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New Mutants New Mutants News and Discussion - Part 1

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Difference is this a finished product, they aren't just going to dump it. Something in pre production that's something else.

I didn't say they were gonna dump it as that would cause controversy and issues inside the company. But the Marketing, the effort to sell this... When they are also handling Marvel Studios which is in better shape compare to the Marvelverse of Fox is what intrigues me. Next year, if Disney gets Fox - releasing these FoxMen movies could feel like an obligation to them, something that they need to do because the older handler' decisions/commitments. Not that they had a say in these films in the first place.
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They're buying 20th Century Fox, not just the assets, right? It'll be released under that studio with Disney distributing it, so it'll still say 20th Century Fox in the credits.

Yes, but they'd be marketing it as well.
Disney won't sabotage movies that utlimately effect their bottom line. They will market and sell this movie so they can keep making money. Disney is in the business of making money.
imagine if Marvel ends selling this movie with their top-notch marketing and it ends doing more than X-Men: Apocalypse and Logan? that would be crazy :funny:
this film is totally ilrelvent now.first part of trilogy lol it is just one of last 3 films of X-men cinematic universe untill it ends.why bother when we know before we even get a full trialer that x-men cinematic universe is dead.seriously why should any fan of x-men cinematic universe spend money on this film when'
we all know it's ending anyway and with reboot the 2018 films are just waste of time and money.
imagine if Marvel ends selling this movie with their top-notch marketing and it ends doing more than X-Men: Apocalypse and Logan? that would be crazy :funny:

marvel selling film outside of marvel cinematic universe and that's a horror film lol not happening.besides they can do what they have done with x films since 2011 ignore them since once dark phoenix opens in november x-men cinematic universe is dead and buried.
imagine if Marvel ends selling this movie with their top-notch marketing and it ends doing more than X-Men: Apocalypse and Logan? that would be crazy :funny:

This just seems pointless to me now. Its not like the trailer of the New Mutants hits all the right notes, the tone (should be fantasy adventure), the setting (which should be the X-Mansion), the premise (should be X-Men in training) and yeah there are no costumes. So I hope Disney makes this as a 1 and done.
We'll see whether it's indeed just one or if Boone's trilogy pans out.
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Loving that they're really pushing with this horror vibe.
original. And interesting that Moonstar is the only one not screaming, nice touch
Wow that poster is fire! Love seeing Rahne’s fangs too. Loving the full on horror vibe.
You know...I sort of wish it was a motion poster. Imagine looking at that while scrolling on a site and you see these faces suddenly start to move.

Is it April yet? I can only rewatch that teaser trailer so many times.
We should get another trailer right before Black Panther comes out.
The way the teasers have been coming at 1:01 EST, I think we'll see the second trailer in January. Maybe even New Years? But Jan ~ before BP for sure.
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