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Secret Wars to return next year.

WTF? Which version of Hawkeye is that?

Bendis seriously needs to stay away from that character.
presumably it's 616 Clint

but nothing in that preview seems to match up with anything else having to do with Secret Wars, so who knows

and yeah, that Bendis, right?? :whatever:
Aside from a few moments and characters, I have not been a fan of his runs at all the past year. That Rider arc with GOTG was bs. All that wait for nothing.
#3 was pretty good. That last page better lead somewhere intense. At this point though, I'm not sure if we're supposed to be rooting for Doom or the Cabal. Strange is of sound mind and is in Doom's corner, which carries a lot of weight to me.
Doom seems like a good God... which is interesting.
Haha yeah that's a bit different than now he's been in the main title. Is X-tinction agenda worth getting? What about Years of Future Past or Inferno?
Loving Secret Wars, but whats up with multiple Logan's and Captain Americas for example? Kinda of confusing having three Logan's or more existing on Battleworld.
Haha yeah that's a bit different than now he's been in the main title. Is X-tinction agenda worth getting? What about Years of Future Past or Inferno?

X-books are kinda my jam so I read them all. X-Tinction might have been the weakest of the 3 though.

Loving Secret Wars, but whats up with multiple Logan's and Captain Americas for example? Kinda of confusing having three Logan's or more existing on Battleworld.

There could be a version of every hero in each domain.
So is this event like a sequel to the 80s one, or is it it's own thing that is just using the same name?
So is this event like a sequel to the 80s one, or is it it's own thing that is just using the same name?

Own thing. Every Marvel universe has been destroyed and parts of the destroyed universes have formed to make a patchwork planet called Battleworld.
Just read Secret Wars: Battleworld #2. What a waste. Least Secret Wars #3 was ****ing great. Dooms face, Miles, Johnny Storm being used as the sun and the Thor Corp about to go up against Thanos - sweet baby jesus!
I'm stunned that there's actually been one good Secret Wars book so far... Future Imperfect #1 was damn good.

I'm not even going to read the rest of these things. Future Past, Planet Hulk, Married Spider-Man etc. have all been terrible.
Old Man Logan was great, and this from a self-professed Bendis hater
I really enjoyed Master of Kung Fu as well. I wasn't expecting to but ended up loving it. I can't stand alternate takes on things, but I'd buy the crap out of an ongoing version of this title.
Secret Wars the main title has been great, and Old Man Logan was also great. The only other titles I might read down the line will be Civil War and House of M.
The main title has surprisingly been good. I wasn't looking forward to it in the slightest, or this event at all since I am so bored of alternate reality stories it isn't funny. I didn't like issue 1 as much as most people seemed to, but issues 2 and 3 were great. I think it's greatly aided for me by Esad Ribic's art (if I got his name right). I love his art.
The art is indeed great and yeah issue one was ok. But issues 2 and 3 were the best so far. Especially issue 2 for me anyway.
It's the end of an era.

looks like DC "Crisis" art
Secret Wars 4 was the best thing I've read so far. I'm really excited about this. I'm hoping for a meeting between Thanos and Apocalypse since it has never happened to my knowledge. That would be a very interesting encounter.
For those who have not checked it out, I want to recommend The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows. Two issues in and it is doing a great job of ratcheting tension while avoiding heavy-handed nods and winks to Battleworld, Doom, the the fact that it is essentially a "What If?" story and whatever else.

Slott writes the marriage very well bringing me back to the early JMS years while pulling mostly from '90s comics, creating a great dynamic for Peter if he ever had a kid (in this case Annie, not Mayday). The ending could undo it, but it is turning out to be a great miniseries exploring a new side of Peter Parker hinted at in '90s comics. The only problem is a lame villain, otherwise it is working quite well.

Also one issue in and X-Men '92 is pretty fun. It is not perfect and pretty lightweight, but seeing this iteration of the characters is nostalgic fun.
i'm liking some of the side storys, renew your vows is great and i need to get back into old man logan

but as for the main story maybe its because im a bit behind on marvel or haven't read the ultimate series but i have no idea what is going on with half of these characters

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