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Rebels Star Wars: Rebels

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Good episode, I loved some of the ESB nods and the teamwork. :D
I do wish they would get rid of Ezra's slingshot. That really feels like some sort of compromise they had with the censors.
They need to give Aladdin a rifle already. I'm up to their first interaction with the Inquisitor. I couldn't believe what they did to Jedi Master Luminara. That was some sick ****. If they can show that on a kids t.v show then clearly they shouldn't take issue with Al Jr having a blaster rifle.

Really loving this show. I'll catch the latest episode on demand whenever I have the day off.
I'm pretty sure the censors would say no to that. But they could give him a lightsaber, or some sort of substitute.
If Ahsoka can get a lightsaber and use a blaster on TCW, I see no reason why Ezra can't get a blaster.

Unless Disney wants us to believe that a teenager in a war zone being hunted by the ****ing Inquisitor and the Empire shouldn't have a decent means of defending himself.
It was a joy to hear James Earl Jones as Vader again....even if only briefly.

I finally got caught up with the last two episodes. "Fighter Flight" was a pretty good character development episode for Zeb and Ezra. Chopper remains my favorite character of the crew.

"Rise Of The Old Masters" was a strong episode..good action combined with a couple of laugh out loud moments. Probably my favorite episode since "Spark Of Rebellion."
You guys are forgetting the simple fact that Sabin is 16 years old, a girl and has two blasters and blows ***** up.

So Ezra getting a blaster should be no problem at all.
I didnt realize Sabine was still a teen. In that case then Ezra will likely drop the sling **** for a better weapon. That slingshot isnt even very effective against stormtrooper armor.
Rebels Recon #4: Inside “Rise of the Old Masters”

New episode online at WatchDisneyXD.com "Breaking Ranks".

Having now seen "Breaking Ranks", I recommend you watch the 4 episode Clone Wars Crystal Crisis/Utapau arc on StarWars.com as companion episodes if you haven't already.

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Dave Filoni discusses "Rise Of The Old Masters" with Eric Goldman at IGN:

Plus, an intriguing Ahsoka question.

OCTOBER 27, 2014

Note: Full spoilers follow for Star Wars Rebels: “Rise of the Old Masters”

The fourth episode of Star Wars Rebels, “Rise of the Old Masters,” was a big one, in which Kanan (and the audience) were led to believe Luminara Unduli, a Jedi from the Clone Wars era – and featured on several episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars – had survived, albeit as a prisoner.

Of course, it was all a ruse – a rather twisted trap, where Luminara’s mummified corpse was all that truly remained, as the Inquisitor planed to lure surviving Jedi like Kanan to their deaths via the hope of rescuing one of their own kind.

I spoke to Rebels executive producer Dave Filoni about this twist in Rebels, what exactly Kanan and Ezra saw when they entered the cell and Luminara appeared before them and more… including an intriguing mention of The Clone Wars’ Ahsoka Tano.

IGN: With Luminara, it’s a great twist. At Comic-Con, after we saw her in the trailer, people were saying, “Oh wow, we’re going to meet Luminara and see what’s going on with her… but why is she alive?!”

Filoni: I was going to say, some people were like, “Why is Luminara alive!?” They were very upset about it. I was thinking like, man, people just don’t think we pay attention to any continuity. They just want to jump down your throat.

IGN: We come to realize that the Inquisitor has used this lure before. This has been an ongoing way to get people. So was it just figuring out what would he do – and how someone like her would be the perfect trap?

Filoni: Absolutely. It became an interesting way also to tell the story of what probably happened to some Jedi Knights, Jedi survivors. Order 66 didn’t wipe them all out. Some of them were captured and probably executed later, which is what you see the holographic recording of. It’s actually Luminara’s execution in that chamber. She’s used for a very nefarious purpose. It was kind of a nice way also to tie to the prequel era to use Luminara. A lot has been made of our ties to the original trilogy, but I am not a Star Wars fan that would ever ignore the prequel trilogy. Let’s face it, it’s been my bread and butter for the last decade. I love the prequel era. So it’s important to show, as much as how the Empire built up, what it destroyed and it destroyed a lot of these characters and they got caught up in it. Luminara was a really good lure. We wanted a character that you would know, that kids who had watched Clone Wars would probably actually know. That’s why she got picked over other Jedi. We talked about the continuity of it, that she was dead, and it works out fine, actually. It’s just a really active way of telling the story of the end of some of the other prequel Jedi and that Kanan would believe some of them are alive is actually also really interesting - and that he knew Luminara, but not really, is also a believable thing. I love that story. It was just a matter of how effective we could make it.

IGN: Can you talk a bit more about that recording?

Filoni: Literally, what you see in that hologram, is her sitting, waiting to be executed. It’s a recording of that event. So when they walk in and see her, they’re actually standing where the Inquisitor was standing [when it was recorded]. And so when she walks up and looks at them kind of distantly and not very friendly, she’s looking at the Inquisitor and that’s what the recording is of. Then she steps over into that chamber and obviously she gets killed there. It’s really wicked when you think about it. The material of her body is the essence that Kanan is somehow sensing through the Force. But he knows there’s something off about it. But since he didn’t really know Luminara, he doesn’t really know. That’s one of the interesting things about death and then the dark side and all these different ways you can use the Force. The sensing of people is one of the biggest dilemmas, I think, in all of Star Wars, because people want to use it like a metal detector. I am very, very certain that it really just relates to how much you know somebody and intention of threat. You take those two things and combine them. So of course when Obi-Wan arrives in the Death Star, Anakin knows about it. Obi-Wan’s intentions are fairly clear, what he wants to do. He even, I think to some degree, knows he’s going to face Vader. And they knew each other so well, they were so close. It’s like a battering ram.

I had a really interesting conversation once with George [Lucas] about sensing the Force. It was in regards to… Well, it would have been in regards to Ahsoka. It was an old talk he and I had at one point about Ahsoka and Darth Vader and what she would think of that whole situation… but we’ll have to leave that for another time.

IGN: That’s a question many of us have!

Filoni: A little good tease there. Not that she’s around! …Who knows where she is? [Laughs]

IGN: [Laughs] So why wouldn’t they kill all the Jedi they had? Why would they take some prisoner? Is it all for malicious purposes like what we saw?

Filoni: That’s kind of a wait and see scenario. For a Sith like Palpatine, he’s so aware of Siths taking out other Siths. He can’t really have a lot of force wielders around. Though he has this new inquisitor running around, but that’s nothing new in the way that he had Ventress running around or Dooku. It’s a manageable level of chaos for Palpatine at all times and I think that there would be Jedi that could serve purpose for him. Honestly, we’ve even discussed in our own continuity how he was using Pong Krell, the Jedi warlord in the Clone Wars. He was completely satisfied to let him reek havoc among the clones for his own needs until he destroyed himself. So Palpatine’s always playing a game and moving pieces on the board. I would imagine that coming out of the prequel era -- fans might not believe this, but I think it’s true -- that there were some Jedi that were so effected by the Clone War that they would try to barter their life for loyalty to the dark side. I don’t think it’s out of the question. I think it’s perfectly in play, though we haven’t done that at this point. Mostly because it gets into kind of gray areas and I worry we’d have to be very clear about why and who is doing that.

Barriss Offee in some ways was a walk into that on Clone Wars. The funny thing about Barriss is how right she is about it all and yet she still gets convicted… but not killed, evidently. So we’ll have to see. There’s so much in play but I guess the answer is that they might not all have been killed. We’ve shown the Sith, Palpatine, up to really nefarious things as far as stealing children and children of the Force, using now a dead body and Luminara. I mean who knows what other crazy plan that Palpatine has to lure more Jedi to their deaths?

Dave Filoni discusses "Rise Of The Old Masters" with Eric Goldman at IGN:

Plus, an intriguing Ahsoka question.

OCTOBER 27, 2014

Note: Full spoilers follow for Star Wars Rebels: “Rise of the Old Masters”

The fourth episode of Star Wars Rebels, “Rise of the Old Masters,” was a big one, in which Kanan (and the audience) were led to believe Luminara Unduli, a Jedi from the Clone Wars era – and featured on several episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars – had survived, albeit as a prisoner.

Of course, it was all a ruse – a rather twisted trap, where Luminara’s mummified corpse was all that truly remained, as the Inquisitor planed to lure surviving Jedi like Kanan to their deaths via the hope of rescuing one of their own kind.

I spoke to Rebels executive producer Dave Filoni about this twist in Rebels, what exactly Kanan and Ezra saw when they entered the cell and Luminara appeared before them and more… including an intriguing mention of The Clone Wars’ Ahsoka Tano.

IGN: With Luminara, it’s a great twist. At Comic-Con, after we saw her in the trailer, people were saying, “Oh wow, we’re going to meet Luminara and see what’s going on with her… but why is she alive?!”

Filoni: I was going to say, some people were like, “Why is Luminara alive!?” They were very upset about it. I was thinking like, man, people just don’t think we pay attention to any continuity. They just want to jump down your throat.

IGN: We come to realize that the Inquisitor has used this lure before. This has been an ongoing way to get people. So was it just figuring out what would he do – and how someone like her would be the perfect trap?

Filoni: Absolutely. It became an interesting way also to tell the story of what probably happened to some Jedi Knights, Jedi survivors. Order 66 didn’t wipe them all out. Some of them were captured and probably executed later, which is what you see the holographic recording of. It’s actually Luminara’s execution in that chamber. She’s used for a very nefarious purpose. It was kind of a nice way also to tie to the prequel era to use Luminara. A lot has been made of our ties to the original trilogy, but I am not a Star Wars fan that would ever ignore the prequel trilogy. Let’s face it, it’s been my bread and butter for the last decade. I love the prequel era. So it’s important to show, as much as how the Empire built up, what it destroyed and it destroyed a lot of these characters and they got caught up in it. Luminara was a really good lure. We wanted a character that you would know, that kids who had watched Clone Wars would probably actually know. That’s why she got picked over other Jedi. We talked about the continuity of it, that she was dead, and it works out fine, actually. It’s just a really active way of telling the story of the end of some of the other prequel Jedi and that Kanan would believe some of them are alive is actually also really interesting - and that he knew Luminara, but not really, is also a believable thing. I love that story. It was just a matter of how effective we could make it.

IGN: Can you talk a bit more about that recording?

Filoni: Literally, what you see in that hologram, is her sitting, waiting to be executed. It’s a recording of that event. So when they walk in and see her, they’re actually standing where the Inquisitor was standing [when it was recorded]. And so when she walks up and looks at them kind of distantly and not very friendly, she’s looking at the Inquisitor and that’s what the recording is of. Then she steps over into that chamber and obviously she gets killed there. It’s really wicked when you think about it. The material of her body is the essence that Kanan is somehow sensing through the Force. But he knows there’s something off about it. But since he didn’t really know Luminara, he doesn’t really know. That’s one of the interesting things about death and then the dark side and all these different ways you can use the Force. The sensing of people is one of the biggest dilemmas, I think, in all of Star Wars, because people want to use it like a metal detector. I am very, very certain that it really just relates to how much you know somebody and intention of threat. You take those two things and combine them. So of course when Obi-Wan arrives in the Death Star, Anakin knows about it. Obi-Wan’s intentions are fairly clear, what he wants to do. He even, I think to some degree, knows he’s going to face Vader. And they knew each other so well, they were so close. It’s like a battering ram.

I had a really interesting conversation once with George [Lucas] about sensing the Force. It was in regards to… Well, it would have been in regards to Ahsoka. It was an old talk he and I had at one point about Ahsoka and Darth Vader and what she would think of that whole situation… but we’ll have to leave that for another time.

IGN: That’s a question many of us have!

Filoni: A little good tease there. Not that she’s around! …Who knows where she is? [Laughs]

IGN: [Laughs] So why wouldn’t they kill all the Jedi they had? Why would they take some prisoner? Is it all for malicious purposes like what we saw?

Filoni: That’s kind of a wait and see scenario. For a Sith like Palpatine, he’s so aware of Siths taking out other Siths. He can’t really have a lot of force wielders around. Though he has this new inquisitor running around, but that’s nothing new in the way that he had Ventress running around or Dooku. It’s a manageable level of chaos for Palpatine at all times and I think that there would be Jedi that could serve purpose for him. Honestly, we’ve even discussed in our own continuity how he was using Pong Krell, the Jedi warlord in the Clone Wars. He was completely satisfied to let him reek havoc among the clones for his own needs until he destroyed himself. So Palpatine’s always playing a game and moving pieces on the board. I would imagine that coming out of the prequel era -- fans might not believe this, but I think it’s true -- that there were some Jedi that were so effected by the Clone War that they would try to barter their life for loyalty to the dark side. I don’t think it’s out of the question. I think it’s perfectly in play, though we haven’t done that at this point. Mostly because it gets into kind of gray areas and I worry we’d have to be very clear about why and who is doing that.

Barriss Offee in some ways was a walk into that on Clone Wars. The funny thing about Barriss is how right she is about it all and yet she still gets convicted… but not killed, evidently. So we’ll have to see. There’s so much in play but I guess the answer is that they might not all have been killed. We’ve shown the Sith, Palpatine, up to really nefarious things as far as stealing children and children of the Force, using now a dead body and Luminara. I mean who knows what other crazy plan that Palpatine has to lure more Jedi to their deaths?


This bit!

Filoni: I had a really interesting conversation once with George [Lucas] about sensing the Force. It was in regards to… Well, it would have been in regards to Ahsoka. It was an old talk he and I had at one point about Ahsoka and Darth Vader and what she would think of that whole situation… but we’ll have to leave that for another time.

IGN: That’s a question many of us have!

Filoni: A little good tease there. Not that she’s around! …Who knows where she is? [Laughs]

:awesome: Please! Bring back Ahsoka! In print or the show I wanna know what became of her and whether she knows what became of Anakin. Vader crossing paths with her would be dramatic as ****.
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I just noticed that the lightsaber cores in this show are animated like the OT sabers. The cores jitter, flicker, and ever so slightly change width when they are idling. Just like the OT sabers did. Not like the PT and TCW sabers that had damn near perfect and uniform cores.

You can really see it when Kanan and The Inquisitor have their blades locked and it's right in Kanan's face. The saber cores look like they were rotoscoped the old fashioned hand drawn way.

I love that little detail!
Ranking the episodes so far:

A-Tier -> Spark of Rebellion, Rise of the Old Masters, Breaking Ranks
B-Tier -> Droids In Distress
C-Tier -> Fighter Flight
This bit!

:awesome: Please! Bring back Ahsoka! In print or the show I wanna know what became of her and whether she knows what became of Anakin. Vader crossing paths with her would be dramatic as ****.

I think he'd be perfectly OK with killing her.

But what about the other way around? Ahsoka might hold back.
I think he'd be perfectly OK with killing her.

But what about the other way around? Ahsoka might hold back.

She'd definitely think that her Master was in their somewhere. She'd refuse to believe that he was really gone right up to the moment he ran her through with his blade.

Being such a huge fan of TCW and growing very fond of Ahsoka and her relationship with Anakin, it'd break my heart to see Vader kill her. I don't think Vader would do it immediately. I think he'd give her a chance to join him and if she refused he'd kill her just to be pragmatic. If by some chance Ahsoka managed to escape she'd likely never be right after that. She'd probably blame his fall on herself nice she wasn't there for him when he needed her.
I'm slowly getting through the TCW, in the first season.

Glad I am watching it, it's kind of nice watching both this and rebels, didn't realize the animation was so good in TCW.

I find TCW feels more like the prequels in grand scale battles with multiple story lines going on - and starwars rebels feels more like the OT in terms of adventure of the crew.

That could obviously change, and I know many of you have watched TCW in it's full capacity.

Do they have other yoda-raced characters in the starwars universe - and before yoda..who was there?
The most recent episode has been fantastic. I'm really loving this show.
I'm slowly getting through the TCW, in the first season.

Glad I am watching it, it's kind of nice watching both this and rebels, didn't realize the animation was so good in TCW.

I find TCW feels more like the prequels in grand scale battles with multiple story lines going on - and starwars rebels feels more like the OT in terms of adventure of the crew.

That could obviously change, and I know many of you have watched TCW in it's full capacity.

Do they have other yoda-raced characters in the starwars universe - and before yoda..who was there?

There is a Jedi on the council in TPM by the name of Yaddle that is the same race as Yoda. He disappeared after TPM. Lucas has been absolutely adament that he will never reveal Yoda's race or the planet that his species comes from. And in canon, Yoda never revealed his home planet to anyone. This could change, tho I really hope not, if they continue with the Yoda spin off film thats been runored to be in the works. I prefer Yoda to be a bit of a mystery.

In the old Canon (now known as the Legends Canon) Yoda succeeded Fae Coven as Grand Master of the Order.

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I just noticed that the lightsaber cores in this show are animated like the OT sabers. The cores jitter, flicker, and ever so slightly change width when they are idling. Just like the OT sabers did. Not like the PT and TCW sabers that had damn near perfect and uniform cores.

You can really see it when Kanan and The Inquisitor have their blades locked and it's right in Kanan's face. The saber cores look like they were rotoscoped the old fashioned hand drawn way.

I love that little detail!

Yes!!! I love this as well.
My biggest complaint about Rebels is we need more Sheev. I think everyone needs more Sheev, right?
Yes!!! I love this as well.

Is there something I'm missing? haha.

Was this a big deal in the original OT? I noticed this too, and I thought it looked cool, but is there any significance too it?
Is there something I'm missing? haha.

Was this a big deal in the original OT? I noticed this too, and I thought it looked cool, but is there any significance too it?

Lightsabers are custom made to fit their master. Each Jedi create their own lightsaber.
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with Ezra undercover? Yes.
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