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The Amazing Spider-Man ASM: Your favorite moments and scenes (spoiler heavy)

At the bridge when he's saving the kid and Spidey gives his mask to have the kid wear so he wouldn't be afraid, very heroic.

Peter showing off his agility at basketball and humiliating Flash was more realistic and not as corny as the Peter vs. Flash fight in Raimi's SM.
I'm glad fans liked this one.

Personally, I found very little to be remarkable or memorable about this movie. I have to ask the Marvel fans in general, are you going to watch ASM over and over again?

I usually pay to see these films multiple times. I've lost count on Avengers already. Unlike Avengers, do people think this will hold up on repeat viewing.

Yes. The Averngers wears thin, after repeat viewing b/c it is mostly about action scenes. There is so much more depth to this movie. The chemistry between Garfield/Stone may not be match in one of these movies for a while.
I think it'll hold up. I saw Avengers 3 times and that was way too much for me, it does get very boring up until the 3rd act. This had one of the best character stories in any comic book movie
I love how they made The Daily Bugle a multi-media empire. It was shown as a newspaper and a TV station, and there was a reference to a TDB magazine on the cover of the newspaper. Very modern and cool. :up:
I loved how they showed the beginning of him taking pictures for money. This entire movie was one big origin and I loved every moment
So many great scenes in this. Really a cant pick just a few theres so many.

- Peter in the spider room - LOVE the blue and yellow and the whole cinematography of this scene.
- Peter catching the fly in front of Aunt May (and also his outh watering....nice touch)
- Peter humiliating Flash.
- The argument with Ben after he forgets to pick Aunt May up from work. Really got me teared up. Also Ben's speech ripped straight from USM. (Though condensed a littely)
- Ben's death - the whole lead up to it,
- and the scene in the school after with Flash and Gwen coming up to hug him.
- The Dinner table scene
- Peter revealing his secret to Gwen
- The scene when he swings up onto the bridge and takes off his hood to reveal the costume underneath. such a beautiful shot.
-telling the kid to put on the mask becasue it 'it will make you strong' and 'I'm Spider-Man.
- The sewer fight.
- The web cocooning Lizard and crawling all over him.
- Spidey getting shot, struggling to climb, and breaking into a run on the rooftop to be caught by a crane.
- The final swing and shot....such Beauty! :wow:

Like the fact that Lizzy didn't attack Gwen eventhough she attacked him with the flame at the end. Shows he still had his human brain.

He still had a moral sense, in a way. But I think the serum still affected his brain, otherwise I think he would of realized that making everyone like him isn't the way.

I think it may of also been because he liked Gwen as his assistant, and that it would be a shame to loose a brilliant mind (that he could possibly control, unlike Peter).

My most favorite moment was the final swing. Parkour! Parkour! I mother hubbard love parkour in movies, video games, etc.!

Spidey is the perfect superhero to use parkour.
He still had a moral sense, in a way. But I think the serum still affected his brain, otherwise I think he would of realized that making everyone like him isn't the way.

I think it may of also been because he liked Gwen as his assistant, and that it would be a shame to loose a brilliant mind (that he could possibly control, unlike Peter).

I thought the reason the Lizard didn't attack her was because she used the flame to repel him, and cold blooded creatures can't stand sudden changes in temperature.

On the thread's topic though, while I'm not sure if it was my favorite scene, the Uncle Ben fight was beautifully, beautifully done. Also Peter humiliating Flash and subsequently getting in trouble for it was brilliant.

Overall the best part about this movie was definitely how real most of these characters felt (namely Peter), both because of a great script and some terrific performances.
So many great scenes in this. Really a cant pick just a few theres so many.

- Peter in the spider room - LOVE the blue and yellow and the whole cinematography of this scene.
- Peter catching the fly in front of Aunt May (and also his outh watering....nice touch)
- Peter humiliating Flash.
- The argument with Ben after he forgets to pick Aunt May up from work. Really got me teared up. Also Ben's speech ripped straight from USM. (Though condensed a littely)
- Ben's death - the whole lead up to it,
- and the scene in the school after with Flash and Gwen coming up to hug him.
- The Dinner table scene
- Peter revealing his secret to Gwen
- The scene when he swings up onto the bridge and takes off his hood to reveal the costume underneath. such a beautiful shot.
-telling the kid to put on the mask becasue it 'it will make you strong' and 'I'm Spider-Man.
- The sewer fight.
- The web cocooning Lizard and crawling all over him.
- Spidey getting shot, struggling to climb, and breaking into a run on the rooftop to be caught by a crane.
- The final swing and shot....such Beauty! :wow:

You hit the nail on the head! For me, everything about this movie tops Raimi's film. I'm sorry if that offends fans of the Raimi series (which I still am), but I just feel TASM is already superior just for the things you listed above. That scene where Peter and Uncle Ben have their little fight was full of so much emotion. "How dare me.....HOW DARE YOU!" The tears that were forming in his eyes said it all. Just a tremendous performance by Andrew Garfield. I know I'm all over the place here, but I'm just so amazed at how incredible this movie was on an emotional (among others) level. I found myself forgetting I was in the theater and everything(one) else did not exist during some moments. The whole scene of Peter being chased and then getting shot in the leg was such a heroic moment for me. I guess it was a mix of the music and the cinematography that did it for me.
I liked a lot of it.

- Peter in high school
- Gwen: "I have cramps."
- Peter and the carjacker "CROTCH!"
- Peter saving the kid in the car
- The school fight and the Stan Lee cameo (my favorite part)
- Peter in costume on the phone with Aunt May
- George Stacy saving Peter on the roof. "He's NOT alone!"
- The final swing
Uncle Ben died over chocolate milk. No, I'm serious, that is one of my favorite moments, because thinking about it makes me laugh with glee every time. I legitimately enjoy the fact that they used Peter's lust of chocolate milk as the catalyst for his death.
Uncle Ben died over chocolate milk. No, I'm serious, that is one of my favorite moments, because thinking about it makes me laugh with glee every time. I legitimately enjoy the fact that they used Peter's lust of chocolate milk as the catalyst for his death.
No. He died because him and Peter got into an argument and Peter stormed off and he went to look for him. Whether Peter went into the store or not, the thief still would've robbed the money and ran off, and Ben wouldve still tried to stop him.
I did like how they ended the movie with Peter & Flash as friends. That should be interesting in the sequel. Especially if they bring in Harry
Peter Parkour? :spidey:

YESS! PETER PARKOUR!!! (this is the way british people shout it)

Another favorite moment of mine besides the final swing, is the moment when Peter is balancing on two fingers on the building, and just gradually falls over and then shoots out his webs.
No. He died because him and Peter got into an argument and Peter stormed off and he went to look for him. Whether Peter went into the store or not, the thief still would've robbed the money and ran off, and Ben wouldve still tried to stop him.

Actually, if Peter had purchased a cheaper drink, such as a dollar soft drink, he wouldn't have gotten pissed off with the fat guy that ran the store and may have very well stopped the guy that stole the money. Lol
Chocolate milk kills.
I think it'll hold up. I saw Avengers 3 times and that was way too much for me, it does get very boring up until the 3rd act. This had one of the best character stories in any comic book movie

Couldn't agree more. Avengers was a very well done action movie, but it grew wearisome for me because I didn't have much of an emotional stake in it.

What I love about ASM is how it drew me in so much emotionally.

Just some of my favorite things about or scenes in ASM:

* high school vibe established by Webb in the beginning of the film
* emptiness that's conveyed by Garfield at losing his parents, like the emotional "how dare he" line to Uncle Ben about his father
* love between Peter and his Uncle Ben & Aunt May displayed throughout, like the "your a pretty great Dad" line to UB
* sexual tension and developing love between Peter & Gwen, in all their scenes (awkward flirting in hallway, Gwen's fear of Peter getting hurt as Spidey, like her fear of losing her Dad in the line of duty, etc)
* humor in the film (Spidey quips, Uncle Ben humiliating Peter in front of Gwen, Capt Stacy's Mayor of Tokyo line, etc)
* fantastic and realistic Spidey swinging and fighting, just breathtaking
* Peter's developing frienship with Flash, starting with Flash as bully to sympathetic friend when Peter loses Uncle Ben
* Peter showing his vast intelligence, such as diagnosing the leak in the basement, studying Connor's book and decoding the decay rate formula on the roof, rigging the autmoatic lock on his bedroom door, etc
* loved the honest heartbreak when Gwen comes to Peter to confront him for disappearing and not attending Capt Stacy's funeral, and when she realizes that he made Peter promise to stay away
* loved the final beat when Peter refers to broken promises, and that unbelievable knowing smile from Gwen
* the awesome and epic final swing
* love the new suit design and the sleek athletic movements from Spidey we've never seen
* Lizard is an awesome looking villain, beautifully executed and realized
* when Peter shows up after all the Lizard mayhem with the carton of eggs, and Aunt May's knowing/understanding support, telling him it's ok

Just too many to list. But damn, I get emotional just thinking of the movie. Can't wait to see it again. So good.
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My favourite scenes were the most emotional ones. I think I love the last ones the most, when Gwen is at Peter's door and telling him about everyone coming to her father's funeral but he, not being able to hold her tears back. That scene really striked me (and almost everyone at the cinema. I heard "naaaw :(" several times!)
Everything already said and another part, where Ben sees Gwen, 'I recognize her? Oh yeah! He's got a picture of you on his computer! Don't worry, I'm his probation officer!' Made my entire cinema laugh hysterically.
You hit the nail on the head! For me, everything about this movie tops Raimi's film. I'm sorry if that offends fans of the Raimi series (which I still am), but I just feel TASM is already superior just for the things you listed above. That scene where Peter and Uncle Ben have their little fight was full of so much emotion. "How dare me.....HOW DARE YOU!" The tears that were forming in his eyes said it all. Just a tremendous performance by Andrew Garfield. I know I'm all over the place here, but I'm just so amazed at how incredible this movie was on an emotional (among others) level. I found myself forgetting I was in the theater and everything(one) else did not exist during some moments. The whole scene of Peter being chased and then getting shot in the leg was such a heroic moment for me. I guess it was a mix of the music and the cinematography that did it for me.

Yeah I feel exactly the same way. I love the old trilogy, but to me doesn't hold a candle to ASM. Me and my mate watched SM1 the following day and....it just didn't compare. One thing she noted was how much more powerful the death of Uncle Ben was, both of us our eyes were tearing up in that scene, but the scene in SM1 just doesn't have any emotional impact now. In fact she thought ASM was on par with how emotional it was with any of Garfield's other project's (namely Boy A and Never Let Me Go), which she's a BIG fan of. That in my opinion says something.

a couple of other scenes I loved
-the subway scene. Him ripping the shirt off the woman had the theatre in histirics both times.
- the 'shadow' shot and scene when Peter first goes out in his vigilante mask.
- The beautiful shot of him looking over NY then Peter on his phone to Aunt May on the rooftop. (That scene just screamed Spidey too me.)
- Spider-Man setting the sewer trap.
- The whole school fight and Stan's cameo.
- him bringing back the eggs to Aunt May at the end with no words...
The part where Gwen was flirting with Peter was hilarious.

"..I was touching up stuff."
"Touching up stuff?"
"I'm not gonna answer that."
I did like how they ended the movie with Peter & Flash as friends. That should be interesting in the sequel. Especially if they bring in Harry

I'm not saying it isn't possible but it didn't seem like they became friends. They had an issue and Flash tried to make up for it. They might just be acquaintances in the sequel.
Flash invited Pete to a party or something.

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