What will it take for Marvel to get their movie rights back?


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Feb 20, 2002
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We all know that Marvel Studios is bringing their comics to the silver screen, and establishing their properties in one coherent "movieverse." This thread got me to thinking...anyone know how the whole "rights" thing works...if/when the rights for Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and/or X-Men can ever be brought home? Blade maybe? Howard the Duck?

Where is Advanced Dark when you need him?
A lot of money I'm guessing. It would be nice if they got the Fantastic 4 rights back and remake them the right way. X-Men is another thing that should be redone.
A lot of money I'm guessing. It would be nice if they got the Fantastic 4 rights back and remake them the right way. X-Men is another thing that should be redone.

What's everyones problem with FF? I'm seriously asking because I thought it was an enjoyable movie. I mean it had it's flaws but what movie doesn't.
Seriously,the FF movies were horrible. That's the truth,but I would have thought X-Men's rights would have gone back to Marvel by now..
Seriously,the FF movies were horrible. That's the truth,but I would have thought X-Men's rights would have gone back to Marvel by now..

How can the X-Men rights go back when FOX are doing Solo X-Men movies with X-Men in the title ? The solo movies are still X-Men movies
Fantastic Four & Blade should come back soon. I don't expect to see X-Men back, maybe ever. Spidey should come back in 15-20 years. That's just a guess though.
I don't think the X-men movies or the FF movies have to be redone. Aside from the third x-film they were all great. I really don't see why everyone despises FF. I think both movies were pretty cool, I didn't like Dr. Doom or Alba as Sue but those are minor things. But I also love the Daredevil Director's Cut so...

It'd be nice to see a new Daredevil movie kinda like what Hulk and Punisher did.
I am hoping Fox doesn't do a sequel trilogy for X-Men. That said Fox will probably do spinoffs for another six years so you bascially need to wait at least another eleven years or something like that. As for SPidey... they could conceivably be done with Spiderman 6 anywhere from 2015-2017. Hopefully that will be all. So hopefully we see X-4 under Marvel studios by 2020ish with new Spidey movies following shortly there after. Cross overs could be in full swing at that point as well. Fantastic Four will definitely be back to Marvel in the next 8-10 years. And Dare Devil is pretty much theirs again.
What's everyones problem with FF? I'm seriously asking because I thought it was an enjoyable movie. I mean it had it's flaws but what movie doesn't.

Hey I'm one of those few people who enjoyed the films. But even I have to admit it def had its flaws. I mean I'm a fan of both comics and movies, so it did pain me when they made so many horrible mistakes with the characters and arcs. But some things in the film were kind of cool that made it fun. X-Men, wow I'm not sure which movie series did worse. I'm a huge Wolverine fan AT but to kill off Cyclops like that was horrible. But yah this isn't the complaine thread, Marvel should buy them right though. I'm sure Marvel could do a way better job with these.
Usually the rights have time stiuplations. They should be getting Daredevil/Elektra back soon. I would guess it's usually a 5-10 year period in which the studio has to do something with the rights.
What's the obsession with re-doing the Fantastic Four when you have Daredevil and Elektra which was hideous?If any Marvel character needs a do-over,re-do it's those two.Fantastic Four might be done, honestly they are focusing on Silver Surfer.

Not all Marvel movies have to be dark,the Fantastic Four:Rise of The Silver Surfer was WAY better than that first one......IMHO
as long as they get to do daredevil right sometime soon, i'd be happy with.

saying that though the dd cut of his origin is the best superhero origin ever shown on film. You really feel the connection between matt and his father.
Aside from the third x-film they were all great. I really don't see why everyone despises FF. I think both movies were pretty cool, I didn't like Dr. Doom or Alba as Sue but those are minor things.

X3 is still better than both FF and ROTSS combined imo, they're in seperate leagues!

How can you say Dr. Doom and Sue's poor portrayal are minor?! They're two of the main characters in the movies!!
actually i didn't think rotss was too bad...alot better than spidey 3 and x3 but not by much though, they are all in the same boat.
X3 is still better than both FF and ROTSS combined imo, they're in seperate leagues!

How can you say Dr. Doom and Sue's poor portrayal are minor?! They're two of the main characters in the movies!!
Sue was a minor character not only in the movies, but also in the comics. Dr. doom was crap, slightly better in the second but still, but the rest of the movie was good, the other three main characters, the plot, the special effects, directing, etc.
actually i didn't think rotss was too bad...alot better than spidey 3 and x3 but not by much though, they are all in the same boat.
Definitely, here's how I rate the movies:

A: Here's you spider-man 2, Iron man, Batman begins. Movies that are damn near perfect in most aspects of the film, something worthy of praise.
B: Fantastic 4 1 and 2, its a good film, I can rewatch it with enjoy meant. It's not great and lacking in a few areas but still over all good.
c: Daredevil, a movie that is bad, has little redeeming qualities. I can still watch it if it comes on, but not repeatedly
D: Hulk, very bad film, only one or two redeeming qualities. I can watch only a few scenes from the movie but that's it. I Hulk doesn't get an F because Ang Lee tried something new but failed horribly. I always give credit to people trying something new.
F: Spidey 3, worst of the worst. There are no redeeming qualities in this movie. I can't stand to even see the commercials. And the reason it's at the very bottom is because there is no reason it should have sucked so bad. Daredevil, Hulk, Ghost Rider tried something new and failed, it happens. But spidey had two incredible great films behind it, non of the actors, directors, nothing else changed. I would lump xmen 3 in here but they had a force production time by the studios and therefore a reason to suck.

I would say this is a fair assessment of comic book movies, with a very objective few from both a fan of comics, a fa of film making, and general movie audience.

Now here's the kicker non of these franchise are beyond saving. you can definitely continue the story, with a new creative direction, director, writer, actors, etc. All you have to do is ignore how much the previous one sucked, not contradict, just ignore. Jump ahead a few years, Don't mention what happened with harry and why Pete and MJ aren't set in Spidey 4, don't talk about elecktra in DD 2, don't explain past history with Doom in FF3. Just move forward with a NEW story.

If any of these movies move forward, whether with marvel or not, they do not need to retell the same tired story. Make something new and interesting.
Wait for the rights to expire with the different studios or pay tons of cash to get them back.
If they had stuck closer to Doom's real story instead of making him a Green Goblin ripoff it would have been much better. (I still say they should have gone with the classic "Doombot reveal" ending for FF)
None of the details are public knowledge, but I imagine within 5 years of no sequel being made, we get the rights back.

With X-Men and Spiderman though, it will always be profitable for Fox/Sony to make sequels, and even if they thought the next sequel would only break even, they would still make it, just to make sure they keep the rights. It's very possible that those rights never come back.

But Daredevil/Elektra ought to come back soon if they haven't already, and Namor ought to come back at some point, since Universal never makes it. Fantastic Four, only if they don't make a Silver Surfer solo movie.
I am not trying to get in a long debate or pick an argument here: but I just see so many posts that go "The first two or the second was near perfect and the third had no redeeming qualities and was the worst movie ever made..." about X3 and SM3. While I personally hated X3, even I can see some good things behind the crap. I'm just curious how you can like the first two and hate every single thing about the third, especially SM3. I mean SM3 was easily the worst of the three movies, but if you enjoyed the first two, what was so different about the third that made it the worst movie "ever?" I mean there better be a better reason than "I wanted more Venom," because otherwise SM3 was pretty much in the same style and storytelling of the first two...it just did it a lot worse (but not "completely iredeemably" so).

Just wondering.
Let Marvel focus on the Avenger heroes. By the time Captain America and The Avengers get made, Marvel should have some serious capital from their profits. If they continue to make successful movies like Hulk and Iron Man alongside Thor and Cap, by the time The Avengers is released, it will be one of the biggest theatrical events of our life time. Then Marvel can use that capital to buy back the rights to Fantastic Four (and meanwhile let the rights to Daredevil expire). If those are successful, alongside various other franchises bringing money (Avengers 2, maybe a couple Cap, Thor, Hulk, and Iron Man), Marvel may be able to put together enough cash to buy back either X-Men or Spider-Man. Make Sony or Fox an offer they can't refuse. Put together more cash, buy back the other. If Marvel can maintain their current business model and it remains successful, they could eventually reach the point where they can simply buy back their franchises.
Let Marvel focus on the Avenger heroes. By the time Captain America and The Avengers get made, Marvel should have some serious capital from their profits. If they continue to make successful movies like Hulk and Iron Man alongside Thor and Cap, by the time The Avengers is released, it will be one of the biggest theatrical events of our life time. Then Marvel can use that capital to buy back the rights to Fantastic Four (and meanwhile let the rights to Daredevil expire). If those are successful, alongside various other franchises bringing money (Avengers 2, maybe a couple Cap, Thor, Hulk, and Iron Man), Marvel may be able to put together enough cash to buy back either X-Men or Spider-Man. Make Sony or Fox an offer they can't refuse. Put together more cash, buy back the other. If Marvel can maintain their current business model and it remains successful, they could eventually reach the point where they can simply buy back their franchises.

I have got to agree with Matt on this one but I hope they take X-Men back first. The SM movies are good but the X movies were really screwed up. I guess I am a bit biased because the X-titles are my favorite teem comics hands down...:xmen:
Meh. I don't think we need to hold our breaths. I really think X-Men has always existed in its own universe that is shoehorned into the Marvel universe, even though it makes little sense in the bigger scheme of things. Spidey? I'd like little nods like Parker walking by on a college campus or Tony Stark reading the Daily Bugle, etc. but I can live with no Spidey action in the Avengers. He never really worked well long-term with teams anyway and I thought his recent inclusion is nothing more than a publicity stunt to sell more books (like they do so much with Peter these days, sadly).
Exactly... and Wolverine now a household name everywhere in Marvel these days... getting his own solo issues... the most popular X-Men... now he just about appears in every cross over... it's pure cheeziness... nothing more than cross promotion. I too always thought X-Men worked well all by itself... I couldn't stand it when they did cross overs in the animated series and limited run issues with Spiderman and other Marvel charcters making cameos in X-Men and visa versa. Fantastic Four is another one. Could they co-exist in the same universe? Certainly... but if they did... then what the heck makes the Fantastic Four so fantastic in the first place? I am not saying that these characters can not co-exist in the same world. I got no problems with Spiderman, Punisher, Dare Devil and even the Fantastic Four being tied in to Marvel's current movieverse... it's just that the X-Men universe is SO humongously huge in its own right that you wonder how the mutant issue is not touched upon in these other Marvel movies. But as for most of other Marvel's characters, they are small enough to co-exist perfectly with everyone else so long as they remain in their own little universe for a while. Those characters need a good reason to be in a cross over IMO. Even a team like the Fantastic Four is different from the Avengers. I mean Reed is a scientist/investigator, Sue is his girl, and the other two are pretty much mascots. Avengers... now that is a government strike force of Superheroes. Two teams different enough to co-exist yet not be touched upon in one another's franchise. Spiderman and Dare Devil and Punisher and a lot of theose other Marvel guys generally stay within a given city and don't really fit into the grand scheme of things. Where the mutants fit in with the rest? Well that's a tough one if you ask me. Hence X-Men should be kept separate until Marvel can conceivably make it work... and that means cameos and cross references through permission of Fox studios.

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