6 Predictions Relating To CBMs in 2016

Well technically, it was Tony in TIH not necessarily Iron Man. I still included it.

True, true.

And the Spider-Man in terms of the MCU is 1 with CW.

Yeah this is the first of this new Spider-Man but it's the characters sixth appearance overall on film.

1. 2016 will either make or start to break the general movie audience's care for CBM.
2. Wonder Woman, Deadshot and Harley Quinn t-shirts and merch everywhere.
3. There will be far too many Deadpools come comic conventions in 2016. Moreso than usual.
4. X-Men: Apocalypse will not live up to expectations.
5. Gambit might turn out better than most people think, despite lack of info, thanks to Tatum's role shining a good bit in The Hateful Eight.
6. There will be no middle ground for BvS: Dawn of Justice, just like The Force Awakens. It'll be loved or hated, no OKs from the crowd.

Could be similar to First Class in that it might have little fanfare or hype before release but be a great actual movie
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True, true.

Yeah this is the first of this new Spider-Man but it's the characters sixth appearance overall on film.

Could be similar to First Class in that it might have little fanfare or hype before release but be a great actual movie
Could. I remember not wanting to see First Class in theatre. Then saw it on Blu-Ray and regretted not going to see it.

I just think his Cajun accent won't be dumb. Which is the French bread to the sandwich. That's one thing good. :)
I've done that. Skipped a movie in theatres and regretted it later. I'm glad I saw Fury Road on the big screen as I don't think it'd be the same huge spectacle viewing at home
I've done that. Skipped a movie in theatres and regretted it later. I'm glad I saw Fury Road on the big screen as I don't think it'd be the same huge spectacle viewing at home

Dude, Fury Road is still damn impressive on the TV at home. That film is just fantastic, kind of hypnotic. Definitely the best film of 2015 - it does not diminish at all with subsequent viewings and if another MM film is never made, at least the series finished on such an incredibly high note.

As you can tell, I really enjoyed it - I only saw it in the cinema once, because I found the experience too exciting and intense (I had to peel my fingers off the arm-rests afterwards).

Cheers !
It was a visual masterpiece. Absolutely loved it

Yeah, the last film that had that mixture of suspense and action was the Bourne Ultimatum (the last one with Greengrass and Damon).

What gets me is that the plot is basically "Max helps a bunch of supermodels cross the desert while being chased by Cirque de Soleil, from hell." And that is really it, but it still manages to be immensely engaging. Simple stories work, when they're done well.
My own six prediction to the year:

1. Deadpool will perform surprisingly good.

The movie has an odd release date, and is rated R. However, it has a really strong marketing campaign, and is quirky and comedic in tone. It won't sell like Guardians ( rated R ), but it will actually perform quite well. Reviews will be middling, but it will make a good chunk of money, more than enough to justify a sequel. Call it 300-400M WW.

2. Batman vs Superman will make a ton of money, but still disappoint expectations.

BvS will basically be a scaled up MoS: somewhat better reviews ( high 60s, probably ), somewhat better gross ( breaking a billion, or coming near enough ). However, WB is expecting bigger things from it, Avengers numbers. Not reaching that level of either critical or box office success will leave them in an awkward position- none of the worries they have about their own path will actually be resolved, but its not actually a failure, so they can't really justify changing course. The result is that they forge onward, but with the same lack of confidence hanging over WW and JL that was hanging over BvS. This raises the stakes for WW especially: without the confidence boost of a definite success on their hands, I suspect they will be a lot more unforgiving of any stumble by their "risky" female-led movie.

Fan reaction, meanwhile, will be split between declaring it the Best Movie Ever ( and you shall burn if you disagree ), and looking for a scapegoat in the movie for why it sucked when it shoudn't have. Odds on bet for that: Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor.

3. Civil War is the Iron Man 3 of Phase 3.

Captain America 3 will benefit from both a Winter Soldier and Avengers bump, with high expectations and generous Avengers appearances ( *coughIronMancoug* ) leading to a big jump in box office revenue, becoming the second non-Avengers movie to break a billion. Reviews stumble from Winter Soldier, however, albeit probably only down into the high 70s at worst; the larger cast leads to a somewhat less refined plot than the prior movie.

More lastingly, *some* aspect of the movie leads a fraction of the hardcore fanbase the passionately hate the movie. I can't predict what aspect: could be Spider-man's handling, could be Iron Man as antagonist, could be something else, its impossible to predict. Whichever actual aspect triggers it, there will be fans who vehemently declare it the Worst Movie Ever, And A Horrible Betrayal Of The Fans.

4. X-Men Apocalypse is a fizzle.

It turns out, even Bryan Singer isn't magic. The plot he has to work with is a mess of far too many characters, and high concept elements that mesh badly with the established themes of the movie franchise. Everything is rushed too quickly, the "new" X-Men get inadequate development, and Jennifer Lawrence gives an apathetic performance. McAvoy and Fassbender do their best, but there's only so much they can do. To make matters worse, it comes out after three other movies, and has to deal with comparisons with all of them, even Deadpool.

Net result: reviews crash from DOFP, and box office is about the same or slightly worse. Pundits argue over whether its better to compare it with X-Men 3, or TASM 2. Oscar Isaac is very happy he has another franchise job.

5. Suicide Squad is a critical and fan darling.

Warner Brothers gets the kind of critical response to Suicide Squad that they wish they could get for BvS: think RT in the mid to upper 80s, with a lot of praise for the concept and a variety of the actors, particularly Leto. Fans likewise eat it up, and call for more supervillain-focused movies. Box office wise, it does fine, though it doesn't set the world on fire: figure somewhere in the 500-600 range. A sequel gets approved immediately, assuming one hasn't already been approved.

6. Dr Strange is the Guardians of the Galaxy of the year.

A mix of a ridiculously strong cast, and a distinctive style, leads to Dr Strange being the biggest hit of the year, CBM wise ( relative to its budget and positioning, natch; its not going to outgross CW or BvS ). The psychedelic cosmic mysticism resonates with the audience, and pretty soon "By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth" becomes as memetic with the general audience as "I Am Groot". Some critics show bemusement at the number of Shakespearean actors yelling nonsense incantations at each other, but largely are carried along for the ride. Box office 700M+, RT in the high 80s.

This Doesn't Even Count As A Prediction: Every single movie will be a "clear" indicator that Comic Book Fatigue Has Arrived.

Because you know it will happen. Admit it in your heart.
6. Dr Strange is the Guardians of the Galaxy of the year.

A mix of a ridiculously strong cast, and a distinctive style, leads to Dr Strange being the biggest hit of the year, CBM wise ( relative to its budget and positioning, natch; its not going to outgross CW or BvS ). The psychedelic cosmic mysticism resonates with the audience, and pretty soon "By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth" becomes as memetic with the general audience as "I Am Groot". Some critics show bemusement at the number of Shakespearean actors yelling nonsense incantations at each other, but largely are carried along for the ride. Box office 700M+, RT in the high 80s.

This Doesn't Even Count As A Prediction: Every single movie will be a "clear" indicator that Comic Book Fatigue Has Arrived.

Because you know it will happen. Admit it in your heart.

You know, I really hope you're right about Dr Strange, and it has such a strong cast ( stronger I would say, than any other superhero film of 2016 - I'd rate Cumberbatch, Ejiofor and Swinton above Fassbender, Macavoy and Lawrence, not by a lot though).

However, I would be surprised if Dr S does well for 2 reasons

1) Scott Derrickson. Not exactly a top rank director by any means. In comparison Snyder has more familiarity with the superhero genre and massive action films ( having done 300 and Watchmen). In pure RT numbers Snyder comes off quite a bit better, sure he's had a real stinker with Sucker Punch but Derrickson's put out 3 films since 2012, none of which have got above 30% on RT - hell, by that comparison Snyder is Christopher Nolan compared to Derrickson.
While Derrickson has experience with supernatural horror (again, Sinister, his best film only 61% on RT, and Sinister 2 at 13% ). What am I saying here ? Basically that if Marvel had got someone like Del Toro for this one it would have been a guaranteed hit, but they are gambling massively on a guy who looks like a bad bet.
(Kind of like Deadpool, which is a huge gamble on first time director Tim Miller)) Now it's true that James Gunn didn't hit gold until GOTG, but he has less films that are utter garbage behind than Derrickson.

2) As you've said CBM fatigue. Totally with you on that. I think that having Deadpool, B v S, CW, XMA and SS come out before it will strain the bank( both in terms of fans expectations and patience, but also in pure financial terms ). GOTG was released in July, which let it ride the "summer sleeper hit" vibe - whereas Dr S comes out in November, by which time I think the GA will just be hoping that cbms go away for a while (hell, as a fan, I'll be well over them by then).

It's almost like the studio execs don't really understand supply and demand.

I don't think it will be the end, or the beginning of the end - maybe the end of the beginning ( thank you Winston churchill) but what it will result in is a scaling back of the number and scope of super-movies coming out. IMO that's a good thing. As a fan, I'd rather be excited and wait in anticipation for my superhero movies ( remember the days when Star Wars films were 3 years apart ?) rather than start having them blur into one because there are so many of them. Today I lose track of what's coming out, because so many films are coming in quick succession.

Again, supply and demand guys ! it's almost as if someone at WB and Disney knows the world will end in 2025, and is trying to squeeze as many CBM movies in so they can make the most cash and die with the most toys.

But hey, ultimately I hope I'm totally wrong about Dr S, and you're totally right. I would hate to see such a great cast and a great character be wasted !

And also, great predictions! While I disagree with some of what you've said, I think that they're all very reasonable and well thought out , and fun to read.

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5. Suicide Squad is a critical and fan darling.

Warner Brothers gets the kind of critical response to Suicide Squad that they wish they could get for BvS: think RT in the mid to upper 80s, with a lot of praise for the concept and a variety of the actors, particularly Leto. Fans likewise eat it up, and call for more supervillain-focused movies. Box office wise, it does fine, though it doesn't set the world on fire: figure somewhere in the 500-600 range. A sequel gets approved immediately, assuming one hasn't already been approved.

I'd imagine if Suicide Squad is a massive hit critically, it would reflect in the box office. I mean, the Joker is a very popular character with as much pull as Batman, and so far, there's alot of awareness and intrigue for the film months before it's release. Harley also seems like a huge factor. Coupled with a release date during the dead period of August, and I feel it has a much stronger shot of being a commercial success if it is a critical one. Then again, based on your predictions, if BvS does disappoint, that could have a strong effect on Suicide Squad's overall gross, so nice attention to detail.
1. We will get NO "Iron Man 4" announcement in 2016!

2. "Batman vs. Superman" will underperform (box-office and movie itself)

3. "Civil War" will be the most successfull CB movie in 2016 - beating even the numbers of "Avengers"

4. Marvel will NOT reveal the "mystery movies for 2020" in 2016

5. We will get an announcement for the movie "Batman"

6. Rights to Fantastic Four will go back to Marvel
I'm going to go with predictions the majority wouldn't expect coming lol

1. Deadpool does well in the BO (400-500M) and RT (High 70s to High 80s). This will grant it a sequel and Deadpool a bigger role in the X-Men universe

2. BvS will surprise all and be the named one of the best CBM of all time. It will also smash the BO with over a billion in profit. WB has had a year in post production to work out any kinks they've had with the movie, along with the CEO of WB making this movie a top priority. Since 2015 was one of WB worst years financially they know that can't afford repeat year so they're fine tuning every detail. Also WW & Lex will be fan favorites.

3. Cap. America: Civil War will make almost a billion but will receive less than stellar reviews (Around 60-75% on RT). Something in the movie will cause an outrage with the fanboys and i'm guessing it will have something to do with either Spidey, BP, or Cap.

4. X-Men: Apocalypsewill be another X-Men: Last Stand. The performances of the newcomers will cripple reviews and MCU fans will petition Fox to give the rights away

5. Suicide Squad will launch the DCEU into the stratosphere with critically acclaimed reviews and will go on a GOTG BO type run. I think all the characters in the movie will rise in popularity

6. Doctor Strange will be another "Ant-Man" and do fine in the BO and critically. I don't think it will make an GOTG impact though.
My 2016 Comic Book Movie Worldwide Box Office Predictions:

1. Marvel's Captain America: Civil War - $1.4B WW
2. Batman V. Superman - $1.2BWW
3. Suicide Squad - $1B WW
4. Marvel's Doctor Strange - $800M WW
6. DEADPOOL - $460M WW
4. Deadpool ,although it will get in first will underperform, audiences will be turned off by Reynolds being too OTT, and negative word of mouth will mean that the film makes some money but doesn't catapult the character into the same league as Spider Man. Hard core Deadpool fans will love it, but general audiences will pass. At worst it will end up being a slightly quirky generic action film.

I might have to amend this prediction. I've been watching the Deadpool Trailer # 2 a couple of times and I'm starting to think I might have been a bit hard on the film - there's enough humour in the trailer to appeal to general audiences, or at least action fans.

I particularly liked " I don't have time for your X-Men ******** Colossus" I mean that's a line that has been decades in coming.

Anyway, maybe Deadpool will perform better than I originally thought.

I think Metaphysician might be closer to the mark with his prediction:

1. Deadpool will perform surprisingly good.

The movie has an odd release date, and is rated R. However, it has a really strong marketing campaign, and is quirky and comedic in tone. It won't sell like Guardians ( rated R ), but it will actually perform quite well. Reviews will be middling, but it will make a good chunk of money, more than enough to justify a sequel. Call it 300-400M WW.

Again, in the second trailer Reynolds is funny, but not too OTT - which works.

Plus, I've always been a fan of Gina Carano, so I'd go and see a film she was in anyway (especially where she gets to punch Colossus out).

It's probably not going to get the greatest reviews and won't have the most complicated or memorable plot, but will be very entertaining and hey, it's not Shakespeare they're making here.

The first-time director thing is of concern though (although maybel Miller wil turn out to be really good, I'm still very worried about Dr Strange, because of Scott Derrickson's **** track record).
1. Batman vs Superman will be critically acclaimed with 80-90 on RT. It

2. Suicide Squad will be compared to Gaurdians...alot. J
3. Deadpool will actually make alot for an R-Rated Superhero film.
4. Design of Spider-Man will Not Be Shown Until At CW is Released. And Like Said Before Something In CW is gonna cause outrage and hinder the films success.
5. Apocolypse Will Not Do As Well As DoFP Finacially But Will Do Just As Good/Better Critically
6. Doctor Strange Will Become Huge After The Film Thanks To Cumberbatch
1) Batman v Superman will be a huge success and will have a huge impact, shock a lot of the naysayers and be a huge turning point in CBM history. Will come in top 5 of box office records.

2) Captain America Civil War will do less than Batman v Superman but will be a huge hit and success for Marvel. Will out perform Avengers Age of Ultron.

3) Deadpool is going to under perform as the general audience and critics do not know who he is and "will no get it" but will be LOVED by comic and any fans that are familiar to the character.

4) Suicide Squad will be a success, box office numbers wont be record breaking but a huge success it will be. The two show stealers will be Leto as Joker and Courtney as Boomerang.

5) X-men Apocalypse is going to be a disappointment, one of the lowest performing X-men films.

6) Doctor Strange (even with Cumberbatch) will under perform because the general audience will likely not know who or what this is and critics will not "get it". Fanboys will burst into tears and love it though.
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1. Deadpool's opening weekend will be crippled by Zoolander 2 opening on the same day, but it will be a modest hit and will be one of the better received superhero films from Fox.

Well, I was half right about this one. I knew Deadpool wouldn't flop, but I never would have expected it to gross more than $100 million opening weekend. I also greatly overestimated Zoolander 2.
Yeah, it's more like Zoolander got crippled by Deadpool.

Too be fair, I don't think even the fans were expecting this. I remember being skeptical of the $75 million opening that I saw predicted.
Okay, I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong. Just came back from Deadpool, and have to say that this....

. Deadpool ,although it will get in first will underperform, audiences will be turned off by Reynolds being too OTT, and negative word of mouth will mean that the film makes some money but doesn't catapult the character into the same league as Spider Man. Hard core Deadpool fans will love it, but general audiences will pass. At worst it will end up being a slightly quirky generic action film.

I was completely wrong. I'm not going to say it's a great film, or this year's Guardians of the Galaxy, or even this year's Kingsman, but it was good fun.

Reynolds didn't ruin it, he kept it within a reasonable degree of wackiness and rookie Director Tim Miller did a good job.

All in all, I had a couple of laugh out loud moments (mostly at jibes and references to Green Lanterns ) I'm sure fans of the character will have loved it , but there was enough humour, action and weirdness to appeal to non-fans like (so the GA will probably enjoy it too).

The X-Men were well done, Gina C was tough, the british villain was sufficiently detestable and the film took enough of the piss out of itself to be fun.

Anyway, I'm happy to eat my words, a good start to the year for cbms !
I may have been closer with my first prediction, but even that was a notable underestimate. I predicted 300-400M, and its already a hundred beyond that, and not stopping anytime soon.
1. 2016 will either make or start to break the general movie audience's care for CBM.
2. Wonder Woman, Deadshot and Harley Quinn t-shirts and merch everywhere.
3. There will be far too many Deadpools come comic conventions in 2016. Moreso than usual.
4. X-Men: Apocalypse will not live up to expectations.
5. Doctor Strange will do Ant-Man well. So, pretty good, but lower on the spectrum of MCU flicks.
6. There will be no middle ground for BvS: Dawn of Justice, just like The Force Awakens. It'll be loved or hated, no OKs from the crowd.

Fixed #5.
2. Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice will break The Hunger Games's March record with a $175 million OW. It will also be much better received critically than Man of Steel was.

Looks like I was right about the first part, give or take a couple million, but that was a safe prediction anyway. The second part of my prediction, though? Ummmmm.....

Looks like I was right about the first part, give or take a couple million, but that was a safe prediction anyway. The second part of my prediction, though? Ummmmm.....

Ah, don't feel bad. I didn't think Gambit would be cancelled.

But I was right about BvS...
1. 2016 will either make or start to break the general movie audience's care for CBM.
2. Wonder Woman, Deadshot and Harley Quinn t-shirts and merch everywhere.
3. There will be far too many Deadpools come comic conventions in 2016. Moreso than usual.
4. X-Men: Apocalypse will not live up to expectations.
5. Gambit might turn out better than most people think, despite lack of info, thanks to Tatum's role shining a good bit in The Hateful Eight.
6. There will be no middle ground for BvS: Dawn of Justice, just like The Force Awakens. It'll be loved or hated, no OKs from the crowd.
I'm sure 2 and 3 are set in stone. 4, I think, will still hold true. 1 might've been too zealous.
Ah, don't feel bad. I didn't think Gambit would be cancelled.

It might still happen even if it got postponed. Fox could be feeling lucky with their X-properties after the success of Deadpool. However, I do think that they should re-introduce the character in another film before giving him his own spinoff.
It might still happen even if it got postponed. Fox could be feeling lucky with their X-properties after the success of Deadpool. However, I do think that they should re-introduce the character in another film before giving him his own spinoff.

Maybe in X-Force? I'd like him to be in modern day, like Deadpool. Not the 80s. Hrm...

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