The A-Team - Part 1

In all honesty I was hyped for both A-Team, being a fan of the show and seeing the flying tank in the trailer, and The Expendables, seeing as how 80's action movies are where it's at.

I loved The A-Team to death. Sure it was over the top nonsense but man, a flying tank? That scene with B.A in the helicopter? The ending? Man it was just fun. I loved it. It's so under rated as a movie. It's like the only remake worthy of the name.

The Expendables on the other was dull and didn't really do much for me. I dunno, I thoght it was going to be good. The trailer suggested that everything was punched, shot or exploded and well, it was pretty much like that but just dull some how. I don't know how a film that was designed as ultimate action was dul but it managed it.

I will say that I noticed this on rewatching both films. The first time I thought both were awesome.

I feel the same way. A-Team was just dumb, fun action, the perfect popcorn movie. The Expendables was boring, I think the biggest problem with the Expendables was too much focus on plot and how old the characters were. It was like making Lethal Weapon and taking 2/3 of the running time up with showing how Murtaugh was too old for this $#!t.
Cooper confirmed today to empireonline that there wont be a sequel to The A-Team, and its for the reason we all pretty much knew, the movie didnt make enough money, I think this is a damn shame and gutted we wont see this cast in the roles again.
That was bad luck and bad timing, they released the movie when the World cup started, *and* on the same weekend as the Karate Kid remake which was massive.
If you release a movie at the wrong time in certain circumstances, it will not do well.

I was hoping they might give that particular movie a sequel, but at least we got one decent one. There will be other great action movies on the way. But yeah, they were a good group thoe set of actors, who knows, they might change their minds about the film, stranger things have happened.
look at it this way... they can't **** up the sequel now....
The A-Team was a fun movie, very much a dumb popcorn flick with a good cast who had decent camaraderie. But I didn't consider it a film which is crying out for a sequel. A large appeal of the TV show (asides from the weekly dose of checked shirts flying through the air in slow-mo explosions) was the ongoing chase between Decker and the team over the 4yrs the show ran, which really aided in the feeling that they really were on the run and made the story arc a little deeper . . . . . . This is something they would struggle to portray in a 90 min summer movie or it's sequel.

It made a little money, not enough to invest in another ....... oh well.
I was surpised I liked this film as much as I did, it was definitely one of the better tv to film remakes and I would take it over the Expendables any day, it's to bad it won't get a sequel.
^Its a crime, the movie is criminally under-rated and the people who actually did go and see it loved it, I only know one person who didnt and not to boast but I know a lot of people who watch movies.

They shouldnt have released it during the WC plain and simple, especially when the US team were doing so well.
I need to watch this again. Because it was the most enjoyable film I watched last year. Best action film I've seen since Transformers. There aren't alot of good unapologetic action films these days. This is one of them.
^Totally agreed, when I watch this movie, I always come out of it in a better mood than I was beforehand, not only because of the action but the comedy bits are great, its just such a fun movie to watch, I think I will be watching this for years to come.
Best action movie since Transformers? Really? I love TF....but...really? There were better action flicks since it.
I can't think of any as of now. Name me some and I'll remember.
Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
The Dark Knight
Star Trek
District 9
How To Train Your Dragon
Iron Man 2
I'm talking about strictly action films. Those all have elements of action, but its main genre isn't really action.

I hated Wanted though.
I really enjoyed A-Team , I was hoping for a sequel.
A-Team was the worst movie of last year IMHO. I was bored out of my mind and hated everything about it. The only reason I didn't walk out of it is because my neices and nephews were enjoying it.

My personal opinion aside, I knew that there wasn't going to be a sequel because it didn't do will domestcally or internationally. Didn't need Cooper to confirm that.
I'm talking about strictly action films. Those all have elements of action, but its main genre isn't really action.

I hated Wanted though.

A-Team was the worst movie of last year IMHO. I was bored out of my mind and hated everything about it. The only reason I didn't walk out of it is because my neices and nephews were enjoying it.

My personal opinion aside, I knew that there wasn't going to be a sequel because it didn't do will domestcally or internationally. Didn't need Cooper to confirm that.
Insert something semi insulting about your opinion here. :woot:

And Iron Man is an action is all of those. Transformers is also Sci-Fi.
Even if you insulted my opinion I wouldn't stay mad at you for long. :p
Anyone know how much the movie has made on DVD & Blu-Ray?
Tis a shame I would have loved to see movie Decker chasing the team while taking odd gigs to make money as SOF. I love this movie the cast and the writing was much better than Stallone's Expendables.

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