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The Last Jedi General Episode VIII News/Speculation/SPOILER Thread - Part 10

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Thanks for clarifying. I still thought spoilers would be put in tags before the film premieres everywhere (or at least the majority of locations).

When discussing things spoilery in other forums or in threads on the movie without SPOILERS in the title....then things need to be put in spoiler tags for several weeks to give the majority off ans time to see it.....but if you go into a thread about the movie that has SPOILERS in the title....people shouldn't be surprised or upset that they read a spoiler.
Just saw it.

Star Wars is ****ing dead to me. I'm desperately, desperately hoping I wake up tomorrow morning and it all suddenly clicks into place for me, but I just don't think that's is going to happen. This movie is garbage from top to bottom. Every now and then, there's a great moment or two, and you think "Oh maybe now they'll pull it together"... But no. No.

I'm sitting here genuinely crushed. They ****ing ruined it all.

PLEASE let me wake up tomorrow and think "Well, my reaction's melodramatic..."
I have a hard time seeing myself enjoying this. I just have a fundamental problem with the narrative directions they chose. It just seems all so anti-climactic and almost like a middle finger. Whether intentional or not that’s what it feels like.
I just realised, there's no real lightsaber duel in this movie. WTF????
Just saw it.

Star Wars is ****ing dead to me. I'm desperately, desperately hoping I wake up tomorrow morning and it all suddenly clicks into place for me, but I just don't think that's is going to happen. This movie is garbage from top to bottom. Every now and then, there's a great moment or two, and you think "Oh maybe now they'll pull it together"... But no. No.

I'm sitting here genuinely crushed. They ****ing ruined it all.

PLEASE let me wake up tomorrow and think "Well, my reaction's melodramatic..."

I know where you're coming from.
I have a hard time seeing myself enjoying this. I just have a fundamental problem with the narrative directions they chose. It just seems all so anti-climactic and almost like a middle finger. Whether intentional or not that’s what it feels like.

I'm definitely one of those people who think different is not automatically better. This movie seem to hedge all it's bets on that very premise. It will be interesting to see how the public views this outside the fan base. Very odd that critics are not in lockstep with all of these issues. Maybe Disney bought them too?
After the force awakens stole virtually the entire plot of a new hope I didn't hold much hope for this trilogy.

Doing it in the same sort of time period as the ot was an error.
I did see where people were coming from saying TFA was too much a rehash of ANH and I agreed to an extent in my review, but I felt it still left off at an intriguing point to go in interesting directions with the truths about Rey and Snoke, the whole yin and yang with Rey and Kylo Ren, Rey training under Luke, etc. I was optimistic about TFA, while somewhat derivative, still being an effective launching pad for bigger things.

And now it just feels like they didn’t do jack **** with ANY of that.
I felt that they flat out bought the franchise and didn't have a clue what to do with it.

Looked at a new hope for inspiration and ended up taking 70% of the plot, tried its damdest to make the characters feel ssmey as they could. It didn't help I don't think the new guys were good at acting and their characters were poundland versions of the ot.

I honestly couldn't give that film more than a five. The plot works because it was ripped off of a very good film and it looks beautiful butnapart from that it had nothing going for it.

Does anyone feel like this film has made the last film worse for them? Because honestly I don't think that's possible for me.
I did see where people were coming from saying TFA was too much a rehash of ANH and I agreed to an extent in my review, but I felt it still left off at an intriguing point to go in interesting directions with the truths about Rey and Snoke, the whole yin and yang with Rey and Kylo Ren, Rey training under Luke, etc. I was optimistic about TFA, while somewhat derivative, still being an effective launching pad for bigger things.

And now it just feels like they didn’t do jack **** with ANY of that.

That's the most baffling thing about this to me. They had a great opportunity to launch something good with the foundations in place with TFA. Like, what the **** happened to the Knights of Ren? What about Phasma? All the talk of giving her a bigger role in TLJ and if anything they diminished her roll even more this time around.
TFA was great. It took the ANH template, yes. But it was a great, clean adventure that created new, wonderful characters and set them on a trajectory into the unknown. And it FELT like SW.

THIS?! Holy ****.
I want to apologise in advanced for any annoyed ramblings I might post, but I haven't been this dumbfounded by a movie in a while. What's striking to me is I have no desire to ever watch The Last Jedi again. For all the crap the prequels get there are at least interesting pieces within each film I can watch and enjoy and they all have an emotional beat. This feels completely soulless, like there's no heart to anything, as if it was manufacture by a machine and not hand crafted by a person. If this is the future of Star Wars then the series is in big trouble.

I appreciate it, it lowers my expectations a tad because from what im hearing [haven't seen it ] It accomplishes nothing and that is very disappointing

I just hope my boy Luke gets to shine that is all I'm hoping for :huh:
New wonderful characters? Really?

The thing I was really looking forward too in this one was finding out about smoke, who he is and how powerful he is, and how he became head huncho. Then I find out he gets cut in half by the most annoying star wars character since jaja binx.

Still curious to see opinions of those who disliked TFA.
In short this movie damaged the STAR WARS brand. Why the hell even make episode 9 now? Done with this crapfest of a trilogy. After Rogue One I had high hopes For Disney now - here's hoping Solo does not suck.
Yeah, I disagree with a lot of what is being said in this thread. This was such a good movie.


It's not perfect of course. My biggest issue was probably the middle part, which dragged a bit, mainly due to the Canto Bight scenes which were just... uninteresting, and felt very out of place with the rest of the movie. It was like watching something out of the prequels. Thankfully, they were also pretty short.

Overall I reeeally liked it. A worthy entry in the Star Wars saga.
I assumed the last two comments were both 007 until I saw the username.
You dislike both TFA and TLJ?

I haven't seen the last jedi as of yet but from what I've heard of it i m not going to.

And yes, the force awakens was an exceptionally poor effort for me.
Oh, and as for Rey being the [BLACKOUT]child of no one important[/BLACKOUT] and Snoke [BLACKOUT]dying like a freaking idiot[/BLACKOUT]... loved it. LOVED. IT. What a great way to subvert expectations.
Except it left both being uninteresting. Rey's character has been screwed over big time.
Oh, and as for Rey being the [BLACKOUT]child of no one important[/BLACKOUT] and Snoke [BLACKOUT]dying like a freaking idiot[/BLACKOUT]... loved it. LOVED. IT. What a great way to subvert expectations.

Subvertin expectations is only a good thing if it does something positive with the film. Neither of those things do that.
I loved The Force Awakens and had such high hopes considering how it left off. Was it perfect? No. But I still loved it, even if it did borrow the plot of A New Hope and gave it a new twist. I think that's what makes this even more frustrating to me. We spent three years waiting to see what would happen next after being left with a cliffhanger in a way that had never been done in the Star Wars movies before. I'm starting to think that it definitely would've been for the best if they just had JJ direct all three movies because at least then it would've been one consistent vision for all three movies.
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