU started to take off in 2008. They had all those false starts with Shawn Levy and Ryan Reynold's Flash (now they're with the MCU), Whedon and Cobie Smulders Wonder Woman (that was for the best tho), and more. There really isn't an excuse for it.

To the bolded: I think it's more than the MCU laid the foundation of making likable, easy to root for characters with discernible personalities. I don't think a lot of Phase 1 aged that well, but at the time in the lead up to Avengers 1 they really endeared audiences to Evans-Cap, Hemsworth-Thor, and especially Downey Jr-Stark. And then by the end of the first Avengers they really endeared you to ScarJo as Widow and Ruffalo as Hulk. They had clear personalities, stand out action moments, and things that made you root for them. With Renner-Hawkeye they didn't and that's why he was always the odd duck out of the original 6 imo.

WB/DC never really made you like the characters that much imo. Batfleck was a weirdo with Dick Cheney logic, Cavill-Supes was kinda bland, Gadot-Wondy was ok but I still feel like a lot of that was because we finally got a decent/not trash women-led SH movie; I think her portrayal is missing a lot of what some of the MCU portrayals have. The proof is in the fact that Aquaman, riding off Momoa's charisma, made so much. I'm not a fan of Momoa Aquaman because it just feels like Momoa rolled outta bed, did a bunch of sit ups and push ups, and then said lines...but people liked it enough to push it to a $1B. Something that no other mainline movie has been able to achieve yet. And that was Aquaman, someone who was seen as a joke of a character not to long ago. And I think a lot of it relies on giving the character and interesting personality

And by "interesting" personality I don't mean jokes and quips, but bringing this back to Black Adam you need more than "guy who always looks pissed/constipated." I haven't seen the movie I'm just going off the marketing. Especially when it comes to a character audiences aren't familiar with. Give Black Adam some other character trait other than a sympathetic background (which is so cliche for SH movie villains/anti heroes at this point) and the constant scowling they showed so much in the marketing.

The MCU also kicked off at a time when SH movies weren't so prevalent so they were able to get by on somethings they wouldn't get away with now. DC now has to deal with 15 years of audience perception of SH movies and changing audience sensibilities which makes it harder. But that's their own fault unfortunately.
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Superhero movie #728 with little originality or any other differentiation is not going to cut it in 2022.
Yeah. I think we've reached a point where you need some sort of a hook if you're introducing a new character. Black Adam needed more than The Rock punching bad guys.

I agree and I'm starting to think that's true with all blockbusters not just SH movies. When you look at the very successful blockbusters nowadays they all kinda hang their hat on something:
-MCU has the whole "everything is connected" shared universe of adventures schtick.
-Fast and Furious, hate it or love it, has those crazy completely illogical stunts. A lot of which are done practically.
-Mission Impossible has the high level of production value and also those crazy practical Cruise stunts
-Bond rides off of being a film institution. "Your grandparents know us, your parents know us, you know us, your kids will know us"
-Deadpool had/has the whole more crazy and more crass than your average SH movie angle.
-Even John Wick has the crazy fight choreography that's not really seen in many Western action movies nowadays

DCEU tried to hang their hat on "we're dark and edgy" at first...but is that something you want to be known for? That doesn't really help with mass appeal which you need for a blockbuster. Now they're trying to bank on star power with The Rock, Ben Affleck, plus James Gunn and Henry Cavill somewhat. But it's just not working so far.

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