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Supergirl Supergirl Season 2 Episode 1 - "The Adventures of Supergirl" MAJOR SPOILERS

Random question: did anybody happen to notice who got "regular billing"?

According to the credits, Chris Wood is a “regular.” McGrath, Hoechlin and (now) Flockhart are “guest stars.”
Great first episode. I legit got goosebumps seeing the Superman shirt-rip and Super-cousin flying together. It was a joy to watch 'em flying together. Tyler was great, I love his Superman. :D :D

I agree with BH/HHH that Winn joining DEO and Kara/James calling it quits felt forced but that really didn't take the fun and enjoyment out of the episode. I loved Superman/Clark and Supergirl/Kara's interactions, hope to see more of that.
According to the credits, Chris Wood is a “regular.” McGrath, Hoechlin and (now) Flockhart are “guest stars.”

Thanks. I was particularly interested in finding out how they billed McGrath because there had been conflicting reports as to whether her character was going to be a main character or a major recurring character.
Loved the episode. Had me smiling the whole time... except for Ms. Teschmacher. I wanted to see the witty sexy version again. :sly:
^ Not to be nitpicky, but the show is spelling the character's last name "Tessmacher" (as in "Tess Mercer" from Smallville and, in real life, former TNA employee Brooke Tessmacher).
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Speaking of Miss Techmacher Cat screamed it well but nothing tops Hackman's, always makes me laugh when he yells her name in Superman the Movie :funny:
Superman made this episode for me. I see potential in SG, but it'll never reach it if it continues to indulge in lame dialogue, plot contrivances, and painfully unfunny pop culture references. I won't be surprised if my renewed interest in the series begins and ends with the entrance and exit of Superman.
Oooook, time for my 2 cents

I gave it a 7, not because I didn't enjoy it as much as everyone else...I did, and will be going back to watch it again in a few minutes, and I always like it better the next day. :)

Kara/Supergirl -- What is there to say? Melissa IS Supergirl...and loved the chemistry between her and Tyler.

Clark/Superman -- I thought Tyler was really good, but kind of blah in some of his line delivery at times. BUT, sometimes I end up changing this after a couple of viewings so that may be the case this time around.

Alex -- Again, Chyler is right up there with Melissa, and good lord have mercy that fight scene was fantastic. AND I MEAN FANTASTIC, I don't like putting other shows down, but that choreography was the best I have seen in the 3 premieres thus far on the CW. It was spot on.

Cat Grant -- Damn, I need a Cat Grant in my life right now....lol

Winn -- NOT ENOUGH of him in the first episode, hopefully they fix that soon. :)

James -- This was a weak area once again, but more than anything else because it seemed like they just forced it in at the last minute. That seems to happen alot when the EPs have a ton of input in the writing of an episode. So far the only episode that they have been the frontrunners in the writing that I have said they hit it out of the ballpark was "For The Girl Who Has Everything" and Kreisberg was the main writer on that one. I was not one of those that was impressed with the crossover last season....and I saw some of the same problems with this one, AM I GLAD THAT THEY PUSHED the love thing with James to the back burner? YES........ but what a weird way to do it. Sounds like however they they did actually read some of the fan input, and they are going to give James something to do.....I'm looking forward to that, bring on The Guardian.

Hank/J'onn -- He seemed pretty non-existent in this episode so not much to say.

Lena Luther -- Hmmmmmmmm.....this was another weak spot for me, maybe she will have to grow on me, but this was a weak area as well.

Soon to be Metallo -- Cannot wait for this....

The Doctor? -- Holy crap, Strong took only a few lines at the end, and slam dunked them......OMG, that story line is going to be fantastic, bring on Cadmus.

And last but not least.....LMAO at the same 3 guys walking in front of CatCo in the transition scene.....LOL, that cracked me up.

Positives --
  • OF COURSE, the chemistry between Tyler and Melissa, sooooo gooood.
  • It was still Supergirl's show.
  • Fight choreography fantastic, but see down in the negatives as well.
  • Love the new DEO.
  • Nice set up for the season.
  • Thank you for nixing the Kara/James scenario, and maybe even bringing in some cool drama later on.

  • Once again the show runners input into the writing was weak IMO, and rushed some things that could have happened over at least 2 episodes.
  • Lena Luthor a little weak as the new Max Lord.
  • Loved the fight choreography but I want to see Kara not just saving people, but kicking some ass as well.
Here we go with my first review including something new...

I am handing out new awards for the new season. it's high fives. If there is something I really like, it's a high ten.

And I am handing out the first high ten...to the art department. That new Supergirl graphic was slick and bright and blue unlike the red S of doom from CBS. And her new intro was beautiful ending with "I'm finally home." Sounds like a hug and a kiss to the CW for putting her where she belonged

High fives to...

Tyler Hoechlin for bringing back the Superman I grew up with. Confident, hopeful and...a friend. Tyler's Clark...BULLSEYE. I coul see a mix of Chris Reeve, Dean Cain and George Reeves.

Melissa Benoist for being even more energetic than ever. Her little jump after she and Kal bought down that rocket. Talk about fangirling. Line of the night...I helped him change his diapers...:woot::woot::woot::woot: OH KARA!

The two of them together was DYNAMITE! At a level with Grant Gustin's chemistry in Worlds Finest. Seeing Superman and Supergirl together on the screen in live action was worth the wait. And lots of love has come Tyler's way...and he deserves it.

The writers...for making Kara become a little more real. And the music was spot on as Kara was giving her fashion show. And also for giving everyone more pep in their lines...and for making Cat Grant even funnier with her oogling over Clark and Alex going nuts over Superman (someone call Hall and Oates, we got two maneaters!). And also all her Minerva lines. This is the Cat I loved, like a wise Italian mom, aunt or grandma.

But at the same time, they have sunk the rather thrown together relationship with Kara and James. As Kelly says James is poorly written. I know this will get people talking, but somehow I could feel it coming, like I felt Kara becoming a reporter taking after her cousin. It's a throwback to the early 1970's when Linda Danvers worked in San Francisco for KSF-TV. Didn't really work. (But then comes word James will become the Guardian...WTFF and HOLY JUMP THE SHARK BATMAN. But that's neither here nor there). Now as for Barry and Iris on The Flash it is well written and the chemistry with Grant Gustin and Candace Patton is beautiful and Candace is just gorgeous.

And all these Superman The Movie easter eggs...MAJOR SCORE THERE! Miss Tessmacher!!!! Calista tried but only Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor could nail that yell down. No matter. I find it ironic all those eggs came on the day 12 years ago of Christopher Reeve's passing. Somewhere up there he's smiling.

Kate McGrath who plays Lena Luthor...mmm mmm MMM! What a fine piece of woman. Now at first I couldn't trust her as Lena, but then when she was cleared in the blow-up of the ship because she was supposed to be in that seat...WHEW...she dodged a bullet there. Then when she gunned down that rogue cop (who becomes
, I was like "slay queen Lena!" But...I fear the sins of the brother coming down the pike! I do feel a Smallville Luthor vibe though

Chyler Leigh, well Alex is just Alex and she and Kara still make the show.

Usually I have a d-bag of the week award. But since some of the bad guys have really yet to develop given it's episode 1 of the new season, it gets the week off.

By the way #Supergirl was trending worldwide and here in the US. Team Supergirl did their job. And the work has paid off. Solid start.
I really enjoyed this episode.

There were a few clunky parts, like:

- Lucy Lane's absence at the DEO being unexplained even though it was only 24 hours later (I thought she and Hank / J'onzz were appointed co-directors in the finale);
- Mon-El being in a coma - talk about delayed gratification from the season 1 cliff hanger;
- the DEO randomly having another headquarters in an office building in the centre of National City which, even though it is devoted to tracking and imprisoning aliens, seems to be entirely open to anyone wandering in off the street and also seems to be easily associated with Supergirl since she just flies into the building from the street;
- Winn apparently no longer working at CatCo and instead applying to work for the DEO (not to mention the fact that he learnt Kryptonian within 24 hours or maybe the last few months);
- Cat Grant's ... epiphany which will no doubt lead her to do something which will reduce her direct involvement with and mentorship of Kara and Supergirl;
- Superman randomly decided that now is a good time to actually spend some time with Kara, including asking to hear stories about what it was like to live on Krypton; and
- Kara dumping Jimmy before their relationship even began. Now, I don't think they have any chemistry, so although I like this development, the fact that they spent season 1 building up to a relationship and then just shelved it straight away was a little odd.

But, I can pretty much ignore all of that and just appreciate all of the good parts, particularly the epic-ness of seeing Supergirl and Superman team-up to save the day on the small screen. I really enjoyed this iteration of Clark Kent and Superman.

Cat Grant was also nicely played in this episode. It's nice to see her being kinder and more supportive of Kara, albeit with her traditional amount of snark and cutting comments about Kara's indecisiveness and wardrobe.

My only other ... quibble would be that it would have been nice to see Kara's interest in and talent for journalism developed a little earlier or at least developed in this episode. For example, instead of Clark taking the lead when they first interviewed Lena Luthor, it might have been nice to see Kara start firing off direct and pertinent questions, with both Lena and Clark being visibly impressed by her inquisitiveness and questioning. After they left, Clark could have been mentioned that Kara appeared to skilled and Kara could have mentioned that she's always liked working with people to find the truth (or some other sappy line which could have tied into her later discussion with Cat Grant).

Although, if CatCo only does fashion / gossip magazines, then I'm not sure where Kara is going to be working. Is Cat going to call in a favour and get Kara a job at the Daily Planet's sister publication in National City? Presumably Cat Grant will need to pull some strings to get Kara a job in journalism since Kara doesn't have a degree or any prior experience (NB: Kara could "super" complete all the required reading for a degree in one night, but unless she forges a degree, then it wouldn't actually help in a job interview).

And if Kara does leave CatCo, then what role will Jimmy play in the series going forward. Is the CatCo Art Director (or whatever he does now - roving photographer / reporter?) going to keep visiting Kara at work? Is Jimmy going to quite his job and follow Kara which is a little stalker-like. Or are Jimmy and Kara just going to start interacting and discussing superheroics at a neutral location somewhere?
I'm pretty sure Kara will stay with CatCo. CatCo does own the Tribune. And I kind of have a feeling James will end up being Kara's photographer.
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James has a run in with Snapper Carr but manages to not get fired outright, like Winn did.

Did we see Winn get fired by Cat? I don't remember it happening in this episode. Maybe I missed a throw-away line? Or did it happen in the season 1 finale?

I know that the actors and producers mentioned Winn being fired in the build up to the season 2 premier, but I don't recall it actually happening in this episode.
Daxam (the planet that Chris Wood's character comes from) and Krypton are completely different planets.

Calling the character (whose real name is Lar Gand) a Kryptonian is like calling J'onn J'onzz an Earthling/Terran just because he looks like one 99.999% of the time.

Eh. . . that's a little exaggerated. Daxamites don't just look like Kryptonians ( and humans ), but they also have basically the exact same powers as Kryptonians. The only discernible difference normally is the lead weakness instead of the kryptonite one. This even goes so far that there's been a couple times where Daxam and Krypton had some kind of relationship, with one being the original homeworld of the other or such.

Given the way the show has portrayed Krypton, I would not be shocked in the slightest if they go with "lost colony world" or some such, and have Daxamites as being the same species as Kryptonians, just a different nation and society.
^ Not right now.

Same with Lucy and General Lane.

I do think we'll see them again at some point, though, even if they're currently MIA.

I'm rather hoping General Lane never appears again. Guy was awful, and since they've shifted direction to a broadly pro-Supergirl government position, with Cadmus being the source of "evil government conspiracy" plots? There's not really a need for an "evil idiot general" antagonist.
So yeah I was a little disapointed.... I'M KIDDING that was awesome.

First things first I want to talk about Superman, Tyler Hoechlin was no IS Superman. He was fantastic, I will wait until I've seen next weeks episodes and given it some thought but right now I'd rank him with the highest portrayals of the Man of Steel. Right no though I will say he gave my favourite intepretation of Clark Kent yet, the right amount of bumbling, neediness but also confidence as a good reporter were there. I know a spin off is unlikely but the CW need to make sure we get more of this Superman/Clark Kent outside of the two episode appearances here.

Other positive thoughts:

- The FX were brilliant, the flying scenes looked phenomenal.
- Seeing Superman and Kara work together was just an absolute joy. The moment at the end when he said he would stick around and how he liked her been able to tell him about home made me feel warm inside.
- The callbacks to Superman the Movie were brilliant.
- The tension between Superman and J'onn felt very natural, I think it made sense too. It's not J'onn he doesn't trust with the Kryptonite but the DEO if he wasn't in charge anymore.
- I really liked John Corben and (can I just say I called the ending of the episode) I can't way to see him as Metallo next week.
- I liked Lena Luthor but I do not trust her, I think much like Lex Luthor on Smallville she will probably have a darkside.

Now for some things I didn't like:

- the way Winn joined the DEO, it was just too convenient. For me it would have been better if they'd have brought him in because they could trust him whereas we know from Season One Hank and Alex had some problems with the DEO when they went on the run.
- Kara and Jimmy calling it a day, wow was this forced, sure the Kara Jimmy relationship hasn't been let's say popular with audiences but they should have at leas had some time together to figure out its not working. After Clark told her about how he struggles to live as Clark Kent dating Lois while been Superman to me it would have made more sense to have seen her try. I now struggle to see where Jimmy fits in to the show.
- Cat life coaching Kara, it was just to much they could have cut these scenes down easily. I get that they'll want to use Calistabas much as possible when they have her but just find her something more to do then.
- I wish they'd kept Winn's How Do You Shave line.

Still those issues were fairly minor and outside of that this was probably the best episode of Supergirl yet.

Overall rating 8.7 (9)/10

Most of your cons, I suspect were deliberate "second pilot" stuff. They were rushing things so they could get the status quo adjustment out of the way ( which I suspected they had started doing in the finale of s1 ). Which, as long as the results show that this were intentional, I'm fine with it, just like I'm fine with them never ever explaining Superman's perpetual absence in season 1.
Loved Superman!! This is the kind of Clark/Superman I want to see!

And Kara was her old Karadorable self!

but I was very surprised they had Kara dump Jimmy as a LI so quickly, after they spent the whole 1st season building up to it. :huh:

I guess Kara finally realized what most of us felt here - that James is an uninteresting character not worthy of being her LI. :o
Loved Superman!! This is the kind of Clark/Superman I want to see!

And Kara was her old Karadorable self!

but I was very surprised they had Kara dump Jimmy as a LI so quickly, after they spent the whole 1st season building up to it. :huh:

I guess Kara finally realized what most of us felt here - that James is an uninteresting character not worthy of being her LI. :o

Supposedly James is going to be a masked vigilante this season. It would have been a more interesting story if they broke up because Kara didn't approve of his methods.
Supposedly James is going to be a masked vigilante this season. It would have been a more interesting story if they broke up because Kara didn't approve of his methods.

yeah. I read the posts up there about him becoming Guardian?

I agree that would have been a more interesting way to end the relationship.

of course, I think Kara had the best chemistry with Barry during their crossover.

and I'm watching through Season 1 of The Flash right now and loving it!

so, I wouldn't mind if Kara hooked up with Barry for a trans-reality relationship. :o
also, I really love this Superman's theme motif. it fits the character.
I have to say the music was one of my favorite things about this episode. It was fantastic.
I'm rather hoping General Lane never appears again. Guy was awful, and since they've shifted direction to a broadly pro-Supergirl government position, with Cadmus being the source of "evil government conspiracy" plots? There's not really a need for an "evil idiot general" antagonist.

I agree....
General Lane should set his sights on another target - a green hulking giant that many claim roams the SW desert. :o
I'm rather hoping General Lane never appears again. Guy was awful, and since they've shifted direction to a broadly pro-Supergirl government position, with Cadmus being the source of "evil government conspiracy" plots? There's not really a need for an "evil idiot general" antagonist.
I'd be happy not to see genral barg in ever time goes missing or doing a secret assignment of his own . I never liked the fact that he didn't have assistant or deputy director or any type of chief or operations manger under him.

Lucy should fit that bill. since writer's won't let Alex be any of those thing's beside's her being field agent with and alien biologist doctorate back ground.
She is getting into the power armor again.
She is getting into the power armor again.
they are making alex fight super powered people it makes sense other wise she should use that jailer gear too . for capture purpose at first attempts strategisgys .

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