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Post-TBM: What Do You Want To See Next In The Reeves Batman Trilogy?(Potential Spoilers Ahead)

Detective Conan

Dec 28, 2017
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What villains/characters/elements would you like to eventually see in this new Batman franchise?

For myself: A Batman: Prey inspired storyline that has Hugo Strange as a major antagonist.

And I also would love to see a new take on Mr. Freeze. He’ll be tricky to realize in this more ground world but I think Reeves would be up for the challenge.

Bruce’s playboy persona is a must for me. I think Pattinson could easily pull that off in spades. Tenet showed me he had the charm to pull it off.
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I've gotta say.

With the nugget about Martha Wayne, the Arkhams, mental health issues in Bruce's lineage...

I'd really love to see where Hugo Strange can factor into that storyline. I know it's a cliche at this point, but I can't help it. I think there could be something interesting there.
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Reeves got me hyped for his take on Mr. Freeze, so I want Mr. Freeze more than anything. Hugo Strange would be a good addition as well. I feel like we just dipped our toes into the Arkham Asylum waters so I think/hope that place will get more of a showcase in the sequel. Definitely want to see Penguin in a higher position of power and more Selina, too. Since the DA is dead, seems like it’s a good time to meet Harvey Dent as well. But I’d personally save Joker and Two-Face as main baddies for the 3rd movie (not in the same way as TDK, though - like Harvey could get scarred and end up in Arkham at the end of movie 2, then by movie 3 he could have already escaped and have his own gang or something. Give us gangster Harvey!). I really would love to see Harvey’s mental illness to be a thing with the next iteration of Dent before he ever gets scarred.

I would really like to see some smaller villains, not as main baddies, but just populating Gotham and showing Batman’s having to deal with increasingly colorful rogues on a regular basis, like Firefly or Professor Pyg, or even The Ventriloquist. Just for like a scene or two or something.

And in either this sequel or the next, I want to see Robin. I feel like this version of Bruce is MOST primed for a Robin.

Also want to see Bruce and Alfred work on building Bruce’s public persona together. And maybe Dr. Leslie Thompkins.
I want Wayne Industries to play a bigger role, in fact I think it would be have been really interesting if in this film there was more of a focus on how Wayne Industries contributes to society's ills instead of the what I thought was kind of lame Thomas angle.
I want the Joker in a Lecter style role in The Batman 2.

Think about it: the Mad Hatter, for example, former patient of Arkham, kidnaps someone (children?) and Batman interrogates Joker because he knew him in the institute.

And watching The Batman I thought we could have had an hint for a key role of Arkham in the sequel.

In the Riddler interrogatory scene, Batman looks at the camera that is recording everything.
Well, Riddler doesn't know who Batman is, but what if Hugo Strange - as an Arkham doctor - is watching everything?
What if he has an insight after that interrogatory?

Plus, I think the flood ending won't bring to a No Man's Land thing, but simply to a family crime war like in Dark Victory.
It would be cool having characters like the Ventriloquist.

Otherwise, Colson is dead and... well, we all know who could be next DA.
I really want a loose adaptation of ASHOSE. The inmates take over the hospital with doctors/staff as hostages. Put it on an island. Batman has to infiltrate. The Joker is the ringleader of sorts but not the sole focus. The movie explores the different aspects of Bruce's trauma and psyche through the various rogues he interacts with.

Hugo Strange as the Head Psychiatrist of Arkham State Hospital and the main antagonist who orchestrates the entire affair.
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Court of Owls would be the perfect fit but I'd take Hugo Strange and/or Mr Freeze as well.

I am Joker fatigued at the moment. We had another one three years ago and another one three years before that, without even counting FOX's Gotham. Batman has a rich gallery of rogues, they should stick to some of the other villains and not make treat this like the comics where every story has to have Joker at some capacity. Or at least give him a supporting role, if he has to appear, since they already teased him in the first movie.
I really want a loose adaptation of ASHOSE. The inmates take over the hospital with doctors/staff as hostages. Batman has to infiltrate. The Joker is the ringleader of sorts but not the sole focus. The movie explores the different aspects of Bruce's trauma and psyche through the various rogues he interacts with.

Hugo Strange as the Head Psychiatrist of Arkham State Hospital and the main antagonist who orchestrates the entire affair.

Well this is exactly what I want!
I really want a loose adaptation of ASHOSE. The inmates take over the hospital with doctors/staff as hostages. Put it on an island. Batman has to infiltrate. The Joker is the ringleader of sorts but not the sole focus. The movie explores the different aspects of Bruce's trauma and psyche through the various rogues he interacts with.

Hugo Strange as the Head Psychiatrist of Arkham State Hospital and the main antagonist who orchestrates the entire affair.
If they did it, I think it would have to be the third film. I think the second film should be about Bruce continuing to come out of his shell. Maybe emotionally investing in an orphan child he takes in and training him as a part. Then when Bruce is finally riding high at the start of 3, just tear his world and Gordon's world down. Maybe with a combo of Death in the Family and Killing Joke as the set-up for them being "committed". Force Bruce to make sure that his progress is real and that he does not relapse into his addiction to vengeance. Then when he and Gordon get through the descent into darkness, having held firm, they discover that the worst has not truly happened and they are rewarded for their faith.
No Joker. Please no Joker. No Hush. Too similar to Riddler in this. Court of Owls and Talon is eh, but I'd be open if it's done well.

I'd love to see if Reeves could pull off Mr. Freeze. It would be a nice departure from Riddler and everything else, but if you want to do the mystery aspect again, you could still tie Freeze into it. I'd like to see Robin too. Ventriloquist, Professor Pyg would be cool to see.
For starters, I want the entire cast to come back which I think is basically a given. Selina could potentially sit out for one of the sequels but I'd rather her be there for the whole ride.

I want to see more villains than we've ever seen before in either the Burton/Schumacher films or the Nolan trilogy. Too many villains isn't an issue if they're developed properly, and I think that's entirely possible between the potential 3-hour runtimes that the sequels could have as well as the spinoff shows on HBO Max.

I'd also love to see some supporting characters we haven't seen in live action yet, like Harvey Bullock, Renee Montoya, Sarah Essen and Leslie Thompkins. The cops can at least play a part in the GCPD show.

Since the DA is dead, seems like it’s a good time to meet Harvey Dent as well. But I’d personally save Joker and Two-Face as main baddies for the 3rd movie (not in the same way as TDK, though - like Harvey could get scarred and end up in Arkham at the end of movie 2, then by movie 3 he could have already escaped and have his own gang or something. Give us gangster Harvey!). I really would love to see Harvey’s mental illness to be a thing with the next iteration of Dent before he ever gets scarred.
Yes! This, 100%. Two-Face is my second favorite Batman villain after the Joker and I want to see him leading a gang and enjoying the other side of the tracks (after being the white knight DA for a while, of course). Two-Face in Batman Forever was a joke and while I love Aaron Eckhart's Harvey he was way more of a tragic victim than an outright criminal. We're way overdue for a proper fully realized Two-Face.
No Joker. Please no Joker. No Hush. Too similar to Riddler in this. Court of Owls and Talon is eh, but I'd be open if it's done well.

I'd love to see if Reeves could pull off Mr. Freeze. It would be a nice departure from Riddler and everything else, but if you want to do the mystery aspect again, you could still tie Freeze into it. I'd like to see Robin too. Ventriloquist, Professor Pyg would be cool to see.
I don't want Reeves to do another mystery. I think he needs to come up with another genre he wants to tackle just like how the genres/influences of his two Apes films are quite different. Dawn is a post-apocalyotic survival movie, whereas War is an entirely different animal, it is pure Apocalypse Now/Heart of Darkness descent into madness war movie.
Yeah, Boom's idea would be perfect for Batman 3. Batman 2 I think should focus on Bruce developing outside of the mask, learning to become more outwardly compassionate and extending his hope to provide hope beyond Batman. Make Freeze the main villain, along with having Bruce raise a new Robin, that'd be perfect.

But honestly, after this, whatever Reeves wants to do I'm all in for. Whatever that ultimately turns out to be
I don't want Reeves to do another mystery. I think he needs to come up with another genre he wants to tackle just like how the genres/influences of his two Apes films are quite different. Dawn is a post-apocalyotic survival movie, whereas War is an entirely different animal, it is pure Apocalypse Now/Heart of Darkness descent into madness war movie.

That's fair, I wouldn't mind them switching it up. But a) we're finally getting detective/mystery Batman and I'd like to see more of it as it separates it from the other iterations, and b) you can still change the movie but with a different mystery Batman can solve. I'd prefer this, but if they went in your preferred direction that'd be ok too as that can be unique. I'd love to see a self contained Arkham Asylum set thriller.
I don't want Reeves to do another mystery. I think he needs to come up with another genre he wants to tackle just like how the genres/influences of his two Apes films are quite different. Dawn is a post-apocalyotic survival movie, whereas War is an entirely different animal, it is pure Apocalypse Now/Heart of Darkness descent into madness war movie.

I think he will make something different but in the same field.

Of course not another serial killer with an idealistic plot behind and not another noir detective movie.

But a thriller more like Se7en and Silence of the lambs would be different but coherent with the tone this movie had set.

On the other side I'm thinking about how crime families war between Penguin and the others would be like in terms of cinematic references.

Maybe The Godfather? Scarface?
Carlito's Way?
That's fair, I wouldn't mind them switching it up. But a) we're finally getting detective/mystery Batman and I'd like to see more of it as it separates it from the other iterations, and b) you can still change the movie but with a different mystery Batman can solve. I'd prefer this, but if they went in your preferred direction that'd be ok too as that can be unique. I'd love to see a self contained Arkham Asylum set thriller.
Don't get me wrong, I would like more detective elements as well and I think they are here to stay, but I don't think they will be Reeves' main inspiration next time around. He did his detective noir, murder mystery. That was his concept for this. I think the next one will have a new concept. He's played with the tropes of this particular genre, I think we will get his best work if he gets to do something new next time.
Freeze would just make a really good counterpoint to Bruce at this stage given his outward coldness but inner deep emotional feeling and sadness that drives him, imo. In a way, he could represent to Bruce what he was well on his way to being if he didn’t reach out and reconnect with the world and people around him.

I don’t think or want the next one to be a “solving a serial killer case” kind of movie, but I still think it will involve plenty of investigating. Maybe about tracking down the truth about what made the villain who they are or something, Idk.
Batman 2 should be the Arkham story, maybe Selina ends up trapped in there along with the employees and it’s be a great chance to showcase his improvements from the first movie from upgraded gadgets to his tactical abilities and stealth while also getting to show a few members of his rogue’s gallery we’d probably never get in a solo film. The third movie I’d like to see an adaptation of Court of Owls and include Freeze somehow.
1. Dick Grayson. I think the Batfamily is an overrated concept, but Dick Grayson is the one sidekick I feel is truly essential.

2. I'd love to see Silver St. Cloud, but only if she's the main love interest, not just some roadblock of distraction from Bruce and Selina.

3. A new villain in the second movie. Someone we've never seen in a live action Bat film before.
Freeze would just make a really good counterpoint to Bruce at this stage given his outward coldness but inner deep emotional feeling and sadness that drives him, imo. In a way, he could represent to Bruce what he was well on his way to being if he didn’t reach out and reconnect with the world and people around him.

I don’t think or want the next one to be a “solving a serial killer case” kind of movie, but I still think it will involve plenty of investigating. Maybe about tracking down the truth about what made the villain who they are or something, Idk.
Oooooo. I have an idea for the concept! Classic Universal-style monster movie! It would fit perfectly with Freeze and would be a way to incorporate the hints at Bruce using Venom at the end of the film.

Both experiment on themselves to save other others and risk losing their humanity as a result
I'm still not sure if Hush was teased or if that was just a fun Easter egg for the fans.
I think the Court of Owls will be in the sequel, a big yes to Hugo Strange and I bet Reeves could give us a killer take on Freeze.

A new DA is needed so Harvey popping up wouldn't surprise me and I kind of wanna see a new Vicki Vale.
Now, I don't know if they'd do this because of Margot, but considering we've had multiple incarnations of other characters, I'd love to see Reeves' take on Harley Quinn, and think like he's done with other characters, he'd create the most comic book accurate version of her, and I think it'd make sense given the spin-offs and the possible appearance of Joker in sequels. I also would love for them to cast Juno Temple. If you've seen her work, you'd understand why I think she'd be able to pull off a more comic-book accurate Harley. I think she'd be great alongside Barry too :D
Don't get me wrong, I would like more detective elements as well and I think they are here to stay, but I don't think they will be Reeves' main inspiration next time around. He did his detective noir, murder mystery. That was his concept for this. I think the next one will have a new concept. He's played with the tropes of this particular genre, I think we will get his best work if he gets to do something new next time.

It's best if he does what he feels most strongly about, as that will yield the best result. Either way, even if I had my problems with this movie, I at least trust that from him.
Oooooo. I have an idea for the concept! Classic Universal-style monster movie! It would fit perfectly with Freeze and would be a way to incorporate the hints at Bruce using Venom at the end of the film.

Both experiment on themselves to save other others and risk losing their humanity as a result
I could certainly dig it. Given the ambiguity of that substance Bruce injected himself with (I assumed it was adrenaline, but given the appearance, I feel like it might have been intentionally ambiguous), it wouldn't surprise me if Reeves had something like this in the cards.

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