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Supergirl Supergirl Season 2 Episode 16 - "Star-Crossed" MAJOR SPOILERS

Well considering the fact that we know he is a part of Season 3, not sure he will be heading back to Daxam anytime soon, nor do I think he should. I have enjoyed his journey to hero story.
I have too... until they turned it into a romance too soon, imo. Still, his journey to hero-dom seems pretty much complete to me, so I hope the focus shifts back to Kara instead of him/their romance once his parents are dealt with. But yes, knowing he's in S3 is primarily why I'm sure he's not going back to Daxam anytime soon. Though we'll just have to agree to disagree on whether or not he should. I think him going back makes a hell of a lot more sense than M'Gann going back to Mars did, tbh.

And yes, I'll be shocked if his parents aren't the ones who put the bounty on her.

Also, boo @ no preview for next week.
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For the last several episodes they tend to end with Kara and Mon-El. It's like they don't know what to do with Kara other than her romance with Mon-El, which just ended. I don't like the idea of getting them back together after the musical crossover.e

I had no idea Mon-El will be part of season 3.
I still don't feel like Mon-El is a hero or that much of a better person. His motivation seems too extrinsic and he hasn't done anything remarkably heroic, as far as I'm concerned. I may not get it, but my wish is for him to leave to help his people with whatever new perspective he has and only stop by as a guest once and awhile next year. I'd prefer him gone for good, but I'll take what I can get.

As for the rest of the episode, if I wanted to watch Arrow, I would. This vigilante stuff bores me and feels out of place.

My enjoyment of this show has eroded almost a hundred percent since last year. I'm seriously considering giving it up after this season. I can't believe I've liked LoT more this year than any other DCTV show.
The Winn/Lyra plot definitely felt like filler to me. Very "meh" episode overall, imo. The 1st act was cool, but it was all downhill from there.
Basically Winn ends up more understanding and forgiving than Kara as he reconciles with Lyra while Kara breaks up with Mon-El, despite his attempts to try to correct things. I have to wonder if their scenes end up being pointless besides the break-up.
Starting the episode now and god can they stop hitting us over the head with the romance.
For Mon-Els parents to just show up along with like 5 other Daxamites, he and Kara really arent that surprised or happy.

I can already see how this is going to go as far as Karas characterization....not very well

This whole Winn subplot is such a snoozefest. I am tempted to just fastfoward through it.

I appreciate them going old school makeup with these aliens but they really need to start doing a better job of showing us that these aliens are just like us humans and are able to live fairly normal lives amongst humanity.
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I gave it an 8. If it had been just with Kara and Mon-El that would have pushed it up to a 9. I like Winn and all, but I'm not that into him to lose half the show to his story arc. If Benoist could not be there because of the crossover, then I would have preferred an Alex/J'onn story, with some Alex/Maggie stuff thrown in.

Basically, Supergirl should be first in the story, then Alex, then J'onn. And I know there is no Mon-El there, but he is included with Supergirl. Obviously.

And she really is living up to those high Kryptonian moral standards, isn't she? Obviously the kicker for breaking up was when it was clear that he never would have told her who he truly was.

If I was him, I would have said, 'It was dead to me. That past was gone, and I wanted it to stay that way. The Prince of Daxam is not who I want to be...'

But no, we gots to stretch it out. Maybe she'll get a little relationship advice from Barry, cause clearly she didn't take Winn's!

As for him not going back to Daxam, I have to wonder if that was even true... Or if it was a ploy by his parents to get him to go with them. Last we heard, Daxam was a radiated ruin, so I think they were lying to him.

But if they were telling the truth, what power would he have back there? There is a powerful king and queen already, with him playing third fiddle in the rebuilding of a world that he is now ashamed of. I can understand him wanting to break from that. But no, Daxam is dead, otherwise why stay around if they have a world to rebuild? I think it's dead and gone, and they want to turn Earth into New Daxam...

And can he have his costume yet?
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Berlanti shows play way to fast and loose with their relationships. Even if I wanted to like Monel/Kara, I wouldnt be able to actually grow an emotional attachment to them. They've dated all of what? 2 episodes?And it is constant issue after issue after issue.
Berlanti shows play way to fast and loose with their relationships. Even if I wanted to like Monel/Kara, I wouldnt be able to actually grow an emotional attachment to them. They've dated all of what? 2 episodes?And it is constant issue after issue after issue.

The real life romance between Supergirl and Mon El is much more fun
Basically Winn ends up more understanding and forgiving than Kara as he reconciles with Lyra while Kara breaks up with Mon-El, despite his attempts to try to correct things. I have to wonder if their scenes end up being pointless besides the break-up.

I think Winn was too inspire Kara to be more forgiving.
I gave it an 8. If it had been just with Kara and Mon-El that would have pushed it up to a 9. I like Winn and all, but I'm not that into him to lose half the show to his story arc. If Benoist could not be there because of the crossover, then I would have preferred an Alex/J'onn story, with some Alex/Maggie stuff thrown in.

Basically, Supergirl should be first in the story, then Alex, then J'onn. And I know there is no Mon-El there, but he is included with Supergirl. Obviously.

Strong Disagree.
The Main character is Kara, the rest are all equal supporting characters in my opinion, and should be given equal time. We had a Martian focused story earlier this season with J'onn and M'gann. We've had episodes that focus on Maggie and Alex, It was Winn's turn up. He may not be my favourite character, but i'll gladly let go a secondary plot of an episode for his character to actually grow a bit.

We need all of the characters to have time to grow to feel important, and deep. Otherwise you've got Winn just being a one note tech solution.
I wasn't keen on how Kara was on the sidelines in this ep, basically her issue with Mon-El being worked through in Winn's storyline instead, I wonder if this ep was strucutred like this because Melissa was filimg the musical ep of the Flash at the same time, so they had to have her in less scenes.

I agree with Primal slayer, I love the CW shows but my one bugbear is their need to constalty force the romantic relationships into melodrama. Unlike a lot of fanboys I have no issue with romance in these shows, it has always been a part of the superhero world, but I'd much prefer they just have a couple of nice scenes together each ep than this turmoil every other ep, maybe they think it's what their teenage audience wants but as an adult I find it tiresome and it makes all the characters look immature.

That ending....So the Music Master shows up knowing about a device he shouldn't know about at just the moment when Winn is showing Kara the adjustments he made to it...ok. :funny:
I wasn't keen on how Kara was on the sidelines in this ep, basically her issue with Mon-El being worked through in Winn's storyline instead, I wonder if this ep was strucutred like this because Melissa was filimg the musical ep of the Flash at the same time, so they had to have her in less scenes.

I agree with Primal slayer, I love the CW shows but my one bugbear is their need to constalty force the romantic relationships into melodrama. Unlike a lot of fanboys I have no issue with romance in these shows, it has always been a part of the superhero world, but I'd much prefer they just have a couple of nice scenes together each ep than this turmoil every other ep, maybe they think it's what their teenage audience wants but as an adult I find it tiresome and it makes all the characters look immature.

That ending....So the Music Master shows up knowing about a device he shouldn't know about at just the moment when Winn is showing Kara the adjustments he made to it...ok. :funny:

Yep, it was definitely the episode that gave her the chance to film the crossover.

Question for anyone that watches Flash, was Barry less involved in the episode they were filming when he filmed the crossover last year?

I would rather not have crossovers if this is what is going to happen with each of them.

And yes, that ending was a little weird. It almost looked like a...."hey this is where the crossover needs to be so lets do this at the end." Kinda sloppy writing there....but hey maybe the Music Miester or Meister, or whatever knows all?
Yep, it was definitely the episode that gave her the chance to film the crossover.

Question for anyone that watches Flash, was Barry less involved in the episode they were filming when he filmed the crossover last year?

I would rather not have crossovers if this is what is going to happen with each of them.

And yes, that ending was a little weird. It almost looked like a...."hey this is where the crossover needs to be so lets do this at the end." Kinda sloppy writing there....but hey maybe the Music Miester or Meister, or whatever knows all?

I watch The Flash every week and I don't recall Barry being missing from an ep like Kara was in this one, but that might have been due to how extensive the rehearsas and performing was for this muscial ep, I imagine it was a lot more work than the ep where Flash appeared in Superigirl.

The ending definitely felt lazy and cotrived, maybe we'll see an explanation for how he knew all the things he did, perhaps the device vibrates at a frequency he can hear? but I'm not holding my breath lol.
And I'm not sure that he is necessarily staying for Kara, I certainly didn't get that idea in this episode at all. EXCEPT, for the simple fact that she makes him a better person, and that is truly what he wants to be. NOW, after tomorrow night will that change and they go back to a couple again? Who knows, but I don't think "being with her" romantically is why he stayed. I just didn't get that from his last conversation with his parents.

I think that Mon-El really trying to be a hero and help others but his motivations are not pure and selfless (yet). Yes, he is not doing it just because he wants to protect people. Everything is his head is mixed up with his feelings about Kara. I also think that there is a component of shame about his previous life (he said in 2x09 that the prince was not worth admiring) and try to prove to himself that he can be a better person and atone for his previous life (he also said that he wants to prove that he was spared for a reason).

The development of their romantic relationship has stalled his evolution as a hero and DEO agent, so this break up can be a good thing for his character development.

We know because of the interview with Chris Wood in Sci-Fi Magazine that I posted in the Supergirl General thread, that his evolution to a full developed hero and better person will continue in season 3.

I also see that Mon-El loves Kara a lot but he doesn't know what to do with that. He still does not understand how to be a good partner to her. Not surprising if everyone have arranged marriages and meaningless sex relationships in Daxam. I doubt that he ever witnessed how good relationships work before arriving to Earth. He should have told Kara the truth once he knew that he could trust her (and particularly she had a right to know when they started dating). Said that, Rhea was right - Kara definitely was not happy about him being the prince so she might have ended up the relationship because of who he was (still hiding the truth was not the right thing to do).

So I think that this break up is a good thing for both characters. Being apart from her would be excellent for him to make his own choices and for Kara to understand her feelings and her prejudices against Daxam and her feelings about Mon-El. I would like them not to be together for some episodes as this would allow character development for both of them. I would like to watch his evolution on his own so it would be separated from his feelings with Kara.

But I don't think that it is going to happen. This interview with Andrew Kreisberg makes me think that they will be together again soon after the end of the Flash Duets episode.


In the Variety interview with Candice Patton (Iris) she said that in the alternate reality in the musical episode she plays a character named Millie who is madly in love with another character named Tommy (played by Chris Wood, Mon-El) and they would have to fight for their love because they are from rival gangster families who don't want them to be together. It has also been mentioned in interviews that they wanted Kara / Barry to be in parallel situations regarding their romantic lives. and that one of the inspirations for the musical alternate reality is West Side Story. My speculation based on that is that Tommy and maybe Millie will die in this reality and Barry/ Kara will witness it. I think that they both will then decide that love is worth fighting for.

Final comment: Chris Wood is a gem. It is complicated to sell this messy character and storyline (which I believe have been written like that in purpose to create conflict, plot points and drama), but he has managed to sell it to me with his charm and superb acting. He is definitely making Mon-El's arc worth watching to me.
is it wrong that I actually liked the Wynn/Lyra parts better than the Kara/Mon-El parts?
is it wrong that I actually liked the Wynn/Lyra parts better than the Kara/Mon-El parts?

Nah...you simply go for more action/excitement, than acting/drama....I could definitely have had more action from Kara this last episode. :yay:
It was funny that the MusicMeister uses the portal device then GIVES IT BACK to them as he is saying bon voyage lol. Im guessing he wants them to chase him?
Nah...you simply go for more action/excitement, than acting/drama....I could definitely have had more action from Kara this last episode. :yay:

or maybe cuz I think Lyra's hot and I like her name......and her accent...........:o

or maybe cuz I was disappointed that they didn't use the whole Prince reveal as a good way to explain that Mon-El was the name of that Kryptonian ambassador whose ship Mon-El stole, and that Mon-El's real name was something else.

And I believe that Kryptonian ambassador also had the S symbol on his suit. So, it would have made perfect sense to have that Kryptonian be the real Mon-El, and the Prince just took his name when he took his ship.

plus, naming their son Mon-El, a Kryptonian name with Kryptonian naming convention, flies in the face of everything the show has established of the history between Daxam and Krypton. They can't stand each other and their respective cultures. So, why then would the King and Queen of Daxam then give their son a Kryptonian name, instead of a Daxamite name.

so that right there just doesn't make any sense. never mind the fact that neither Kara nor Kal nor Alex nor Wynn nor James nor J'onn nor anyone else has ever bothered to ask the obvious question: "Mon-El, you have El in your name, are you related to Kara or Kal, who also have El in their names?"

guess his name really being Mon-El still bugs me on some level........
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Given the elements they had to work with, I was a bit disappointed with the episode. To be fair, the main event for me was Hatcher and Sorbo and they really didn't do much in this episode. In the previous episode they seemed more menacing so I was disappointed that they just replayed the usually "spouse meets the parents" sitcom shtick, in this episode at least.

I agree that the romance stuff wasn't handled the best , but that's usually the case with the Berlanti shows anyway. Still, they seem to be great at writing the Alex and Maggie relationship.

The Winn stuff was filler , though it was amusing seeing Guardian get his hat handed to him by the pyscho alien:cwink:.

Tonight's Flash looks like it could be fun and I think both shows could use need a break from the monotony of some of their storylines. Its Gleeks night.
They turned Kara into a colossal hypocrite in that scene. And it comes off even worse when you compared it to Winn's reaction to what Lyra did.
They turned Kara into a colossal hypocrite in that scene. And it comes off even worse when you compared it to Winn's reaction to what Lyra did.

sadly, Kara has come across as a self-righteous hypocrite this entire season. not just with Mon-El, but also about the James/Guardian situation.

By Kara's standards, she shouldn't have kept her secret identity from Cat or Snapper or Lena this season. Yet she did/does, lying to them in some form every time she sees them.

But that's ok for Kara, it seems. She can have her reasons for keeping secrets, hiding stuff, and not being totally honest. But apparently Mon-El can't.

Mon-El always has to change himself to accommodate or please Kara. but so far in the relationship, she hasn't really changed much to accommodate him. I'm not saying Mon-El hasn't made his share of mistakes, but so far the give-take in their relationship seems to be rather one-sided where the burden is more on Mon-El.

and that ties into another area of hypocrisy for Kara.

at the beginning of the season, when she started out as a reporter, her first article was a scathing attack on the "right wing" anti-alien bigots or whatever she called them. She railed against their close minded prejudice yet she STILL holds onto her own bias and prejudice against Daxamites and their culture.
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I like Winn but found this story with Lyra boring. I preferred him with Silver Banshee, to be quite honest.
Just looked at the closing credits and it turns out the three women in the gold dresses were The Supremes. The Supremes were one of my favorite groups growing up, maybe only The Beatles
and Credence Clearwater Revival were groups I liked more.

Great effects this time, as was for the last few episodes. Is WB throwing more money at the show all of a sudden? Some of the earlier episode seemed to be rather effects light, with Supergirl hardly doing any flying time.

Teri Hatcher looks as beautiful as ever, but Kevin Sorbo didn't look all that kingly to me. Looked more like a guy a king would hire as a black knight to help impose his tyranny on the people

Yes, the episode was a little Supergirl light. Yes Probably the crossover. But I do like Winn and there hasn't really been a Winn episode since "Childish Things". Plus Winn and Lyra make a really cute couple so I enjoy their screen time.
The B plot sort of reminded me of the old Adventures of Superman type stories with back robbers and other thieves being dealt with by Jimmy and Lois with maybe a brief appearance of Superman at the end to save the day. Or maybe
a Wonder Woman episode, which too was light on major supervillains from the comic books.

Also Guardian is back and he wasn't annoying this time. He actually got his butt kicked a lot this time and was totally out of his league. Time to rethink being a hero this time, James.

I thought it odd that Music Meister left the portal opening device behind, but may he did that so they would follow him? Looking forward to seeing Melissa in her gorgeous gowns tonight. Love musicals.

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