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Homecoming Should the MCU Peter Parker look like the Spider-Man in the comics?


Superhero Detective
Mar 2, 2015
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This is a hot topic and I do feel that it deserves its own thread, so please people, since it's a sensible subject, BE CIVIL.

I finally feel comfortable addressing this. See, I have a dark olive skin and pitch black hair and eyes. My father was black, my mom is white. I don't have a problem with Idris Elba becoming James Bond but I do have a problem with Peter been black.

And I never understood why. I considered the thought that maybe I had "internalized racism" or something like that, but then I realized something: I would never accept a white Nick Fury. I would never accept a Superman with brown or blonde hair, but I remember thinking Will Smith was my favorite choice to become Captain America, even after Chris Evans was cast, and I think I've finally understood why:

Peter Parker, Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne are the most iconic superheroes out there. I wouldn't like a blonde or black haired Peter Parker as much as I wouldn't accept a a blonde or brown haired Clark Kent, and yes, call me frivolous but I never been okay with Christian Bale's or any previous Batman for that matter because I didn't think they looked the part.

When the time comes, I hope Nick Fury will stay black, and I wouldn't like to see him been portrayed by any white actor, because Mark Millar Ultimates and later Samuel L. Jackson himself defined the role for me.Peter Parker is a white kid from Queens with brown hair. Not blonde, not black, not red... brown hair. What I hope from Marvel is to adapt Spider-Man, the guy I've been reading about my entire life, and regardless how much I actually could argue that I look more like Miles Morales than Peter Parker, I don't need to look like him to care about how he should be portrayed. Idris Elba is one of the greatest black actors of this generation and I'd say that I like more the Asgard parts than most of the Midgard stuff in the Thor movies.

Heimdall to me has been defined as a black character because Elba owned that role and Heimdall didn't have been defined yet, just like Nick Fury before him. Why not a Journey Into Mistery movie? I would love to see that, give the spotlight to Heimdall, Lady Sif and the Warrior Three, throw Baldur into the mix and go superhero Lord of the Rings on us, I would definitely love that.

Give us the death of Peter Parker down the line, just to bring him back and make a Spider-Men film, with both Peter and Miles teaming up. Give us the Runaways. Give us Cloak and Dagger. What I would do for a NICK FURY movie where SLJ gets to show off why HE is the world's greatest super spy?

But also give me Peter Parker. Not to look like me, but to look more or less like he did in the comics. Like this:


Making Peter Parker black is different than making Johnny Storm black for example because EVERYONE loves Johnny Storm. The girls love him, boys want to be like him, he is filthy rich. Spider-Man is popular in OUR real world, not really like this in his world, and certainly it shouldn't be different in the comics in my opinion. Nobody hates Johnny Storm. Maybe Dr. Doom, MAYBE, but you know he's nuts. While Peter Parker has always someone going after him.

Making Peter Parker black is more than simply a "paint job". You can't make Peter Parker without making Flash Thompson, Jameson and sometimes the whole NYC giving Peter hell in some kind of an allegory to racism. Even the fact that he is the only character - other than Black Panther, who is also black - that keeps a mask on becomes an allegory to racism. Why the black kid needs to wear a mask but we can see the Avengers faces all the time?

That's my view on it, I basically would rather see Peter Parker like he is in the comics, even though I don't look like him at all. Vote in the poll and share yours thoughts respectfully about the subject below. :yay:

Terrific thread. :up:
Me personally? I think Peter should stay the way Steve Ditko and Stan Lee intended him to be when they first created him back in the 60s.
and there's nothing wrong with that.
I've been reading Spider-Man comics every since I was 6 years old, so I expect Peter to look a certain way.
Another thing to take into account is that this will be Spidey's first appearance in the MCU, so he should be represented as he is in the comics.

I also want everyone to know that I am NOT against the idea of Miles Morales appearing in MCU, in fact I'm quite fond of the idea. but it has to be properly built up first.
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I'm also cool with Miles Morales down the line. Give us Death of Spider-Man with Peter coming back when the time comes to replace the new actor. Give us Miles Morales, Spider-Men and finally, Spider-Verse.

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White. And no death of Peter Parker at all. I'm all for Miles Morales to appear one day but not at the cost of Peter Parker.
Keep him the way we know him, from movies, comics, everything. Don't bother with Miles Morales at all, because the comic book readers only make up about 1% of the people who see the movie, and out of that 1%, not even every Spider-Man reader knows who Miles Morales is.
Keep him the way we know him, from movies, comics, everything. Don't bother with Miles Morales at all, because the comic book readers only make up about 1% of the people who see the movie, and out of that 1%, not even every Spider-Man reader knows who Miles Morales is.

To me, it seems most people who crave for Miles Morales actually are those unaware of the comics. They basically only know he's black and want him because of diversity. I mean asking for the films to START with Miles Morales, also saying there's not much of Peter Parker to tell anymore, just SCREAMS unknowledge.
White. And no death of Peter Parker at all. I'm all for Miles Morales to appear one day but not at the cost of Peter Parker.

I like that post. There's only one Spider-Man, his name is Peter Parker ! :up: ;)

Tho I like Miles Morales, I think he is more suited for a tv show than a movie. Peter Parker is a much stronger character.
To me, it seems most people who crave for Miles Morales actually are those unaware of the comics. They basically only know he's black and want him because of diversity. I mean asking for the films to START with Miles Morales, also saying there's not much of Peter Parker to tell anymore, just SCREAMS unknowledge.
Cringe worthy to Spider-Man fans... SMH.
For me I am a fan of keeping things classic. What I see on the page is what I want to see on the screen. I haven't waited since Sm 1 to get spidey with the rest of his marvel brothers and sisters. To not get the peter I want to see. And come on for marketing and promotional stuff I can't see marvel doing such a change to parker in films. After all the yrs the spent trying to get rights back. If any characters change its more likely be certain villains or some supporting characters. Ala like what tssm toon did. Liz Allen latina, Ned leeds became Ned Lee and was Asian. I be fine with changes like that. Not to peter.
After Jeff Sneider, yet ANOTHER Hollywood insider claims that they are looking ALL ETHNICITIES for the role of Spider-Man.





Boom. Discuss.
"Should" is a strong word. While Peter Parker doesn't necessarily have to be white, ideally he should look as close to his comic counterpart as possible. This is because comics are a visual medium, and their entire essence is to bring these characters to life. As a result, people would be as wary of a black Spider-Man as they would be of, for example, a blonde Superman or even a superhero costume. People have these iconic images in their heads of who these characters are and what visual aspects they embody, that goes beyond just race.

So no, Peter doesn't have to be white, but I would prefer him to be white with brown hair for that very reason. I understand that's just a personal preference though, even if I believe it's a valid one, and ultimately wouldn't mind if an actor of a different ethnicity is cast (assuming he nails the part).
Wow.I expected the poll to read 50/50. A pleasant surprise.

White. And no death of Peter Parker at all. I'm all for Miles Morales to appear one day but not at the cost of Peter Parker.

To me, it seems most people who crave for Miles Morales actually are those unaware of the comics. They basically only know he's black and want him because of diversity. I mean asking for the films to START with Miles Morales, also saying there's not much of Peter Parker to tell anymore, just SCREAMS unknowledge.

Agreed on all counts.:up:
The boards have spoken!
Looking for all enthnicities mean pretty much white character. They make it spesific mostly if they are looking for minority.
Like I said the other day to we get I f facial press release or statements from marvel or sony about changing peter. We shouldn't believe it. Honestly do you really think marvel will do that big of a change to peter. Look at all the main heroes so far. They kept them pretty much as they are from the page. Only changing some traits. If any characters are changed its supporting players like hiemdall. Or take for example the upcoming dd netflix flow turned white newspaper man ben urnich into a black guy. I still firmly believe peter will be a white actor or a white mixed race actor that dominate looks white.

Then like examples above some supporting guys might change like tssm did. I don't see why peter would be changed or need to change. I can't see marvel or sony wanting to deal with that backlash and Un needed change.
I vote Yes, Peter Parker is a skinny brown-haired kid from Queens that happens to be white.
As comic book accurate as possible, please. I am even pushing for brown eyes! And that's nothing against blue eyed people (heck, I have blue eyes!).
I have green eyes. If they don't cast an actor with green eyes then they are just prejudiced against people with my eye color. :o
Eye colour doesn't bother me in the slightest
Peter Parker should be white, just like Spider-Man`s suit should be red and blue.
After Jeff Sneider, yet ANOTHER Hollywood insider claims that they are looking ALL ETHNICITIES for the role of Spider-Man.





Boom. Discuss.

Hollywood insider?




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