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Civil War What you didn't like about Captain America: Civil War - Flaws/Critiques

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I liked Bruhl as Zemo. He sold the hell out of the small role he was given. He was a lot like the Red Skull - great actor/character that needed waaaaaay more screen time.

I liked him too and I would say that he didn't need more screen time. He would have needed more to be a more complete villain, but I don't think this movie needed that in it's villain since even though he were behind plenty of it the real story is the conflict between the Avengers.

Hopefully he'll come back again and get a chance to be more, in a story where there's room for it.

As a small side note I'm always happy when actors actually can speak all the languages that their characters are supposed to (unless it fits the character that there's a heavy accent of course).
That no one dies. It doesn't seem like it will have the same weight as the comic run did.

Plus, I really don't like the whole Tony, his parents, Winter Soldier angle. Although I haven't seen it yet, it doesn't feel like something that would impact Tony to go as far as he does. He's friends with Black Widow and they've portrayed him as besties with The Hulk. So, it seems odd that he wouldn't understand the whole mind wash angle because although a lot more personal he's come across people with similar issues in their past. If it was his first encounter with people not being in control of themselves, that would be one thing - but, he's had a lot of experience by now and I'd have thought he would focus on channelling all of that into finding out and stopping who ordered that specific hit.
Biggest issue for me is the airport fight. Despite knowing the teams ahead of the film it was still very easy to get lost and forget who was on which side. I found myself having to say 'ok he's team Cap, she's team Iron Man'. That's the one the weakness of the film.

It wasn't hard for me at all.
Did you see it this morning?
I guess Zemo wasn't all that great but that's literally the only thing I wasn't a huge fan off
oh and killing T'chaka wasn't huge fan of that would have liked to have seen more of him in the solo movie
Biggest issue for me is the airport fight. Despite knowing the teams ahead of the film it was still very easy to get lost and forget who was on which side. I found myself having to say 'ok he's team Cap, she's team Iron Man'. That's the one the weakness of the film.

One could poke many holes in that fight if they were so inclined. Alas, it's just too cool seeing them all lightly sparring.
I've seen a lot of people saying the fight was one of the best ever on film. I don't know if I would necessarily agree with that, it felt coherent but also a little bit of a mess IMO. I felt Vision was strangely absent, almost as if they weren't sure what to do with him.
That no one dies. It doesn't seem like it will have the same weight as the comic run did.

Plus, I really don't like the whole Tony, his parents, Winter Soldier angle. Although I haven't seen it yet, it doesn't feel like something that would impact Tony to go as far as he does. He's friends with Black Widow and they've portrayed him as besties with The Hulk. So, it seems odd that he wouldn't understand the whole mind wash angle because although a lot more personal he's come across people with similar issues in their past. If it was his first encounter with people not being in control of themselves, that would be one thing - but, he's had a lot of experience by now and I'd have thought he would focus on channelling all of that into finding out and stopping who ordered that specific hit.

Even if tony potrayed as this genius billionaire, i dont think theres people in the world that can think clear and straight after he/she showed how his/her parent got murdered. Thats what cap repeatedly try to remind tony that winter soldier not himself and tony replied he dont care and winter soldier the one who kill his mom.
I know if im in tony position and winter soldier right in front of me. I will kill winter solider or at least die trying
Havn't read any of the comments here but it's a bit unnerving there are 2 pages already. Seeing this tonight (midnight showing). In any case, for now regarding this thread...

I was going to post this in the Sharon topic but it's too spoilery even with tags. Someone posted she has two purposes in the movie as an insider giving Steve information and then a romantic interest.

Only the first works. The other part is so under-cooked and luke warm on screen that is comes out of no where - even more than the kiss in Ant-Man. Any weight to it can only be supplied by those who are already invested in the relationship through the comics. It's only saving grace is the reaction from Sam and Bucky to the kiss.

It's the rare weak point in this movie since it's not just there (and really is pretty fleeting) but it manages to slightly undermine the exploration of Steve's grief and loss over Peggy which is part of the reason he's now fighting so hard for Bucky as the last tie to his past.
That no one dies. It doesn't seem like it will have the same weight as the comic run did.

Plus, I really don't like the whole Tony, his parents, Winter Soldier angle. Although I haven't seen it yet, it doesn't feel like something that would impact Tony to go as far as he does. He's friends with Black Widow and they've portrayed him as besties with The Hulk. So, it seems odd that he wouldn't understand the whole mind wash angle because although a lot more personal he's come across people with similar issues in their past. If it was his first encounter with people not being in control of themselves, that would be one thing - but, he's had a lot of experience by now and I'd have thought he would focus on channelling all of that into finding out and stopping who ordered that specific hit.

Bucky who was mind controlled in the film tried to shoot Tony in the head and murdered a bunch of guards and Tony still wasn't out for blood and was understanding.

But when you see Howard and Maria's murders play out on screen before Tony's eyes I'd be surprised if you still felt the same way. Tony watching a video of Bucky smashing his father's head in repeatedly then strangling his mother in the car is completely brutal. Steve was horrified and upset and he already suspected that Bucky did it knew they'd been murdered by HYDRA. Tony is believably enraged and also devastated that Steve knew and didn't tell him.
Shouldn't there be a SPOILERS warning in the title just in case?
I was going to post this in the Sharon topic but it's too spoilery even with tags. Someone posted she has two purposes in the movie as an insider giving Steve information and then a romantic interest.

Only the first works. The other part is so under-cooked and luke warm on screen that is comes out of no where - even more than the kiss in Ant-Man. Any weight to it can only be supplied by those who are already invested in the relationship through the comics. It's only saving grace is the reaction from Sam and Bucky to the kiss.

It's the rare weak point in this movie since it's not just there (and really is pretty fleeting) but it manages to slightly undermine the exploration of Steve's grief and loss over Peggy which is part of the reason he's now fighting so hard for Bucky as the last tie to his past.
Funnily enough, I agree with you on the kiss. But that's because they didn't build Staron enough where they should've done that in TWS, and an extended scene of the hotel lobby. I still enjoyed it for Sam/Bucky's reactions and I must say that was the best kiss out of the Cap trilogy.
Not enough Sharon and Crossbones.

Fight scene in Lagos where Wanda incapacitates a henchman then gets Sam to kick-slam him against a vehicle when Wanda could've just slammed the henchman herself.

The music score wasn't memorable.
Not enough Paul Rudd. I wish there was more scenes without the Ant-Man suit.
But when you see Howard and Maria's murders play out on screen before Tony's eyes I'd be surprised if you still felt the same way. Tony watching a video of Bucky smashing his father's head in repeatedly then strangling his mother in the car is completely brutal. Steve was horrified and upset and he already suspected that Bucky did it knew they'd been murdered by HYDRA. Tony is believably enraged and also devastated that Steve knew and didn't tell him.

Ah, now that makes more sense. By the way I read it originally, it sounded like something that was more just a surprise for the audience since Tony was there when it happened. But, if it is somehow a sudden realization it makes more sense.
Funnily enough, I agree with you on the kiss. But that's because they didn't build Staron enough where they should've done that in TWS, and an extended scene of the hotel lobby. I still enjoyed it for Sam/Bucky's reactions and I must say that was the best kiss out of the Cap trilogy.

The kiss is utterly perfunctory though, like Ant-Man. There's no emotion or reason behind it. It doesn't even trump the Steve being flummoxed by the secretary kiss in the first Cap let alone come near to the very romantic and cinematic kiss on a moving car hurtling toward potential death kiss between Steve & Peggy.
I've seen a lot of people saying the fight was one of the best ever on film. I don't know if I would necessarily agree with that, it felt coherent but also a little bit of a mess IMO. I felt Vision was strangely absent, almost as if they weren't sure what to do with him.

I thought the same about Vision.
I thought the same about Vision.

I'm not sure if I feel the same. They didn't fight to maim or kill, so it made sense for the most powerful on the respective sides to stay out of the mix, in case they inflict mortal damage on their former colleagues.

Plus the Vision's a calculating figure. He'd probably not intervene in the airport fight until it was absolutely necessary. And that being to stop Cap and Bucky from fleeing and shielding D'Challa from the bus wreckage, to save lives.
The kiss is utterly perfunctory though, like Ant-Man. There's no emotion or reason behind it. It doesn't even trump the Steve being flummoxed by the secretary kiss in the first Cap let alone come near to the very romantic and cinematic kiss on a moving car hurtling toward potential death kiss between Steve & Peggy.
No I just wish they set it up or written it better. It was better than Natalie Dormer's kiss for me. I would rather Sharon just slapped Cap's arse if it was written well as she walked passed him to leave. But the Stucky and Romanogers shipper meltdown is a bonus.

If you really think about it Peggy didn't need to be on that car because the added weight slowed the acceleration, she wasn't driving, and she was there only for the kiss. Was the kiss earned? Absolutely.
My biggest problem with the film is that as emotional as the final fight was, there were no real stakes at that point. I was very underwhelmed with Zemo's plan, and in a way it deflated certain aspects of the film, I just wish there was an actual threat in the end for there to be a more intense climax. TWS for example had a fantastic climax, probably the best of any Marvel movie because the stakes were HUGE.

I also have a couple of minor issues with the film:

-The CGI during the airport fight was very sloppy and fake looking, the sequence was fantastic but the obvious green screen and unpolished CGI kept me from fully enjoying it especially because everything up until that point was so well done and relied so much on practical effects.

-The score wasn't as good as the score for TWS, it didn't bother me during most of the film and in a lot of scenes it was used very well but it just didn't stood out to me that much and I thought the music used in the airport battle was a bit too cheesy. After the mediocre soundtrack for AoU I was expecting much better from Henry Jackman who is usually great. That being said I had goosebumps whenever they used The Winter Soldier theme.

Other than that I thought the movie was amazing, I just really wish that third act was better.
Sounds like this movie basically negates the whole point of Iron Man Three, what with Tony giving up building so many suits and making time for Pepper. AoU did that as well to a degree.

As Stan Lee said, comics are about the illusion of change.

Tony kinda references this in the movie though
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